Tupperware Trump

Oh, Donald. Tacky, tacky, tacky…..

We’ve all become familiar with the various kinds of pyramid schemes operating in the U.S. Most aren’t as monumental as the Bernie Madoff ponzi-scheme variety, and some even sell arguably useful products, but they all share certain characteristics: they’re based on recruiting an increasing number of “investors,” and typically, those new recruits pay a sum of money to join the “program” and become a distributor of a product or service. They’re told they’ll make money based on the number of new recruits they bring in. The basic idea is that the higher up on the pyramid you are, the more money you’ll make.

In reality, what happens is that only the originators of the pyramid scheme make money and the rest lose theirs when the pyramid scheme collapses.

Evidently, in-between bankruptcies, bottled water and steaks, Donald Trump engaged in a pyramid scheme to sell a “diet product” to the desperate/credulous:

The company’s flagship product was called the PrivaTest, which supposedly relies upon a mail-in urine test to determine one’s individual nutritional needs and create a custom vitamin formula (about $140 for the test; $70 per month for the vitamins; $100 to retest every 6 months).

From a scientific viewpoint, urine tests do not provide a legitimate basis for recommending that people take dietary supplements. Moreover, even if they could, the nutrients in the so-called customized formulas can be obtained far more inexpensively in retail stores. The Trump Network also acquired a weight loss program called The Silhouette Solution, which consisted of a book promising to lose the weight you want and have the silhouette you choose, which was included in the starter weight loss kit, all for a whopping $1,325. The package was marketed as “a complete eight-week program that contains everything you need to achieve your short and long term weight loss goals.” In it, they send you eight weeks worth of low-calorie food….

But it gets better….you could also purchase the $400 “business kit” and market the product to your friends and family, ala Tupperware. Trump sold Privatest and the Silhouette Solution in 2012 to a company called Bioceutica, LLC., apparently due to concerns about liability. Earlier this year, the Washington Post reported on Trump’s claim that his involvement with Ideal Health merely allowed them to use his name for marketing purposes and that he was not involved in the company’s operations.

But statements by him and other company representatives — as well as a plethora of marketing materials circulating online — often gave the impression of a partnership that was certain to lift thousands of people into prosperity. In fact, within a few years, the company fell on hard times, leaving some salespeople in tough financial straits. It ultimately was acquired by another firm.

But when Trump joined forces with Ideal Health, he was enthusiastic about its future.

“When I did ‘The Apprentice,’ it was a long shot. This is not a long shot,” Trump told a Trump Network convention of at least 5,000 people in Miami in 2009, his face projected onto a giant screen. “This is going to be something that’s really amazing.”

Yep. Amazing. You’ll be thin and rich.

And this is the charlatan who’s going to “Make America Great.”


  1. The same people who bought his diet plans apparently are buying his political plans.

  2. Are you saying that we are not to believe his stories/ideas that are constantly changing?

    When enough resistance shows up against anything he says, then he changes his story the next day and says he didn’t mean what they thought he meant.

    It all sounds very reasonable.

  3. OMG! I have said before and will say again; as frightening as Donald Trump is, his supporters are much more frightening due to their high level of hatred, obvious low intelligence level and their vast numbers.

    Two of the six Trump yard signs in my neighborhood suddenly disappeared but one cropped up down the block, they are like weeds. It is too late to take preemptive action against someone we initially believed to be a joke with no chance in hell of succeeding. Well; the joke is on us, Donald Trump is more assured of being elected president than either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton due to the petty infighting primarily among Democrats and/or Independents who say they will write in Bernie if Hillary gets the nomination…or they won’t vote at all. These people cannot understand or accept the fact that their action or inaction will GIVE this country to Donald Trump. NOW is the time to come together to beat this fool and the Tea Party/Corporate owned GOP.

    But; why am I even bothering to comment today, not even Bernie’s supporters are listening. Trump has no Tupperware “burp-seal” on his mouth and we might as well prepare to put him, his stripper wife and his cronies in OUR White House. LET THE ORGIES BEGIN!

  4. daleb,

    What else does anyone need to know?

    It might be helpful to understand AFFINITY FRAUD. Bernie Madoff took it to great heights. Donald Trump is positioning himself to “trump” Bernie. The term “affinity fraud” was made popular by Madoff’s use of affinity for Israel especially among holocaust survivors like the author Elie Wiesel to swindle them out of millions of dollars. In Wiesel’s case, it was his foundation.

    When Wiesel was interviewed shortly after Madoff was arrested, he denied that he was duped because of “affinity fraud.” It’s understandable that he couldn’t admit to it, especially after what he has contributed from his experiences as a concentration camp survivor. It’s a potential problem with any tribal group.

    Other groups like the Baptist are the same. And are especially susceptible to “affinity fraud.” I was a guest at the convention of Mainstream Baptists in Nashville in 2004. Past President Jimmy Carter is one of them. But I observed back then that they were hesitant to speak out because of their affinity with members of their family on the other side of the “political fence.”

    As a matter of fact, the leader of the moderate Baptists in Jacksonville came to me a few months ago and asked me to lead. The reason for that strange request was his AFFINITY for the other members of his tribe, even though he strongly disagreed with them. He didn’t want to offend them. I must admit, that he didn’t explain it that way.

    Google: affinity fraud. Paul Krugman has picked up on it. And demonstrates its use in American politics.

  5. JoAnn Green, you seem to have worked yourself into an irrational frenzy. By election day he will have flipped-flopped so much that no one will know where he stands and his shortfall of knowledge for solving national problems will be quite obvious. He is unlikely to recapture any of the votes of persons he has driven away, Hispanics, African-Americans, Muslims and other minorities. Women aren’t likely to flock to him in great numbers. Although the better percentage of loyal Republicans will give their vote to him, a significant number of loyal Republicans will abandon him as attested by two former Republican governors of NJ having declared that they won’t vote for him. Democrats need to continue to do what they do well, keep the discussion on a higher plain, calmly work to enlighten and draw over his supporters and GOTV. As I see it, he does not have the votes, nor will he get them.

  6. FMonty,

    “JoAnn Green, you seem to have worked yourself into an irrational frenzy.”

    What are your credentials to challenge JoAnn? Are you in a special position to predict or forecast better than she is. I doubt it. If you are, please let us into the special facts that you have that she doesn’t have. I’m sure that you’re not more intelligent than she is. It could only be your special knowledge. Please let us into your secrets.

  7. By the way, all human beings predict. In some instances, you need very little facts. Children predict all the time. A good read is “Super-Forecasting: The Art & Science of Prediction” by Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner (Random House Books, London, 2015).

  8. For those who think the Donald can’t win, I have two words: Jesse Ventura. In case you don’t remember, he was the WWF wrestler who became governor of Minnesota.

    In 2008, Hillary gave one of the greatest concession speeches I have ever seen. She essentially united the party behind Obama and she worked hard to get him elected. Will Bernie do the same? If he doesn’t, it’s going to be a long 4 years.

  9. Marv; thank you.

    FMonty; I have followed Donald Trump’s questionable “business career”, marital fiascoes and his high-level foolishness for years. This gives me the right to my quite rational “frenzy” regarding the current high possibility of him being elected president. I have voted in every election since 1958 in Indiana, Nevada and Florida; I also worked over 20 years in Indianapolis City Government 1972-1994. I was one of more than 17,000 – count those zeroes – who formally complained to remove him from driving the pace car in the 500 Mile Race a few years ago.

    I was an Independent voter for many years; the downhill slide of the Republican party over recent years, working in the Goldsmith administration and having vivid memories of Nixon and both generations of Bush presidents qualifies me to now distrust all Republicans. If the national support of Donald Trump has escaped your notice, it hasn’t escaped mine. My fears are justified. What are your qualifications to believe the Republicans will not support Trump? Do they have a hidden weapon which they will spring on us at their convention? They have shown their true colors since last year when their presidential clown car was filled to capacity and overflowed with clowns who have come and gone. IF, and that is a big IF, they have a surprise for all of us at their convention; they have been totally disloyal to their party members and millions of constituents throughout this country. This only adds to their shame.

  10. Peggy said:
    For those who think the Donald can’t win, I have two words: Jesse Ventura.
    I have two more : George Bush
    I never dreamed our country could be stupid enough to elect that moron — twice.
    If there really was “International Law” he would be taken to the Hague and tried for crimes against humanity.
    Yes… crazy stuff can happen. It happened just recently.
    Get to work unless you want to live through a nightmare

  11. Sorry, JoAnn, but blaming us Bernie Sanders supporters for (not stated but uncritically repeated by Clinton boosters) pointing out that Sanders does much better in a general election than Clinton makes as much sense as blaming that kid that noticed the emperor had no clothes. Polls show Clinton, a toxic candidate, not able to carry the general election. The reasons for this are myriad, but you got one thing right–I will never, NEVER vote for another Clinton. But I felt like that before Sanders ran. If the Democrats had an ounce of brains, they would do the obvious and get behind Sanders instead of keeping their thumb on the scale for Clinton. So don’t blame the people who have been behind the only candidate whose not more of the same for the next eight years. We’re not the problem.

  12. No integrity at the top of the GOP this year? That sword cuts both ways, don’t you think? I am profoundly disappointed at the entire cast of characters, and particularly the front-runners. If lack of integrity is a reason to not vote for a candidate, we should be seeing our first third party victory in history.

  13. AgingLGrl; I TOTALLY SUPPORT BERNIE SANDERS 100% AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. We did not look ahead to the possibility of The Donald reaching the heights he has on the Republican side of the slate; we must prepare for the POSSIBILITY that Clinton’s corporate America CAN get her the nomination. You have followed presidential elections long enough to know that the one who loses the nomination throws his/her support behind the one who is nominated. This works both ways; what I have seen and read from too many Bernie supporters is that they will write-in his name, not vote at all and a few have even said they will vote for Trump if Hillary is nominated. This will give Trump the presidency; Democrats cannot afford to be what they must consider “loyalty” to one person. If “push comes to shove” and Bernie asks you to support Hillary – what will you do. I have described Hillary Clinton as Donald Trump in drag; she is a charter member of corporate America and it is only barely less than Trump that I want her as president. But I am not stupid; my bread is buttered by the Democrats, those supporting Bernie and screaming to the rafters to support and elect him as he, and only he, deserves. I will support Bernie Sanders; I will also follow his leadership if he is not our nominee. An election between Hillary and The Donald is a lose-lose situation any way you look at it.’

  14. Snake Oil will always sell to a certain number of credulous fools. And there are always unscrupulous charlatans willing to make the sale.

    Trump is nothing more, nor less, that a fraudulent huckster.

  15. Peggy,

    “She [Hillary]essentially united the party behind Obama and she worked hard to get him elected.
    Will Bernie do the same? If he doesn’t, it’s going to be a long 4 years.”

    Have you listened to Bernie Sanders lately? He’s not going to work for the party to unite behind Hillary Clinton. Hillary will have to work with him to create a “united front.”

    Donald Trump has changed the game. And Bernie Sanders isn’t going to “crumble.”

    The political game is no longer just Republican versus Democrat. It also includes as represented by Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders—–Theocratic/White Supremacy versus Social Democracy.

    We’re in an environment reminiscent of Germany in the 30’s. The sooner everyone wakes up to this fact, the better the chances are for beating the Republicans in November.

    The Social Democrats lost to Hitler in 1933. That better not be the case here in the U.S.

    On February 27, 1933, the Nazis started a fire in the Reichstag and blamed it on the Communists. The next day President Hindenburg signed a decree suspending the sections of the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of expression, press, assembly, association, and other civil liberties. Thousands of KPD and SPD officials were arrested. Only the Nazis and Nationalists were allowed to campaign in the last week before the March 5 elections. The results:

    Party Vote Percent
    National Socialists 17,277,000 43.9
    Social Democratic 7,182,000 18.3
    Communist 4,848,000 12.3
    Center (Catholic) 4.425,000 11.7
    Nationalist 3,137,000 8.0
    Bavarian People’s 1,074,000 2.7
    Other Parties 1,533,000 3.8

    The big question is will Hillary Clinton also compromise with all her connections to big business? Our future lies in what comes out of both the Republican and Democratic conventions. The next two months are critical.

  16. To my fellow liberals: Cool it. Sure Hillary has political warts and moles, as do all the other candidates who have been around for so many years, but if we are waiting for the perfect candidate to show up on his/her white horse to save the castle from the heathen, we have a long time to wait – and besides – it may be the heathen who are inside the castle. But whatever, we have an election to win, so let’s win it. Let’s temporarily muffle our dissent and win this thing.

  17. Sheila, here is an issue I have not seen addressed anywhere recently. On top of the usual expectation (but not legal requirement) to release past taxes as a sign of transparency, what is the expected protocol for having major assets managed in a blind trust or similar setup. I have read that Trump will soon be included in receiving CIA briefings, etc. What are the ethical responsibilities that come along with that? I can absolutely see Trump enriching his own net worth by playing with currency exchanges and foreign investments based on insider information, can you?

  18. IMO, we who read and comment on Sheila’s blog have fallen into the very trap she has warned about. While Democrats are setting themselves in concrete regarding their support for either candidate and the Republicans have bought the con in full, the down ballot candidates are where we really need to attend. The distractions at the top of the tickets hide the slight of hand going on in the local and state gerrymandered districts and single candidate races where the real damage is being done by the oligarchs. Those candidates will set the agenda for education, health care, voting rights, equal rights for LGBT citizens. As we have seen in IN and NC, those who have been become so committed to the con double down when pushed back.

  19. Gerald, “Let’s muzzle our dissent.”

    How do you expect to win without the Sanders supporters? Neither Sanders nor many of his supporters are going to be muzzled this time. And without them, Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a chance.

    In my opinion, like most Democrats, you’re scared of a real fight. No doubt there are negative consequences, especially with some of your legal clients. I can understand and you have my sympathy. But it is now unavoidable.

    By the way, the Social Democratic Party lost to the Nazis because they were continually afraid to effectively engage the National Socialists for many years leading up to the FATAL ELECTION OF ’33.

  20. Earl; Gerald said what I said and have said before. He simply used fewer and much kinder words;-) I also asked for unity; but only after fighting till the last dog has died and that fat lady sings.

  21. I also agree with Gerald and Earl that we must be UNIFIED. No doubt it is not an easy thing to do. As a matter of fact, It might be impossible. If that be the case, maybe I should look into investing in a bomb shelter business like we had in the 50’s.

  22. Someone astute but apparently not memorable said: “Humans like to be liked, like to be right, and like to be free, in that order.”

    First can anybody tell me who?

    My observation is that the order of the first two might vary from person to person but there’s lots of evidence to support that both are more important than the third in virtually all of us.

    That does not bode well for democracy, humanity’s only hope for freedom.

    Let’s consider the two presumptive candidates in that light.

    Many people always vote R or D because that makes them likable among a majority of their friends; the people that they talk to most.

    Some vote R or D because they believe that either liberalism or conservatism is “right” and is best represented by the appropriate letter.

    Most people vote for the party not the candidate. Maybe it’s closer to all than it is to most given America’s penchant for home team sports entertainment.

    This year’s presumptive candidates seem to inspire an inordinate amount of “I can’t possible vote cross party but neither can I vote for our candidate!”

    In my humble opinion that’s the result of a 20 year hatchet job on Hillary by R’s who’ve known for that long that this day would come plus the obvious fact that Trump has no qualifications to be President.

    So let’s assume that everybody in that category stays home. That’s probably OK.

    There’s also a segment of the population who are completely absorbed otherwise and don’t vote at all ever. That’s probably OK too.

    So if the present conditions prevail until Nov we can expect low turnout, and that the few who do vote will be citizens concerned enough about the country to vote and have an opinion on the candidates and freedom but are not party bound.

    That seems to me to overwhelmingly favor Hillary and freedom and America’s future and portend an election by “elite” Americans; those who are well informed and open-minded and educated as to government and can therefore push “freedom” to the top of the pyramid where it belongs.

    The continuance of the last eight years of hope for a brighter future? We’ll see. The world can’t afford otherwise.

  23. JoAnn, I don’t know yet. The primary isn’t over, the convention hasn’t happened (and will happen in the middle of the night so I may have to pull an all nighter to watch) and it’s not November yet. But I will never ever vote for Trump. Nope. Hillary, if she’s the nominee, will have to win me over by then. My vote won’t count anyway as I’ll have to vote absentee and unless it’s contested in AZ, won’t count at all. See how furious this makes me? ugh.

  24. girl cousin, I agree with you. Hillary Clinton will not get my vote. As a Bernie supporter I am with him to the end as a candidate. However, this is more than Bernie Sanders it is a movement and a wave and Bernie is the crest of the wave. The idea that I should vote for a Democrat as totally flawed as Clinton is not going to happen.

    The DNC and the McMega-Media has since Bernie’s campaign began to catch fire has done what they can to isolate him as a fringe candidate or simply not report on Bernie’s Campaign.
    The latest >> Media Silent as Bernie Sanders Packs California Stadium Beyond Capacity 20,000 plus people. http://usuncut.com/politics/bernie-sanders-sacramento-california/ Hillary could never draw 20,000 people in a rally and if Trump did it would be 24/7 coverage.

  25. This appears to be a ponzi scheme similar to the one supported by Hillary Clinton;MicroLoans. Don’t take my word for it,Google Hillary Clinton plus MicroLoans.

    I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t make the following comment(s). It’s too bad the Democratic Apparatchiks spend more time writing about Trump than writing of the positives of their “chosen” candidate. If anyone is guilty of building Trump, it is them.

    Of course, the Democrats have a candidate that espouses the tenets and ideas paramount to genuine Democratic ideals,yet the party apparatchiks and party aristocrats have willfully chosen to ignore and undermine him. Voters have evolved while the party establishment has not.

    Most Democrat/Left blogs are becoming insignificant and irrelevant. They’ve become echo chambers for establishment interests and the sycophants willing to continue to swallow what the party is selling. It’s strange to feel as an interloper amongst those of my own party within this very forum.

    The Democratic Party has willfully chosen to ignore their “ordinary” constituents. Instead,the party has chosen to give unwavering support to the candidate that is bought and sold by big money interests….And to its detriment, the Democratic Party will feel the Bern this November and will act as if they had no clue as to why this Bern transpired.

    When Democrats are more effective at passing Republican legislation than Republicans….

    When a good and genuine candidate can garner more votes but receive less delegates…..

    To the Democratic apparatchiks and its sycophants,ignore us at your peril. Republicans will win big this November.

    It has been said LBJ’s support for Civil Rights Legislation cost the Democrats an entire generation of voters. The malfeasance and dirty machinations developed to undermine the efforts of Bernard Sanders will do the same. And, cost the party a large portion of current/past supporters as well.

  26. As far as Supporting Hillary,the Democratic Party has shown that it doesn’t want Bernie supporters. Let’s not forget a revealing quote from Democrat Rahm Emmanuel about the DFH. As far as I’m concerned,my vote is MY VOTE. I didn’t leave the party…..The party is leaving me and telling me to go to hell as it moves toward the right.

  27. Pete writes:

    “In my humble opinion that’s the result of a 20 year hatchet job on Hillary by Republicans who’ve known for that long that this day would come plus the obvious fact that Trump has no qualifications to be President.”

  28. Lot’s of people here victimized by GOP propaganda.

    The worst governments the world has ever known typically grabbed power that way. The Republican Party has backed themselves into a corner such that propaganda is all that they have to offer but they read history too and know that sometimes that’s all it takes.

    When there’s little good that can be said about any candidate it’s just as effective to advertise that the opponents are even worse.

    Trump has mastered that lesson. He has in his bag all of the folks who only vote R plus all the people who will fall for she’s even worse than I am.

  29. If enough people fall for she’s even worse than me we’ll have a conservative President (Trump like Reagan knows so little that he’s easily coachable by stroking his huge ego) and Supreme Court and a do nothing Congress.

  30. “The next day President Hindenburg signed a decree suspending the sections of the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of expression, press, assembly, association, and other civil liberties.”

    Don’t you think Americans would revolt if that happened? I would thing that the one thing to unite America would be to try to take away our freedoms. But maybe this is naive “can’t happen here” thinking.

  31. Pete,

    “If enough people fall for she’s even worse than me we’ll have a conservative President ”

    Donald Trump is no conservative. He needs to be accurately described as a starter. Then people wouldn’t fall “for she’s even worse than me” so easily. The people need to know what will be in store for them if Donald Trump is elected. I’m talking about both Republicans and Democrats.

    The patterns are already there to accurately predict our catastrophic future if Trump is elected.

  32. Cathy,

    Don’t you think Americans would revolt if that happened?

    Yes. I do. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t attempt other dirty tricks.

    They are already planning major confrontations at the Democratic Convention. I’ve received requests for funds to support those undertakings from E-mail solicitations.

  33. The Media is feeding off of the Drumpf engine and we have to realize that that is what they want. Look how much money the MEDIA has made off the entertainer-in-chief!

  34. To All,

    Let me just say this. I need to change direction for a while. I am very optimistic, because of the beneficial interplay I have received from participating in Sheila’s Blog, that Donald Trump will ultimately be defeated. But not in any conventional way.

    As I have said before he is “Santa Claus”Trump. He’s forced the Republican Party to make their move way to early. They don’t have the political clout, at this point, to physically enforce their TAKEOVER strategy. They needed to FIRST win the Presidency with someone like Jeb Bush to do that.

    They’re going to have to come up with a miracle to win with Trump. Consequently, Trump will attempt every “dirty trick” found in the pages of his Nazi Playbook to do that.

  35. One thing that Trump has made perfectly clear is that he will say/do whatever gets himself elected. He has no scruples at all. Given that lack of any limitations on his part and our affinity for entertainment claiming to be news he is a danger to America and freedom and democracy.

    I’d rather overestimate his chances than discount them.

  36. Trump and Clinton are two peas in a pod. Both will say anything to become elected. Trump doesn’t have a record of governmental malfeasance. Which is why I support Bernard Sanders. I’m sure those advocating Hillary Clinton as a beacon for freedom and democracy have never consulted the people of Libya,Syria,Iraq and Honduras. After all,the folks within the aforementioned countries have a differing skin color and are living in faraway lands so their opinions are moot to Hillary’s affluent white supporters.. Btw,alluding to American exceptionalism, wasn’t it Madelaine Albright that has endorsed Clinton? The very same M Albright who gleefully expressed the idea of 500,000 dead children being worth it to further “our” interests? Wonderful woman,that Albright.

    Plus,I thought the entire premise against AQ was 9/11? The US has built an enormous security organization and has spent billions spying upon its own citizens…..Only to be supplying arms to AQ and its associates 15 years later in Syria. Why would anyone get behind someone that has enabled such a scheme is beyond me. The entire GWOT is a sham meant to give monies to contractors in the hope of the contractors kicking back funds to the party. That’s a much bigger con. It’s also a way to expand military expenditures.

    Too many among this forum have become intoxicated by the kool-aide and have their heads buried under the sand. No ideals. No scruples. As Gerald has posted,everyone must tow the party line (brand name) and genuine ideals be damned.

  37. There is much to like about Bernie Sanders, he’s my hero. The one downside? He won’t be nominated.

    That reality will leave quite a few people in a dilemma. While it’s hard for me to even comprehend a mindset that loves Bernie but could vote for Trump, I guess it could happen. A half step would be to not vote for either which I also have trouble comprehending among Bernie fans.

    I guess that we’ll see.

    All I can say is that if we see Trump elected moving to Canada won’t be enough to escape the climate consequences. We’ll be looking for another planet.

  38. Pete,

    Right on the mark again. Trump is a danger to the planet and especially to the West. And I believe that’s our “trump card” in the long haul. We need all the pressure from the OUTSIDE we can get. I’m betting that it’s there. Remember the threatened boycott of Trump by the British?

    I’m sure they haven’t forgotten their failure to help the Germans in 1938 after they were contacted by German military intelligence. A coup against Hitler was there for the asking. It had already been arranged. A proper response could have prevented W.W. II.

    For the time being, I will be putting all my efforts in that direction.

  39. JoAnn Green and defender, Marv Kramer,

    Let’s analyze a sentence of JoAnn’s introductory paragraph “…his supporters are much more frightening due to their high level of hatred, obvious low intelligence level and their vast numbers.” Marv, you lose since JoAnn has made unverifiable statements, “obvious low intelligence level and their vast numbers.” She has acted irrationally. Example, 100% of the Trump supporters I know, that’s two, one is a PhD in biochemistry and former president of two biotech companies, and the other is the wife of a PhD statistician. I would not categorize these two as having low intelligence. As for vast numbers of Trump supporters, that has little meaning unless it is qualified in terms of all those eligible to vote. How is it that JoAnn knows that Trump supporters have a high level of hatred — she doesn’t. JoAnn spoke from a hyper-excited state of mind.

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