Religious War

A few days ago, I participated in a panel discussion following a showing of “Bad Faith,” a documentary film about Christian Nationalism. Coming so soon after reading “The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory,” it was even more traumatizing.

The film began with videos of the violent January 6th insurrection, and focused in on the multiple signs of “religious” motivation–placards linking Jesus to Donald Trump, crosses, rioters waving bibles and numerous other bits of Christian iconography. The rest of the documentary alternated between films of mega-church pastors preaching fire and brimstone to huge adoring audiences and anguished commentaries from scholars and clerics, including many religious figures who–like Tim Alberta–are devout Evangelicals appalled by the White Christian Nationalism that has replaced authentic Christianity for millions of believers.

The film underscored the dimensions of the religious war these “believers” are waging.

  • The sheer number of “soldiers” who have substituted White Christian Nationalism for Christianity is stunning. The videos showed “sermons” of well-known pastors (many of who have benefitted monetarily from the movement) and panned over huge audiences. According to the scholars interviewed, the movement numbers hundreds of pastors whose names are less familiar than those of the usual subjects, but whose messages are equally strident, intemperate and theocratic.
  • The movement is thoroughly racist and misogynist. Adherents are men and women who are threatened by social change and who express strong disapproval of the emerging “non-biblical” social equality of women and Black people. (Especially Black people.) The audiences for the diatribes about America’s “decline” were virtually all white, and the rhetoric employed left little room for alternative explanations.
  • This phenomenon is not just a fundamentalist tantrum against diversity and feminism; it’s leadership is strategic, well-planned and and coordinated. The role of Paul Weyrich in forming and growing the movement was amply documented, but what really struck me was the longevity of the effort. Weyrich and the others–Falwell, Robertson, Ralph Reed, etc.–began many years ago putting together a political movement intent upon replacing the government with a Christian theocracy. They made common cause with the very rich by promising to protect them from “confiscatory taxation.” They created a number of not-for-profits and think tanks that have worked in tandem for many years. Weyrich’s original manifesto has basically been reproduced in Project 2025.
  • Movement leadership accomplished their planned takeover of the GOP, expelling traditional Republicans and conservatives, and turning the party into a White Christian Nationalist cult.
  • The widespread belief that Evangelical political activity was sparked by Roe v. Wade is a myth. As I’ve previously noted and multiple religious historians have confirmed, initial Evangelical responses to that ruling were positive or neutral. It wasn’t until five years later that movement honchos decided to use “baby killing” as a tool to motivate activism from previously non-political Evangelicals–although their real trigger was withdrawal of tax-exempt status from the segregation academies they had established in the wake of Brown v. Board of Education.
  • The pastors have sold Trump to their Christian Warriors by insisting, variously, that he is a flawed “tool” of the Almighty and/or that he found God and was “born again” during his first term.
  • The movement substitutes country for God and far-Right politics for religion, using bogus history to claim that the United States was established as a “Christian country.” Evangelical clergy who focus on the essence of Jesus’ message–for example, the Sermon on the Mount–lose church members who tell them that such sentiments are “woke” and then decamp for more belligerent congregations.

There was much more, and if you get a chance to see the film, it is definitely worth your time. It will increase your understanding of the threat we face, and will underscore the imperative of reaching the millions of Americans who don’t bother to vote.

What is sobering is the realization that this effort to replace America’s Constitutional democracy with a psuedo-Christian theocracy has been active for over fifty years. Those of us in the larger, “woke” American culture have, for the most part, been blissfully unaware of its well-financed and strategically-sophisticated leadership, or the significant danger it poses to tolerance, individual liberty and the rule of law.

Like Micah Beckwith, these biblical literalists think they–and only they– own God. They are certain that they, and only they, are “on God’s side.” They are convinced that there’s a bright line between (their definition of) Godliness and sin (which is pretty much everything in modern culture), and that God wants them to impose His rules (as they understand them) on the rest of us.

They are the core of Trump’s base. They vote. And he knows he owes them.


  1. The word “White” labels their foundation and the term “Christian Nationalism” is an oxymoron. Intelligent people – even wealthy intelligent people – should recognize their MAGA affiliation and move on to resolving the chaotic limbo we are moving into at warp speed.

    I am going to try to last through all of Rachel Maddow’s “First 100 Days” on MSNBC to know how deep we are sinking into the two-hole outhouse leavings and how fast.

  2. We all like to position ourselves among our peers. Many of us get clues as to how we’re doing from over-exposure to advertising, which is designed to make us slightly disappointed with our stuff. All our friends and neighbors seem to have a little better, a little bit more, a little newer.

    When we get that big raise, we move to a “better” neighborhood, and the competition begins anew.

    We like bragging rights. The more competitive (ambitious?) we are, the more we want to win.

    There are even religious bragging rights: Holier than thou, more American than you.

    More conservative than others. Smarter, too. We’re better armed as well.

    All in the name of capitalism, the flow of us and our wealth up the scale.

    Somewhere along the way, we were taught that ambitious people like capitalism and lazy people prefer socialism. The truth is we like power and influence, and the wealth we show others is symbolic of our self-worth. Who doesn’t want to feel prized and important?

    But our economy is mixed. About 40% of our GDP is government spending, much from having by far the strongest military the world has ever known. We can kill, maim, and destroy from half a world away with the mere push of a button.

    The job of government is to lift people. In the past, that was also the service provided by religion. The job of capitalism is winning at all costs.

    Who can say if 60/40 is optimum? Maybe 45/55 is.

  3. This brought to mind, Bob Dylan’s 1964 song “With God On Our Side.” The White Christian Nationalists may have been planning an overthrow for 50 years, but 60 years ago the hypocrisy of our nation was evident to the man from Hibbing, MN. Here’s a link to the lyrics which are prescient.

  4. I plan to watch this documentary in the way of Sun Tzu’s dictum to “know yourself and know your opponent”, but on the surface it sounds as much like propaganda as is “200 Mules”, for the right.
    I want to meet true Christian believers who follow Christ and make an effort to live by his example, and who also voted for MAGADOGE, and try to understand how they came to the conclusion that he is the guy to head the US. I don’t know any, but like most of us I live in my own safe little bubble and am convinced of the rightness of my positions and beliefs.
    Any suggestions from the gallery?

  5. Religious wars? Nothing new there. Heck, Muslims can’t figure out who should be the successor to Mohammed as the prophet of God. They’ve been killing each other over that little sandbox squabble for centuries. Christianity has bee uniting by dividing into multiple scores of sects all clamoring for the one true way. Making lots of money along the way has been the Christian way in America since before we were a nation.

    I know it won’t happen in my lifetime, but until humans cast religion aside as a cult of fearing the unknown, they will continue on the path to their own extinction. Delicious irony, huh?

  6. James, if you diversify and seek out those people who are on the far-right, the internet and social media, algorithms will bring you all you can handle. I would sign up for X and follow Musk, then follow the devoted right-wing characters like Charlie Kirk, etc. Sun Tzu’s strategy is excellent! If you really want to get a taste, you can join Rumble and Truth Social.

    Unlike many opportunists in Christian right circles, Paul Weyrich was a true believer. He was at Ronnie Reagan’s side when Roger Ailes was the captain. We all saw where Roger took his “talents.” Paul’s nonprofit organizations were funded by, guess who?

    Yep, the Koch brothers, via the Heritage Foundation. He was also instrumental in ALEC, the conservative bill mill organized and funded by Koch’s network. I believe this is where Trump’s 100 executive orders were written on day one of his presidency. This is why our lame media is so silent about ALEC. Way too many paid advertisers are ALEC members.

    The Kochs and Weyrich have been working on the “conservative movement” for a very long time. Here is a strong study written about Weyrich and the movement:

  7. I can remember my catholic Mom going on a rant when Reagan won, being a liar and cheater, how could they have elected him. Needless to say she didn’t have much respect for “christians” . Looking back I would say Reagan was a test subject, if they could get a Hollywood actor who cheated, lied and easily manipulated by a woman to be accepted by the evangelicals then they could get any one.
    George W. had his own checkered past as the documentary The Jesus Project highlights his intentionally manipulative plan to get the evangelicals to support him through forgiveness of his past cocaine and alcohol issues. So it’s no surprise they support dipshit and his regime.
    I spent 20 years in the evangelical church trying to figure out how it was actually bringing God to the community when every action only benefited the church.
    I can honestly say the meanest and most selfish people I have ever known are evangelicals.

  8. over decades ive been approached by the working class evans, who,myself, and the other working class who sees them as holy rollers. yea they will when sermin demands lay down howl and roll etc. sad to watch how some so called holsom pastor is compelled by a so called god and demonds to save the less fortunate. the less fortunate is everyone else. they have their own version of woke. and that was back in the 60s when i ran across this sect/cult after leaving New Jersey for Virginia at 13. being a street kid and now amoung the masses of country music and its,back country revivalists. I kept arms lenth from them. seems religion was a loose expression,elmer gantry style. I liked the black version of how they really looked at jesus with respect and admired his teachings. seems whitey used this as a weapon to seduce others to believe in its own white theology of god. (not all white people,but it was diffrent and not of the same cloth) the same god,diffrent theology.
    the kids that offered me a night out at the old time gosple camp. nope. being raised catholic,and by then regarded god didnt really exist. i was darwinian by then. most of the kids did believe in god, except they were indoctrinated to believe and didnt like being told who and what to belive in. typical anti stuff behavior. ahh the 60/70s anti establishment wars.. but the t.v was starting to grant billy g air time,presidental photos, etc. seriously, i was appauled how i watched some guy with his hands on someones head making them laydown and roll over like a dog. i watched the scam in real life once, the church was next to my rental. i never set foot near them again.the pastor ignored me as if i was well aware of his need to control others to his demands.( smilin jack selling used cars),, thats how i judge people,sorry if i offended anyone here with this past story and how i feel. the fact is,,some people in this country dont have a need to fact check ditty when they are controled by people who need to control people for thier own intake,whatever it is..those t.v evans etc who support trump are trumps private and for sale deciples of mind control and greed. if the theology they spew grants hate and mind control for ill gotten gain, then its obvious why they adore trump.

  9. Todd:
    i wouldnt push getting into social media. the fact is they are selling your privacy to anyone for a buck and then theres the ones who want to control you and if they cant, can find you of they wanted.. dont app, until you know what it can do,and what it can change..coding in a app is the running commands of a computer,add one that opens your mail lists,or who you surf with. etc.these are all in any social media app..

  10. The Evangelicals who follow the Christian Nationalist Gospel are completely certain that they are God’s people. They believe that everything that happens is God at work. If it’s something bad – a hurricane or a wildfire – it’s because God is angry. They are told that he’s not angry with them, but with the “perverts and liberals” who live among them.

    They are convinced that God wants them to prosper and the only way to do that is to be willing to give everything to God, or to his “messenger”. The messenger will put the money to good use in God’s name. God, by the way, needs a mansion, a Mercedes, and a jet airplane.

    So they’ve given everything to God and still don’t prosper? Well they just have to try harder and dig deeper. After all, they’ve seen testimonials that others have been where they are. If you’ve ever watched one of the televangelists on the boob tube, you’ll recognize the, “I was down to my last dollar when I found reverend Snakeoil’s book. I gave him my last dollar and the next day I got a check in the mail for $10,000.”

    They are in thrall to their belief. It will take a long time and a lot of work to convince them that – to quote Sportin’ Life – “It ain’t necessarily so.”

  11. “I know it won’t happen in my lifetime, but until humans cast religion aside as a cult of fearing the unknown, they will continue on the path to their own extinction. Delicious irony, huh?” Thank you, Vernon.
    It’s all mythology that dates back way before the supposed coming of Jesus, but it does make money for the Pastor-types.
    So much of what has been taking this country to the woodshed is traceable to Reagan!

  12. Christian Nationalists are victims of their own larceny. Donny Boy used them and then threw them under the bus.

  13. Watched this documentary before the election, was very disturbing. Shared with many of my democrat friends.

  14. Not to be a braggart but I tried to warn folks about this trend in the late 70’s and early 80’s. It was always obvious to me but apparently not to others.

  15. Dealing with human fear seems to be an enormous effort that has prevailed through history. If people find comfort/solace in the truth found in myth and help them to cope with their fear, I think that’s ok.
    When those emotions are exploited by leaders for selfish intents i.e. pulling the wool over the sheep’s eyes, it’s a problem. Mid-eastern authoritarian warring ways just aren’t working.
    Western thought is that people have to find their own way which democracy allows. Sometimes that’s a scary endeavor.

  16. ‘Vote Common Good’ now on my short list. Thank you Lester for the recommendation.

  17. The brilliant singer songwriter, Mark Graham wrote this in 1985 and, unfortunately, it’s still apropos today:

    Come all you good Americans, the loyal, brave and true
    Let’s wrap ourselves completely in the old red, white and blue
    For Jesus and free enterprise we must prepare the way,
    And anyone who does not heed must be prepared to pay.

    cho: Have a nice day, have a nice day.
    Don’t heed those words of wickedness that might lead you astray
    See, hear and speak no evil, just work real hard and pray
    God loves you and he hopes you have a nice day.

    We can’t abide with welfare or believe in poverty
    Because this nation is the land of opportunity.
    If you’re lazy, weak or stupid then you might not make the grade.
    But why should we support you with the money we have made?

    We believe in conservation and will do all that we can
    To manage our resources for the benefit of man.
    And we believe that Judgment Day is coming with all haste
    And anything that we don’t use will then have gone to waste.

    We believe in the creation, evolution is a sham,
    And for you awful humanists we do not give a damn,
    ‘Cause we believe in science when the word of God agrees,
    And we believe in science that destroys our enemies.

  18. James, in my view, these are the two key elements of MAGA’s “Christian” love for Trump: (1) he espouses bigotries they like (racism, for example), and (2) he “triggers” us. I honestly think it’s the latter item that is the key to them accepting him as a messiah. Trump doesn’t like to compromise or find solutions that work for all; he needs to “win,” which means crushing the opponent. And for the confused fury of the MAGA evangelicals, this is all that matters. They _want_ to hurt us.

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