Trump and Musk are engaged in a takeover of the federal government, and MAGA folks have no idea it’s happening or what it means.
A recent Letter from An American— Heather Cox Richardson explained why–explained the peril at the very heart of this time in America’s history. That, of course, wasn’t her point–in her usual, immensely important fashion, she was deconstructing Trumpian propaganda by providing a factual context to yet another “Big Lie.”
It was one relatively small example of the flood of lies being facilitated/echoed by rightwing media.
In this case, it was the President’s recent lies about his threats to Colombia. Trump’s version of events was that, in the wake of Colombia’s refusal to accept two military planes filled with deportees, his threat to impose tariffs on goods from that country had caused an official retreat. His bullying had won! See how great he’s making America??
As usual, with Trump, reality was…different.
It turns out that Colombia and the U.S. had reached an agreement under President Biden, under which it had accepted 475 deportation flights from 2020 to 2024– 124 flights in 2024 alone. The Biden administration had used commercial and charter flights and scheduled them; Trump used a military plane that arrived unannounced.
As Tim Naftali of Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs explained: “If a foreign country tries to land its military planes—except in an emergency—without an existing agreement that is an infringement of sovereignty.” Colombia rejected the military planes without prior authorization and offered the use of its presidential plane instead.
Colombia also asked the U.S. to provide notice and decent treatment for its people, an issue that had been raised and resolved in 2023 after migrants arrived in hand and foot cuffs. Colombian president Gustavo Petro noted that the U.S. had committed that it would guarantee dignified conditions for the repatriation of migrants.
Note that Colombia actually accepted the migrants; after the plane landed in Honduras, Columbia sent its presidential plane to pick them up.
America’s Bully-in-Chief not only lied about what had occured, he deported Colombian staff members of the World Bank who were working for international diplomatic organizations in the U.S., and canceled visa appointments at Colombia’s U.S. Embassy.
Not only did he lie and overact–Trump is nothing if not performative-his threat to levy a punitive tariff led Colombia’s President Petro to threaten a retaliatory one. If that occurred, American farmers would bear the brunt.
Colombia imports 96.7% of the corn it feeds its livestock from the U.S., putting Colombia in the top five export markets for U.S. corn. According to a letter written by a bipartisan group of lawmakers eager to protect that trade, led by Senator Todd Young (R-IN), in 2003 the U.S. exported more than 4 million metric tons of corn to Colombia, which translated to $1.14 billion in sales. “American farmers cannot afford to lose such a vital export market,” the lawmakers wrote, “especially when access to the top U.S. corn export market, Mexico, is already at risk.”
Trump’s White House–never tethered to honesty–declared “Today’s events make clear to the world that America is respected again.”
Really? Do you “respect” the drunken uncle who disrupts family get-togethers and infuriates everyone?
And that leads to the major peril referenced in my opening paragraph. As Richardson put it, “The administration’s handling of the situation with Colombia reveals that their power depends on convincing people to ignore reality and instead to believe in the fantasy world Trump dictates.”
Richardson noted an announcement by Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt that “[d]eportation flights have begun.” But–as she also pointed out, in the real world, nothing is “beginning.” In 2024, Colombia accepted more than two U.S. flights of migrants a week on average, and everyone on this particular deportation flight had been arrested and detained by the Biden administration.
Richardson’s Letter provided details of the migration and deportation agreements forged with Latin American countries during the Biden Administration, details which demonstrate the dishonesty of Trump’s characterizations of these events. But most Americans won’t see those details. Most–even those who detest him– will take Trump’s outright lies at face value.
Use of “the big lie” technique comes to us from Nazi Germany. Wikipedia defines it as a “gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique.” The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, to describe how people could be induced to believe colossal lies. He wrote that people would believe big lies because they would not believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”
Trump and his unelected sidekick Musk consistently demonstrate that “impudence.”
These are perilous times for “non-Aryans”– and for all people of good will.
I guess they’re using the silicon valley credo, “move fast and break things!”
By time anyone figures out the next Target, it’s already been broken, and they are moving towards the next on the list..
It’s like watching some sort of horror flick, everyone’s running through the forest during a full moon, and the stragglers are getting picked off one by one, while everyone else is frantically engaging in hair on fire panic!
This whole thing could have been avoided if The white hats would have had some sort of intestinal fortitude to prevent this fanatical fascist echelon from taking power.
It’s a repeat of history as old as time itself. Humankind, cannot act on its own best interest, but it will gladly partake in marauding through every single stop sign and safety net. And after it’s all broken, there is no one left to fix it.
A dear friend of mine is MAGA, and in full cult mode – 100% brainwashed. We stopped being able to discuss politics when Obama was in office. But with hope we could find some common ground just based on shared outrage that Elon is now completely inappropriately in total control of the US Treasury checkbook, I spent several hours carefully crafting an email to her including articles from a range of media sources, including the WSJ and Indy Star – neither particularly known as liberal sources. Then, as HCR suggested, I asked, “Is this what you thought you were voting for? What’s to stop him from stopping our social security, etc.? Can we agree this is scary and wrong?” Some hours later she responded, “I skimmed over this, and everything you sent is exaggerated lies and propaganda. Elon is a very smart businessman, saving us hundreds of millions. Why are we sending $50 billion to Gaza for condoms?” Ugh. Almost directly quoted from DJT. *sigh* Never addressed the core question at all. She clearly is too far gone. I didn’t expect her to ‘change sides’ but was cautiously optimistic this would at least give us something to agree on. Now I fear our long friendship may not survive at all. I haven’t responded, as she can’t hear what I have to say, and I’ve no nice way to say it. I truly respect HCR and read her daily, but sometimes I do think she’s a bit overly optimistic… I am truly heartbroken about my lost friend. :/
Interesting that Todd Young was in the citation. I just emailed him yesterday and asked if he remembered taking the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. Apparently money changed hands between his support of Colombia markets and today?
We have all been spoiled by American history in that we have no experience with a tyrannical dictator controlling the strongest and most influential country in the world.
It’s no wonder we thought liberal democracy was the best way to manage public means of production and capitalism was the proper way to run individual corporate and private means.
Perhaps some of us had experienced tyrannical corporate management before, but transferring to another department or corporation was always possible. Some know that strategy within marriage, but this is new to all of us.
This, though, is a first for almost all of us. How do we escape what has befallen us? In other words, how do we organize our resistance to abnormality and return to normalcy?
The left needs a great big mouthpiece to rival the propaganda tools of the rightwing, plain and simple. There was an attempt a while back and I believe a billionaire bought and killed it. There is ample great content spread around the web to more than fill the airwaves, but if you go to rural America the only radio stations available spew hate filled rightwing propaganda 24 hours a day, so people accept that alternate “truth.” A few more well informed people would have routed the Orange One. A network to rival Fox and its copycats in the radio and TV markets is vital for a shared reality, and surely the urgent next step for the left, if we are to have hope. Too many smart and caring people are tragically ignorant and brainwashed.
Michele, there is a strong, true voice in rural America. NPR is on old-fashioned radio, on TV, online at Please listen and support public broadcasting.
I have been receiving far-far-right E-mails from unfamiliar sources, including Braun and Young which I have unsubscribed to but continue receiving. The Internet is now a frighting and dangerous source when to be able to unsubscribe an unsolicited and unwanted E-mail we must click on the “small print” at the top of the page to access the unsubscribe option. Locally, it is possible Braun and Young just haven’t receiving my earlier unsubscribe requests; the Indiana political world do move slowly.
This morning I received an offer for the three most profitable stocks in our future; it was available via Wealthy Republic News, authored by Matt McCall and it touted a $24 TRILLION technilogical shift powered by Bezos, MIcrosoft and Nvidia, located in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I backed out to unsubscribe before watching the video to learn who (not what, because one or more of Trump’s billionaires will be the who) those three most profitable stocks might be. If Elon Musk now has my Social Security and bank data at his personal disposal; why would I receive this particular E-mail which my barely above federal poverty level can afford?
Where in our Constitution does it allow the President of the United States the power to create new department and appoint the Director of control of our government and private citizen financial resources and use? Are the Democratic lawmakers working on ending this before the nation and the citizens have lost all control of their financial resources and uses. I understand they are inundated by all that Trump has dumped on all of us but Trump has turned our economic lives over to his CURRENT BFF…and my definition of BFF is NOT Best Friends Forever.
Look closely at Trump’s face in his unending news briefs; deaf people are more aware of facial expressions and body language to gauge who is talking and what they are saying. Trump’s frequent slight swaying when he is not speaking has long been a giveaway, a primary “tell”, of emotional instability. His eyes are now frightening and his face is rapidly wrinkling and collapsing; if he finally does “crash” will it be Vance or Musk ruling from the Oval Office…and who is to make that decision? Mike Johnson…lolololol
“These are perilous times for “non-Aryans”– and for all people of good will.”
Michele, if you are waiting for leftist media to appear on our radio or TV, especially the boob tube, you’ll be waiting a very long time. Apparently, George Soros received fast-tracked approval for a major purchase of US radio stations under Biden, but I’m not sure if it was killed by Trump or not. As for TV, it will never happen because the oligarchy owns all the entertainment channels.
After a brief internet search, I learned that the Panama Canal was a treaty signed by the late Jimmy Carter and finally handed over to Panama completely under Bush (?). Thus, we are telling a sovereign country what it can or can’t do with its canal. Panama obliged Trumpolini by canceling the Belt and Road Initiative with China.
If you look carefully at Trumpolini’s early action plans, we are retreating (somewhat) from the world’s stage as a unipolar hegemony and focusing on the Americas. Marco Rubio made a vital statement yesterday to that effect. He stated that having a global unipolar power was no longer possible, and the US had to become a regional power in a multi-polar world. He sure did get Panama, Canada, and Mexico to align with his fascist power statements, and these are leftist governments.
As for Elon Goebbels, he will most likely find all kinds of interesting payments made to nonprofits and shell companies as he scours the payment system within USAID and NED, both CIA front organizations. Tulsi Gabbard knows how they operate, so I’m sure it comes from her. She’s not confirmed, but Elon has muscled his way into the country’s checkbook account. More will be revealed…
Virtually anything Trump says/claims, is BS. Why he is believed is beyond me.
Vance is already working for Peter Thiel and Musk. That’s how he got the VP position. I encourage everyone to read “On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder. It’s a short book that offers historical guidance of what we are going through, which is Hitler’s Germany v 2025
Pete, we’ve been exceptionally lucky that none of our tyrants have become dictators and none of our dictators have become tyrants. The reason is that until now, members of both the House and the Senate actually believed the legislature came first, because Article I was all about them. Never before have we seen a legislature so eager to cede power and authority to a President, even in times of war.
The fact that there are multitudes of right wing media centers and only a few left wing centers makes it harder to get a message out. That’s the beauty of long term planning. If the left had understood thirty years ago what Ailes was doing and reacted in their own best interest we might not have an Orange Jesus today.
Sheila, yesterday you mentioned a protest at the Statehouse at noon on February 5. There was an article in Newsweek.
I have been advised to be wary. Do you know any more?
John Sorg’s horror movie analogy is spot on, except in my version, it’s a story where people living in a large house are being picked off one by one…and, too late, the only survivor discovers that the killer is in the house.
One of our commenters on this blog (James? Pete?) has more than once stated that Hitler dismantled the government in 53 days, along with his belief that it won’t take that long in our country. Considering the speed with which President musk is moving, I fear that he is correct—and the invertebrates in Congress are giving him free rein.
JoAnn, the collapse of the psychopath can’t happen soon enough. Though Vance and Musk will try to keep screwing everything up, I don’t think Congress is as afraid of these two wankers as they are of Trump. They don’t command the pulpit like that disgusting wretch does.
Peg, I was especially drawn to your comment. I have had a similar experience with a dear friend of 50+ years. It’s heartbreaking to see intelligent, educated people be brainwashed by watching Fox News, daily.
I want to know how much money Trump has received from the Heritage Foundation. I know he ran to keep himself out of jail; but I am convinced he is getting paid $$ from the Heritage Foundation to be the President and to allow them to run their racist agenda. Don’t get me wrong–Trump is megalomanic, just like all other dictators who are all narcissistic and sociopathic. The thing w/ people who have personality disorders is that they can be very charming and charismatic on the surface. They need chaos–
Peg: My greatest accomplishment is having a co-worker/friend vote for a Democrat. She voted for Trump the first time because that is what her Southern Baptist religion tells her to do. They are told to be a Christian they have to vote Republican. Now, she is married to a black man and has a biracial child and when she mentioned who she voted for–well, that set me afire. I have had to really work because she literally never paid any attention to politics but like a ‘good’ American she would vote for the Republicans because that is what her church told her to; except this last time. I converted one, well actually two, because she would tell her husband who to vote for…the struggle is real
Peg, I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. Fox spews states over and over all day long how their news is the only “truth” so she is programmed to reject everything else that is published. I have the same with my sister. I sent her a birthday greeting last fall and she replied that she wants me to enjoy the illegals in CA since I live here now. I never mentioned politics, I said Happy Birthday Sis. That’s what we’re dealing with now.
The Other Sheila,
Trumpolini is blowing up Congress and the Constitution by signing EOs declaring emergency powers, which allows him to be a dictator without any accountability. I’m still trying to figure out what Canada has to do with pushing drugs and dangerous immigrants across the border. That’s a new one to me. Trumpolini did get Mexico to place their military on the border to delay their tariffs. However, the retaliatory tariffs by China will be the most painful for many industries.
I wouldn’t waste your time over tomorrow’s statehouse protests. There is no organization supporting or organizing the event. It was announced on Reddit by an anonymous poster. However, there is a month-long protest against retail companies that have dropped their DEI programs – Walmart, Lowes, Amazon, and McDonald’s. I am sure there are more by now. Hitting these companies where it hurts is the best way to protest non-violently.
I, like most sensible people, feel overwhelmed at times by the audacity of Trump and Muskrat. There is literally no bottom to what they do or are willing to do. And, until or unless Republicans decide that their oath to the Constitution means something, we are collectively screwed. The MAGA media lie machine is too much to keep up with, and just like previous commenters above, you just can’t talk these people out of what they believe—they are literally immune to facts.
Here’s one immediate worry I have. Trump declared, long before the bodies had been retrieved or the next-of-kin notified that DEI was responsible for the DCA helicopter-plane collision. The NTSB and the FAA are tasked with investigating, and there is no way they are going to conclude that DEI was the cause of the crash. It was likely to be multi-factoral–one big factor being that helicopter and airplanes have flight paths that intersect–a very bad idea. There could also be the fact that perhaps the gauges or equipment were malfunctioning–either at the air traffic controller’s end or those on the aircraft. There should have been a proximity warning alarm on both aircraft that should have alerted them. It also was night, and the helicopter pilots may have been misled by the other aircraft that took off from Runway 1, and not the American Eagle that was trying to land on Runway 33.
However, here’s my fear. We’ve all seen this cartoon before–if the NTSB and FAA investigators do NOT come up with somethign that supports Trump’s lie about DEI being at fault–these people will: 1. be pressured to back up this lie; 2. if they don’t, they will be summarily fired; and 3. replaced with “investigators” who WILL back up Trump’s lie–based on nothing more than what he calls his “common sense”.
All of this means that because the truth about the causes for this crash will not be told, we will NOT learn the lessons that are there to help prevent anything like this from happening again, and people may die unnecessarily. On a personal note: I have a family member due to graduate in May from a school in the DC area and I have to go there for his graduation. I’m scared to fly now. Trump has replaced FAA people with idiots who will do what they are told, and, as we all know, the most important issue is protecting that big, fat ego of his. No one can reassure me–because that ego must be fed and he doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. So, now we have to wonder whether the FAA will protect us–they won’t if it conflicts with Trump’s ego.
THIS SH*T IS NOT NORMAL!! As Wanda Sykes would say.
AOC or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is talking about this big tax break that all the billionaires want. How on earth could BILLIONAIRES need MORE MONEY?
And Elon Musk and team walk into the U.S. Treasury in broad daylight and take sensitive information and it’s not considered theft? WHAT!?
Ezra Klein posted a quick segment–“Don’t Believe Him” and it was quite good and makes sense and really worth a watch, its about 13 minutes.
AOC knows how to fight and knows how to use the various communication tools and is an effective communicator which is why the Right can’t stand her.
I am finally beginning to hear the rumblings of lawsuits being lodged for Musk having this unfettered access–about time but probably too late as Musk will have downloaded all of our stuff
Suzanne; this IS “The shit heard around the world!”
Sadly, we all know that when Trump speaks, he only tells lies of “projection” and lies out of pure fantasy. Even sadder, I suspect that his followers will never accept the truth.
Thanks for the Klein reference, Elaine.
My “Musk fantasy” is that in four years, democracy returns and Musk is tried and convicted of hacking, espionage, and/or whatever else applies. Musk gets a long prison term and is barred from connecting the any computer network for life (including X). Also have all of his companies barred from federal contracts. Meanwhile, a class action lawsuit forces him to pay a million dollars to everyone in the government databases, plus large legal fees, plus punitive damages of say, two trillion dollars. Hit the greedy by taking ALL of their money.
Yes I have a vivid imagination and realize that Musk may just accumulate much, much more wealth and face few consequences — but I can dream.
JoAnn; sorry I have just reached the limit of BS I’ve heard for the day.