Can we stand one more discussion of Roe v. Wade on this twenty-fifth anniversary of that incredibly divisive opinion?
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Roe v Wade
It has been twenty-five years since the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Roe v. Wade – an opinion that I believe was misunderstood then, and I know is misunderstood now.
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Morality & Campaign Rhetoric
It is campaign season and once again, the politics of abortion are taking center stage. To those who see no ambiguities, who condemn every abortion no matter what the circumstances, the issue is simple: right…
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Defining “Big” Government
It is fashionable these days for candidates of every party and persuasion to laud smaller government, but smaller is not necessarily less bossy. The issue is less the size and cost of government — important as that is — but how intrusive it shall be
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Barry and Me
I never swooned over Frank Sinatra. When Beatlemania hit the United States, I wasn’t one of the Fab Four’s screaming fans. In fact, I have written only one fan letter in my entire life, and that was five years ago, to Barry Goldwater.
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