The Book Of Beckwith

The Snyde Report–an Indiana website promoting the state’s Democratic candidates–has begun including what it calls The Book of Beckwith–quotes from Micah Beckwith–in its daily reports.

As Indiana readers know, Beckwith is one of the four far-Right theocratic candidates on this year’s statewide Republican ticket. He’s the only one who has publicly described himself as a Christian Nationalist, although it is highly probable that Jim Banks and Todd Rokita share that mindset. (Unlike Beckwith, however, they’re sufficiently politically savvy to avoid publicly embracing it.)

Here are some “Beckwithisms” from a recent report on “the book of Beckwith.”

Micah, 1:8 -Pastor Micah Beckwith pushes the racist White Replacement Theory in post.
Pastor Micah Beckwith, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor and self described Christian Nationalist pushed the racist White Replacement Theory in a recent Facebook post.

Micah, 1:7 – Micah Beckwith compares vaccination policies to Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews.
“And that to me is the issue here, because now you’re, it’s what the, it’s what the Nazis did to the Jews. They legitimized some citizens to be legal citizens and, they, they delegitimize, they made delegitimize citizens out of the Jews.”

Micah 1:6 – Pastor Micah Beckwith shares post advocating that brown people crossing the border should be shot
Pastor Micah Beckwith, the MAGA Republican Lt. Governor candidate shared a post on Facebook advocating brown people crossing the border should be shot. No comment from Pastor Beckwith’s running mate, Mike Braun.

Micah, 1:5 – Micah Beckwith states people should not vote for a politician who is not pro-life
“I always tell people. Don’t vote for a politician if they’re not first pro-life because the Declaration of Independence says there are three unalienable rights that our creator has given us and has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And if he will not protect, your life, he will not protect your liberty and he will not protect your pursuit of happiness.”

Micah, 1:4 – Micah Beckwith states The Indy Star, members of the left and Methodist and Lutheran ministers want to cut off the private parts of children “they were praising that these pastors for saying you’re doing the right thing by, by allowing people to be able to cut off the private parts of children and, and so I think again the reason that The Indy Star sees me as a threat and they should because they want to do an act, they want to act things that are just plain wicked.”

Micah, 1:3 – Micah Beckwith states The Indy Star wants to mutilate children, put pornographic material in the hands of children and murder babies. “They want to murder babies. I mean, like, so I’m against that. So, they probably are a little scared.”

Beckwith is running for Lieutenant Governor, a post dealing with tourism and agriculture, not “biblical fidelity,” but like his fellow culture warriors, he displays little to no interest in those boring governmental tasks. And while Braun constantly minimizes the importance of his running-mate’s theocratic extremism, Braun–as Star columnist Briggs recently pointed out–is 70, an age where life insurance “gets more expensive for a reason.” 

If Beckwith was truly an aberration, that would be one thing–but he isn’t. Thanks to Indiana’s extreme gerrymandering, which has moved the “real” election in many districts to the primaries (where GOP challenges come from the Right), Republican candidates for legislative office have become more and more extreme. I’ve written about the contest in District 24, where the Republican running for the Statehouse is a Beckwith clone, but that isn’t the only Indiana contest featuring a looney-tunes Republican more focused on culture war than on the mundane tasks of governing.

I would ordinarily hesitate before calling a political candidate a “looney-tune,” but a look at the “Book of Beckwith” really requires that label. Does any sane American really believe that the “Star, members of the Left and Methodist and Lutheran ministers” want to “cut off the private parts of children”? That we should indiscriminately “shoot Brown people at the border”? That vaccinations are a Nazi plot? Etc.

Granted, the Presidential election is by far the most important choice voters will face this year, closely followed by contests for the House and Senate. But we ignore state down-ballot races at our peril. Thanks to a state legislature in thrall to a super-majority of Rightwing extremists, Indiana is rapidly becoming a “health desert,” where medical care–especially but not exclusively for women–is increasingly difficult to access, where public education is being purposefully starved in favor of religious schools, and gun ownership with no pesky “strings” attached is proliferating.

Hoosiers need to Vote Blue all the way down the ballot.


  1. Plain and simple. Micah Beckwith is mentally ill. He needs to take his medication and just go chill in the mud room.

  2. It’s Beckwith and his fellow right -wingers who allow children to be shot and killed in schools, shopping malls etc., thanks to the made up “2nd amendment right” from the scotus MAGAt six. And yes I’m a gun owner who’s disgusted by the right! (I don’t think we should insult bugs bunny and the gang by calling Beckwith and the rest loony tunes.)

  3. Like a cracked prism, Beckwith’s ignorance & hatred have many disturbing facets. In a selfie video he shot in his car on 10/23/19, Beckwith said only Christians have the capacity to be moral.

  4. “where the Republican running for the Statehouse is a Beckwith clone, but that isn’t the only Indiana contest featuring a looney-tunes Republican more focused on culture war than on the mundane tasks of governing.“

    Can you post a resource to locate these candidates? It would be useful, especially if the candidate is contested by a Dem and not one of the uncontested campaigns.

  5. I agree that we should vote blue. But not straight down the ticket. There are three Indiana Supreme Court judges that are up to be reelected. We need to vote no for them. They appealed Indiana’s strict abortion ban law. So vote blue for sure and to reinstate the Supreme Court judges. Thanks for all you do

  6. These nutjobs need to find another passage from the Declaration of Independence to hang their hat on because “our creator has given us and has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” means that gays can marry gays, women have the right to choose what’s best for their bodies, and those completely confused by their sexuality have the right to choose what gender they are more comfortable with.

    Beckwith and his ilk believe they have the duty and right to make decisions for Americans because they are Christians. That is laughable!

    I love it when these Christians call me “Godless” because I point out that our government is secular and we all have freedom from religion guaranteed by the Constitution. For just pointing out the facts, you get labeled the anti-Christ in Indiana. I also want to grind up babies after they are born and promote Haitians eating their pets. Looney Tunes doesn’t even begin to cover it.

    Last night on FB, a former Miss Indiana told me that neither she nor her 12-year-old daughter would listen to Taylor Swift because she endorsed Kamala Harris. “They only support politicians who love America.” In disbelief, I asked if she was really going to prevent her daughter from listening to Swift, and she responded, “I don’t have to. My daughter is all in on Donald Trump.”

    Parents are teaching their kids that Trump is a role model despite everything he’s said and done his whole life, including his 34 felonies for paying hush money to a porn star. How does this get past the Beckwiths of the world????

    Btw, I lost track of all the things right-wingers are protesting in this country. Pretty soon, they’ll have to move out of this country because nothing will remain sacred. You will be highly disappointed if you think these loons are going away after November’s election. They are also breeding.

  7. Shooting brown people that cross the border sure doesn’t seem to be very pro-life. Of course, intelligent people know that ‘pro-lifers’ are liars because they are actually pro-birth.
    I don’t understand why any sane and decent person would attend Beckwith’s church and listen to that evil man speak.

  8. Here is a guy who can’t hack it on the local public library board of a county with ~350,000 residents. Who does such a poor job on that library board that he draws national negative press along with the repudiation of the entire book-reading population of the state.

    That someone like this could be elevated to the lieutenant governor position is shocking.

    I am an Indiana Democrat who has voted for Lugar and Holcomb in the past. I find both Braun and Beckwith intolerable. I’ll be voting Blue all the way down the ballot.

  9. Todd – those loud-mouths that claim to be Christian are definitely NOT Christians at all because they completely ignore the New Testament and everything that Jesus (supposedly) said. They are sad people that have nothing better to do than pass judgement on others. You could suggest that they pull the plank out of their own eye instead of trying to remove the speck of dust from someone else’s eye. ( From Matthew Ch 7 verses 1-5)

  10. Folks that buy that kind of BS are beyond hope, IMO. They want something/someone to hate and this nut job provides what they are looking for. And no doubt rakes in $$ as he does it. And they have always walked among us, except now they feel free to walk proudly out in the light of day. I am looking forward to a time when they crawl back into the caves they came out from.

  11. I’m going off topic for a moment, if you don’t mind. Last week tfg gave us a rant about what he’s going to do to those who violate election laws. I wonder if anyone has gotten the message to the Villages. The bulk of voter fraud in Florida happened there, with people voting twice.

  12. Thanks Todd. Peggy – I’ve known for years that the Villages is full of republicans. One of my cousins moved there after retirement just because it is a republican mecca. I cannot imagine living there as a democrat.

    The only voter fraud that I have been aware of in the past few years has been republican legislators cheating on where they live or county clerks in some states (AZ) cheating.

  13. Yikes – Gary Snyder? No thanks – I, and many others, could fill you in on his unsuccessful history of running for office in multiple counties. He wants a political position for a paycheck without having to actually work.

  14. “Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’

    I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said Beckwith. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.'”

    –with apologies to Lewis Carroll

  15. The election fraud that happened in The Villages was done by Republicans. As far as I know, no Democrats were prosecuted. Democrats live outside of The Villages so we are not labeled as idiots.

  16. The election fraud that happened in The Villages was done by Republicans. As far as I know, no Democrats were prosecuted. Democrats live outside of The Villages so we are not labeled as idiots.

  17. I agree many that claim to be Christian are anything but…

    If I support an administration that enables ethnic cleansing, and I am a member of a group that has chosen to ignore the impact of said ethnic cleansing, am I any less of a humanitarian ?

  18. It is incredible that someone can say they’re “pro life” and also say in the same breath that they want to shoot people coming across the border and not see how that is in any way hypocritical or contradictory or hypocritritical.

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