God, My Buddy

I’m beginning to feel left out—sort of the way you felt in school when everyone else in your class was invited to a party but you. Evidently, there are all these people who are on a first-name basis with God—who “hang out” with Him (actually, I’d always thought of God as a “She” but I guess I was wrong about that, too), getting the real scoop on what He wants, who He likes and dislikes…who He intends to invite to the Ultimate Party in Heaven, and who won’t get to come
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Time for a Time Out

When the ICLU brought suit on behalf of gay and lesbian clients who want to marry, all hell broke loose. Local gay listservs were filled with intemperate exchanges and accusations, factions lined up for and against—shades of the “bad old days” when the community was more consumed with internal bickering, turf battles and personal agendas than with productive activism.
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Georgia on my Mind

The United Methodist Children’s Home is located in Decatur, Georgia. It receives 40% of its funding from the State of Georgia. The Home will not hire non-Christians or gays, and sends gay youth in its care to dangerous "intervention" programs designed to "change" their sexual orientation.
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