Over at Balkinization, Frank Pasquale has an interesting analysis of the philosophical roots of opposition to healthcare reform.http://balkin.blogspot.com/2009/09/risk-health-care-and-red-america.html It is worth reading in its entirety, but the last paragraph does sum up the situation as it appears right now:

The really appealing goal of reform–a strong public option that would be part of an exchange open to all–appears to be more of a bargaining chip than a firm commitment for the Obama Administration. Strategically, if your goal is to get “something” through Congress, this makes a great deal of sense: Republicans and some waivering Democrats think a public option smacks of socialism. But as a political matter, it is draining support for reform. People can understand a public option, and building support for it might have been as decisive to Democrats’ fortunes as FDR’s reformulation of the American social contract in the 1930s. Sadly, Obama’s technocrats appear more attracted to wonk-talk like “bending the cost curve” than the forceful moral case for collective responsibility for health. Only the President can correct that course. It takes an ideology to beat an ideology.