Rape, Incest and Ben Carson

Shades of Richard Mourdock and “what God intended”!

Among the many other retrograde positions he has taken, Ben Carson wants the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and criminalize all abortions. As Ed Brayton reported at Dispatches from the Culture Wars, 

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Sunday that believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and that women should not be allowed to have abortions even in the case of rape or incest.

“The mother should not believe that the baby is her enemy and should not be looking to terminate the baby,” Carson opined to NBC host Chuck Todd. “We’ve allowed purveyors of division to think that baby is their enemy and they have a right to kill it. Can you see how perverted that line of thinking is?”

There are a number of possible responses to this latest evidence of Carson’s worldview: the most rational is to simply shrug. Ben Carson isn’t going to be President of the U.S.–despite his current lead in GOP polls, he isn’t even going to be the Republican nominee, so the fact that he wants to make women carry their rapist’s baby to term–however creepy or nauseating one might find that–is ultimately irrelevant.

On the other hand, Carson is hardly the only Republican who sees “God’s will” in the consequences of a rape. Mourdock and Akin were the most high-profile, but there are plenty of others–almost all of them men– who want to deny women not just the right to abort, but access to birth control as well. (After all, if you give us the right to control our own reproduction, we’re likely to get all uppity and start thinking we’re equal to men.)

I don’t really expect this latest pronouncement to damage Carson’s popularity with the GOP fringe. After all, if stating that racism wasn’t a problem before Obama’s election, that Muslims should not be allowed to be President, that evolution is a “Satanic plot,” that we need to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, and that university professors should be monitored and censored only operated to endear him to the party base, this latest evidence of bizarre reasoning is unlikely to offend them.

What’s a little misogyny among Republicans?


  1. Well, Carson will win something among religion hypocrites. How an educated man can make such a public statement can only be to ingratiate himself with a certain bloc.
    He’s certainly not alone in his beliefs.

  2. A few times yesterday, I briefly tuned into MSNBC, was again disappointed by their frequent “news” involving Carson (now in the lead) and Trump. They are moving to the right under new management and it appears to me they are backing the Republicans. I looked closely at the short list of Republican wannabes and was appalled at the options they are putting before the American public. Initially; I considered all of them to be a bad joke being played on us by the GOP but Carson and/or Trump are no joke. Nor is the youngest of the Bush clan.

    DOCTOR Ben Carson is even more offensive because he is a doctor and should value the quality of life…all life. His surgical expertise is no more a qualification to be nominated for president than I am. And I worked inside local government for 20 years so have more knowledge and qualifications than a surgeon…or a hotel/casino owner with a questionable past of failed marriages and failed hotel/casinos. Carson’s medical expertise is focused on the opposite end of a woman’s body; he needs to study OB/GYN before issuing ultimatums regarding his views on abortion and who should make the decision. It certainly should NOT be DOCTOR Carson.

  3. When I was in my college dorm a single room suddenly became available and I snapped it up. It turned out that the girl in the room had attempted her own abortion by putting an object into herself. She nearly died. I also accompanied my suite mate to New York to have an abortion as it was the closest state that allowed abortions. She had complications so we were delayed and put in a room with other girls with problems. While there we met a thirteen year old girl who had been sent by her parents alone, because they could not afford two plane tickets.
    Both of these happened before abortion was legal in all states. I am tired of this discussion.

  4. It might be a good idea if we all visited the Pew Research Center site for some statistics on “likely republican, democrat, and independent voters”. If you do so, with little calculator in hand, you will learn that the current polling for the next presidential election does not deserve the attention that the media gives it. Couple that insight with the realization that most of the media is NOT in the business of news gathering and broadcasting. The media is in business to make money and they use the news to do that, even if it means sensationalizing, distorting, or just lying about current events. Doctor Carson is just another sad case of someone who has taken refuge in a religion that promises an escape from the realities of a chaotic world.

  5. Roe v. wade should never be reversed. However Eugenic , baby parts harvesting for fun ‘n profit Planned parenthood illuminati owned businesses have got to go. Ironic that Planned Parenthood is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. That family also funds N.O.W. , women’s lib. , and separating children from their parents to be raised by the state public ed.

  6. Sheila, I have not yet read today’s blog, but want to thank you for weighing in this morning on yesterday’s comments by the readers.

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  7. “Ben Carson wants the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and criminalize all abortions.”

    Good sentiment, but the better course is to reject that the Supreme Court has any power to invalidate any state law and restore abortion matters to each state.

  8. Sheila, today’s topic brings up a question – I have often wondered where the media comes up with their ideas of who is leading the polls in the races. Do you know where they get their information? Is it simply made up? For example, I personally have never been asked who I am voting for or supporting. Who are they asking???

    I believe that Carson was cajoled into the race by a group of wealthy powerful evangelicals and that he is just their puppet . I believe he says whatever they have convinced him to say or believe. If a brain scan was performed on Carson it might reveal a very tiny brain.

    Great comments JoAnn, Cindy and Theresa!

  9. Let us never forget that abortion is a core idea of the Satanists. Literally, the Satanists. Yes, the actual devil worshipers.


    Alice Bailey, Lucifer Publishing Company

    Yes, that Lucifer.

    If we ever needed separation of church and state, we need to keep the beliefs of the church of the devil out of the “public sphere,” to use a Frankfurt School term.

  10. The republicans never pass up an opportunity to shoot themselves in the foot. Carson carries on the tradition. Gopper: Is your assumption that anyone who doesn’t support abortion is godly? Anyone who supports allowing women to make their own reproductive decisions is satanic? How do you get yourself to those conclusions?

  11. Carson in a tool for the religious fundamentalism that controls a sizeable block and quite vocal portion of the Republican Party, Carson is echoing their beliefs with hopes of shaping the GOP agenda but will never be elected.
    Trump is his own loud mouth tool, on his own ego trip. If he remains in the race then you will start to hear about his real business dealings with the NY Mafia in the construction business, pay offs, and shady dealings he has pursued for years, he will not be president but he to speaks to a portion of the GOP intent on tearing down America not building it on our experiences as a nation.

  12. Mark; your ugly description of medical research is disgusting and shows your lack of knowledge regarding the quality of life and life and death medical research. Research has been done on placentas for more than 50 years, probably also using “body parts” which were never be made known to the public. I doubt all donated organs are used for transplants but some for research if the viable transplant time lapsed. I have a grandson with a disability caused by Terbutaline, prescribed for his mother while pregnant to stop premature labor. Doctors prescribed this medication before approval by the FDA for that use; it is used to treat asthma. After the fact they began studying the effects of it on pregnant women involving heart problems. NOW they are researching all of the effects of this and other medications on fetuses at different stages of development and on those who survived the damage done by Terbutaline. Medical research cannot be done on a fetus during pregnancy. Autism-type disability is only one of the results of Terbutaline. Should aborted fetuses be burned like trash or put to good use to study preventive measures and to produce future healthy fetuses which develop into healthy babies. I have willed my body to IU Medical Research; included is a request that they specifically study my inner ear conditions in hopes of preventing others from being afflicted with the two inner ear diseases which have rendered me totally deaf and disabled. That type research is not a pretty sight to think of but…if it helps others it is important. Who knows if maybe, decades ago, aborted or miscarried fetuses had been used for research we could be seeing fewer diseases and disabilities today.

    Abortion is not a political issue, it is a medical decision to be made by a woman and her physician or physicians. Abortion is not a religious issue except to those who make it a religious issue in their own minds. Carson should not be consulted regarding abortion. But there is the possibility that his knowledge of conjoined twins could be used in the study of these aborted or miscarried fetuses to prevent other such births.

  13. Daleb, the point is that when you support abortion, know who you’re siding with. I never hear truly moral leaders champion abortion.

    “We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred. If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other.”
    ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta ~

    “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
    ~ Blessed Mother Teresa ~

    “Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother. Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.”
    ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta ~

  14. Uncle Ben and the like are swirling the bowl and who’s on the handle? The Donald! So all is good and Americans will ultimately pick between Hillary and Bernie.

    Well, there’s more work than that to do. Boehner and Ryan are showing us that the GOP is not capable of running even its own show in Congress not to mention our show.

    So every state and congressional district has their own job to do. I’m sure that there are fully qualified Republicans in Congress and those not up for election next year will stay around but responsible Republican voters will have to bite the bullet. The only way to stop the spread of an infectious disease is to quarantine the victims. If real Republicans want the choice of Republican candidates in the future post recovery they have to send a message. We are Democrats until the conservative scourge is out.

    Parliamentary many party governments know the importance of parties with like interests joining together against those who are not capable of contributing often because they only care about one thing when all things need to be considered.

    So real Republicans and Democrats have to pull together until Republican leaders get the message. Then the healing can begin.

  15. Gopper: I’m not siding with anyone. I let people make their own decisions. If there is a god, and I’m not saying there is, shouldn’t we mortals leave those big moral decisions to his/her divine self and do our best to leave in peace? Who says you or Mother Theresa speak for god?

  16. Theresa, you made an excellent comment. >> Couple that insight with the realization that most of the media is NOT in the business of news gathering and broadcasting. The media is in business to make money and they use the news to do that, even if it means sensationalizing, distorting, or just lying about current events. <<

    Sadly, CNN, MSNBC and Fox are not News gathering or broadcasting. The have each tried to carve out their marketing niche, like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, or Taco Bell. Their "expert corporate pundits" do their best to deliver to their respective audiences what the audience wants to hear.

    I watched the other night an interview Charlie Rose had with Bernie Sanders of some 45 minutes. It was Civil Discussion of issues in stark contrast to the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC or Fox that present sound bytes.

    Perhaps the current field of Republican Presidential Candidates is what the Republican Base wants. They are tightly clustered around the Right with Social Issues the dominant force. They want to get rid of Obama Care, Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare. You have to wonder what the Republican Base will replace these programs with when they realize these programs are gone.

  17. Louie, it can sound like a trivial thing but we know now it is not – replacing journalism with entertainment because it sells better.

    We need to think about the future and the restoration of the objective reporting so essential – now we know – to democracy.


  18. We are humans. Sexual desire is a two way street and it’s necessary for the human race’s survival. Yet, it’s always the woman’s fault. When are the men going to take some responsibility for their contributions to the number of abortions? When? Gawd dang when? I can’t believe we’re still fighting this crap.
    I watched that interview with Dr. Carson and he’s bat sh*t crazy. gaaaaaa

  19. Sheila, it doesn’t speak well of your support for political civility when on the abortion issue you always assume that anyone who disagrees with you on politics must be motivated by some improper motive, that they can’t have a legitimate reason for their view. This is particularly offensive on abortion. Can’t you even consider for a second that people might really believe the issue is about the termination of the life of another human being, in a manner that is gruesome beyond belief? Instead you demonize opponents with the absurd claim that pro life positions are only about men trying to control women. Of course polling shows women are every bit against abortion as men, a fact you simply ignore. I used to have my students take an issue they feel passionately about and then make them articulate the position on the other side. It forced them to be more open minded. You should try it.

  20. Here’s something else you kids don’t know.

    The largest Satanist of the 19th Century was Madame Blavatsky. Yes, THAT Satan. the real-deal devil. Blavatsky was a huge Satan disciple. Loved Satan. Satan, Satan, Satan.

    Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. The purpose of the Theosophical Society was to bring the wisdom of Satan (yes, the man in red with the horns) to the world.

    Alice Bailey, avowed satanist noted above, was part of the Theosophical Society.

    and, here’s the payoff,

    Margaret Sanger was part of the Theosophical Society.

    You folks on the pro-abortion side are associating with some of the world’s darkest forces.

  21. Gopper and mark are unfortunately representative of today’s GOP primary voter. The days of reasonable differences are over. The GOP is for rich folks and fools. And it continues to exist as a major party only by gaming the system through pro-$$$ court rulings, voter suppression and gerrymandering.

    We must A) win this presidential election because the Supreme Court is priority one, and B) win back the statehouses before the redistricting of 2020. No less than the continued existence of our democracy depends on it.

  22. I have tried to make this issue as personal as I can, but given that I have a Y-chromosome, most liberals think I have no right to a voice in such matters. So as close as I can, I try to envision a pregnancy of my wife or daughter as a result of rape. I would never give my unsolicited opinion to either of them, but if asked, I would say, “I will support your decision in this matter, but you face three terrible choices (abort, adopt, or raise). You can rest assured that I will have no problem loving and raising MY child (or grandchild)

  23. I don’t know anyone who favors abortion, but I know many who think the issue is one for kitchen table discussion among interested parties and not an issue to politicize in any legislative forum (except where the issue turns on rights under the Constitution). However, it has been showcased for political advantage. We hear of “body parts” of babies on the one hand and the story of a raped 10 year old who was denied abortion, a child who probably had no “kitchen table” around which to discuss her plight and little understanding of what is involved, on the other. I think we are asking the wrong question. The right question is not whether abortion is good or bad; in isolated context it is bad, but that begs the issue. Who’s to decide? Losing a leg is bad, too, but not if gangrene has set in, and I would not expect to see a mob of sign-wavers protesting such surgery and deciding for the patient what is to be done. I do not equate an aborted fetus with a limb in this statement, but the fatal result is potentially the same in both cases – and is not the issue. The issue is who gets to legally decide, and right now such decision (within certain guidelines) is that of the mother (or in the case of the ten year old, the mother’s mother, father or guardian). As stated, I know no one who likes abortion. I don’t; but what I like or dislike is not the issue. I think the current option within the legal guidelines of Roe v. Wade is a reasonable approach to what should be an apolitical issue.

  24. Nothing is ever said about the rapists and those who rape their children (incest) besides going to prison….it is always the woman who has to clean up the messes for men’s wrong deeds. I want these men to lose a penis…if you are going to force me to carry a baby by the heinous aggressive act from someone I deem as evil and doing the work of the devil than I want you penis hacked off…you can pee from a straw.

    I am sick of this…

  25. I think that Paul raises a good point that deserves discussion.

    To me the pro choice or life discussion though presented as a value of life thing is really about something entirely different.

    It’s part of a family of topics that boil down to the balance between faith – what we choose to assume in the absence of evidence – and science – what evidence suggests or insists is reality.

    My personal position has always been to go with the evidence when it’s compelling, otherwise believe what makes you most comfortable because no position can be shown to be right or wrong.

    I have no experience with abortion personally but sympathize with women pregnant under conditions that would make continuing a significant challenge in their lives. If you look at evidence, abortion occurs frequently naturally so if one believes in free will and science it would naturally be an option.

    I also believe what Bill Clinton said that it should be legal and rare because birth control is a so much better option however it’s achieved.

    One troubling to me aspect of faith is that some assumptions about what exists without evidence leads to the unfortunate condition of a surrender of free will. Becoming subject to the assumptions of others about what exists but leaves behind no evidence.

    Being a freedom nut I find this disconcerting.

    So my pro – life or choice position is free will in the absence of evidence. Do what your gut tells you is right for you under the circumstances that you find yourself.

    Paul and the like may consider my position immoral in the context of their faith but their faith is not mine. While most people prefer to avoid others disapproving of their actions it can’t be the most important consideration in any functional life.

  26. Kevin: have you thought about the magnitude of your responsibility for their birth control vs their responsibility for the failures of it?

  27. Ben Carson makes no statement about fighting to change the law. His answer was as personal as mine. I have not asked to change the law (although I find the cavalier attitude about abortion reprehensible). I do want the laws enforced.

  28. This entire discussion is a deception.

    Very, very, few pregnancies result from rape.

    What’s trying to be defended is abortion on demand to destroy the role of the family as a stabilizing, counter-revolutionary conservative force that diminishes reliance upon the government and places an authority above the government.

    Abortion is part of the radical agendas to destroy any part of humanity that isn’t dependent upon the government. Radicals want to destroy a woman’s attachment to a husband and to a family, to force her into a job so they can collect income tax from her. The radicals want to keep her from having children in service of their global depopulation agenda.

    American women are being terribly damaged by abortion and by anti-family pressures. It’s so sad.

    Given the satanic motivations behind abortion, it’s little wonder I’ve seen abortion described as a satanic blood sacrifice of an innocent in a mass of praise for the devil.

    “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)

  29. All you men, including Ben Carson, the other presidential wannabes and Congress, with YOUR views, YOUR beliefs, YOUR attitude about abortion – it is none of your business. It is not a political issue, it is not a religious issue, it is not a public issue…it is a very private medical issue.

    Six years ago my 24 year old granddaughter died having seizures because she opted to try to have her baby knowing her type seizures could be fatal – pregnant or not. She knew the danger and was advised to abort but wanted to have her baby, a girl. By the time her roommate came home from work Jennifer had been dead for hours, was covered in blood from numerous seizures and chewing up her tongue and inside of her mouth. She had turned mottled and blue and was bloated out of shape from the gas formation that happens after death. She was unrecognizable by all of us who love her at her viewing.

    This was not a political issue, not a religious issue and not a public issue; this was a very private decision by a beautiful young woman who decided against abortion. BUT; IT WAS HER CHOICE. There was a medical reason to opt for abortion but people like Ben Carson and almost the entire GOP would have forced her and thousands of other young women to have babies that endanger their health and their very life, this is what they will cause if they get their way. Picture finding your wife, daughter, girlfriend dead in that condition because a politician was given the legal authority to decide for them, refusing to allow them to save their own lives. This can and probably is happening with women already being denied access to birth control; another vital MEDICAL decision that should be made by the woman and her physician.

  30. Reading some of these comments leads me to the notion that the emergence of Homo sapiens is a failed evolutionary experiment. Gopper, your name is defined in the urban dictionary. Type it into Google and see. You chose well.

  31. “There was a medical reason to opt for abortion but people like Ben Carson and almost the entire GOP would have forced her and thousands of other young women to have babies that endanger their health and their very life, this is what they will cause if they get their way.”

    JoAnn, please stop. You’re making yourself look foolish. You’re making your party look like a pack of liars. I know of no Conservative figure from Ben Carson to James Dobson to Mike Huckabee to the Pope who would have denied Jennifer the ability to abort to save her own life.

    You’re getting desperate to save a failed position.

  32. Girl Cousin,

    “Asinine,” huh? If you were at all intelligent, you could find Ben’s own position on the question.

    “”I think when it comes to the case of the life of the mother, you have to look at the individual situation, recognize that’s largely a spurious argument,” Carson asserted. “Because we have advanced so much in medicine these days, that situation rarely occurs.”


    It’s obvious that Dr. Carson knows far more about medicine than you ever will, and his position is that it’s fact-specific, with that fact rarely occurring. Show Dr. Carson a good “life-of-the-mother” case, and you’ll get a direct answer. If you try to get a blanket advance permission with a low and dubious bar for “life-of-the-mother,” as the liberals yearn to do, he’s probably not going to agree.

  33. Finally a Republican candidate who’s not completely loony.


    Be sure to watch the short video.

    Can he save the party from the RINOs who have attached themselves parasitically to what used to be a legitimate contributor to America so many decades ago?

    We don’t know but he’s at least a start and just maybe he can save the party before they pursue a Kardashian for President.

  34. Girl Cousin; save your breath and use your comment space to reach out to thinking people. We have all wondered who Gopper is, male or female, so I got out my Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (even though Gopper stated people stopped using them after 8th grade) and looked up the word imbecile hoping to find a picture of Gopper. Webster wasted no time or comment space; simply defined the term with two words, both capitalized, “IDIOT, FOOL”. I won’t argue with a fine statesman and orator over this definition.

  35. Copied from the troll’s 12:52 post: “Radicals want to destroy a woman’s attachment to a husband and to a family, to force her into a job so they can collect income tax from her. The radicals want to keep her from having children in service of their global depopulation agenda.”

    I almost couldn’t stop laughing when I read this! Nothing more needs to be said about it.

    JoAnn, your post at 1:19 is spot on. Also, I am truly sorry that your granddaughter had to die such a terrible death and that you and your family suffered a deep and painful loss of life.

  36. According to Wikipedia: “Estimates of the numbers of pregnancies from rape vary widely.[8][9] Recent estimate suggest that rape conception happens between 25,000 and 32,000 times each year in the U.S. In a 1996 three-year longitudinal study of 4,000 American women, physician Melisa Holmes estimated from data from her study that forced sexual intercourse causes over 32,000 pregnancies in the United States each year.[10] Physician Felicia H. Stewart and economist James Trussell estimated that the 333,000 assaults and rapes reported in the US in 1998 caused about 25,000 pregnancies, and up to 22,000 of those pregnancies could have been prevented by prompt medical treatment, such as emergency contraception.[11]”

    Not exactly “rare.”

    [8] Kim Geiger, Statistics on rape and pregnancy are complicated, Los Angeles Times, August 23, 2012. Retrieved 24 May 2014.
    [9] Sue Owen, Surveys show wide disagreement on number of rape-related pregnancies per year, Politifact, Austin American Statesman, August 15, 2013. Retrieved 24 May 2014.
    [10] Holmes, Melisa M.; Resnick, Heidi S.; Kilpatrick, Dean G.; Best, Connie L. (1996). “Rape-related pregnancy: Estimates and descriptive characteristics from a national sample of women”. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 175 (2): 320–4; discussion 324–5. doi:10.1016/S0002-9378(96)70141-2. PMID 8765248. (abstract also available at NIH pubmed site Retrieved 24 May 2014.)
    [11] Stewart, Felicia H; Trussell, James (2000). “Prevention of pregnancy resulting from rape: A neglected preventive health measure”. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 19 (4): 228–9. doi:10.1016/S0749-3797(00)00243-9. PMID 11064225.

  37. Pete, it’s really sad when we have to hold up a guy who has so many problems as the best of the lot. If people want someone who isn’t afraid to say the truth, and does make some sense, there is a guy who isn’t short of guts, and he’s probably the most winnable candidate of the bunch, but like the rest he has many problems, too.

    It’s some consolation to remember that 39% of the country is Republican, and 48% is Democrat. When 25% of the Republicans like a candidate, that’s about the same number who believe that they’ve been kidnapped by aliens and believe in odd political theories.

  38. Stuart, you’re right. I’ve become desperate for a qualified Republican candidate if for no other reason than to avoid being the laughing stock of the world.

    I guess we’ll just have to put up with the laughter.

  39. The details of my arrival on this planet, sordid or otherwise, are of no importance to me. My birth mother did the right thing for both of us. She gave me ‘life,’ entirely her choice. Not that of any government official. My adoptive parents gave me ‘a life,’ entirely their choice. Since finding my birth family, I have learned that the question of nature vs nurture played a huge role in my personal journey: Without ever meeting her or knowing her, I have learned that we had at least four things in common– we were high school athletes, writers, swimming instructors, and most importantly, we had/have a love for bluegrass and old-time music. I am deeply indebted to my family, however it is defined, for giving me a shot at life!

  40. Betty; that is a beautiful, heart warming story of love and adoption. My best friend Barbara had a biracial baby in the late 1940’s, forced to give her up for adoption to the father’s family who were moving to California. She talked to me often about Shelly; said she would never try to interrupt her life by never gave up the hope that she would open her door one day and find her daughter standing there. The last time we talked about about her daughter was three weeks before she died, still hoping for that knock on the door. Your birth mother and my friend gave you girls the chance for a better life; it took a great deal of love for both mothers. Bless you and thank you for sharing your story.

  41. Perhaps the Gopper, and others who side with him, need to know that women who are raped and are the subject of incest like I was in the eighth grade by my absentee father who blew into town to do his dirty deeds to my sister and me, that these men are indeed the personification of EVIL, the ones who should be castrated for their evil deeds, instead of women like myself praying that I did not have to give birth to any child who was my father’s child. You conservative, religious, Republicans need to be educated about we women who have endured the ultimate insult of rape and incest. You need to know that we carry that with us every day of our lives, even after eight years of intensive therapy. You need to know that it is none of your damned business whether I make a decision to have an abortion or not. You need to know that what I do in my doctor’s office is up to me and that doctor…..you are not welcome in the exam room, you are not wanted there, and you don’t belong there under any circumstance, including your politics, and your religion. So get over yourselves and stop brow-beating women and think you own them. You don’t, and the sooner you realize that, the better off this country will be.

  42. Thank you, JoAnn! I think the gods of the computer wiped out the comment I had ready to send. Will shorten things up for the second try. I waited ’til my parents had passed away before I did a search. It would have wounded their souls, I think. I figured that my birth mother was likely gone, too, and she was. She died in ’82. I never wanted to hurt my parents or walk up to my birth mother’s door some morning, saying, ‘Hi, I’m the one you placed for adoption.’ Since the interested parties were gone, I felt like, ‘What would it hurt if I searched?’ I found two very shocked half-sisters, some cousins and a couple of aunts, all of whom were shocked. To hear all of them tell it, I look and sound like my birth mother. That pleases me. One half-sister has sent pictures and shared many stories of their lives in the DC area. I look at it like I hit the jackpot…twice! She gave me life; my parents gave me A life. I am about your age, and I have tried to hit this with my best shot since I have had two chances at it. Thanks again!

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