Indiana’s White Christian Nationalist Ticket

In November, Americans will choose between/among candidates for various public offices. The potentially dire results of a GOP victory will be especially acute in Indiana, where a Democratic ticket composed of qualified candidates supporting rational policies that would once be considered middle-of-the-road will face off against an extreme, rabid collection of White Christian Nationalists.

It goes without saying that the Christian Nationalists will have more money–Hoosier Democrats are notorious for giving up before the campaign really starts, under the defeatist theory that Indiana is a hopeless case, and sending their dollars to candidates in states where they think the odds are better.

So what is the evidence for my assertion that the GOP’s entire ticket is composed of MAGA theocrats? 

Let’s start with Braun, who is, incredibly, the least scary of the batch. Just a few data points out of the many available:

  • when the surgeon general recently pointed out what everyone knows–that gun violence is a public health issue–Braun and his GOP colleagues immediately introduced a bill prevent the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring gun emergencies. 
  • he’s on record supporting the continuing destruction of public schools, via vouchers and legislation to ostensibly shield children from “divisive” concepts.
  • he promises that “woke-ism” and any effort to accommodate diversity, equity and inclusion will have absolutely no place in Indiana government.
  • And of course, he staunchly supports the wholesale denial of reproductive rights to Hoosier women.

I need not elaborate on Pastor Micah Beckwith, a theocrat who proudly self-identifies as Christian Nationalist, supports censorship, wants to ban all abortions–no exceptions– and says that the January 6th insurrection was an “act of God.” (He also says God wanted him to win the nomination…). Beckwith opposes the “woke agenda,” and clearly has no interest in–or credentials for– the actual job of Lieutenant Governor.

Until Micah Beckwith won the nomination for Lieutenant Governor, Jim Banks was the scariest, most extreme member of the GOP ticket. I have previously listed the culture war positions that make him unfit for public office. Several times, actually.

  • He wants a national ban on abortion with no exceptions, not even for rape, incest or life of the mother. 
  • He is opposed to even the most modest efforts to control the proliferation of firearms, supporting concealed carry and opposing background checks for private sales.
  • He calls climate change a “liberal hoax,”
  • He has a zero rating from the AFL-CIO. 
  • He opposes any expansion of healthcare coverage, and rejects medical science, supporting legislation that would ban vaccine mandates. He has voted to repeal the ACA, against legislation that would prevent insurers from discriminating on the basis of pre-existing conditions, and against efforts to fund research into the effects of marijuana. 
  • He created the “anti-Woke” caucus in the House of Representatives and introduced legislation to outlaw any remaining affirmative action in college admissions. He’s been dubbed “Focus on the Family’s Man in Washington,” opposes all Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs and is especially noted for his strenuous opposition to gay rights generally, and for truly despicable attacks on trans children.

And then, of course, there’s Todd Rokita, running for re-election as Indiana Attorney General, about whom I have posted numerous times. That would be the same Todd Rokita who placed a White Supremacy “thin blue line” flag in his office window, the same Todd Rokita who obsessively panders to the GOP’s most extreme Right wing and has enthusiastically thrown the weight of his office behind anti-abortion extremists– the same Todd Rokita who was charged by the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission with violating professional conduct rules while conducting an unhinged vendetta against the Indiana University doctor who performed an (entirely legal) abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio.

There is so much more that could be said about these odious, unAmerican candidates. (I’ve previously said a lot of it.) Back when I was a Republican, nominating any of these men would have been unthinkable, but today’s GOP is entirely MAGA–and utterly terrifying.

Fortunately, Hoosiers have excellent alternatives in Jennifer McCormick, Terry Goodin, Valerie McCrae and either of the women running for Attorney General, and I plan to work as hard as I can to help elect them. (One thing I am doing is co-sponsoring a fundraiser for McCormick on the evening of July 30th–if anyone reading this would like to be invited, let me know!)

It’s not just Indiana, of course. If Trump is elected, we not only lose America, we probably usher in WWIII, so moving isn’t an option.

These are perilous times for governance, the Constitution and the rule of law. Not to mention world peace.


  1. I wish the D Candidates knew how to get their names and positions in front of the voters. They are absent from local and national TV. Many voters do not know their names and could not pick them out of a line up. That worries me.

  2. patmcc has stated the problem here in Indiana; one that others of us have pointed out but it falls on deaf ears and the blind-lead-the-blind to the polls with little, if any, information regarding who or what we are voting for.

    Now; let’s address the elephant in this nation and the failure to understand that this is the UNITED States of America and the Republicans are winning because they may not vote for Trump but will vote for all other down-ballot Republicans which will carry the presidential election into Trump’s White Christian Nationalist dictatorship. We are dealing with what President Abraham Lincoln tried to tell us 160 years ago, “A House divided against itself CANNOT stand.” We know the continuing failings of the Indiana Democratic party and make pitiful attempts to get their attention. Let’s look hard at the continuing failings and the coming disastrous results in November in which the Thursday night Presidential “Debate” will be used against democracy, Rule of Law and upholding the Constitution. Pointing out President Biden’s low key responses are votes for Trump.

    The Presidential Debate on Thursday night was a disappointment and historically NOT the first; so, how did the Democrats react to President Biden’s part in the debate…THEY TURNED ON HIM FULL FORCE, INCLUDING FROM THE WHITE HOUSE. I noticed President Joe Biden’s drawn face when he walked on stage, not his usual expressive, easy to read and ready with responses, which were low-key that night. He did, however, respond with answers to the moderator’s questions and openly, but quietly, pointed out Trump’s numerous lies and distortions used to avoid to answering questions. The media results following the debate concentrated on what Joe didn’t do or say rather than what he did do and say. He returned full force on Friday at his NC Rally and confronted the issues in his usual way; the media showed President Biden more than we saw of Trump on Friday. Proving that old adage, “Even bad publicity is good publicity.”

    On Joy Reid’s “Read Out” program Friday night former RNC Chairman Michael Steele had much to say about the failure of the Democratic party’s response and made the most pointed and profound statement I have heard since the “Old Man Joe” attacks began…”THE PARTY NEEDS TO GET OUT OF HIS WAY!” President Joe Biden stated loud and clear at Friday’s Rally in NC that HE CAN WIN THIS ELECTION, but will the Democratic party be a help or a hindrance? The future of America is in their hands. Scares me to have to rely on them here and at the highest levels of government.

    “These are perilous times for governance, the Constitution and the rule of law. Not to mention world peace.”

  3. Again, state-wide offices cannot be gerrymandered. None of these guys needs to have a political career after November. And with enough turnout, who knows- maybe we could reduce the GOP supermajority by a couple of seats.

  4. Professor, please run a column of equal intensity about the Democrats running in Indiana, and soon. I and most of us are well aware of the odious GOP candidates, but need more information about the D’s. That would be really helpful.

  5. “(One thing I am doing is co-sponsoring a fundraiser for McCormick on the evening of July 30th–if anyone reading this would like to be invited, let me know!)”

    Sheila, I don’t think this new website has your contact information.

  6. It is almost become cliche to say “this is the most important election in my lifetime”. It is not so when it comes to the upcoming election – in Indiana – and elsewhere. Christian nationalism is neither “Christian” or in the best interest of our nation. Right wing extremists have infiltrated our government, and they must be denied from gaining further power. For goodness sakes Hoosiers, do your homework, study the candidates and what they stand for, BEFORE you enter the voting booth. We can’t afford to just mindlessly vote “R” and call it good.

  7. Indiana is a sad case, politically. Sadly, they’re not alone. Just about every “red” state has a similar collection of idiots representing the Republican party. Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, Dick Armey and a host of other right-wing, power mad ideologues conspired, at the behest of the Bushes, to create this “can’t lose” structure. History will show that THEY bear the original responsibility for destroying our democracy and the Constitution. They unleashed the hungry lion of greed and lust for power that can never be fed enough – until there is no more.

  8. James Todd; yesterday I mailed another check to Biden Victory Fund, on my to-do list for July 3rd when I receive my Social Security check is to mail another check each to Destiny Wells and Jennifer McCormick. The local names came from Sheila’s recommendations; I knew who to research for information. Sad, we must run across a candidate’s name from someone else then research who they are and what they want to do if elected; sort of like knowing how to spell a word to look up how to spell it in a dictionary.

    In just FIVE DAYS we will celebrate July 4th, America’s Independence Day; in the current chaotic General Election year my question is…do we need to fight another Revolution or should we continue the current Cold Civil War to gain our freedom from White Christian Nationalism?

  9. Vernon, those characters just did their jobs for the oligarchy. Who do you think is panicking after Biden’s poor performance Thursday?

    Top donors (oligarchs) will ask Biden to find a replacement. The excuse by NBC News for his poor performance was “a cold.” He recovered from that cold by Friday morning. LOL

    Don’t you think Biden’s abysmal debate performance crushed the Democrat’s chances in state races?

    The undecided voters who watch the debates will either not vote or vote for Trump in November, which isn’t a good sign for Hoosier Democratic candidates.

    If democracy is really on the ballot (it’s not because we are already an oligarchy), then Biden needs to do the right thing and step aside. His complicity in genocide is already an issue with young people, but his lack of cognitive ability sealed his fate. Many of us knew it, while the mainstream media covered it up. Shame on them! If they would have told the truth, Joe wouldn’t have been on the debate stage. What we saw should have never been allowed to take place. Never!

  10. I’m well aware that the campaigns don’t usually start until Labor Day. That said it would be great if we never had another debate that was run under the same rules as the one on Thursday. I noted yesterday that Biden needs an audience. That should be clear after his appearance in North Carolina.

    After the debate, the question should be “Do we want a guy who has been doing good things for us, or an energetic liar, whose only accomplishment is to line the pockets of the 1% and himself?” IMHO, Jake and Dana failed as journalists when they didn’t call out even the most egregious lies from tfg.

    Ad far as the Indiana Democrats, I have to ask, do they have a ground game? Are they using social media to get their messages out? Those things don’t take a lot of money, but it doesn’t seem like they’re doing even these basic things. I see some great algorithms going to waste.

  11. Posted this to the Houston Chronicle yesterday: I’m just a bit younger than Biden (and Trump). I thought about how I would react over ninety minutes on numerous and varied questions about policy and governance. Would be a challenge to gather thoughts on the fly. Trump, on the other hand, had no problems. He simply ignored any specific questions and raged about his greatness – no coherent thought processes required. However, I would always prefer the man (or woman) capable of sitting at a table with cohorts and experts in their field to determine solutions for the myriad issues surrounding the presidency. Biden, by a thousand miles!

  12. Vernon, let’s not forget Reagan’s “You can have it all” comment. I believe that that set “the hungry lion of greed and lust for power that can never be fed enough – until there is no more,” alas.
    Dennis echos my thoughts about tfg’s debate capability: he is always ready to spout whatever junk comes to his mind.
    Living in the state where “Woke goes to die,” I certainly appreciate the Hoosier Dem frustration with the sick ideologues there.

  13. Theocracy works so well in the Middle East.

    Why not give it a try here?

    Authoritarianism works so well for Russia, China, and North Korea.

    Why not try that here too?

  14. I know this is a bit off topic but I think it needs an answer.
    Does anyone think that it’s time for a third party? White Christian Nationalists need to “come out” under that name, create a new party and see how well they do then. Maybe the traditional GOPers could then go back to being who they were and take the moderates with them. Do away with the Electoral College, majority vote wins presidential election, majority representation in both the House and Senate controls each, etc. Will someone explain why that can/can’t work?

  15. For all those encouraged by Biden’s Friday “performance” in NC, note the following:
    – “Low bar” set by Thursday’s debate
    – On Friday he had two teleprompters

  16. Well Lester, curious why you don’t like teleprompters – the modern day equivalent of 3X5 note cards. Anyone in a position that requires knowledge over a vast array of issues would be foolish to think they can offer cogent responses every time. Especially an older person – like me. (I shudder to think how I would react in such circumstances). I’ll take age and experience anytime over a clueless “one trick pony” like Trump.

  17. Joann again so well said. Ditto to what Dennis said. I’m appalled that the republican party is putting the country through this twilight zone saga with a convicted felon, pathological destructive liar as their candidate. At least their aim at corruption and oppression of most Americans is becoming more evident every day.
    A good indicator for me was when I polled my brothers here in Indiana who are highly critical of all politics, and they know who they are voting against.
    I hope next debate that Biden doesn’t take a knife to a gunfight and goes on the offensive with what he knows.

  18. Kathy M,

    If I were a “downer”, why would I lead a group across the country working every day to replace “career politicians” with leaders who will put “Country over Party”? And, by the way, helped 6 of them win in congressional districts The Duck won in.

    I am an “upper” and will do everything in my power to save our democracy.

  19. Lester — you are a downer on this blog with always something negative to say. I wonder if you lead your group by always putting down what they have to say?

  20. Kathy – With all due respect, we are doing busy “doing” to spend much time “saying”.

  21. Joe could stand there drooling for 3 hours and I would still vote for him over the alternative.

  22. Lester — I give up. You seem incapable of admitting to your negativity in this forum.

  23. Kathy M – Confession time – I am highly skeptical, often cynical and truly a curmudgeon. That help?

  24. As Sheila has stated before, Indiana Democratic candidates need donors’ dollars so they have the ability to get their voices heard! DONATE, DONATE, DONATE! And if your budget doesn’t allow, perhaps you can donate time to help support a candidate of your choice? We have an awesome group of Democratic candidates who chose to step up and be our voices. Let’s support them!

  25. The Democrats should worry about their own ticket. They think everyone should be worrying about checking a climate, gun, and DEI box and that will magically help Hoosiers. You guys make everything worse and your election results prove it. But, keep it up so you can continue to lose. You guys have no idea what you’re talking about and your hatred and attacks against religion is why most find you guys detestable.

  26. Well…Bob has a valid point. An astute observer of this blog will come to an obvious summation. The readership of this blog consists of affluent,old and Caucasian folks.

    And you’re comfortably ensconced within your own enclaves of the same.

    The constant ranting wrt religiosity is telling.

    The Black-American and Latin communities are very religious.Very.

    It seems as if the DNC and its soldiers want to alienate everyone….except white,affluent,old people.

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