The Company Heritage Keeps…

Because I’ve been on the road, heading for a much-needed vacation (and hopefully, a brief hiatus from my daily contemplation of the various–and frankly terrifying– threats to my country and its Constitution), I’m taking the lazy way out this morning, and posting an eye-opening compendium of the contributors to Project 2025. These are the “think tanks” (note quotation marks) and other far-Right organizations that worked with Heritage to produce that document.

You can find the list here.

Some of these names will be chillingly familiar. I found others to be a mystery. Those I recognized, and a few unknown ones I was able to trace, are all members of a category we might dub “scary.” Or unAmerican–at least if one defines unAmerican as  rejection of the underlying philosophy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights (especially but certainly not exclusively the First and Fourteenth Amendments.)

Click through, take a look at the list, and–as the anti-science folks like to say–do your own research.

I’ll be back to my usual hectoring and too-wordy routine tomorrow.


  1. What an amazing collection of euphemisms.

    The scariest part is there are so many organizations that are so philosophically aligned. There is an incredible amount of money represented by all of these slick looking and sounding logos.

  2. Here is a quote from Heather Cox Richardson that explains that alignment.

    Will Bunch wrote: “Here in Milwaukee, the political pundits finally saw the thing they’ve been pleading for—unity—and what that really looks like. It looks a lot like Jonestown,”

  3. Very scary. Reviewing the list there are a handful that I was shocked to see and would have never thought they would be a part of this.

  4. It’s interesting that people are surprised by the number of organizations participating in the project. Remember that this movement has been in the making since days of Papa Koch and Robert Welch. It’s become significantly more sophisticated over the years. As the younger Kochs took over and began their annual gatherings of the super rich, the plot thickened. They set up these foundations with this specific goal in mind: the end of the Democratic Republic.

  5. Professor-since you were a public school teacher of mine (and I thought you were a terrific teacher) I just watched a bit of the organization called “Protect our Kids.” The founder and President, Mark Schneider, shared with us why the Critical Race Theory is teaching our public school children to be Marxist and that public school teachers are telling our children that POTUS Lincoln is a racist. I did google Mark Schneider’s academic background. He has a Mechanical Engineering Degree from Cal Poly and a law degree from Trinity. He must be an expert on education?

  6. Trump is an entertainer and a conman. An experienced conman is fast on his feet with his mouth and tells any current audience whatever makes the marks feel good about the con. Notice that truth is not in that description of the oldest profession.

    For politicians, that description is why they disconnect words spoken to get elected from actions after the vote. In other words, campaigning from policy.

    The most charitable thing that can be said about Trump is that if he is elected, we have no idea what he will do. Actually, he will act entirely faithful to his nature and enrich himself and his family at the country’s expense.

  7. Dennis and Others- you might appreciate at least the Addendum to my latest writing- see: wwwdotGeorgeMarxdotorg. JD Vance- Yale U – Brains Used to keep us Non-Believers in “our place!

  8. You might want to consider a 4 year vacation. Trump’s stamina and resolve last night was amazing. I can’t wait to vote
    for him! He truly loves America.
    You can stop ( but you just can’t) with the lies that he’s a fascit, dictator, Hitler, threat to democracy because just like the LEFT said Joe Biden was in “great shape- cognitively and physically “, we KNOW none of that is TRUE. The left has been exposed – and it is apparent they are in chaos!
    GOD bless America!

  9. Becky,

    Thanks so much for disclosing your delusions about Trump. You personify earlier comments about how con men seduce their marks. You can blame the left all you want, but when Project 2025 takes away what you think are your rights, try not to cry in the mirror as the image laughs at you.

  10. What the list doesn’t show are the corporations and millionaires/billionaires who fund the list – many of whom we all support by buying their products and services.

    Also, did you ever wonder why those who want to destroy our democracy have worked so long and hard and are so united while we can’t even get our act together for one election? WE ARE THE MINORITY – maybe “Their America, love it or leave it?”

  11. Becky: Trump will never last four years if elected since significant signals of dementia in this going on 79er have long since been identified and/or unless the Supreme Court intervenes, his other felony convictions are overturned on their newly found unconstitutional grounds that a president may without prosecution murder his political opponents, so we’ll see how you and your racist friends get along with a practicing Hindu as a First Lady when Trump leaves office, including the racist Franklin Graham, who is not likely to support a non-Christian in (and especially a woman!) is such high esteem, and speaking of left and right, there is no left and right; there is only America as a democracy or as a fascist dictatorship, and it appears you have made your choice. So have I – in WW II.

  12. Lol, Right on Vernon!

    I have to admit, Trump does have a certain amount of stamina, especially when it comes to stiffing contractors, fondling women’s vaginas, numerous adulterous trists during each of his marriages. His first wife actually has a divorce documentation that he reads Adolf Hitler’s books and speeches every night. That’s a fact unless his wife was lying which I’m sure You would say she is. Made lewd comments about his daughter, that he’d lather her up if she wasn’t his daughter. Now, who would actually say that about their daughter? Him and his entire family, have dodged the military, he actually boasted that venereal disease was his Vietnam. The dude can’t even tell the truth about his finances and how much he’s worth, or even how tall he is. He wouldn’t stand up around those secret service folks until he had his shoes on that sport 3-in lifts. He never went to church, and he constantly perjured himself every tax season. And that’s just a couple of the things. And yet, the Looney tunes claim he’s the son of God sitting there hugging Jesus Christ! That is just plain creepy. Christ would have nothing to do with DT. DT is Christ’s antithesis. When your social programs as Vernon alluded to, disappear because DT agreed with his donors, it won’t be so humorous. Why anyone would promote your line of thinking, is truly mind-boggling. But, there’s always someone that follows the Looney tunes.

  13. Becky: First of all, it is spelled “fascist”. (As in “the GOP is full of fascists”. I also notice that you HAVE adopted your Dear Leader’s USE of CAPITAL letters used WITH no rhyme or REASON.)
    The giant TRUMP Vegas-style sign that was lit-up on stage says it all: he is nothing more than a con-man with gaudy taste and no love for anyone else but HIMSELF (see? that is correct usage of word in all caps). To see his acolytes lap up his bullshit makes me sad. To see his plans for our country make me terrified.

  14. Becky, I can understand why you would want to boast, seeing that the D’s have fallen face first in the “most important election of our time.” While your victory may occur in November, remember that the billionaires and corporations funding P2025 do not care about your interests or you. They only care about money and lowering their taxes—less government means more money for them, and if that means taking away your SSI or Medicare, so be it. They’ve funded their retirement.

    Lester, this country has always been owned by the oligarchy. Although they lost a few significant battles, they have won the war since Day 1. We, the people, thought we had won our independence, but ownership swapped from a theistic monarchy to a secular oligarchy. They haven’t allowed us to obtain the “we, the people, are all created equal.” When Americans understand this is a class war, we might look for the Left to take on a different role. Still, now it’s just a representation of Wall Street using identity politics and culture wars to engage voters. We’ve gotten nowhere, and once the R’s win in November, they’ll wipe out all the superficial wins the D’s have achieved.

    Money talks, bullshit walks. The same donors are funding all these nonprofits behind P2025. I peeked behind a few of them, and they all overlap. Robert Mercer, Charles Koch, Bradley, Scaife, Olin, Castle Rock, Carthage, JM foundations, and ExxonMobil. Amazingly, climate change doesn’t exist, so expect major damage with those policies, which have already trailed behind our competitors like China.

  15. the money, cant produce these orgs without educated people and money. donations, yea, but the start up is somebodys dream. then the factual ideals they want. money. power, to run this nation as they see fit without regard to the founding and its constituion. people left england to get away from this kind of threat and try and do better,without king and country. the puritans were set back without a religious state to become just citizens here. but managed to become a powerhouse in megareligion. the monied class handed down some now are taking this side to further some sort of need to maintain a hierarchy. weve been kicked to the curb as the working class and ignorantly given what could have been a living wage to people who seem destin in someway again to maintain slavery to their needs. this nation produces a vast amount of GDP AND PROFITS. wall streets hitting 40K is the sign. its obvious all here who struggle with maintaining a retirment, or savings have a hard time. were not conservitives,weve been regulated to it. main street anywhere has been folded,spindled and mutilatted by the hoarded wealth of the few. money not flowing in the economy. this was a trickle down economy.40 years and the rich have all the toys,power and political lies to thawart the ignorant,thise orgs speak volumes. i tried like hell to listen to any 5 seconds of the RNC stuff. i spent the other 5 minutes gagging. yesterday i still found 5 more trumpers who havent heard of project 2025. all working class,one fool with a trump and American flag proudly spotted in his pickup,waving to all going down the road, young and his ideals, i had to ask him,,kill em all. thats kill us folks. word for word. masse media can claim this insurrection,all of the cons who are blaring the RNC over commercials, not one,fact checked shit. none. mike johnson couldnt speak because his teleprompter went off. after criticizing Biden for his inablity to continue when his went out during an interview. if Joe takes the hike, we hope its formible who is picked, and hopefully not one of the billionare ass li,,,,,The DNC better have their shit together, after slaming Bernie for Biden in 2016 and then hilery fall off the cliff and complain. were fucked. better get those old guns out and a few rounds, ya may need some self defence.

  16. great ammo here Sheila,bloggers,hope alls well on your day off. my new bumper stickers will be ready soon.

  17. Becky child, may i suggest some deep in the con game book.
    The rise and fall of the third reich
    Wm Shirer

    you may find somewhat the same track record here with the republicans and trump.. watch what you wish for

  18. So this is the framework of the oligarchy. Unelected corporate stooges acting like a legislature, enacting the rules for the rest of us. Those pulling their strings, just like now, creating a society in which they build their wealth and power on the backs of everyone else. And these non-profit think tanks, like the churches, using their tax free status to dismember the very government that has allowed them to get to the place of status they hold now! Madness!

  19. Take a close look at J D Vance. He is far more dangerous to this nation than Trump in the long run. He has deceived the deceiver. Trump has not earned his position. He was a rich kid with an endless supply of crooked accountants and lawyers . Contrast that with Vance who rose by hard work, self discipline and applied intelligence, from a tragic childhood to a superb relationship with the donor class. Who do you think will be most successful in funneling America’s resources into the bank accounts of the bloated super rich. The many resources in federal lands will be lost to the national citizenry forever. No Indian reservation will be overlooked. Water, that increasingly precious resource , will be open to be polluted for the benefit of a few.

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