Almost everything I’ve read in the wake of the election has fallen into one of two categories: why did it happen? and what can we do? Articles in that first category vastly exceed those in the second, and that is unfortunate. Although it is always important to analyze the source of a problem, too many of the purported analyses have been smug, finger-pointing accusations by self-important know-it-alls–hardly helpful suggestions for action.
Also, many of us want an answer to the question: what can I do? I’m one of those people: tell me I can only solve problem X by climbing that mountain, and I’ll strap on my boots and start climbing. Tell me there’s really nothing I can do about problem X and I just feel helpless and depressed.
A newsletter from Democracy Docket (no link) recently summarized how we got here, and did so in an abbreviated (but reasonably accurate) few paragraphs:
The moral bankruptcy of the Republican Party did not happen overnight. It happened gradually — starting with Newt Gingrich’s attack on the government in the early 1990s. It continued with the Tea Party movement, the birther conspiracy and the nomination of Donald Trump in 2016.
It gained momentum when Trump won the 2016 election despite losing the popular vote. Once in office, it grew worse when his attacks on democratic institutions were met with acquiescence by most of his party.
The mistake many of us made was believing that the aftermath of the 2020 election marked an end to the GOP’s descent into moral collapse. We were wrong. Jan. 6 marked a further descent into the moral abyss.
By 2024, the few principled Republicans had already abandoned their party for the “Never Trump” movement. What was left were Trump dead-enders and those without any core principles at all. A party once built on the promise of Lincoln had become the morally bankrupt party of Trump.
So here we are. We have one party that has become, for all intents and purposes, a cult. It has turned its back on the project of governing in favor of a hysterical retreat into a past that never existed and an agenda of resentment and “othering.” That has left the remaining party the unenviable task of herding cats–representing voters who range from center-Right but too sane to stay in the GOP all the way to Bernie Sanders and AOC and even further Left.
So that’s where we are. That rather obviously leaves us with the second question: what can we do? Are there promising steps that individuals can take that are likely to make a difference, or are our problems so massive that all we can do is marinate in our distress?
I’ve arrived at an answer that may or may not be correct, but works for me. (I encourage you all to rebut my suggestions and to offer better or additional ones).
As I indicated in a couple of recent posts, I think those of us who recognize that we are individually powerless to affect the dysfunctions and outrages of a national government headed by Trump have to turn to activism at the local level. Even rural occupants of Blue states can work through local government to protect citizens from the Trump assaults; in Red states, cities of over 500,000 are uniformly Blue, and activism is possible at the municipal level. (Rural folks in states like Indiana can at least join statewide organizations working to protect civil liberties or immigrants’ rights or the environment.)
In my case, given my interests and background, I will volunteer with local lawyers’ groups–certainly the ACLU, but perhaps others as well– to determine the measures that are available in our federalist system, and work to use whatever tools we identify, including but not limited to lawsuits. While we no longer have a Supreme Court that we can rely upon to enforce the Constitution, there are numerous good judges at the local and appellate levels, and justice is famously slow. By the time any appeals reach the Supreme Court, we may be emerging from much of the current darkness.
Others of you might work with local groups focused on immigrant rights, or on health, reproductive or environmental issues.
Most importantly, local activists need to work with educators and with recently established local media outlets, to educate and inform the voting population. If there was any systemic failure that led to our current disaster, it was widespread civic ignorance and misinformation. Citizens need to understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and they need to recognize the ways in which MAGA Republicanism rejects that foundational framework.
We have work to do.
Professor-you read my mind. We have a huge job to do and we need to do it now. Thank you for your thoughts. We need more very good thoughts.
I have repeatedly stated and will state again that the Democratic party’s inability to understand that being strongly united is how the Republicans beat them down. Their inability to accept differences within the party must be worked out within the party to maintain strength and unity of the entire party. President Abraham Lincoln’s statement “A House divided within itself cannot stand.” was a message broader in scope than the House of Representatives; look at the current Democratic Senate majority being run by the strongly united Republican minority with Mitch McConnell’s continuing control after stepping down. President Joe Biden doesn’t appear to have much control these days. Democratic President Barack Obama’s book “The Audacity of Hope” carried the same message as Republican President Abraham Lincoln; that both parties would/could come to the table to find solutions to our problems.
Republican voters are even breaking apart within their own families and ending friendships to strengthen their party unity and will always go the the polls and vote Republican down ballot no matter whose name is on the list.
Every political E-mail and survey I receive, and they are countless, are asking for money; expecting voters to remain united in our financial support when we have no idea what the future holds for any of us; Democrat, Republican, Independent or those who aren’t interested in who wins and who loses. I’m faced with an uncertain health and financial future within my family and personally; I no longer have money to send to keep them afloat after this past 2 years or so of infighting and the sudden removal of President Biden as the party nominee. I no longer count on their support; dealing with my personal health situation I got out my 2025 Medicare and IU Health Plan books of changes for information. Will they continue to be valid after noon on January 20, 2025? Will any of our civil rights or protective laws continue to be in effect?
To borrow a line from the mother of the young boy in the movie “The Sixth Sense”; “I am tired in my mind, I am tired in my body and I am tired in my heart.” Continuing to stay united and loyal to Democrats hasn’t done much good for any of us these past few years as The Former Guy continued and continues to run the entire Republican party from his private citizen, convicted felon place in this country where I have always felt safe and protected until now.
I was walking in the woods with a friend yesterday. He is very active in his church group, serving in various capacities on boards and organizing groups. He mentioned that in those groups he is doing a “skills and talent inventory”, which I find intriguing. This is such a good idea because it would allow people to focus on the area that interests them the most, and where they can concentrate their efforts the most efficiently, as opposed to reacting to each new outrage, which leads to burnout and discouragement. And that is the goal of the constant mayhem, to wear us out. The advice to find a group of like-minded people is sound and will be useful in the long run. And this is going to be a long run indeed.
Sheila – several of your recent writings have helped me a lot. Anyone interested can see my “answer” – written yesterday at GeorgeMarxdotOrg. We are in this together. I’m on my exercise bike before 5 am- outside our home in California
I will get myself back to garden and teach others their connection with our great mother.
Before the nation can return to its sanity, we have to hit bottom. I predict that we will hit that bottom by late next year. When the fact/reality deniers finally realize that the monster they helped create is going to screw them worse than they already are, and after they’re done blaming the media and Democrats for their woes, they’ll come around and re-embrace the Constitution, the rule of law and principles of fairness. Or not.
This hopeful process will not occur overnight, but the momentum for that intellectual and psychological overhaul must be continued from day #1 until we snap out of the Gingrich/Atwater/Rove mind set. Maybe a real political party will emerge to replace the cult of Trumpism. Maybe.
Yeah. We wrote about Pollyanna last week … If Polly fails this time, we will fail as a society, WW III may destroy some of our cities and people and we will become the richest banana republic in the world.
Here’s a contrarian perspective. Do nothing for now.
It seems like denial, but it comes from the perspective of many caregivers helping with addiction recovery. Recovery starts growing from failure. The balance is to try to prevent permanent consequences. Temporary failures may motivate the recovery process to come.
Life teaches that failure is to be expected from risky behavior. Still, success comes from accepting that vulnerability, and (sometimes) failing fertilizes the seeds of learning.
Our liberal democratic Constitution suffers from populism, which doesn’t have to be terminal. We know recovery will be needed in the long term. We can focus on the recovery process soon enough, but it seems wise to wait until we have actual failures to recover from rather than imagined ones.
It fascinates me that Democrats aren’t able to conduct an autopsy on any election they lose. I suspect it is due to the fact that Democrats don’t understand why they win when they do win.
It seems to me the MAGA is only interested in winning elections at any cost to the country.
Democrats focus first on truth, second on governance, and third on politics, which is the engine of power.
That seems about right to me.
This election became a sprint to the finish as Kamala’s campaign was 7% of the time that Trump spent.
As good a governance job as Biden performed, his legacy will go down the same as his career, which was in face-to-face politicing.
If, in the greatest sense, “Federalism” rules – that means that even in Red states, counties, cities or towns have the “right” to do what they need. Perhaps, we should all work locally on “good trouble”, be it protecting immigrants, helping the poor, improving education, etc..
One thing anyone can do is get the telephone number, address and email for each of his/her representatives – local, county, state and federal – and begin calling and writing at every suggestion, action, or enactment of anything supportive of the undermining of our constitutional system.
WADR – there is massive research to suggest that such contacts are generally ignored. Sorry…..
Sheila mentioned the DP and their leaning toward the center-right to gather supporters. That should be a clue of what’s wrong. The DP should never have been that far to the right in 2024. However, Bill Clinton took it there when he destroyed this country’s manufacturing base. He became a Third Way Democrat, which means he sold out to Wall Street. Their only foray into the left is social issues, which aren’t going to secure many victories. They are looking for a new party leader, so we shall see their direction. If the DP continues looking to Hillary and Barack for leadership, the party will fail the people.
Several commenters today have mentioned addiction recovery as an analogy to what is occurring nationally. I would tend to agree with that analysis. However, in this case, the addict (DP) still thinks it can control their drug of choice. They haven’t accepted the problem because there are no negative consequences. Losing elections doesn’t phase the DP because the oligarchy controls them (their enabler).
Do you know what happens to most addicts who have an enabler in their life? Jails, mental institutions, or death. Usually, the latter.
I’m just now seeing folks from both parties on social media questioning Project 2025. It’s a little late to question Trump’s game plan. That tells me the media failed to communicate, or the people weren’t paying attention—probably a little of both.
Trump’s pick for Director of our budgetary process is Russ Vought, a self-declared christian nationalist. I would subscribe to the OMB page and keep informed since I doubt the press will bother. Russ is the man behind Project 2025, and I don’t hear much from the Biden/Harris administration or the press about the upcoming financial plans.
Just a note of reference: the oligarchy funding the DP will benefit from Trump’s proposed policies, so where is their motivation for changing direction?
Sorry, here is Russ’s Wikipedia page:
daleb, I agree with you! Even though individual contacts may be ignored, if enough of us do it every day, it can make an impact, particularly with elected officials from swingy states or districts. Every representative and one third of senators will face re-election in 2026. It takes only a few minutes each day to shoot off a message to an official. Then copy and paste it in the following days and send it to other officials. Then draft another message about another issue and repeat. If a million people do this, that will be 365 million messages hitting officials each year. Of course, do all the other suggested activities, but I urge everyone to add this to your actions.
Pete, I like the idea of waiting, but if we wait without any action it might very well be too late. If you can find an organization to support, volunteer. If there’s a march in protest of an issue you feel strongly about, march.
We need to be better at getting the message of just how dysfunctional government is when the people in charge are trying to dismantle the whole thing, out to ALL of the people.
Credit where credit is due should be a top priority for the Democrats in the next four years. We’ve already seen Republican Congressmen and Senators taking credit for projects that they voted against when it’s ribbon cutting time in their districts. I would recommend that the DNC hire Pete Buttigieg to plan and direct that effort.
Reinforcing a couple prior comments about engaging with our representatives … they are supposed to represent us, but more importantly they took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.
Rub their noses in the times Trump and his minions have betrayed the Constitution in word and deed, and every time they do so going forward. As he betrays his oath, so do they in not opposing him.
Call their offices, write them, go to Town Halls, write letters to your local paper pointing out their hypocrisy and betrayal. Be politely bit firmly noisy and persistent. Encourage others to do the same. Make your voice heard.
My rep in the House (Spartz), her chief of staff, and her team know who I am. It’s not hard to be heard and known.
Waiting to see if they implode?
Accessing our failures. not defending them.?
Balance is needed. No answers,
Have to process the reality of how WE got here.
As J KERRY said (in America we have the right to be stupid.)
Fortunately, I live in a place where almost all of my local and state reps are Dems, with the exceptions of Governor and Lt. Governor, in a solidly blue county. As always, even in those places there are bad actors who seek power for its own sake. Recent sexual harassment scandals in the city and state house involving individuals who have not faced the kind of repudiation those accusations warrant make me sad and angry. It seems we cannot trust the system to hold them to account when too many men and even some women are all too willing to give the accused the benefit of the doubt. Allowing those people to hold positions in leadership discloses how very corrupt the power structure is. Remove them from leadership until the evidence is clear. Innocent until proven guilty does not mean that we should just ignore the charges.
As to what I as an individual can do. At my age and ability, choosing activism may be out of the question both financially and physically. I, too, am facing a medical issue with risky options, especially if my SS and Medicare are reduced or curtailed. Private insurance companies are already anticipating profound change and will act in their own interests before their customers’ needs. There are more than a few recent examples of that ethic to prove the point.
If RFK Jr is approved, the health of every person in the country is at risk. Doing away with the FDA, USDA, CDC and other health agencies along with the rejection of such things as fluoridated water and vaccines needed to meet the ever changing viral diseases will almost surely make childhood illnesses killers once again. Vulnerable adults will die. Maybe that is the end plan, to kill off as many of the weakest without having to resort to work camps, gas chambers or death squads.
In the meantime, the world will look to other partners for alliance and protection, leaving us to stew in our own juice.
I had hope of living a quiet and contented end to my life. Not happening. I will remain invisible and resistant in any way I can, limited though that may be.
It is all I can do.
Mx Gesson is today’s Washington Post : “I think people are likely to look away, retreat into their private lives and in general mobilize much less than during Trump’s first term. This is actually the classic definition of authoritarianism (as distinct from totalitarianism): The people go home and the authoritarian does what he does, with little scrutiny.”
Todd, I find it funny (not really funny at all, but here we are) that you and others are very critical of the DP for leaning center right. I happen to agree that the DP has moved quite far right in recent years. What I find funny about this is how many pundits have both criticized and attributed the loss of the election to the DP’s being too far left, including Gary Kasparov, whom I heard interviewed by Preet Bharara on his podcast Stay Tuned. While I do think it’s true that the DP has moved right, it has also managed to stay, however imperfectly, a big tent party and that makes it difficult for it to act and message with the single-mindedness of the Republican Party which has only one goal, to achieve and stay in power, by whatever means possible.
I am in favor of going in Pete’s direction. Especially as i am in Florididia, I expect to gain nothing from contacting my pitiful representatives in either chamber of congress. I do sign petitions, but expect nothing useful coming from that.
Vernon, WWIII may directly hurt some cities, as you say, but the “fallout” as it were, will hurt most everybody. During his first term in office, Trump was quoted as saying that “If we have these nuclear weapons, why not use them?”
The fantasy of a military coup against his gov’t, right here in “River City” keeps recurring to me. The W.H. and Mar-a-Lago were the equivalent of the pool hall in “The Music Man,” and will, I expect, be that way again.
76 million votes is NOT a “cult”.
It’s a revolution 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I predict that when “The Base” starts feeling the effects of “The Austerity Program” Ramaswamy and Musk have planned for the nation, they will be none too happy. And their the ones with the guns. The same crowd that showed up at the Capital in 2021 might just show up at the White House (I agree with Vernon’s timeline, late next year) with guns locked and loaded. I like Pete’s analogy — hitting bottom for this group will be very unpleasant.
I plan to do very little until I see what dire events might require my personal attention after January 20. I live in a VERY red state (SC) and there’s absolutely NO point in contacting my MAGA congressman or Tim Scott or Aunt Lindsey. These guys have showed me where their heads are at. A million calls won’t change a MAGA mind. I’m saving my energy for things like maybe hiding a Hispanic family in my upstairs or maybe moving my daughter and grandkids in with me if prices skyrocket due to tariffs and insurance. I could be left hanging is Social Security and Medicare go away.
To quote Bette Davis “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”
Sorry — wrong use of the word “their” — should have been “they’re”. My bad!
While I would love to stand back and watch the cult crash and burn, we don’t have the luxury of time to nurse certain aspects of our society back to health after they’ve had their way with it. We’ll need to choose and prioritize our fights.
First, protect and defend the Constitution.
Second, since money is so important to the cult, go ahead and let Tump & Co. slap tariffs on all imported goods. Let them crash the economy. That is likely the only way to get through to the cult. It will be like ripping off a band aid, but it will take less time to recover from a recession than it would to restore the personal rights that they are targeting.
Third, prioritize preserving individual rights and the social safety net.
Fourth, move to protect and improve the public school system. Sink the school voucher programs.
It’s late, so I don’t have time to flesh this out any further, but you get the idea.
First, we do an even better job of civic engagement and education. It’s tough, un-sexy work. But failure to do so will only end poorly for all of us.
Second: we encourage our sane Republican friends to take their party back. That’s pretty daunting too. But as SSK knows, there are sane Republicans and they need our encouragement. Those folks are all around us and they feel pretty isolated now too.
Third: we have to encourage young people with our own activism and optimism. I know it’s tough but every election that we don’t do this further cements an expanding apathetic voter base.
All politics is local. However tough it may be in rural IN, those folks have to be encouraged. To attend public meetings. Stay informed about local politics. Make sure the incumbents know they cannot operate under a cover of darkness.
Slow, deliberate and solid actions. With faith in the system.