Okay, a recovering lawyer…but still.
One of the worst aspects of this traitorous and criminal administration has been its willingness to spit in the eye of those who believe in and support the rule of law. After a period of stunned silence, lawyers who have retained their integrity have begun to respond.
Above the Law has reported on a lawsuit that–as it says–“Drags the Trump Administratiion to Hell.” I am going to quote liberally from the complaint filed by Williams Connolly on behalf of another law firm–Perkins Coie–because I cannot improve on its language. Trump had issued one of his insane “Executive Orders,” purportedly stripping Perkins Coie lawyers of security clearances, and terminating government contracts with the firm.
From the Complaint:
The Order is an affront to the Constitution and our adversarial system of justice. Its plain purpose is to bully those who advocate points of view that the President perceives as adverse to the views of his Administration, whether those views are presented on behalf of paying or pro bono clients. Perkins Coie brings this case reluctantly. The firm is comprised of lawyers who advocate for clients; its attorneys and employees are not activists or partisans. But Perkins Coie’s ability to represent the interests of its clients—and its ability to operate as a legal-services business at all—are under direct and imminent threat. Perkins Coie cannot allow its clients to be bullied. The firm is committed to a resolute defense of the rule of law, without regard to party or ideology, and therefore brings this lawsuit to declare the Order unlawful and to enjoin its implementation.
The document notes that the Order’s “peculiar title” demonstrates that its purpose isn’t executive. “Rather, the Order reflects a purpose that is judicial—to adjudicate whether a handful of lawyers at Perkins Coie LLP engaged in misconduct in the course of litigation and then to punish them.” The purpose is, rather clearly, to deter law firms from representing clients antagonistic to Trump.
Above the Law judges the following lengthy paragraph to be the hardest-hitting:
Because the Order in effect adjudicates and punishes alleged misconduct by Perkins Coie, it is an unconstitutional violation of the separation of powers. Because it does so without notice and an opportunity to be heard, and because it punishes the entire firm for the purported misconduct of a handful of lawyers who are not employees of the firm, it is an unconstitutional violation of procedural due process and of the substantive due process right to practice one’s professional livelihood. Because the Order singles out Perkins Coie, it denies the firm the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment. Because the Order punishes the firm for the clients with which it has been associated and the legal positions it has taken on matters of election law, the Order constitutes retaliatory viewpoint discrimination and, therefore, violates the First Amendment rights of free expression and association, and the right to petition the government for redress. Because the Order compels disclosure of confidential information revealing the firm’s relationships with its clients, it violates the First Amendment. Because the Order retaliates against Perkins Coie for its diversity-related speech, it violates the First Amendment. Because the Order is vague in proscribing what is prohibited “diversity, equity and inclusion,” it violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Because the Order works to brand Perkins Coie as persona non grata and bar it from federal buildings, deny it the ability to communicate with federal employees, and terminate the government contracts of its clients, the Order violates the right to counsel afforded by the Fifth and Sixth Amendment.
It isn’t just the lawyers.
While the legal profession takes to the courts, other Americans possessing specialized expertise are using that expertise on behalf of the resistance. Heather Cox Richardson recently reported on three recent outages of X, spanning more than six hours. She cited the former head of the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Center, who said that the outages appear to have been an attack called a “distributed denial of service,” attack– “an old technique in which hackers flood a server to prevent authentic users from reaching a website.” He added that he couldn’t “think of a company of the size and standing internationally of X that’s fallen over to a DDoS attack for a very long time,” adding that the outage “doesn’t reflect well on their cyber security.” (Musk, of course, blamed hackers in Ukraine for the outages, an accusation Martin called “pretty much garbage.”)
I think the resistance is just getting started…
The attorneys who craft these illegal complaints, orders, etc. Need to be disbarred.
“By Any Means Necessary”
Now you know why Elon wanted to set up his own fifthom on Mars! That way he can execute anyone who gives him a glare. He’s so conceited, if someone asked him to write a sample Constitution, he would absolutely do it. And either that would be an accusatory document or a revealing document. I’m sure of someone asked him to do just that, he would gladly oblige. Is narcissistic view of himself in that mirror darkly would compel him to, as they say in first grade, tell on himself!
To the other issues about executive orders, I would venture to say that if they are derogatory or retaliatory in nature, they would be considered inappropriate and therefore illegal. Of course I don’t possess the knowledge of a lawyer, but I would say it follows the arc of the law.
Let me ask you this question, is this actually worse or better than what you envisioned it would be? And if it’s worse, what were you thinking was going to happen? And this is an open question not pointing towards anyone or thing in particular, it would be a good poll question!
Anyone possessing the strong ability to use a well cultivated gift of discernment, would know the answer to that question! And I think there in lies the problem.
Discernment is the result of a strong conscience. Discernment not only takes knowledge and wisdom to function properly, it also takes “Moral Efficacy.” You can’t wallow in “Moral Turpitude” and expect a positive, as in “Moral Efficacy!”
Just take a look at the word Satan, what does that mean? It means a “Resister” but not just resisting anything, but resisting righteousness, resisting a well cultivated conscience. Resisting Efficacy in any form or fashion.
And if you get a chance to look at Constitution or Constitutional efficacy as in the American Constitution, well, now you’ve got some ammunition.
Violation of due process, wrongful or malicious prosecution, unconstitutional laws by vote or edict, infringement on freedom of speech, and in a warped way, moral turpitude or just Turpitude in general, turns the tables on Efficacy and actually uses it against itself. Because the conscience has been scarred or scabbed over, it can’t use the powers of Discernment to warn of potential disaster or Turpitude. And, that genie is almost impossible to put back into the bottle! We can resist, but, is it appropriate resistance? Is efficacy a balancing against turpitude? Obviously without discernment, no one really focused in on the direction this country was headed. You could sum it up, does good trouble balance out bad trouble? It’s a self-reflection, what do any of us consider Good, or Bad Trouble?
What do any of us consider Efficacy or Turpitude? What do any of us consider Discerning or unperceptive? Alternate reality really blurs the reasoning abilities of the conscience. You can’t live in a fantasy and expect grounded conduct. It’s best to make sure your own house is clean before you start to even approach someone else’s. To stop Turpitude, one has to have an appropriate view of it. And, therein lies the rub.
We are not just flying over a cuckoo’s nest, we are in it along with the chicks.
Clearly, the rule of law has never been a stumbling block for the Trump organizations or the orange idiot himself. Who was that family comptroller who actually did time in Riker’s for him? Didn’t Michael Cohen expose the corrupt and self-serving law breakers in Trump tower? Fred Trump just passed the illegal keys to his fetid kingdom down to his weak-minded son … and here we are.
Trump is depending on judgements against him being not enforceable. Remember how judge Marchand fiddled and abdicated his responsibility to allow a 34 count convicted felon walk without ANY punishment? And, of course, there is the perfect example of compromised jurisprudence in the person of Aileen Cannon whose husband worked for the Trump organization. You can’t make this stuff up.
So, lawsuits are great and the earned negative publicity they garner affects the orange troll and what’s left of his credibility. BUT … so what? If the laws aren’t enforced, it won’t matter. Trump has NEVER been held accountable as an individual for all the crimes he’s committed and IS committing.
What do we do about that?
One of the many things that I have come to know and appreciate over the past couple of decades is that lawyers everywhere are a key component in the supply chain of justice. They initiate suspected cases of injustice through rigorously specified documents for courts to compare to the written laws of several jurisdictions and adjudicate issues.
While I’m sure that it has never been compared to writing single-board computer software before (a current hobby of mine), there is an analogy in the preciseness of abstract symbols required to move towards the ultimate goal of achieving an asymptotic approach to perfection.
There is also a comparison between the speed of the legal process and the speed of an 82-year-old brain engaging in thinking and plodding, as Mom used to say, slower than molasses in January.
One reason that MTV (Muskrat, Trump, Vance + Johnson + Roberts + Putin) is using a blitzkrieg approach to disassemble 250 years of progress in the formerly united States of part of North America is that they have to stay ahead of lawyers and the DOJ.
However, as MLK said, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Hey Vern,
Maybe all of the convicted Felons should ask for their convictions to be vacated? They could flood the courts with these requests and cases, and keep the focus on the criminality of a Federal guilty verdict, or lack thereof! And, force the court systems to give reasons why.
We know last year they wanted that “no Kings act!” My question is, there’s already baked in regulations to prevent kingship. But also, the ability to act as a king concerning national emergencies or in times of war. If an elected official decides to ignore the guardrails, there’s not much it can be done without rewriting the Constitution, and with all three branches under control of one party, that presents a clear and present danger of overreach. As we can see!
The hypocrisy of the entire situation is astounding. I recall the GOP complaining about supreme Court activists. And if you pay attention, not you in particular Vernon, but in general, they always tell on themselves, because they will roial against any and all shenanigans that they have themselves planned. Just like a kid, they will tell on themselves, always!
Thanks for this. I just sent it to all my demoralized friends!
Trump isn’t the only one who never experiences consequences for their poor decision making, but he is the center of attention right now. Trump likes to say that his tariffs are just business, not politics. Elon Musk may feel different if China cuts him off with their rare earth minerals. They not only control the vast majority, they also control the processing of those minerals. Elon desperately needs access and has a Tesla plant in China that could experience difficulties.
I may have to use AI to decipher what John typed this morning—something about Satan resisting. 😉
I read more of the law firm’s complaint to determine its backstory. The law firm was linked to the Democratic Party through Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the election “stealing” case in 2020. Trump is resentful, and instead of recognizing his part in the feud, he targets the other side. How un-woke is he that he still claims the 2020 election was rigged. If it was rigged in 2020, does that mean it was in his favor in 2024? Or, is it only rigged when he loses? Will he rig the 2028 election?
I’ve pointed out that Wikipedia has an entire page dedicated to Trump’s legal encounters. He’s been consistent in violating the law throughout his life. As Vern noticed, he is rarely held accountable. What’s odd is that Epstein wasn’t held accountable either. Do you know who else hasn’t been held responsible for their crimes? Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Is it just a coincidence that all these “above the law” people ran in the same crowd? So, who is protesting these folks, and how did these judges get in positions where they could manipulate legal findings?
Even our SCOTUS jurists seem to be above the laws they are supposed to uphold.
Who is powerful enough to manipulate law and order in this country?
I know, lots of questions this morning…
Orange Jesus might just be worse off mentally than Biden. When he started talking about tariffs on Canada and Mexico, he complained about the trade deal we have with our neighbors to the north and south. He said it was the worst ever. He should know. After all he was the negotiator. Is it the “Art of the Deal” or is it proof positive of mental decline?
The purpose of an Executive Order is to direct the Executive branch of government in its duties and its contracts, not to interfere with the duties of the Legislative or Judicial branches. Does anyone else remember the hue and cry that went up from Congressional Republicans when Obama signed the order to protect the Dreamers? The order essentially told ICE not to deport or take action to punish young people who were brought here by their parents. Now those same Republicans sit back and watch as the dear leader emasculates them.
Trump does what Trump does, with no regard for anyone, or anything else.
The news, yesterday, showed a reporter questioning him about “inconsistencies” ion his tariff policy. He claimed that there are no inconsistencies, and that he has the right to change his “mind.” Therein, of course, is the birth of the inconsistencies, but he’s too stupid to see that.
Aileen Cannon’s husband worked for Trump? Gee, what a surprise.
Each reader needs to send a postcard on March 15:
donald trump, president (for now)
1600Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Send a nonthreatening message such as “You’re Toast!”
March 15. Let’s do it
Yeah, let’s ALL write, ‘YOU are TOAST” to the POTUS. Maybe then, he will . . . . but, let us NOT count on it.
This Complaint filed against Trump’s Order is indeed well written. The words are plain, simple and convey ideals this country once embraced. If they find their way to a justice or justices who still embrace those ideals perhaps Trump will finally face the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile, I will not hold my breath.
When the dust does settle, the people of this country are going to have to face their own judgement for their lack of moral political action over the years that allowed such a horror of a human being to attain the office of the presidency.
Stalin has been reincarnated and is living in Mar a Lago. Trump doesn’t live at the White House so send your postcards to Florida. The postcards need to be send by the hundreds to Young and Banks and other senators who are not speaking up. Post card writing party anyone? Add Mike Johnson.
For those scoring at home, the judge assigned to this lawsuit granted Perkins Coie a restraining order yesterday preventing Trump from harming the law firm. As she correctly noted, the executive order made cold chills run down her spine.
I am very glad to see forceful pushback on this. I hope it is effective.