Wednesday night I attended an “Empty Chair” Town Hall, and I was absolutely blown away–in a very good way–by the event.
I was one of three people who “kicked off” participant testimonies with brief descriptions of what we are currently facing. My assignment was to explain why DOGE and the majority of Trump’s Executive Orders are unconstitutional; the other two addressed assaults on Medicaid and Women’s rights.
Here’s what I said:
Under the Constitution, Congress has exclusive power to raise revenue and “pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.” The Appropriations Clause states that “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” DOGE has never been authorized as a government unit of any kind, and it is exercising financial decision-making that the Constitution vests exclusively in Congress.
Accordingly, every decision DOGE has made and is making is illegal and unconstitutional until and unless ratified—or more properly, authorized in advance– by Congress.
Most of Trump’s increasingly incoherent, petty and autocratic Executive Orders are similarly unconstitutional. Most of them violate the Separation of Powers—a structural element fundamental to America’s constitutional system. The most blatant example was his effort to use an Executive Order to overturn birthright citizenship, which was established by the 14th Amendment. A president cannot amend the Constitution via Executive Order.
An Executive Order is defined as a written directive signed by the president, that orders agencies of the federal government to take specific actions in pursuance of the Executive’s duty to ensure that the laws of the nation “be faithfully executed.” To the extent that such orders apply to matters not properly within the Executive’s authority, they are legally unenforceable.
Trump’s disdain for the Constitutional limits on his authority have plunged the nation into a full-blown Constitutional crisis.
Following those first, very brief presentations, some sixty people (out of the nearly 600 in attendance) lined up to address that empty chair. They were a cross-section of ordinary Americans (not a “coastal elitist” to be seen)– working class folks, a mixture of young and old people, retired folks– and they were amazing.
Don’t take my word for it: here is a link to the recorded livestream.
The citizens who turned out on a week-night (and presumably those watching via the livestream) wanted Todd Young to know that they are angry at his lack of a backbone, and his failure to live up to the oath of office that he took both as a Marine and as a Senator. They wanted him to understand how this rogue administration’s attacks on government are harming Hoosiers–the shutdowns of mental health services, the refusals to pay funds legally due to local nonprofits, the disregard of Free Speech and due process guarantees, and especially the persistent, vicious assaults on America’s diversity.
The people addressing that empty chair were passionate, but more significantly, their charges of malfeasance were accurate. They’d done their homework. The people who attended that Town Hall were the epitome of the “informed electorate” that sustains democratic regimes. When I left, I felt more positive than I have since the election.
The Town Hall’s organization by the Central Indiana Indivisible Chapter was flawless–there were volunteers directing traffic (which significantly overflowed the church’s large parking lot); and others inside directing attendees, managing microphones and herding the people waiting to testify. The crowd was more than just energized–attendees applauded speakers, booed references to Trump and Musk, and clearly demonstrated their intent to protect the America they value–an America where every person is (at least theoretically) valued.
The minister who welcomed the crowd emphasized that message, insisting that “Everyone is welcome here,–we don’t care what color you are, we don’t care who you pray to or whether you pray, we don’t care who you love. You are valued and welcome here.” Several of those who spoke made a similar point: America is a land of immigrants, a “melting pot” (or “tossed salad”) of diverse folks–and that is our strength. That is what makes America great. That is the beauty of We the People, and we will fight to retain it.
If Senator Young is too weak and intimidated to join the fight for America, the people in that Town Hall will find someone who isn’t weak and intimidated to replace him.
If you weren’t there, I really, really hope you will watch the recording. We the People are beautiful.
I just came over from reading a few posts on X, which have become more and more catered to the right-winged lunatics since Musk bought the presidency for Trump. Massive amounts of disinformation are flowing and repeated thousands of times. I did see a poll that said nearly 50% of republicans support protesting – just not against Israel. Israel’s propaganda is working!
I’m glad to hear the protest in Indy was successful. Todd Young is pathetically weak and always has been. It’s hard to believe he served in the Marines. He must have been a General’s aid because he doesn’t give off any infantry energy.
Speaker Johnson told republicans to avoid town halls because “leftists were hiring paid protesters” to be there and harass officials with rigged questions. Can you imagine the coordination it would take along with the communication to assemble paid protesters all across the USA? There would be printed evidence all over social media and in the newspapers. I would even sign up to get paid to protest if Soros was willing to write me a check.
I want to say the republicans are spineless, but so are the democrats. With Trump signing an EO to eliminate the Dept of Ed, I would have the teachers not return from Spring Break until Trump changes his mind.
It sounds like the volunteers at this nonpartisan organization understand this is NOT a democrat or republican issue — it’s an American citizen issue. If we expect the parties to use the available apparatus in place to resist the oligarchy, we’ll be waiting a long time since the oligarchy captured the media (press) and political parties a very long time ago, which is why Trump is happening.
p.s. And Pete, Trump signed an executive order to establish ten “Freedom Cities” without much press. Here comes the Tech States. You’ll find lots of good info on the web about it.
I am truly sorry I am unable to attend public meetings; good to know that Indianapolis people, who usually sit at home, came out in such numbers. We who are commenters on this blog and those who attend public meetings and rallies do know and understand the problems in this Trump administration are anti-democracy, totally lacking in Rule of Law and unconstitutional. Each action can be traced to Trump’s personal Revenge List and aid the 1% in some way to increase their profits and send the bill to working people.
This past two months have destroyed Americanism at an unbelievably accelerated rate because, as in recent years there has been no one…or no way…to force elected officials such as Mitch McConnell to uphold their Oaths of Office and perform the duties and responsibilities of their elected office. McConnell was working toward MAGAism before Trump and MAGA became our reality. We can’t unring those bells or undo the damage such as ignoring President Obama’s federal judgeship nominees their rightful hearings before Congress. Those Trump federal nominees now overload judgeships; the difficulty in honest, democracy, Rule of Law and upholders of the Constitution of the United States of America do not have the power or control to force Trump to obey any law. I thought his SCOTUS immunity covered only his criminal charges during his first term and the following convictions as a private citizen. Instead he cannot be stopped from using that immunity to rampage through the government and use scorched earth tactics on the nation and Americans.
As for that “empty chair” system; I vividly remember Republicans trusting Clint Eastwood’s free reign to speak to Barack Obama’s “empty chair” during the 2008 election. “We The People…” were wise enough to see that for what it was and the lies it represented. “We The People…” have dumbed down since then; the Democratic party’s split during the recent election year due to egoism convinced voters that their votes truly do not count so they sat at home by the millions.
Your description of Wednesday’s event is 100% accurate. I watched livestream (scared off from night driving from Fishers in what was forecasted to be strong storms – which did not materialize), and it was fantastic. Props to the organizers and all those who stood up and commented. Incredibly diverse, and eloquent. Goosebump material from many. Curious to see if Young ‘mans-up’ and responds to the video and written comments that were sent to him by Indivisible (I doubt it, but trying to remain cautiously optimistic). I will be at the Saturday 3/22 noon event, not sure the format, but imagine it may be similar. Thanks for *your* contributions – at this rally, and with this daily blog that is always insightful.
My great fear is that there will be no more elections. It is a promise Trump made during the campaign. Although he lies with almost every breath, he occasionally signals something that is coming. They will find a reason to declare martial law, maybe even before mass protests on the streets and perhaps a massive one in DC occur, and suspend all future elections indefinitely. We simply cannot assume elections will happen.
It was an excellent event, and I intend to be at the next one on Saturday from 1:00-3:00. This is true patriotism. I wish we had all stood up and recited the Pledge of Allegiance together, and I hope we do that Saturday.
A word of caution; I fully expect this movement will be infiltrated with people who will advocate violence when we finally take to the streets. We must commit to non-violent action. Violence against persons or property de-legitimizes the protest, and I would expect the other side to use it against us.
Maybe we could have some training in non-violence as this movement proceeds.
Good morning Todd, Good morning JoAnn!
I’ll bet you Todd, those 10 freedom cities, are not like the Old testament sanctuary cities. Where if someone was accused, they could avoid the blood avengers, as long as they made it through the gates of one of these sanctuary cities. They were there protected until the priest who basically put a stay on the death penalty until it was resolved by all parties, or the priest died.
The freedom cities on the other hand, will be the pinnacle of society. They will be mind-bogglingly wealthy, they will have all of the technology that can be imagined, and probably some that can’t. They will have educational facilities, they will have the best medical facilities, they will have the best transportation facilities, the best recreational and play attractions! They’ll be a jet in every garage, and lobsters and every pot.
Meanwhile, everyone who is needing, we’ll have to beg at the gate of these 10 cities. These cities and those that live in them will be like gods, can you think of some of the science fiction movies that actually fit this plot? I can think of a lot. Elysium is one. Terminator could be one. Z could be one. I mean, with technology running rampant, AI ruling the roost, what could possibly go wrong?
When someone has the entirety of government under their thumb, that usually means there have been many throughout the decades who were spineless. The liberal side is just as complicit. They did not take all of this seriously from the beginning. And it’s pathetic. You can claim people that are maga, are stupid, but then what are those looking from the outside and shrugging their shoulders?
If you recall, when Hillary was getting ready to run, people were saying that the GOP was just about extinct. Not paying attention to the state governments and how they were all falling in line for the GOP. The liberals just ooze self-absorbed stupidity! The GOP maga just ooze self-absorbed grievance. There’s always plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
The point is, who are those to lead the throngs of the rudderless through the darkness, down a pathway that’s probably filled with pitfalls and stumbling blocks, into the dawn of a new day? Well, if you spot those folks, let me know!
There will be a reckoning somewhere, those who claim to be religious but completely cast that aside for personal selfish imbument, One cannot exist on both sides of the fence at the same time. Except, if you’re living in an alternate reality. But that’s another issue altogether.
Men want to be gods, but men are not gods. Humans largest religions prove that without a doubt. But the handwriting is on the wall, and whenever the conflagration of events brings it all together, the word anxiety would never be able to explain it. Fear? Exasperation? Hopelessness? Pick it! None of it’s going to be good.
It’s great to know that your meeting was so positive. I haven’t watched it yet, but I will this afternoon.
Let’s talk about Freedom Cities. To the supporters of Orange Jesus, freedom means only the last half of the Second Amendment. All are welcome to bring the gun of your choice. Be aware that stand your ground laws will be strictly enforced for any white person who feels threatened or frightened by anyone, especially if that anyone is black or brown!
Think “Robocop” to envision the future, if this clown car government lasts past 2028. Both Houses of Congress need to form a new caucus. Call it the Sanity Caucus. Then extend invitations to Republicans, twenty Senators and ten Representatives. If you can do this, you can save the Republic.
Good morning everyone (temporarily from SW Florida, our old haunt and now, surprisingly to me, a renewed epicenter of the growing resistance).
Revolution is next and we all will play a role suited to our time and talents which will build individuals into networks and networks into mega-networks until the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice again.
Revolutions grow organically when people see their rights being stripped away, or threatened, starting with freedom of speech which includes open and accurate reporting of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to and about power.
thares should be a word of caution. and this was discussed on various freespeech TV talk shows. dont allow it to get violent in any way. seems the idea as if theres any violence may lead to to hitler demanding marshall law and shutting down everything. the universities are under attack big time. this alone is a warning to everyone. hitler would love to deny the next election cycle. if im outta place by calling our prez hitler, please review the rise of,the third reich. maybe the schools over the last few decades never offered why we have a demcracy and why. one also, i just looked up the ,,word, university,
and got the university of the incarnate world,u of texas, yep, search engines at its best. i did not ask for a university, just the spelling of it..
Revolutions are rarely rational ventures, with both sides fueled by their version of righteous indignation and high passion, but truth can and does often prevail.
They are the great sorting out of enduring truth from cyclic fashion.
I abhor violence of any kind but who knows what our personal final chapter will be?
Todd, thank you for the quote from Lyin’ Johnson! (Good Christian he is!)
jack smith; my mind took me back to the Civil Rights’ Million Man March and the January 21, 2017, Women’s March Against Trump. Non-violence brought Americans together in the city where our laws are made or broken by our “leaders”. Do Americans have that level of trust and faith, the heart and the “balls” to plan and carry out a protest of that magnitude again? Where are our leaders who choreographed those rallies of true “We The People…” in action and in synch?
Indivisible is organizing events all over the US on April 5. Learn more here:
For those concerned about the protests going violent so Trump can declare martial law, our CIA and their NGO carve-outs are masters of color revolutions and can be violent if need be, as they were in Kyiv, Ukraine, back in 2014.
Remember, the FBI and CIA have infiltrated organizations in the USA many times in the past. It was shown that Occupy Wall Street and BLM, along with right-wing marches, all went violent due to government infiltrators. This is done to discredit the movements.
Do you remember the campus protests last Spring that were broken up by state police and the mysterious right-wing outfits?
If Trump can’t get protests to turn violent on their own, he will create his violence so he can declare martial law.
Thank you for being there Sheila! I wish you could have spoken longer, but deferring to the attendees was the right thing to do.
I only hope that coverage of these events reaches a broader audience as soon as possible. I also hope these kinds of events get organized and held where those of us that are frightened, astonished, and completely freaked out are not speaking to the choir here in the Hoosier portion of Dumbstruckistan.
My wife and I were at the event. It was uplifting. And I agree with Professor Kennedy that it is the most optimistic that I have felt since the election. More importantly, it is the LEAST POWERLESS I have felt. I have been disheartened and depressed. I have been stunned into passivity. NO LONGER. I realized that I am not alone. And, as we have been reminded recently, we need to be able to assertively answer the question, “What did you do in the war?”!
We will be at the next event on Saturday. We will join Indivisible of Central Indiana and Hoosiers for Democracy. We have been awakened from the nightmare. But there is still plenty of “night” that we have to navigate.
Non-violence must be the only means of protest. Watch for those in protest groups who advocate or instigate violent actions. We must not give him any cover for declarations of marshal law.
John Lewis is my role model. He risked his life often but never was violent in his responses to vicious physical attacks.
If you have a passport, you might consider carrying it with you. I have mixed feelings about doing that as I understand ICE can confiscate documents and phones with no warrant. Once the documents are in the hand of authority, all bets as to rule of law are off. When the chief officer of ICE publicly tells us that a “criminal” can be deported even if there is no record of criminal activity because law enforcement has not caught them breaking the law yet should scare the crap out of everyone. Now dump has publicly declared that citizens can be deported to detention centers overseas if he decides they are dangerous “terrorists”, in other words, if they disagree with his policies or criticize his actions.
I have followed Rep. Raskin’s encouragement to request a Freedom of Information Act report on all my personal information currently held by the federal government. It is a very easy form to complete. I made a copy and dated it for my own records.
I am not able to attend protests for a variety of reasons, but fully support those who do as long as they remain non-violent. Donations and factual responses to lies and misinformation are my main means of push-back. I know many think I am wasting my time, but I will always call out the lies. It may not change minds but if I don’t challenge, those who believe the lies think that they are in the majority. They are not.
Remember, as I have repeated often, the dump/rat only issues commands. Our fellow citizens, neighbors, co-workers, fellow congregants, even family members carry out those commands with relish. Call them out. Do not allow them to hide. Do not dox them, just name them publicly at every opportunity.
Sheila, please clarify the time of tomorrow’s Empty Chair Town Hall. I’ve seen both 12-2 and 1-3. And how do we get the link to livestream tomorrow? Thank you!
I was there on Wednesday and it was very uplifting to see such turnout and enthusiasm – but totally agree with John. Liberals in Washington do ooze stupidity and didn’t take the moment seriously. They couldn’t read the room – and still can’t, it seems.
Congratulations, Sheila. There’s little in the news from Indiana that’s encouraging any more. But today’s missive certainly is. A very minor point, but I hope nonetheless of value. Metaphors matter. And I believe that both melting pot and tossed salad are problematic. Melting pot dishonors diversity. Tossed salad is far too random and arbitrary. I’ve often heard Canadians (now that I live here) refer to Canada as a mosaic. I encourage you to consider the alternative—especially as it is aspirational (there can be beauty in our diversity).
Has everyone seen this description of Project 2025?
Thanks for sharing the speech and link. I’ll watch it tomorrow and appreciate your contagious enthusiasm. Something has shifted. Bernie and AOC had 34,000 show up in Denver this afternoon. Musk and trump pushed too far, too fast and with no regard to the humans behind those numbers on a spreadsheet. Veterans especially are ticked off. When it happens to them, they WAKE up! That’s the way it goes now. Let the fallout begin.
I cannot stress enough that it is abnormal and uncharted territory that our government is in. I see so many people, including myself, going about their daily work just thinking something like ” Well government has always been a mess. Or it’s always been corrupt.” But we have to get our bodies in gear to be marching and demanding of our government. As some guy said yesterday at the church “No one is coming to save us.” I went to the veterans protest downtown and I have been watching the townhalls taking place around the country. Its a good start but we need to keep rising up to make ourselves heard. I am hoping to start creating some protest signs this week and hopefully by this weekend I can hold them up around my town on my own if I have to. If my sign can encourage and help someone feel validated in how they feel about what’s going on then I have done half the work. I’m hoping to find out about more protests so I can tell people if they ask where they need to go. Let’s organize and help each other out! By the way Victoria Spartz is holding a town hall I believe it’s in Westfield, Indiana at the end of next week. I plan on going no matter how tired I am. I don’t know if I can get a Ukraine flag to wave before then but I can try.