Ah, the parallels…
Those of us of a “certain age” can recall media reports of post-World War II German children asking their grandparents very uncomfortable questions, mostly versions of “What did you do during the war, grandpa?” We may well be approaching a time in the United States where a version of that question becomes widespread.
A year or so ago, Saturday Night Live aired a mock interview with a German woman who responded to a question about America’s “alt-right” MAGA movement by saying “In America you call it the alt-right, in Germany we call it ‘why Grandpapa lives in Argentina now.'”
A number of historians have documented the embarrassing connections between America’s Jim Crow laws and Nazi anti-semitic legislation. I will admit to being one of the clueless folks who believed we had surmounted–okay, begun to surmount–the ignorance and prejudices of former generations. If the current Trump/Musk assault on basic American principles proves anything, it proves how very wrong that belief has turned out to be. You really have to be purposefully blind to ignore the virulent bigotry that allowed Trump to win election (narrowly, to be sure) and reward his supporters with his anti-diversity rampage, or to downplay the pro-Nazi enthusiasm of Elon Musk, which was evident well before his “heil Hitler” salute.
So here we are. And assuming (as I devoutly hope) that this horrific time will pass and reasonable people will once again gain control, those of us experiencing this effort to re-install the Dark Ages should expect that same post-Nazi question: what did we do to counter the assault on American values? How did we respond to the neo-Nazi ugliness threatening our Constitutional liberties and social progress?
What did we do during this war for America’s soul?
I thought about that question when I came to the end of one of Robert Hubbell’s daily letters. Hubbell had been writing about Trump’s effort to punish law firms for the unforgivable sin of representing people he considers enemies. But as he concluded, the challenge to our most deeply-shared moral commitments extends more widely.
We are living through a consequential moment in our nation’s history. There is a “right” side and a “wrong” side to that history. Someday in the not-too-distant future, there will be a reckoning in which everyone—individuals and institutions—will be called to justify their response in a moment when democracy was under attack.
Institutions with proud histories will be forced to explain why they abandoned their commitments to fairness, justice, and human decency at the first opportunity. Were they afraid? Or greedy? Both? Or—worst of all—did they not care?
Were their lofty “mission statements” mere PR exercises to make themselves feel good and attract young talent with false promises about the firm’s values? Were their commitments to equality and inclusion something they never truly believed? Was it all “for show”?
Those are uncomfortable questions with deeply troubling answers.
We must choose to be on the right side of history—because it is the right thing to do. Do not surrender to fear or intimidation. Lift up those who are being attacked for defending the rule of law. And make known your displeasure with the products and services of those who are sponsoring Trump’s frontal assault on the rule of law.
But most importantly, make a personal commitment to do everything you can to help defend democracy in its hour of need. Make your future self proud by doing the right thing at a time when doing so takes courage and determination!
The most anguished question I get from readers of this blog–and I get it almost every day–is “what can I do?” And it’s a fair question. Most of us have limited means of protesting, and the means we do have are arguably of limited effectiveness. Still, when we get that “what did you do” question, at the very least we should be able to answer that we repeatedly called our elected officials, attended town halls, worked with one or more of the burgeoning number of grassroots organizations, attended protests and participated in boycotts of companies and firms that are knuckling under.
We should also be able to say that we shared factual information with friends and family members living in those “alternative” realities.
Repeat after me: real Americans are identified by their devotion to and protection of the American Idea-– not their skin color or religion. When your grandchildren or great grandchildren ask what you did when Trump/Musk attacked the American Idea, be sure you don’t have to answer from Argentina.
Revolutions are organic in that they grow from seeds. Any one of us could be a seed connecting to others in order to build a network growing by joining other networks.
It seems that revolution is underway because I hear many in my circle saying ‘I won’t stand for any more of this this shit!’
From that seed could come leaders, followers, helpers, action and results. My sense is that it is spreading rapidly and in intensity only this far into MTV ((Muskrat, Trump, Vance + Johnson + Roberts + Project 2025)’s assault to turn the US into the formerly united States of the mid part of North America).
Repeat after me: real Americans are identified by their devotion to and protection of the American Idea.
Repeat after me: “I am frightened. This is not normal. I refuse to obey in advance. I will resist.”
Any time someone asks me “How are you today?”, my answer is “I am scared shitless. This is not normal.”
One of your best, Sheila! Thank you and thank you. Your encouragement and support are so very important because intimidation is frightening and stymying. We need to be strong for the future. Blessings on you.
I begin with castigating judge Marchand for not sentencing the felon to prison where he has long belonged. He fiddled and now the courage of justice burns. This statement of what to do speaks volumes for those with enough courage and drive to do so: “Do not surrender to fear or intimidation. Lift up those who are being attacked for defending the rule of law. And make known your displeasure with the products and services of those who are sponsoring Trump’s frontal assault on the rule of law.”
Marchand succumbed to intimidation. Companies who are removing their DEI guidelines are giving in to intimidation too … unless they never really cared about it in the first place.
The deportation fiasco now occurring reflects the stupidity of its driving forces, e.g., Stephen Miller, the second coming of Adolf Eichmann. Who will stand up for the immigrants being purged by the Trump/Miller Storm Troopers? Who among us will hide them in our attics?
Not that anyone I know will ask, but I will do what I can by writing my opinions and thoughts without the fear of retribution. Why? Because I once took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I continue to honor that oath.
Here’s what I did. Being 85 years old I don’t want to stand and protest. So I joined a small group of like-minded seniors who meet once a week to present letters to to the editor of the local newspaper. At our meetings we critique each others drafts. So far in the last 6 months we have had 8 acccepted.
Thank you for a particularly powerful article. I am not a generally depressed person and I’ve allowed myself to be depressed in this situation. The way out for me is to do more. it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that as one person I can’t do enough, but as one person, I can urge other people and be an example of continuing to do everything that is possible for me to do.
Richard Patterson. Great idea.
I agree and believe all the actions suggested make a difference. I’m encouraging donations to non-profit legal groups who are bringing lawsuits challenging the Trump Administration. For example: Democracy Forward, ACLU, National Immigrant Justice Center, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (All have excellent ratings on Charity Navigator). I believe it is also important to support journalists who are doing excellent investigative reporting such as: NYT, The Atlantic, ProPublica, Mother Jones, Wired etc.
“…and participated in boycotts of companies and firms that are knuckling under.”
I’ve been agonizing about cancelling my Washington Post since their cowed, rightward lurch on controversial issues. It’s time.
On January 7, 2021, I wrote my six grandsons (whose ages then ranged from 17 – 4 yrs old) a letter about what we saw on January 6th. I told them what I thought about the insurgents and the president who incited them. I told them I hoped the senators and representatives who voted against certification would be tried for sedition (I didn’t hold much hope for that). I told them how important it was for Congress to reconvene & certify the election. I told them President Biden would help our nation heal and prove that the United States of America was the greatest country in the world. Finally, I told them to put the letter away in a safe place so that years from now when they are my age, they can take it out and read it to their grandchildren. I told them it was important that my great grandchildren know their great grandparents were on the right side. I’m thinking it’s time to write them another letter.
Well, I’m still resisting the flaws of the American ideal because it’s been a fraud from day one. I started a media company and reprinted our local history, which was also a fraud. It was a history written by wealthy oligarchs that shined up our history and their part in it. A billion dollars in a small community can make everyone obedient and passive creatures. So, for me, nothing has changed. It’s always been holding truth to power. It’s not for everyone because there is a heavy price to pay.
Had the press done its job, Donald J. Trump would never have ascended to the presidency of the USA. He would have been destroyed years ago and never have been promoted by a single entertainment network—shame on NBC and CBS.
And while shame is being dished out, let’s focus on the do-nothing Democratic Party led by Chuck “The Turncoat” Schumer. He will help Trump get his pro-oligarchy tax cut passed because his major donors are the four largest US banks. He’s a financial system whore.
While the MAGATs seem perfectly fine with the current deportations of brown people just because they’re brown or support a people being ethnically cleansed by the USA, are they not fearful that the tide can change against them in a heartbeat post-Trump regime?
What happens if a pure leftist gets elected president (I know, a man can dream) and decides to start deporting racist right-wingers to Haiti, Africa, and Mexico?
If I were running for POTUS, I’d ensure that was part of my platform. I’d explain who Stephen Miller is and then outline my plan to deport him to Africa. I’d also have a confiscation plan to extract wealth from the Top 100 families in the US and set up a US Wealth Fund that begins distributing UBI checks to every working-age American.
We will NEVER see the Democratic Party in this country propose such an anti-oligarchy winning plan even after Trump/Musk steals $4.5 trillion from Americans.
By the way, Pete, Trump has proposed to build “ten Freedom Cities.” These are the models for “network states” free of traditional administrative states. This is what Musk/Thiel/Bezos/Zuckerberg/Andreeson/Lonsdale desperately wants. They are already under development.
“Freedom isn’t free!” That was perfectly clear after the end of WW II. Since then, the wars we have engaged in haven’t had real purpose other than to enrich the people who have provided the seemingly unlimited armaments of war or the MIC, as Todd calls them. They frequently supply both sides of a conflict, hoping to extend it.
Hopefully this coming war won’t require guns or other weapons. Hopefully we can prove that the pen really is mightier than the sword, although Orange Jesus may have found his Jack Ripper in Lt. General John Dan “Razin” Caine. That scares me more than anything.
Most senior officers aren’t mad men, and might be counted on not to follow illegal orders. They are singularly aware of Posse Comitatis and wouldn’t take up arms against the people.
We’re going to need to be ready to sacrifice something to buy back what we have given up, even though we didn’t cause the harm. We’re going to carry the load for those who didn’t vote and for those who regret their votes, or no one will be free.
James Todd, thank you for this response, it fits a situation I found myself in this morning: “Any time someone asks me “How are you today?”, my answer is “I am scared shitless. This is not normal.”
Not exactly connected to today’s issue and I sincerely hope I am not endangering Sheila, the blog or all of the commenters. I attempted to text my daughter-in-law this morning some information about Social Security contact…or the lack thereof… and my messaging was STOPPED after I used the name of the south african’s department (sic). My texting was not only stopped but could not send what I had been allowed to enter; had to sign off, sign on, then send and let her know I had been stopped. This was repeated 5 or 6 times to only send part of the information I had gleaned about the issue from MSNBC rerun at 4:00 a.m. this morning. Then tried texting my son to let him know about my text to his wife; entered the department name in lower case with spaces between each letter and was again stopped. I only sent him two texts before trying another family member to text about our weather; it went through with no stops.
I cannot access my SS account, the ID number on my original form was not accepted, I was told to set up a new account…another area where I am “scared shitless”, James. Last Thursday I woke to find a message posted on my computer screen about a security issue; could only get to a site to repost my original PIN or create a new one. This required a confirmation number which they sent to my E-mail address which of course I could not access due to the security issue. My daughter-in-law had me send my E-mail address and pass code to get the confirmation number to send to me. Problem was the computer screen and cell phone were both shutting off after a few seconds and it several attempts through the day to think and type fast enough to get back on line, fill out information again with both at the same time and enter the confirmation number. This of course required a new PIN which is much longer than my original 4-number code.
Before anyone asks; I am not paranoid and even if I were, it doesn’t mean that they are not out to get me…or stop me from relaying information. Not that I will be around to be asked but, would this qualify for “What did you do during the war, Grandma Jo?”
I hope the upcoming protests -tomorrow and Saturday – attract large crowds. Today’s question is a good one for Todd Young and Jim Banks empty chairs. Now, if the print and tv media will just cover the events and show how widespread dissatisfaction with the Musk presidency and its punitive policies is.
Today’s NY Times regarding its readers says it all: “Most clicked yesterday: “How do I know which jeans are best for me?”
No Washington Post
No Whole Foods
No Amazon
And that it just to boycott Jeff Bezos.
I had a bit of a confrontation, last week, over my right, during the Viet Nam war, to take the position of a conscientious objector. The lady who disagreed with my stance was all about “If the government asks you to go to war, you simply go.” She is a devout Christian, and, perhaps, used to obeying those “above” her with no second thoughts. “Perhaps,” because that’s only my spin on the situation. That we had no business waging that war, and that my presence in that theater would, obviously, somehow support it, meant nothing to her.
I associate her view with the “Good Germans.” Stephen Miller is Trump’s perfect tool, and Eichman is a proper parallel!
I’m in Florididia, and actively support my library in response to DeStupidus, the man, who, as a lawyer for the Army, found a way to legitimize the use of waterboarding, I have read. I will soon be a tutor in a program helping to teach English as a Second language.
I share information about Trump’s sickness within my network of contacts. Also, some of the good news there is.
Lester, that’s important knowledge to have! I mean do you want your jeans to make you look fat? 6’2 and a half, and I weigh 260 lb, I want my jeans to make me look like the Rock Johnson. Is it wrong? Seriously, in a me’ist society, narcism rules!
But getting back to Sheila’s point, fear of man is a huge pitfall or stumbling block! People are afraid of what men can do to them, so they keep their head down and go with the flow. They figure that somebody somewhere will pick up the baton and fight for them. Except, that didn’t happen in Germany during the second world war and before, and I doubt of that will happen here.
I hear Argentina is beautiful this time of year, lol! Maybe down towards the South Pole. Don’t cry for me Argentina? How about don’t cry for me in Argentina? I don’t want to go to Argentina! If they can possibly lift the birth rights of people, then expect people to be shipped out to places they have no connection to, ethnically, or creed wise.
I’ve actually heard people on this particular thread claim that history never repeats itself. And you wonder why things are as screwed up as they are? I mean, we were taught these things in grade school. But somehow, people seem to have breezed past what they don’t want to believe, and also live in a willful delusion or maybe a willful illusion even willful ignorance!
Sometimes there’s a pushing, and sometimes there’s a pushing back. So look at what would have happened if the United States sided with Hitler? The Nazis in this country would have been happy! And, those alternate reality shows, showing the United States divided up into different factions of Axis powers, would be an actual reality today.
You think all of those in the Aryan nations or white supremacist organizations or Christian nationalist organizations, fascist one and all, wouldn’t love to make right, all of the stupid decisions during the war? And I mean make right their desirous ideas of the world pecking order.
After all, what is morality? Is it the innate knowledge of right and wrong? Is it something more? We would like to think, that these things wouldn’t happen in this day and age, but how have things really changed to make a difference in the thought process of the ignorant and power-hungry narcissists. How many American companies actually can trace their time back to, or their existence, to the time of slavery? How many can trace their time back to the first or second world war? How many of the companies it exist today were involved in slave ownership? How many were involved in production of weapons by the axis powers, the fascists, and everything in between. This country gave weapons to/for countries to subjugate their populations. Why would it be disturbing for this country to reveal its true self? Is there a deep state? There is no deep state, the grift is right in front of your eyes if you choose to see. It’s what has always been there. This country was not founded on righteous ideas, like was mentioned a million times before, when the Constitution was written, the only people who could vote were wealthy land barons who were slave owning Protestants, welcome fascism! The world is rife with secret organizations of the wealthy and powerful. They don’t include the Cannon fodder who scrape by everyday. Or are not of their sort.
Things are going to get pretty bad, they might seem to straighten out for a little while, but it’s going to be delusional for most. I would suggest to be prepared For some neck breaking whiplash which will confuse many, and allow civilizations demise.
Now, if you look back at what some of us talked about over the years, is very thing that was poo pooed over the years, is coming to fruition today. I can tell you how it’s going to end up, but that’s not for me, and that’s not for those who can see, everyone has to figure it out, or they won’t ever figure it out. I don’t have a fear of men, I never have! My father beat it out of me mostly. There is something greater than men, and that’s where everyone needs to look. Not too religious dogma, but just to righteous concern and love of neighbor. Those things can change the course of history, but it will never happen. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what side or what color or dogma someone chooses to believe, they still are going to hate their neighbor.
Several thoughts this morning. The professor’s take on companies that have folded should include, in my cynical opinion, that the stockholders drive the bus. Who owns the majority share of stocks in a corporation? With buybacks and bonuses, it is the sociopaths who have climbed, with malice aforethought, over so many others, to reach their entitled elevated status. Mostly men, but women as well, who have no concern, other than self-interest, no empathy for the pain they cause.
As far as media coverage, local news channels’ web pages report nothing about federal issues, no coverage of local protests, covering violent crimes and accidents, reporting on a local woman’s ejection from a bar for MAGA behavior. They don’t report on local impacts of closing VA, security and SS offices, defunding libraries, schools, forcing public universities to suppress free speech protests.
The governor remains a toady to dump/rat, while the lt. gov. removes his schedule from public view, issuing veiled threats of using “the rod” to punish opponents of his drive to white, Christian nationalism.
My question of the day comes in the realization that there are many of my peers raising alarms, but nothing of note from the younger people. Where are the protestors of yore, who risked so much, even death, to stop war, to march for equality, justice and inclusion? Those young people have much to lose, much more to fear and fewer rights to exercise but are mostly silent.
Lastly, remember that dump/rat do not actually do anything other than issue commands. Our fellow citizens, our neighbors, congregants, co-workers and family have embraced the fascist dictators’ agenda. Who will hold them accountable? This grandmother is asking them all, what did you do to resist?
So, in her current blog posting HCR tells about the removal of all sorts of information now labeled “DEI” from U.S. Military websites. The way the Trumpian sickness is spreading into various areas of our culture is reminiscent to me of the way the spread of Hitler’s regime was portrayed in the old newsreels, as a back blob spreading across Europe!
I too read HCR’s post today, as I do every day, and despite thinking that by now I was beyond being shocked, I was shocked. Schmusk’s minions have managed to erase from the DoD’s and Arlington National Cemetery’s websites all pages referring to veterans who were not white men, simply replacing the URLs with the letters “DEI.” This includes the Code Talkers who were key to winning in the Pacific theater in WWII. Perhaps it could be part of our resistance to try to get as much of this erased information into the public sphere; it would take some research, but even scraps of information would be better than none.
I try to do what I can, especially often reposting on FB this blog and HCR’s (that one today went on my feed). I try to boycott the bottom-feeding industries that support this nightmarish regime, but I fear that I’ll end up going without groceries and other essentials—there’s just too many of them!
Finally, Mitch D: in your confrontation regarding having been a conscientious objector during the Vietnam war, why didn’t you ask her what she thought about President bone-spurs? “Fight, fight, fight” my Aunt Fanny.
I have attended one rally for the veterans and hope to attend more. There’s a townhall meeting too which I hope to attend. I am hoping to meet more like minded people who think that protesting right now is important. I have to make a sign or two soon. I think it would be beneficial too for someone to take pictures that can be uploaded to the internet.