What Now?

The next two to four years are going to be very painful.

Upcoming Judicial appointments will make the federal courts far less protective of our liberties (especially women’s liberties), probably for the foreseeable future. Economic policies will hurt the poor, especially women and children, and exacerbate divisions between the rich and the rest of us. A Trump Administration will abandon efforts to address climate change and will roll back most of Obamacare. There will be no immigration reform, only punitive deportations, and God only knows what our foreign policy will look like.

Worst of all, Trump’s normalization of incivility and encouragement of bigotry will play out in a variety of ways, none good.

For women, the damage Trump has already done can’t be reversed through legislation, if and when America returns to its senses. During his campaign, we saw an embrace of historic cultural attitudes that objectify and demean women. His election signaled a return to widespread acceptance of “locker room” attitudes and behaviors that had finally been diminishing.

So – what can each of us do, especially those of us sitting here in overwhelmingly Red Indiana?

  • As individuals, beginning right now, we can increase our support for organizations that work to protect civil and reproductive liberties, the environment and public education, among others. We will need them more than ever. A friend of mine and her husband, who stand to benefit from Trump’s proposed tax cuts, have decided to donate every dollar they save by reason of those cuts to organizations like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. We might even start a local “pledge my tax cut” campaign.
  • Each of us can identify a harmful policy this administration will pursue that we feel  passionate about, and volunteer with local organizations to mobilize citizens to do everything we can to defeat that effort or minimize its impact.
  • Perhaps the most productive thing we can do is focus on local efforts to ameliorate the effects of likely federal actions. Most of the innovation and action on climate change, for example, is happening in cities, and it is much easier to influence local policy than state or national legislation. Those of us worried about the environment can make sure our cities are at the forefront of urban environmental efforts. There are other policy areas where—depending upon relevant state law—cities can at least partially mitigate the effects of federal action or inaction.
  • We can–and we must– come together to create inclusive and supportive local civic cultures that make misogyny, bigotry and intolerance unacceptable. We are already seeing a substantial increase in racist, homophobic, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic incidents; we need to create local environments that strongly discourage such eruptions. We have ready-made partners in those efforts, in arts organizations, civic and religious associations and the business community. (Former Mayor Bill Hudnut used to say that he was a citizen of “no mean city.” In the wake of this election, “mean” has taken on a double meaning. I hereby volunteer to help mount a No Mean City campaign, focused on encouraging a welcoming, inclusive, respectful civic environment.)
  • In the longer term, as I have previously written, we have to reform America’s election system. We need to combat voter suppression efforts and get rid of gerrymandering and the Electoral College, both of which operate to favor rural voters over urban ones, and generally distort the democratic process. We should work with groups like Common Cause and the League of Women Voters to make voting easier, reform redistricting and get Indiana to sign on to the National Popular Vote Project.
  • We absolutely have to improve civic education. “We the People” or a similar curriculum should be required for High School graduation. Trump made all kinds of promises that he could not constitutionally carry out. If more voters had recognized that he was totally unacquainted with the Constitution, it might have made a difference. In any event, democracy requires a civically-literate population; demagoguery relies on civic ignorance.
  • We need to combat Trump’s effort to hollow out government and enrich crony capitalists via his proposed privatization of infrastructure and other government functions. In Indiana, we can begin by working to scale back Pence’s school voucher program, the largest in the country.  Vouchers take money from public schools to support private religious ones. Research confirms that Indiana’s voucher schools have not improved student performance in reading or math (voucher students actually do worse than similar public school students) ; furthermore, public schools are where children from diverse backgrounds learn to live together. Public institutions should be strengthened, not abandoned.

There is plenty to do if we are serious about reclaiming America. And while we are engaging in these tasks, we have to resist efforts by the forces he has emboldened to marginalize and demean women and minorities–and we need to do so publicly, loudly, and persistently. We have to constantly explain to anyone who will listen why the bigotries he feeds are inconsistent with American values and the Constitution–not to mention human decency.

We can no longer sit back and depend upon the courts to protect our liberties. We will have to do it ourselves, through sustained and determined political action.


  1. Sheila,
    I agree with all you say, but my feeling is that we are beyond all that. Yes we need to go forward with all we believe in and support what is right, yet the time has come to let the opposition have the microphone and do their best.
    The only way we can turn this around is to let the opposition show their true colors, and have enough faith in our Democracy that it will survive until a vast majority of Americans say ‘NO MORE.’
    Let’s see exactly what this looks like, protect our loved ones and family and not pretend we can influence it. We have proven we can’t.
    Keep the faith.
    In winning the Presidency the extreme will lose, let it.

  2. Anthony,

    “The only way we can turn this around is to let the opposition show their true colors, and have enough faith in our Democracy that it will survive until a vast majority of Americans say ‘NO MORE.”

    Really, what planet are you from?

  3. Anthony—people will literally DIE from some of the policies he proposes. So while those of us who are privileged enough to not die from his policies are waiting around to see it get bad enough for people to wake up, our most vulnerable people won’t be around for that day. I’m not going to just wait around and watch that happen.

  4. Great idea! Once you get started, I hope your campaign will spread nationally. Jacksonville would be another great market for a campaign like that.

  5. THANK YOU, MARV! As I read Anthony’s comments, I wondered if he is really aware of what has happened in this country during the past week. In keeping with his blindness; those here who still read the Indianapolis Star, please read the letter from Sarah Burnham of Carmel, IN, and how she answers the question, “Now what do I tell my children?” I fired off a letter to the editor of the Star which will never be published – I also added that comment at the end of the letter. Maybe letters from some of you on the blog will add to my pitiful attempted protest. I am glad Sarah Burnham will not be speaking to my children – of course, my family members know what the outcome of this election means to them and to the country.

    I have participated in ACLU petitions and surveys for years; three weeks ago I sent dues to become a paying member. I maintain my membership in the Southern Poverty Law Center, National Democratic Committee and Indiana Democratic Party. I need to renew my membership in Planned Parenthood ASAP; I will not renew my membership in the NAACP because I find them to be somewhat ineffectual today.

    Paul Ryan announced yesterday he will phase out Medicare in 2017; grinning as he announced it and stated, “Medicare is toast.” The president-elect’s current appointments are frightening but the news on MSNBC this morning that he is considering Rudy Giuliani for Secretary of State is terrifying. The once attractive, but now haggard and drawn looking, Kellyanne Conway is making legal threats against Dems who speak unkindly about her lord and master,Trump. President Obama seems to have formed a level of pity for Trump due to his total lack of understanding of the job of the presidency or the importance of international diplomatic relations to our very survival. Is Trump aware that those he has already insulted and disparaged and intends to deport unwanted immigrants “deep into their countries” have been watching and listening and he could be their primary target? They also have access to nuclear weaponry and may already be considering “why can’t we just nuke ’em” about this country.

    Can all of this destruction and terror have come about in only one week? It took years for American citizens (on both sides) to become aware of the possibility of the Civil War; yet many were still surprised when it began. We will not be surprised if there is an escalation of current situations becoming another Civil War but…WILL WE BE PREPARED?

    ~ extremely doubtful.
    How many here can grow their own food, or hunt, skin and prepare it?
    How many here are mechanically inclined..can maintain an internal combustion engined vehicle or tool?
    How many here can sew, either cloth or a suture?
    How many here understand the functioning, care of, and the discipline of using a firearm in self defense to protect themselves and to Kill to protect themselves or their loved ones?
    I can.
    I don’t want to, but these are necessary survival skills. I also do not however live my life in fear or carp about people or things I cannot control.
    Perhaps those of you who read this blog either need to brush up on these skills or start learning them. Why? Because if this dystopian future you are constantly fearing and talking about is one that you find inevitable, well…wouldn’t you be foolish, then, Not to give you and your loved ones a chance of a better life?
    <~masters degree, medium length hair, extremely social and well-adjusted individual who subscribes to the Pessimist Theory of life..wherein one is not surprised when things go bad, is ready for that to avoid the 'Gotcha'!s in life, and is happy when things stay copacetic.

  7. Sheila,

    I thought the following might be appropriate for today:

    “The present climate, in which compromise is denigrated, pejorative labels are assigned to those with whom on disagrees, and every issue is made adversarial, must be changed to avoid causing deadlock in public life and rendering city government incapable of functioning both responsively and efficiently.

    To overcome the dysfunctional consequences of the structural and institutional incentives that have encouraged the separate claims of distinct identities, systemic incentives to encourage cooperation and coalition building must be found. In healthy democratic politics, citizens find common ground through a deliberative process in which they exercise the art of negotiation and compromise.

    In a revitalized city, citizens learn that it is de Tocqueville’s “self-interest properly understood” to engage in give-and-take, to agree to disagree with respect and civility, and to listen and learn from other voices. It is enlightened self-interest to contribute to a more cooperative, deliberative politics.

    In an era of citizen impatience and expectation of quick results, deliberative politics may seem inordinately time-consuming. But cooperative, deliberative politics avoids the demoralizing effects of the wearisome, ubiquitous conflict that appeals to selfishness and opportunism rather than to the “better angels of our nature,” to use Lincoln’s memorable phrase.

    The challenge, then, is to find systemic ways to facilitate cooperation and to achieve an acceptable level of public consensus in order to respond wisely to urban challenges. “The essence of political life,” according to Hanna Pitkin, “is precisely the problem of continually CREATING unity, a public, in a context of diversity, rival claims, unequal power, and conflicting interests.” In the final analysis, creating unity takes extraordinary leadership and people of good will in both the public and private sectors, people who are committed to making the constitutional -democratic system work for all.”

    “Government by Decree: The Impact of the Voting Rights Act in Dallas” by Ruth P. Morgan (Lawrence, Kansas: The University Press of Kansas, 2004) pp. 277-278.

    Dr. Morgan is provost emeritus and professor emeritus at Southern Methodist University. We haven’t talked for a few years, so the preceding might have changed.

  8. To your first bullet point, I have told my family that I want them to donate to ACLU or Planned Parenthood in lieu of Christmas gifts for me.

  9. We can never allow ourselves to become comfortable with the ridiculous, with anything done to remove or diminish other’s rights and civil liberties. We can’t allow ourselves to become comfortable with it. That is how the rot sets in, and authoritarian rule wins. We HAVE to stay woke and outraged.

  10. I agree with Sheila and the need to begin grassroots organizations to win back some turf. Further, and I have always wondered why the Left has never tried this tactic–we need political pressure lobbies just like the Republicans used to install themselves and their ideas in government. And, this needs to begin on a local level. Is there anywhere a list of organizations to hook up with? I live in Bloomington and, sadly, in total ignorance of this kind of thing.

  11. I awakened this morning thinking about Baker v. Carr and statements from Obama and Hillary and others to the effect that “the voters have spoken.” True, they have, but the voters elected Hillary, not the Orange Oaf. She won the election but was counted out by a misallocation of the vote. It occurred to me that perhaps certain parts of the Constitution as interpreted by the courts may be themselves acting unconstitutionally from their real intent in view of Baker and that such applications of judicial interpretations could be (albeit unintentionally) destroying our democracy while we sit here powerless to quickly change certain features of this great document. The electoral college has to go, and the sooner the better. The Constitution was designed to foster democracy, not destroy it as old colonial days have been replaced by industrial and information economies, and we need to bring its language up to speed.
    Parenthetically, there is one last fleeting hope that Hillary can still be the president-elect. The Constitution does not require that members of the electoral college must vote as pledged during political campaigns. A majority of the college as assembled could vote for Hillary since it is their vote and not ours which elects presidents, so “the election” is not over – not yet. Impossible? Probably, but with many Republican members of the college who are not now and never have been friendly to the Orange Oaf’s ambitions, and especially now that he is inviting racists and neo-Nazis into his inner circle (which gives electoral participants a preview of things to come), it is a faint possibility as we grab at straws on the third time down. Perhaps we should identify such electoral participants and do our best to have them vote for the winner of the popular vote – Hillary – thus validating the finding in Baker v. Carr and the real intent of the Constitution.

  12. We also need to educate our young people (and remind older folks) about how life was for women before they realized all the rights they enjoy now, and how hard we had to fight for those basic rights. It’s easy to take them for granted when you’ve always had them.

  13. There is so much irony in this. For the last eight years I’ve listened to people from the right side of the fence bemoan that are Barack Obama was destroying the country, yet in reality it was trying to save it from the people that now are going to be running it. Now we’re faced with possibly the most ill conceived and dysfunctional governmental system that any of us can possibly imagine. I’ve worked with family advocates for children with special needs for nearly two decades and they’re terrified at the prospect of just how far the programs that have been designed through bipartisan cooperation that benefit those children are going to be rolled back by these people. That is but one example of just how bad this could end up being for everyone in this country.

    While the war on the social compact of this country which has existed for generations will be raging all over the country, state by state, region by region, our external security will be managed by people such as Rudy Giuliani or John Bolton, the latter never knowing a war that he didn’t like and who still believes that our going into Iraq was a great idea.

    I am very concerned that in order to them this tide of rampaging stupidity and nihilistic thinking emanating from the right and, lucky us, the Republican establishment, will require a level of activism that many Americans will be able to give no or have the inclination to do so. We’re in a bad place and as all is rolls out it may get far worse before it gets better. Already many friends of mine are trying to accept and adjust to these emerging political and socioeconomic realities as they also seemingly prepare to go quietly into the night. That they’re doing that rattles me since up until last Tuesday they were full of fight.

  14. Gerald,

    “Perhaps we should identify such electoral participants and do our best to have them vote for the winner of the popular vote – Hillary – thus validating the finding in Baker v. Carr and the real intent of the Constitution.”

    I’m with you all the way on this one. If I was the Attorney General, I would have already started to prepare a case against him for FUTURCIDE. I believe we now have enough evidence to prosecute him in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION.

    JoAnn can be our first witness.

  15. Tom,

    There is no fight in your friends because they don’t think anything can now be done. They’re assuming that anything that would have been EFFECTIVE has already been tried. Nothing EFFECTIVE has ever been tried. You can’t make any money doing that. Your financial contributors would never allow it. They would all be scared of retaliation and wouldn’t give you a dime. Ask Morris Dees. I’ve been trying to convince everyone of that fact for about 18 months to no avail. Why do you think we’re now “ALMOST up shit’s creek without a paddle.”

  16. If we want the urban centers to rule we may as well have a two or three state solution. Liberals on the coast, conservatives in the middle. I don’t see any other way. It doesn’t matter who wins the next presidential elections. Given the protest and riots we’ve seen, lasting for days, the losers of either side have no reason to give one inch. Each side can essentially claim ‘going Galt’ is a proper way to protest, which will cause harm to the other side in some fashion. People will block traffic, refuse to give up whatever they claim is a freedom. That is just how things are when we are this divided.

    I will never support changing the electoral college system unless it also includes term limits for Congress (which would be one term in either branch). I’m, also wondering if USSC justices should be one ten year term and voted on in a couple of different ways (you could have a few nationwide and some regional seats). We have to make it feel as if the entire country has a say, not just the people in a handful of states. I will say that this is why I believe we should have never went away from a stronger states rights style of government. Let the USSC rule on things like abortion, guns, etc. in a general sense, then let groups within states file their own lawsuits against whatever rules the states place on those issues. We could have some cities making it very hard to own a handgun and the city would have to prove their laws meet the requirements of the case that allows personal ownership for self-defense. The findings of the USSC in those state specific cases could be used by other states to gauge what may or may not be appropriate. Same with abortion restrictions. One state could fund abortion clinics in high schools, other states could severely restrict it. People hate the patchwork style of “rights,” but what we have now is a completely divided nation where certain people in certain areas want things one way and another group, thousands of miles away, want it another way. The problem is that there are those on both sides that want to force their views onto the entire country. Having a states rights approach would allow people to move to the area where the politics are to their liking.

  17. So, we are down to 60 votes, the ol’ filibuster, and keeping Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg alive and healthy, right?

  18. A little info:

    There was only one time in history that faithless electors altered the result of an electoral vote. In 1836, all 23 electors in Virginia opted to be faithless. They were pledged to vote for Martin Van Buren and his running mate, Richard Mentor Johnson. But instead, they all refused to vote for Johnson. The Senate decided the election and ended up choosing Johnson anyway.

    We’re not talking an impossibility. Who wants to elect a war criminal? Civil War to be more specific. It looks like this is the only way to go.

  19. Let’s see how much heat Donald can take before November 2lst when he will then have the Attorney General, FBI, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard on his side.

  20. The reality that we must accept before we plan all this nice liberal activity is that we no longer life in a democracy – we live in a fascist oligarchy. Thanks to Citizens United the USA is an Oligarchy, thanks to the last election, we are fascist. I think that the 46% who did not vote are sending us a message of hopelessness based on those two facts – fascist and oligarchy. We need to accept and digest that and then plan for the future.

  21. Electoral College 101

    November 8, 2016—Election Day

    Registered voters cast their votes for President and Vice President. By doing so, they also help choose the electors who will represent their state in the Electoral College.

    Mid-November through December 19, 2016

    After the presidential election, the governor of your state prepares seven Certificates of Ascertainment. “As soon as practicable,” after the election results in your state are certified, the governor sends one of the Certificates of Ascertainment to the Archivist.

    Certificates of Ascertainment should be sent to the Archivist no later than the meeting of the electors in December. However, federal law sets no penalty for missing the deadline.

    The remaining six Certificates of Ascertainment are held for use at the meeting of the Electors in December.

    December 13, 2016

    States must make final decisions in any controversies over the appointment of their electors at least six days before the meeting of the Electors. This is so their electoral votes will be presumed valid when presented to Congress.

    Decisions by states’ courts are conclusive, if decided under laws enacted before Election Day.

    December 19, 2016

    The Electors meet in their state and vote for President and Vice President on separate ballots. The electors record their votes on six “Certificates of Vote,” which are paired with the six remaining Certificates of Ascertainment.

  22. Hopefully, the Democrats will get rid of Pelosi and Chuck Schumer from any leadership positions in Congress. We can start the change with Keith Ellison. Ellison has placed his hat in the ring to be the DNC Chair. Ellison, whose Minneapolis congressional district is one of the most progressive in the country, was the first Muslim-American elected to Congress and the first African-American elected from Minnesota. Ellison, a progressive backed Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the presidential primary.

    I read a bit about Paul Ryan’s plan to essentially scuttle Medicare. I have VA coverage plus Medicare. I suppose it is only a matter of time before the Republicans decide to privatize the VA. Somehow we need to convince the Republicans here in Indiana and elsewhere that their chances of electoral success in the future are dim if they try to replace Medicare with vouchers instead of properly funding it. Democrats need to be loud in the opposition to Ryan’s Plan.

    As far as the other things mentioned in Sheila’s blog I have been a card carrying member of the ACLU for over a decade.

    I do think we need to stop naming calling Trump in public, no matter what we think of him in our thoughts. Opposition to Trump is one thing, but name calling him will only cause his followers to dig in more and fail to see his real short comings. At some point many of the people that voted for him are going to realize he is not going to deliver on building a wall, or confronting China on trade. We can be loud but not insulting.

  23. “After the presidential election, the governor of your state prepares seven Certificates of Ascertainment. “As soon as practicable,” after the election results in your state are certified, the governor sends one of the Certificates of Ascertainment to the Archivist.”

    A big “Ah Hah!” This paragraph from your comments explains the huge front page headline article in the Indianapolis Star today; “PENCE PLANS TO SERVE OUT TERM”. This way he can vote for himself…unless it could be a conflict of interest because he is sitting Governor of Indiana and the Vice President Elect. Any advice on this issue, Marv, legal or Biblical? Pence’s comment under the picture of himself with Lt. Governor and Governor-Elect Holcomb states, “I believe in finishing what your started.” vice president-elect stated.

    “Certificates of Ascertainment should be sent to the Archivist no later than the meeting of the electors in December. However, federal law sets no penalty for missing the deadline.”

    So; why is any deadline set? Who is the current Archivist or has that been decided yet? Who appoints the Archivist or is that an elected position I have never heard of?

  24. Sheila,
    I enjoy your columns, and wise counsel on many issues. On this topic above I think you have missed one very important issue. The primary voting process is sorely broken and disenfranchises a majority of non-partisan, independent, moderate voters. Primaries are publicly held elections that eliminates a majority of the public from participating, i.e. – those who are neither solely Democrat or Republican. Many of us may have a very different view upon who we support locally versus who we may support nationally, for example. Or, we may feel very strongly for a Republican local sheriff or mayor, but a Democrat Senator or Congressman. The Indiana primary voting process, and that in most other states only allows for a voter to “declare a party and vote for that party exclusively”. For many, declaring a party is even offensive. As a result, a voter is denied their right to vote in the publicly paid election. A possible solution – either every voter should be allowed one vote on every office, regardless of party affiliation, or the parties should privatize their closed primary process and remove it from public tax support and oversight. It would also go a long way in encouraging more people to participate in the primary election process.

  25. No where on your list do you bring up media. We need some of our liberal rich friends like Gates, or Buffett to provide us a network where we can get fact based news 24/7 which should be broadcast worldwide. We need a counter to Fox “News” media. For people that hate celebrities…they elected one! And they don’t support the protestors and call them cry babies and sore losers. Really, how about shutting down the government by someone who read “Green Eggs and Ham?” I’m going to have to buy a hat that says “I didn’t vote for him.”

    Patrick: You sound like a prepper. I am not now or ever going to prep like the end of the world is coming. I won’t live like that and I do know how to grow my own food, thank you very much. I am not going to learn how to use a gun. I will not do that. Ever.

    Good luck all.

  26. There things that we can do and things that we can’t.

    We can’t prevent nuclear wars or any other kind here or elsewhere if Trumpence’s childish ego gets us there. We can’t prevent the return of 2008’s Great Recession or worse from Trumpence’s repeat of all Bush’s economic blunders. We can’t prevent further “election reform” which even now requires a Democratic supermajority of some kind to get elected.

    But we can do Sheila’s list or more.

    We have to now.

  27. I think the “establishment” GOP leadership will let Trump blather about whatever he wants and get away with whatever he wants until he’s signed the bills they hand him to enact their agenda. Then they’ll use what they’ve let him do to impeach him.

    In the meantime we need to start on Sheila’s list and add serious reform to the Democratic Party all the way down to the local level. The Indiana Democratic Party gave us a weak Senate candidate, didn’t get the gubernatorial race really going until late in the game, and didn’t do more than preach to the choir. Reform of the Electoral College isn’t going to happen in a GOP-controlled Congress. And until gerrymandering is done away with (not likely anytime soon), redistricting is the privilege of the party in power at the state level in the census years. We have two election cycles to take back the sates. That’s not going to happen unless the Democratic Party organization makes some major changes to build the party base beyond it’s current constituency. And, as I’ve said before, Democrats mobilize, Republicans organize (the operational version of Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line). We have to learn to do what they do, only better.

    We need to encourage conservatives who were appalled at what their party had done in nominating Trump to stay appalled, leave the Republican Party, and start over. I’m with Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin on this one; the GOP brand is permanently stained as the party of xenophobia, racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, and blunt-object authoritarianism. Nothing about what disgusted those rational conservatives about their party and its campaign have changed just because they won. If that steaming pile of ugliness is not what they think conservatism their party should stand for, then they need to leave and start over. In fact, I think we should stop altogether referring to the Republican Party as the ‘conservative” party. They are a right-wing extremist party, currently headed by an authoritarian demagogue who is ignorant of constitutional process, a sniveling toady who parlayed his smarmy hypocrisy into the Chief of Staff gig, and an anti-semitic white supremacist who brought access to his own propaganda machine with him when he was brought on board. Oh, and let’s not forget the science-denying, anti-LGBTQ theocrat who couldn’t competently run his own state, to the point that long-time members of his own party were raising money for his opponent.

    All that said, by way of starting on Sheila’s list I’ve already donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The GOP is now a hate group.

  28. Professor Kennedy’s suggestions are all good ones. But they evidence how little power or ability a majority of the voters in this Country, who voted for Hillary, have to slow down, let alone stop, the tsunami wave that is about to wipe out most of the gains this Country has made since WW II. The Barbarians are at the gate, and the hinges are about to be torn off.

    I guess as an Old Guy, I should feel happy and thank Ryan and Trump that they aren’t going to take my and my wife’s Medicare away. After all, we don’t want to scare off the old Republican voters who might still be alive to vote in 2 years, do we? We’ve got ours, let those younger people take care of themselves!

    Before the election, I saw an article somewhere that argued that the biggest trouble with this Country was the Baby Boomer Generation, who in spite of their early ideals –“Make Love, Not War” — had selfishly screwed up the Country for the following generations. And that the best thing the Baby Boomers could do now was die. Being a Baby Boomer myself, I personally thought it was a bit harsh, particularly the “die now” part. Can’t remember now where I saw it or who wrote it.

    Following the election, I’m beginning to think there is a good deal of truth in that argument — “selfishly” not buying into “they just need to die now” bit just yet though –as evidenced by our generation’s willingness to keep the good stuff for ourselves, while throwing our children and grandchildren under the bus.

    I recall talking with some good friends before the election, who have a 30’ish year old son. They said their son and daughter-in-law, who are both well educated and have good jobs, had little interest in supporting or voting for Hillary. In their view, the Baby Boomers, which of course included their parents, were only interested in taking care of themselves and had no interest in seeing to it that their generation would be taken care of equally. They believed that there would be no Social Security or Medicare available for them when it came time. They also felt that no one in our generation cared that their generation was saddled with huge student loan debt (Hello, Bernie!). Seems they were right.

    Pretty sure none of this helps anything much. Not to be too gloomy, but once again, I think our fate and our children’s fate now rests on 2-3 Republican Senators — not sure who they are or even if they exist — who might have enough sanity and courage, to buck the worst-of-the-worst of the Trump/Pence/Ryan/Bannon agenda. A very slender thread indeed!

  29. David F,

    The problem is everyone wants the other guy or gal to buck it. That’s our dilemma. And the phenomenon is, presently, I would guess around 100%.

  30. “I think the “establishment” GOP leadership will let Trump blather about whatever he wants and get away with whatever he wants until he’s signed the bills they hand him to enact their agenda. Then they’ll use what they’ve let him do to impeach him.”

    Patrick; your thoughts on this could be right but, meanwhile, how many American bodies will be strewn across the Trump/GOP political “killing fields”? What can be done NOW? Even President Obama seems to have “felt some pity” regarding his lack of knowledge – which is total unawareness – while the GOP is using Trump and only POSSIBLY Pence to their own ends. Pence is in their camp; he has been in the political field for a number of years and has Daniels to steer him if he goes off course. We need to have legal answers now and a starting point which may or may not be the Electoral College.

  31. Marv:

    That is, of course, the dilemma. I do believe that we all should follow Professor Kennedy’s suggestions for actions we CAN take now. But none of them, even if ultimately successful, can hold back the flood coming on January 20th.

    For the first time in my life, I will join the marches and protests. I just hope they don’t turn violent because that will immediately open the door to the declaration of Martial Law, i.e., suspension of most Civil Rights, calling out the Guard troops, etc. Don’t think I need to tell you where that might end or never end. Actually, given some of the recent comments from Kelly Ann Conway, Trump/Pence/Bannon may not even wait for that excuse to declare Martial Law to stop even peaceful protests.

  32. An earlier activity should be to examine why this state voted for Obama in ’08. From whom and from where did this majority come? Then compare with this past election. Different electorate? Same electorate but with more dissatisfaction with the Democratic candidate? I guess what I am saying –the reflexive labeling of this state as Red needs to be examined. Sometimes one needs to look closely at past wins to plan for a winning future.

  33. Hold on there, ALG…I forgot to add to my 9:39 comment…Elizabeth Warren, Bernie (Feel the Bern!) Sanders, and so many others who actually have our best interest at heart. They are out there and they are working hard to counteract and repair the damage he’s done just in the last week. A guy who lives in a tower (with his name on it) finer than the White House where he’ll be camping out (I guess) for four years, DOES NOT have your interest nor mine nor anyone else’s interest at heart. He doesn’t even have much of a heart, I fear. His gold and diamond-encrusted life has in no way prepared him or his family to help Americans who are barely scraping by, have no meaningful job, can’t afford a home, have no health insurance, and are fearful that he’s the one who is going to deport them. In their most lucid moments, how in the world did they ever think that this guy was going to ease their pain? I mean, seriously! He cares not a fig for them or you or me! Stay the course, ALG, I sense that they’re on the way!

  34. I have been following the Native American protests in North Dakota. I came across an interesting post and decided to research it further. >>

    Nearly a dozen Northwest Indiana police officers sent to quell protests over the Dakota Access oil pipeline were deployed to North Dakota under a nationwide compact adopted by all 50 states, a state agency said. A total of 37 police officers from Indiana have been sent to North Dakota, including 11 from several Northwest Indiana departments, the spokesman said. The state of Indiana will initially pay the expenses and salaries of the officers being dispatched from District 1 task force but will reimbursed by North Dakota, Erickson said.


  35. David F,

    “Actually, given some of the recent comments from Kelly Ann Conway, Trump/Pence/Bannon may not even wait for that excuse to declare Martial Law to stop even peaceful protests.”

    It’s been a tough week for all of us, but it has also been very enlightening. There was no way for me to know how it would feel if SOCIAL democracy came to a halt in the U.S. I now know the answer, so do many others. Consequently, oppositional forces personal and organizational can now formulate their NEW strategies.

    You can see what is store for us after the Inauguration. That’s why it is so imperative to obtain an oppositional “foothold” before then. I’m still confident it can be done. I for one have not exhausted all my remedies. Two mistakes I’ve made this week is trying to accomplish too much, too quickly, as well as being too personally confrontational. We need to attack the movement behind Trump as much or more than him. Any forward movement must be incremental and strongly communicated with undisputed facts.

    I believe Trump’s major weakness is his connection with the different FACES OF FASCISM that have been demonstrated within the Republican Party for many, many years before his involvement. There’s no reason, as far as I’m concerned, to wait until after his inauguration to open up that “can of worms.” The potentially violent forces within his campaign must be contained before his inauguration if we’re to go effectively forward after November 20th.

  36. Louie; there was a post on Facebook today asking people to sign the petition demanding Indiana remove our law officers from Standing Rock. I signed and sent the petition; that situation is not being made public and should be. More abuses of Native Americans who are trying to protect their sacred burial grounds and protect their water sources.

  37. ALG, thanks! We can’t wait around here. “Let us then be up and doing…” so the poem goes. We can do this! You and I and many others who follow this blog are now ‘up and doing,’ and if they aren’t, they should be. We aren’t helpless at all. Stay the course and fight the good fight with us. It will be worth it and it won’t happen over night!

  38. Our new leaders now are judging how much social unrest is tolerable by their egos until martial law is declared sometime after Jan 20.

    This is the same process that the Eupopean aristocracy went through at Versailles and in British Parliment to quell those revolutions.

    Other their other paths to restore democracy?


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