Doubling Down On Racism

Lest you dismiss Donald Trump’s racist history as unfortunate but irrelevant to the need to highlight the damage his policies are doing to the environment, to education, to working people, etc.–allow me to highlight the most recent evidence that he intends to make 2020 a referendum on white nationalism.

As the Washington Post reported,

President Trump ranted Saturday morning on Twitter about an African American lawmaker by disparaging the Baltimore district that Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (Md.) represents as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”

As chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, Cummings has initiated most of the investigations into the Trump administration’s operations and policies, including recently the reports of inhumane treatment at migrant detention centers.

Trump apparently got his “information” about Cummings’ district from Fox and Friends (too bad he doesn’t pay attention to briefings from administration officials who presumably know what they are talking about, but as has been widely reported, he prefers to rely on Faux News and his “stable genius” gut.)

Trump’s attack on Cummings is reminiscent of his recent racist attacks on four minority congresswomen who he said should “go back” to the “crime infested” places they were originally from and fix them before trying to improve America. All four women are U.S. citizens, and only one was born abroad.

Trump’s language was, as usual, inflammatory, ignorant and inaccurate. (Also as usual, ungrammatical.)

 . . As proven last week during a congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.

Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!”

Trump is incapable of participating in an evidence-based discussion or policy debate. His “go to” response is always ad hominem–an attack on the person with whom he disagrees. That said, as Americans turn their attention to the 2020 election, he has ramped up his attacks on people of color.

What about his contention that “no human” would want to live in Cummings’ district?

Baltimore is the third most dangerous city in the country behind Detroit and St. Louis, according to the FBI’s 2017 crime report. But Maryland’s 7th district, which Cummings has represented since 1996, includes about half of Baltimore city and has a median household income of around $60,000 and a higher percentage of college graduates than the country as a whole.

Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. Young released a statement defending both Cummings and his city, calling the president a “disappointment to the people of Baltimore, our country and to the world.”

“It’s completely unacceptable for the political leader of our country to denigrate a vibrant American City like Baltimore, and to viciously attack U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings, a patriot and a hero,” he said. “Mr. Trump’s rhetoric is hurtful and dangerous to the people he’s sworn to represent.”

Trump’s language in the tweet was instructive: CNN’s Victor Blackwell pointed out that Trump has often used the word “infested” to refer to places where black and brown people live. (It was also a word Hitler routinely used about Jews.)

Perhaps the best response to this profoundly unPresidential exhibit was an editorial in the Baltimore Sun. It’s uniformly great, but my favorite paragraph is the last one:

Finally, while we would not sink to name-calling in the Trumpian manner — or ruefully point out that he failed to spell the congressman’s name correctly (it’s Cummings, not Cumming) — we would tell the most dishonest man to ever occupy the Oval Office, the mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of women’s private parts, the serial bankrupter of businesses, the useful idiot of Vladimir Putin and the guy who insisted there are “good people” among murderous neo-Nazis that he’s still not fooling most Americans into believing he’s even slightly competent in his current post. Or that he possesses a scintilla of integrity. Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one.

Or as Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who served in the House alongside Cummings for many years, put it:

“Elijah Cummings grew up facing racist bullies like Trump and learned to confront them with qualities unknown to Trump: courage and integrity,” Van Hollen wrote. “The great people of Baltimore have something Trump craves but will never have as he degrades the Office of the President: dignity.”

We’re going to hear more from the racist incompetent as November of 2020 approaches, and–like these recent examples–it won’t be the usual GOP dog whistles. Trump wants 2020 to be a referendum on white nationalism because he thinks most Americans are racists who agree with him that a “great” America is a White America.

Pick your torch, and prove him wrong.


  1. Which is worse? Racists across the country hiding behind phony politeness and dog whistles, or having their hatred out front and easy for all to see? IMO we are long past the point where we can put this genie back in the bottle, and that is a good thing. We will never be able to address this original sin of America if we cannot admit that it is there, thus the question is, “Do we have the courage to face our racism once and for all?”

  2. Why are Democrats and Republicans arguing, pro and con, IF Trump is racist? We have seen and listened to his openly racist rants, threats, name-calling and promises to rid this country of “them” since 2015. All those red caps and tee shirts with “MAGA” was his dog whistle to Make America White Again…which it has NEVER been. We need to be discussing how to combat the results of his racism and how to vote it out at the polls – beginning with the 2018 November election to clear out his supporters in Congress and at state levels.

    “Trump is incapable of participating in an evidence-based discussion or policy debate. His “go to” response is always ad hominem–an attack on the person with whom he disagrees. That said, as Americans turn their attention to the 2020 election, he has ramped up his attacks on people of color.”

    Currently, his “poster child” to represent all African-Americans is Elijah Cummings and the “infested” city of Baltimore represents those “shit hole” countries not worthy of our aid after disasters. Racism was, is and ever will be, part of humanity throughout the world. How to combat those of Trump’s ilk who prefer insults and threats as weapons rather than working to overcome, or work within the system to improve the situation, will always be there. Arguing with fools allows them to drag us down to their level. First Lady Michelle Obama offered the best advice, “When they go low, we go high.” Deal with the actual issues; NOT with Tweets and rants.

  3. The pillowcases are off and they don’t hide in barns for their private meetings. They are politicians and businessmen just like they’ve always been. Racists and racism are not really news since they, as Theresa points out, our original sin.

    I don’t think it will change and if Trump loses, it will only get worse. It doesn’t take a visionary to see where this is all heading once Trump and staff are cleared out of the White House.

    It’s also why leftists are arming themselves as well.

  4. Every time trump insults a person of color I wonder if the hateful ideas were put into his tiny brain by Stephen Miller. It is very unfortunate that Miller was brought into trump’s inner circle and even more unfortunate that he is still there.

    Miller stays in hiding most of the time, but I am guessing that he has a large influence on trump’s vicious ideas about people who aren’t white even though trump has been known to be racist most of his life. I can almost visualize Miller standing in the background cheering trump on every time he tweets or speaks hateful racist ideas that Miller tells him on a daily basis.

    Does anyone else think that Miller most likely gives trump even more racist thoughts than he could possibly think of by himself?

  5. 2020 is no longer about policy. It’s about who we are and who we aspire to be. If 45 wins, we will have certainly answered both of those questions.

  6. DC is a Republican infested city and a clean up campaign is necessary to make it and the rest of the country a safe, productive, organized, problem solving place for all of we the people to live in.

  7. Nice link patmcc, it shows that behind all those suits and ties, the top brass Republicans have always been racists. It did not take any effort at all to move the Jim Crow Democrats of that era into the Republican Party.

    The other Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul, echoed President Agent Orange –

    Republican Sen. Rand Paul offered last week to buy Rep. Ilhan Omar a ticket to visit Somalia so “she might come back and appreciate America more,” echoing racist language President Donald Trump recently used to attack the Somalian refugee and three other minority congresswomen.

    “I’m not saying we forcibly send her anywhere,” Paul said in an interview last week with Breitbart News. “I’m willing to contribute to buy her a ticket to go visit Somalia. I think she can look and maybe learn a little bit about the disaster that is Somalia.”

    “And then maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while, she might come back and appreciate America more,” he added.

    Rand Paul styles himself as a Libertarian Republican. Behind the mask he reveals himself to be a racist. The American Love it, or Leave it has a history going back to the Nixon era. Critics of the Vietnam War were told to, Love it, or Leave It. That is you have to support government policies no matter what – Steroid Nationalism in other words.

    The Love it, or Leave it explains why these people are so in love with Authoritarianism, OBEY, do what you are told. What escapes the Love It or Leave It types is the whole idea is to improve America for all it’s citizens and if necessary speak out or demonstrate.

  8. Monotonous, I too saw that quote from Rand Paul about Rep. Omar. Back when Sen. Paul was attacked by his neighbor I had sympathy for the man. Now I wonder if the neighbor had a better take on the man, and racist Rand had it coming after all.

  9. I would really like to know just exactly how many people follow his rhetoric, as their view? Folks if it is in fact a majority – there is only one road ahead of us and it leads to a pit. I am angry, I am disappointed in my fellow Americans and reps of all stripes: The man should be in prison by now. If you cannot call meeting with the enemy five times and calling him more frequently, teason (“I talk with him every day!’ in reference to Vladimir Putin,) then not allowing even the CIA, or NSA access to the transcript – quite literally tearing up the record of a couple of conversations over an hour long!…If that is not reason to stop him in his tracks, then we are screwed. Folks if people are THAT STUPID, THAT UNAWARE OF THEIR AMERICAN DUTY – then they deserve what is coming. And it is. Mark my words, and remember – I will be on the side putting all of them that we can find TO THE WALL. This is not a game. This is a war for our freedoms and the country we live in and you better not forget that or you might just wake up dead – immortalized in green glass. Vladimir Putin is not our friend he wants this country dead and out of the way. We HAVE BEEN sold out – not we are ‘being sold out’… WE HAVE BEEN. The enemy is already under the gates… Just the facts, Ma’am.

  10. fat cat trump, and his fat cat buddies have soaked up enough of our economy to leave such cities in this condition. like any -American city today, we barely survive,with the pay check giving just enough to go to work. and heres bigotplus mouthing off on how he and his buddies left these cities to basically decay in their wealth. kusnerville, in Baltimore will brcome another
    gentrified glory hole,when trumps dog whistle sounds.again, kicking the working class and poverty further down a hole,they dig deeper. ive hauled many a load from dundalk port area. thr highways are trashed, as is the neighborhood, thanks to trump and hid buddies.
    in passing Sen.Cummings is good man, I wish him and Baltimaore a better future, without trump and kushner inc..

  11. I’m reading Tim Alberta’s book, “American Carnage”. In it he describes how the GOP freaked out at the election of Barack Obama? Why? Because their constituents bugged and attacked these weak-kneed, whore-like politicians to thwart EVERYTHING this, uh, person of color did. Race card? These self-righteous white bigots couldn’t stand to be up-staged by one of “those people”.

    Trump saw this and jumped into the birther thing with all four feet. Then, he saw that it worked. He could get thousands/millions of people frothing at the mouth by playing the race card. After Obama embarrassed him at the journalist’s dinner, he went all in. Yes, Trump is inherently racist, but he saw an opportunity to satisfy his own pathology with the adulation of his fellow racists.

    Trump ran for President because he knew he could promote his racist agenda and be praised for it. He never imagined winning, but when he did , it showed the world that the base of ignorant, lazy white people are racist to their cores and need to blame everyone else for their failures. It’s a national sickness, this racist thing. Trump exploits it for his own aggrandizement.

  12. While we must condemn and act on racism every place and time, we need to understand the political calculus of Trump’s strategy strategy. In 2018, 60% of Americans identified as non-Hispanic white. His only hope is to peel away some them who don’t self identify as racist into his camp by making it us versus them.

    Our message of attacking disadvantage must be broad enough to include (and justly so) , the 17M whites living in poverty. It should include programs that will help rural and rust belt America.

    Thematically, it must be broad enough to include all the disadvantaged while not shrinking away from the fact that people of color are disproportionately included in that category.

  13. WOW, I just read this and it comes as no shock to me.

    “By the way, the healthcare industry will be advertising tonight on this program,” Sanders said after accusing CNN moderator Jake Tapper of deploying “a Republican talking point” against Medicare for All. “They will be advertising tonight with that talking point.”

    As Variety reported last week, CNN—which is owned by AT&T—required “a commitment of $300,000 in advertising on the network before a potential sponsor can purchase commercials within the two debate telecasts.”

    The American Prospect’s David Dayen noted that, in addition to ads from the pharmaceutical lobby, the debate’s breaks also featured commercials from “the anti-single payer group Partnership for America’s Health Care Future (PAHCF), funded by hospitals and drug companies, and an Alzheimer’s disease patient advocacy group that takes major funding from drug companies.”

    HA, HA, Sanders and Warren demolished the other candidates and CNN in the bargain.

  14. Hatred, Deceit and fear are very powerful driving forces! Combine the 3, and it’s about as simple as that. In the 30s, there was a poster that the Germans developed which depicted Jews as giant ticks infesting Germany. It wasn’t just the Jews though, it was anyone who didn’t agree with the Germans white Puritan nationalistic fascist self-aggrandized superiority. Alexis D Tocqueville penned this in 1832, “as social conditions become more equal, the number of persons increases who, although they are neither rich nor powerful enough to exercise any great influence over their fellow creatures, have nevertheless acquired or retained sufficient education and fortune to satisfy their own wants. They own nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man, they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands. Thus not only does democracy make every man forget his ancestors, but it hides his descendents, and separates his contemporaries from him; it throws him back forever upon himself alone, and threatens in the and to confine him entirely within the solitude of his own heart.”

    This mentality, derives those who rally behind Trump. They feel alone, disenfranchised, although they might be materialistically satisfied, the hordes will arrive and take it all away. They want it for themselves, healthcare, nice homes, nice cars, clothing, education, and the like. Of course there are many who would love to share with everyone, but those are NOT the ones Trump speaks or appeals to. Trump is a throwback politically to Manifest Destiny! The white ruling class uses indigenous peoples and imported African slaves to build an agrarian society to transform not only the North American continent, but Central and South America. These kind of went by the wayside during the Industrial Revolution, a time when the white ruling class acquired great wealth and realized the potential of industry rather than agriculture.

    And of course, during that time, those industrialists, used the masses (slave class) to their advantage. Dividing people by race was a perfect way to get people working for extremely meager wages. The poor whites became resentful because of “others” undercutting their wages by coming into the factories springing up in the north. Of course, after the Civil War, and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, reconstruction of the South came to a halt. Former slaves were flooding North to make a living, those who could not, ended working the land of their former masters. Former slaves in the South became self-sufficient, many even became wealthy. The resentment was great, and politicians played on this resentment. Hence the Jim Crow laws!

    In the north, the resentment of those coming from the south to work in factories during the Industrial Revolution created the same sort of resentment. There are always “others to demonize.” Politicians have always stoked the “Us” versus “Them” to acquire and retain power. The Germans learned their lesson well, they studied American history and firstly “Manifest Destiny” and then “American Romanticism.” The church added to the mix that everyone who was not white were cursed, so, no one had to feel guilty about mistreating the “Others,” after all, they were just doing God’s will.

    Instead of defending true Christianity by using God’s Word, they often downgrade the Bible and resort to worldly philosophy in their teaching in an effort to win over public opinion and the establishment. … Rather than sounding a warning against the dangers of following the unscriptural trends of the world, they have become teachers who do their best to ‘tickle the ears’ of their listeners in order to win adherents. (2nd Timothy 4:3)

    Until, men can reverse the “Man’s inhumanity to Man” racial inequality and hatred will never be erased. The figurative heart, used in Scripture to define the measure of a man, will always continue to be found lacking in those who continue to grasp on to their hatred of “Others.” In the Bible book of James, the 1st chapter starting at the 14th verse, it reads “but each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, which has become fertile, gives birth to sin, in turn sin when it has been carried out, brings forth death.”

    We can debate on sin all day, but Jesus Christ said to one of the Pharisees in Matthew, “you must love your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and 1st commandment. The 2nd, like it, is this: you must love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these 2 commandments the whole law hangs and the prophets.” Christ was eluding 2 Leviticus 19:18 where it was said you must love your fellow as yourself. Further down in the 34th verse it talks about temporary residents in the land. Those temporary residents were to be treated well and not abused. I could go on and on about taking care of widows and orphans which of course is not happening at our southern border, but, the fact remains, the hatred of those “Others” is not only anti-Scripture, it’s anti-Christ and anti-Christian. They are so worried about the antichrist, they can’t see their own reflection in the mirror and realize it’s they themselves they hate.

  15. This is not hysteria time just yet. Let’s understand that while there is racism galore in this country that there are degrees of this ism. Thus there are many whites and blacks as well who are racists but not Trump-style racists. They are uncomfortable in the presence of other races but understand that we live in a multicultural community and (to some degree) must be more than tolerant of the other’s rights not only to be represented but to represent as well. (See Obama’s two terms – there is no way he could have been elected without the white vote which, if Trump-styled race hatred-based, would not have been forthcoming.) Clearly many “racists” voted for Obama; just not those whose racism was based on hate.

    If Trump decides to make racism and White Nationalism the campaign issue, he has a loser in that he has made a misjudgment of the nature and degree of racism in this country which I think is a mile wide but an inch deep, and getting shallower day to day. Our task is to accommodate the change in this and many other issues facing us (AI, wage and wealth inequality, environmental matters etc.) while putting a political end to the receding influence of haters such as the Trumps and David Dukes of this world. So let’s get to work. . .

  16. Last night Williamson brought up reparation during the debates; what better way to stir up racism in this country than by demanding the government (with our tax dollars) to pay out billions of dollars to unknown millions of people. Responding to a Facebook post by Williamson, I listed my family history of farming, with no slaves, and their military records from the Indiana State Archives of enlistment in the Indiana Volunteers during the Civil War. My great-grandfather was discharged as disabled after one of the battles and one great-great-uncle survived Andersonville prison. That, to one reader made me a stereotype, I’m still trying to figure that one out. Not all blacks in this country are descendants of slaves; not all whites are descendants of slave owners. We can be sure of one thing regarding reparation; the Republicans will never support it.

  17. Jo Anne – AMEN – “Deal with the actual issues; NOT with Tweets and rants.” Every word you write about what he says simply amplifies his presence (the Media is the worst about this!). Every ounce of energy and moment of time you spend on this is time and energy that could be used to get out the independent voters (a majority of eligible voters) in 2020. Tres simple….

  18. John Sorg: Instead of defending true Christianity by using God’s Word, they often downgrade the Bible and resort to worldly philosophy in their teaching in an effort to win over public opinion and the establishment.

    Can you please explain what the hell “true Christianity” is? There was a guy, Jesus of Nazareth, who tried preaching about how to lead a moral life. Mostly good stuff. Subsequently there were hundred of millions of less good guys who used his thoughts to lie and cajole and to give themselves more power and a better life style. Remember indulgences and tithing? Moral people are that way because of inherent decency and humanistic values, not because some completely self-contradictory novel written many decades after the events described actually occurred. Yes, you get my drift. Christianity taught people to be accepting and obedient, not to think for themselves and to insist on being treated with fairness and dignity. Any book that tells people what to think instead of how to think is a self-serving product of a scheming author. Any book teaching moral principles must explain how to defend human rights, not how to abide by the demands of pedophile priests and perverted preachers. Democritus postulated atomic theory hundreds of years before Christ showed up. Where would the world be today if we had built on his theory instead of taking a 1500 year detour into mysticism and exploitation of the poor?

    “God’s word” is a repetitive noise, like tinnitus, that replays in the minds of madmen who think themselves in touch with the non-existent creator of the universe and feel an urge to share their delusions with gullible naifs.

    Finally, what does it mean to “downgrade the Bible?” The Bible is self-downgrading as its countless errors are exposed and as hypocritical Christians suck up to the most evil president the Republicans have ever conjured. Nonsense is nonsense, and claiming it comes from a creator of some sort doesn’t make it any more factual. Can’t we just drop this pointless, time consuming prattle once and for all? God (and Democritus) knows we’ve wasted enough of the brief time our species will inhabit this planet.

  19. Trump’s diatribe on Representative Cummings is just one part of the ice burg. His real beef with Rep. Cummings is when his acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan was giving testimony before the House Oversight Committee. When Rep Cummings got feed up with the garbage coming from the acting Secretary, Rep Cummings raised his voice and demanded answers to the questions of the committee and take responsibility for the actions of the administration at the border.

    What Rep Cummings did in raising his voice had nothing to do with his District in Baltimore, in fact it had more to do with Trump’s racism. Black men do not raise their voices to a white man. When black men raise their voice to a white man he is showing disrespect to someone that is his superior. This goes back to the days of slavery and later into the days of Jim Crow and lynchings and beatings. We know how Trump feels about this, he just gave us solid proof.

  20. John Sorg, 8:58 am, the 2nd half of your last sentence, you said ‘they can’t see their own reflection’… Did you think about the “fact” that ‘vampires’ don’t cast a reflection? LOL! That might even explain quite a lot!

  21. I listen to every commentator that’s available from DL Hughly to Michael Savage. DL would agree but Michael said Trump is from New York and will attack if being attacked. DL gives quotes as to what Trump has said and Michael basically calls him unpolished and brash.
    The topic of racism is in some ways way too devis for our country. Most countries that have had slave populations struggle with racism. Even the scriptures point out that different ethnicities will always be at odds with each other. But why has our nation either side of the aisle shown a lack of understanding of the black community.
    The President definately needs to think about how politically correct his answers should sound. But would it have helped if he replied that Con Cummings needs to be replaced by a Conservative Black Republican. Or if he had said “ I’m for reparations and our jobs should go to those who are deserving of them instead of someone who wants to freely cross our borders? “
    Using Racism isn’t necessarily about restoring the black community as now policies from the White qqHouse has black unemployment ( and Hispanic) at less than 4 per cent. When you look at our cities are they utilizing the dollars efficiently or are the being given to relatives of politicians that have corrupt charities?
    We certainly need to seek out community charities that will enhance our schools and neighborhoods. We need to focus on giving our personal time to teachers in schools as aids.
    If Trump lose this election he can partially blame himself as there was a “civil war going on in the Democrat Party and now they’ve circled the wagons”
    Even now Jewish commentators are saying the Democrat Party is full of anti-semites. Showing an abundance of how even some prominent politicians are out front with their hatred of Israel.
    For the sake of the nation President Trump needs to be like the last President and stay in front of the TelePrompTer.

  22. I read that Jared Kushner owns many rental apartments in Baltimore which his company manages in slum lord style. Time to fact check and broadcast that information widely if it’s true.

  23. Terry, it’s really not difficult to see the difference between truth and lies study history. The Nicene counsel in 325 A.D. changed the Christian church forever. Roman Emperor Constantine used bribery and the promise of power to certain members of the church hierarchy to convince them to capitulate to Roman ideals, basically becoming the church of the State rather than of the church of Christ. True Christians follow the law of Christ, not the Mosaic law. The Mosaic law was fulfilled by Christ. Tithing was under the Mosaic law and not required by Christians. Tithing used by the Jews to support the Levites who were the priestly class, this was for food, shelter, and clothing, also, to maintain the tabernacle. With the death of Christ, he was considered the ransom sacrifice. No longer would there be animal sacrifices, it was the blood of a perfect man (Christ) to atone for the sin of another perfect man (Adam). Under the Mosaic law, the commandment was for sacrifices of animals at the Tabernacles altar to atone for sin.

    The Mosaic law, and the Abrahamic law covenant, are a foreshadow of God’s thought process. Although Christians are not bound by the Mosaic law or Abraham’s law covenant, Jesus Christ often quoted from the Hebrew texts. When Jesus Christ said in Matthew, love your neighbor as yourself, and love God, that also is in the Mosaic law text. Jesus Christ basically said that the whole law hangs on his above statement. So if you don’t love your neighbor as yourself, and you don’t love God a liar and a hypocrite, there is no forgiveness for that individual. Christ also said to love your enemy. And Jesus Christ’s famous sermon on the mount, he said, “you heard it said that you must love your neighbor and hate your enemy” although, Jewish law never said that nor did Jewish Scripture.

    The Cyclopædia by M’Clintock and StrongWhich is something you should Peru’s by the way, stated that the religious leaders of the time, the Pharisees, restrained the meaning of the word neighbor to only Jews. And that was purposely deceitful to mislead their followers.

    The Hebrew Scriptures mention in Proverbs 24th chapter and 17th verse, when your enemy falls, do not rejoice and when he stumbles, do not let your heart be joyful. Christ backed this up by his parable of the Good Samaritan. Samaritans were despised people. But all of the so-called good people, the Rabbi, and so-called neighbors, left the man lying bloodied and beaten on the side of the road. The Samaritan, who was considered the lowest of the low, helped this Jewish man to an inn and paid for his stay and care.

    Anyway, I could go on, but you get the drift, I think. One other thing, the church cannot absolve anyone of any sin, only one can do that. This was part of the state-sponsored church, they used this hook to bring people into the church who ordinarily would not have wanted to join. The apostle Paul warned of this when he was speaking to the Christians in Ephesus. That after the apostles were gone, oppressive wolves would enter in among the true Christians and not treat them with kindness. And that basically, these individuals (oppressive wolves) would be looking for self-aggrandizement and self gratification, because they themselves don’t believe what they preach.

  24. Terry, it’s really not difficult to see the difference between truth and lies study history. The Nicene counsel in 325 A.D. changed the Christian church forever. Roman Emperor Constantine used bribery and the promise of power to certain members of the church hierarchy to convince them to capitulate to Roman ideals, basically becoming the church of the State rather than of the church of Christ. True Christians follow the law of Christ, not the Mosaic law. The Mosaic law was fulfilled by Christ. Tithing was under the Mosaic law and not required by Christians. Tithing used by the Jews to support the Levites who were the priestly class, this was for food, shelter, and clothing, also, to maintain the tabernacle. With the death of Christ, he was considered the ransom sacrifice, no longer would there be animal sacrifices. It was the blood of a perfect man (Christ) to atone for the sin of another perfect man (Adam). Under the Mosaic law, the commandment was for sacrifices of animals at the Tabernacles altar to atone for sin.

    The Mosaic law, and the Abrahamic law covenant, are a foreshadowing of God’s thought process. Although Christians are not bound by the Mosaic law or Abraham’s law covenant, Jesus Christ often quoted from the Hebrew texts. When Jesus Christ said in Matthew, love your neighbor as yourself, and love God, that also is in the Mosaic law text. Jesus Christ basically said that the whole law hangs on his above statement. So if you don’t love your neighbor as yourself, and you don’t love God, you would be a liar and a hypocrite, there is no forgiveness for that individual. Christ also said to love your enemy. In Jesus Christ’s famous sermon on the mount, he said, “you heard it said that you must love your neighbor and hate your enemy” although, Jewish law never said that, nor did Jewish Scripture.

    The Cyclopædia by M’Clintock and Strong which is something you should Peruse by the way, stated that the religious leaders of the time, the Pharisees, restrained the meaning of the word “neighbor” to only Jews. And that was purposely deceitful to mislead their followers.

    The Hebrew Scriptures mention in Proverbs 24th chapter and 17th verse, when your enemy falls, do not rejoice and when he stumbles, do not let your heart be joyful. Christ backed this up by his parable of the Good Samaritan. Samaritans were despised people. But all of the so-called good people, the Rabbi, and so-called neighbors, left the man lying bloodied and beaten on the side of the road. The Samaritan, who was considered the lowest of the low, helped this Jewish man to an inn and paid for his stay and care.

    Anyway, I could go on, but you get the drift, I think. One other thing, the church cannot absolve anyone of any sin, only one can do that. This was part of the state-sponsored church, they used this hook to bring people into the church who ordinarily would not have wanted to join. The apostle Paul warned of this when he was speaking to the Christians in Ephesus. That after the apostles were gone, oppressive wolves would enter in among the true Christians and not treat them with kindness. And that basically, these individuals (oppressive wolves) would be looking for self-aggrandizement and self gratification, because they themselves don’t believe what they preach.

  25. I have an impeachment question regarding our sitting Grand Dragon in the Oval Office. During the Mueller hearing last week a committee member asked about the 5 year statute of limitations on Trump’s crimes and if he is reelected to another 4 years, would that 5 year limit run out. Mr. Mueller couldn’t answer that question. Here is another one; IF impeachment is brought against Trump and IF he loses the election; what happens with the impeachment process on a former president and the charges against him? Would that end all legal action on whatever charges they might file and would double jeopardy come into play and would the charges be dropped? Guess that is 2 questions. Anyone out there have the answers?

    This impeachment inquiry or investigation of Grand Jury charges we are not aware of ,IF impeachment is filed it will drag on; McConnell will see to that. Timing is everything in this never before seen in the history of this country with this president and his administration. Another never before seen chapter in our history.

  26. Wonder why all the Trump is a racist talk? Internal polls from candidates in June show Trump is at 20% likely voter turnout from minority groups. More are looking at the economy and policies that are influencing all sectors of society. Mark Levin
    Bill Clinton said, “ It’s the economy stupid”.
    Trump is trying to expand the economy while Medicare would bring the economy to a standstill just like Obamacare planned failure did.

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