When Religion Becomes Farce

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Or maybe both.

Most of us have seen the news that Louisiana now requires posting the Ten Commandments in that state’s schoolrooms. What I hadn’t seen reported–until this fascinating article from Salon–is that the version to be posted comes not from the Bible, but from Hollywood. Rather than go to any of the biblical texts, Louisiana opted for Cecil B. DeMille’s, taking the version to be posted from  “The Ten Commandments.

Actually, that shouldn’t be a surprise–Christian nationalists aren’t known for consulting original texts. Or for honesty.

The article is lengthy–and fascinating. It quotes several biblical scholars who have read–and engaged with–the biblical versions. As one scholar says,

The Ten Commandments recounted in Exodus 34 are nothing like the list of crimes most people know. It starts off: “Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you.”

As he notes, this version is definitely “not the list of ten commandments which most people are familiar with, but it is the only list in Exodus which is actually called ‘the ten commandments.’” (The article notes that similar legislation passed by the Texas State Senate also uses a version that doesn’t appear in any Bible– a “highly Christianized version” with “Judaic elements removed.”)

The multitude of versions and their disputed authenticity leads to what the author calls the “vexing problem of which form of the Ten Commandments should be forced onto schoolchildren….Wikipedia even offers a chart showing how eight different faith traditions group and number the commandments.” No wonder our MAGA lawmakers opted for the Hollywood version, wildly inaccurate as “The Ten Commandments” was both historically and textually.

Well, if you are going to “edit” the presumed word of God, you might as well make your version support your political ambitions..

Louisiana’s Ten Commandments lawsuit actually disproves the Christian nationalist claim that the Ten Commandments are the basis of America’s moral foundation. One need only compare the text that will go on classroom walls with the text of the Bible. Louisiana lawmakers edited and abridged the biblical commandments to “improve” the Word of God, to make them more moral. Gone is the reference to a jealous God punishing innocent children for the crimes of their parents (Exodus 20:5); the crime of exercising their right to freely worship. Lawmakers used our modern morality to edit the word of their God. Louisiana’s heavily edited commandments undercut the very claim they are supposedly making.

There is, of course, a wide discrepancy between genuine Christianity and Christian Nationalism, as clergy friends of mine keep reminding me. The latter is a thinly-veiled political movement, and it bears less and less similarity to religious belief. As the article notes,

If this were an intellectual debate, we could stop here. But it’s politics, which is full of challenging absurdities. Trump was only a distant spectator to the Louisiana bill, but he’s both a symptom and a super-spreader of the underlying moral abyss. Eight years ago, many evangelical Christians had their doubts about Trump. His running mate, Mike Pence, clearly helped calm, as did “apostle” Lance Wallnau, whose book “God’s Chaos Candidate” compared Trump to the Persian King Cyrus, a “heathen” instrument of God’s will. But now Trump openly compares himself to Jesus and his followers eat it up, while his flagrant violations of the Ten Commandments are shrugged off, at best. Pastors who preach on the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus told his followers to “turn the other cheek,” are accused of pushing “liberal talking points.”

In short, Trump has helped catalyze a profound disorientation of Christianity, deep into gaslight territory. By comparison, Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry is just a garden-variety Republican liar. “If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver,” he said on signing the bill. It’s an obviously illogical claim — you could also start by not nominating a convicted criminal for president — that’s also ludicrous and false in several different ways.

One sociologist is quoted as explaining that Christian nationalism has two goals: to signal to the MAGA base that they are culture warriors fighting “leftism, Marxism, woke-ism, state-sponsored atheism or whatever else scares conservative white Americans;” and as a distraction from Republican policy failures. It’s notable that US News recently ranked Louisiana dead last among all 50 states, and no. 47 in education.

As the article accurately concludes, the Christian nationalist agenda stands for the proposition that America is a Christian nation, and Christians (of the right variety) should control every facet of it.

It’s hard to get more unAmerican than that.


  1. Old books in one hand.. Guns in the other … VERY Republican. Vote BLUE no matter who.

  2. Wowza, and Charlton Heston for President. I’m sure the founders wrote the Constitution after attending a viewing of The Ten Commandments.

  3. I’m still waiting for the real Christians to speak out and speak up. I guess that Bishop Barber is the only one with a backbone.

  4. The Christianized version of the Ten Commandments is a severely abbreviated, paraphrased version of Exodus 34 to meet the current school level of the attention span and reading comprehension of students in public and private schools throughout the United States today. It appears to me to be a necessity if MAGAs intends to educate American students to increase their future voter and donor numbers to continue their White Nationalist takeover of the United States.
    Which appears to be happening at this time because the Democrats do not understand the necessity of becoming UNITED as President Abraham Lincoln struggled to bring about to pass the 13th Amendment during the Civil War and died for shortly after his second election to the presidency. The copied and pasted information below will be the guiding example for red states such as Indiana to follow. IF Trump returns to the White House the Supreme Court will make it the law of the land at his bidding.

    Louisiana Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program (voucher students), last edited December 18, 2023: “Students are eligible if their family income is no more than 250 percent of the federal poverty line ($75,000 for a family of four in 2023–24) and they either (1) attended a public school designated as C, D or F in the previous year, (2) are entering kindergarten or (3) were enrolled at a public school in the Recovery School District. If more students apply than the program’s capacity and funding allow, participation is determined by random lottery. If a particular private school is oversubscribed under the program, the state department of education must conduct a randomized lottery to award seats in that school. In that lottery, students from public schools rated D or F receive priority over students from public schools rated C.”

    “It’s notable that US News recently ranked Louisiana dead last among all 50 states, and no. 47 in education.”

    I am old school and still use my computer, not my cell phone, for communication and information. Next to my computer I have a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and my Bible; the Pilgrim Edition with my name embossed in gold on the front from my long ago Baptist days.

    Vote BLUE no matter who!!!

  5. If you have a chance, watch “God and Country.” It is available through Freevee in Amazon Prime Video. No charge, but there are a few ads. Also good is “Bad Faith,” available to rent for $.99 through Amazon Prime Video.

  6. And with Micah Beckwith as the GOP Lt. Gov. running mate with Braun, things could get frightening real for this red state of Indiana. Beckwith is a self-professed Christian Nationalist and way out of control.

  7. Wow. I am gobsmacked by today’s letter. I can’t even think of any snide remarks to post for the purpose of entertainment.
    Oh, wait: “Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts”. -the GOP
    There. I have done my civic dooty for today…
    Any bets of how much longer it will take before the World’s Worst Legislature follows suit?

  8. I am not sure what their total stated goal is. Part of the bill is to allow ministers to serve as chaplains for those who need mental health counseling, most ministers now go through some kind of such training .
    Note that teen suicides are on the rise as religion and its purpose is removed from every avenue of life.
    Knowing there is a higher power is not necessarily a bad thing. The apostle paul wrote in Hebrews 13 to submit to those over you that bring the teaching of your fathers. Thats something we have lost..
    During the depression in 1938, black families 98% had both a father and mother. Today its Bout 1 in 3.
    So sad the need to be logical in the face of repressive criticism
    The irony is Aljazeera chimes in condemning it when its part of Mosaic law and over half of people only view it as law.
    The way to post it so its not offensive is as a collection of laws. Then if people oppose it we know why.
    Our teens lives are at stake here? No purpose no peace.
    Hebrews 4 God instituted rest for all. One day a week, but most won’t know about it.

  9. I am not sure what their total stated goal is. Part of the bill is to allow ministers to serve as chaplains for those who need mental health counseling, most ministers now go through some kind of such training . Note that teen suicides are on the rise as religion and its purpose is removed from every avenue of life.
    We have made comments concerning this before.

    https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-03-29/steady-rise-in-u-s-suicides-among-adolescents-teens Knowing there is a higher power is not necessarily a bad thing.
    The apostle Paul wrote in Hebrews 13 to submit to those over you that bring the teaching of your fathers. Thats something we have lost, in my opinion.
    The way to post it so its not offensive is as a collection of laws. The courts are more likely to approve of it this way.

  10. Republican pretzel logic will probably have Louisiana’s attorneys arguing in the lawsuit that is sure to come that, since what’s being posted aren’t the real, biblical 10 Commandments, it’s technically not a First Amendment violation. That’s a variation on the old line about the guy who murders his parents and then begs the court for mercy because he’s an orphan.

    And to all those scared, white conservatives out there, let me just say, “BOO!”

  11. “Knowing there is a higher power is not necessarily a bad thing.” John S, you state that as a fact In my view, Christianity focuses its world viwe on act that is either suicide (he knew what was going to happen) or murder(hias daddy did it), in which adherents ritualistically practice cannibalish (eat the body/drink the blood) and who are forgiven for anything they do, so they are not accountable. If you like wars, Chrisatianity has been the basis for a ton of wars in history. The Framers were aware of The Reformation and the killing and oppression it caused. The harm consists of forcing a violent belief on others when this country was founded on the concept of separation of church and State. On a final [point (& apologies, in advance, to those of you on here whom I respect, but this haPPENED). In West Laughalot an individual was trying to convert me. (btw, I’m an atheist because I’ve studied religions) He did the usual sales job: salvation doesn’t cost a dime, etc. “And” his god “can forgive any sin. Well, except one.” “Okay, I said, “an d that is?” “Blasphemy.” I smiled and said, “Then fuck ‘god.'” Thus endeth the lesson for the daty.

  12. In the version of the 10 commandments, the FIRST FOUR set forth our relationship to God, his name, and his holy day. How is this not an establishment of religion?

  13. As a former Roman Catholic, from what I can remember of my 1970’s era catechism classes, the Hollywood version of the 10 commandments is what they taught. Since the catechism classes never actually used a bible, I’m surprised to learn that I won’t be able to open a bible and find that version of 10 commandments in bold print.

    I have homework now to go read the Wikipedia article.

  14. IMHO the teen suicide rise is more likely related to the increased use of social media and cellular telephones, resulting in isolation, than the lack of exposure to religious scripture.

  15. Christian Nationalists take being SHAMELESS to an entirely new level!

    Mark Small – kudos to you for your response to the idiot in West Lafayette.

    I feel very fortunate to have grown up in a rural community with a church congregation whose pastors gave sermons focused on God’s love for everyone rather than on hellfire and damnation. I never once left church or sunday school class worried by a threat that I was going to burn in hell.

  16. beware of those who support first profits and then boast a shangrala.

    demos 1/6

  17. daleb – your statement is an actual fact.

    Forcing religion onto school students has only one goal and that is to have complete control over future adults – mentally, emotionally and politically. It has nothing to do with making them better human beings.

  18. Mark;
    I once lived next to a holy roller,(yea,they really did as the profit on the pulpit said,in that er,church)church ,evan something. when i moved in they didnt waste a second asking me to their little world. o.k. so i stepped inside,and watched the rituals etc. quite a show to see how one person can con someone to dance laying on a floor and twitch like some headless snake,by command.
    and ya have to wonder why these people follow this,(ill leave that comment to the more educated here)..but im sure we see the results today with media and mega churches trying like hell not to be audited and taxed..the sickest pic i ever seen was the megas annointing trump for a photo op at the white house. that was demeaning to America..

  19. When researching this topic, there are so many conflicts. I know the federal declaration that state and church should be separated, but what about individual states?

    Many of the colonies/states were founded on the principles of religious sects. The evolution of their rights in matters of religion is a journey deeply rooted in history. When did these states relinquish their religious rights?

    Also, the Ten Commandments aren’t Christ’s commandments; they are Mosaic Law. Depending on which biblical scholar you find, there are 31 to 280 commandments ordered by Christ.

    Therefore, if these Ten Commandments aren’t taken from the Bible, aren’t they secular commandments?

    As I mentioned, I don’t know how to approach this Louisiana nonsense other than they are trying to help teach morality to young kids in a poor state with little or no parental involvement. Next to Mississippi, Louisiana has the second-highest black population (39%) in the Union. Indiana has a 10% black population. In many state comparisons, Indiana and Mississippi are ranked 48th or 50th.

    What’s up with that?

  20. Rev Barber. thanks for picking up,where Dr.King left off. your thoughts and devotion to your campaign speak the real words of the moral needs of everyone. and or,the moral discourse that has taken ahold of America thru its so called religious sects. you stand to wipe away the curtain of falsehoods and political graft. I thank you..

  21. Governor Landry is inaccurate in describing Moses as the original lawgiver. Must those earlier texts and codes be acknowledged and posted as well?

  22. If a state wants to help students develop a sense of ethics, post the many versions of the Golden Rule, found in every religious tradition.
    Also post the Bill of Rights. And then teach it in an inquiry-based, historically informed way.
    After 10 years of such education, maybe idiots like Louisiana’s governor will stop being elected.

  23. Christian nationalists also want a civil war in which they can once and for all suppress blacks Hispanics and Jews. That’s why they spend all their money on guns. They are already being assisted by the Supreme Court and by their brethren in State houses who leave no stone unturned in their effort to keep Democrats from voting. The 10 Commandments is a distraction because kids will tune it out particularly the part about respecting their parents.

  24. I’m surprised that Trumpet hasn’t written his own 10 Commandments or told followers what his favorite commandment is. He could publish it and make $s from it.

  25. I am continually amazed that human beings are what they are: remarkably stupid and ignorant creatures, very prone to believing whatever lies stimulate the release of the Dr. Feelgood substances in their brains.

    The ancients, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, were all fools, all taken by fairy tales, and such fools still constitute over half of the population of the western world.

    I just trick myself into forgetting how primitive most people still are. May we live in interesting times, indeed.

  26. Joe Campbell the world-renowned mythologist who studied religions and myths from all times and places says that saying the word “god” is a problem because it personifies and limits. So many people have different ideas about all that. There are also many similarities that run through religions so people in their place and time can better deal with the stages and turmoil of life. When religions block personal growth (transcendence) that’s stifling and needs venting in one way or another. Many young people full of life and energy can be adversely affected by oppressively antiquated rules of conformity that don’t match up with their reality.
    I would like to see the bill of rights posted in all schools (even religious schools that accept vouchers), and let students know they have the right to work to improve their life first. Helping others is fine but if its mandatory and hurts/takes away from yourself then that isn’t fine. That’s what I call having to love your neighbor more than yourself. Also adopting ERA nationally would clarify and help in this area too.
    By placing the ten commandments on the wall doesn’t mean the kids have to read it and a lot of them probably won’t. American adults need to come to their senses and read the writing on the wall that our inherent rights are under attack by a destructive current movement wrapping itself in the American flag and pseudo-Christianity.

  27. The Louisiana law repeats an abridged version of the Ten Commandments taken from Exodus 20. The point, though, is that they’ve edited the Ten Commandments and mandated their placement in public schools and universities out of their proper context, which is the point you are correctly making.

  28. Exodus 20

    20 And God spake all these words, saying, 2 I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

    3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

    4 Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

    5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me, 6 and showing lovingkindness unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

    7 Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

    8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

    9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    12 Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee.

    13 Thou shalt not kill.

    14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

    15 Thou shalt not steal.

    16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

    17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

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