How Awful Are Hoosiers, Really?

Consider this a follow-up to yesterday’s “Extra” post.

I have written before about Indiana Democrats’ self-defeating attitudes and behaviors. A recent conversation with two very savvy political observers reminded me–again!– how incredibly unhelpful those negative attitudes are.

It’s a conversation I’ve had repeatedly. Acquaintances who are committed Democrats refrain from donating to Hoosier Democratic candidates because “they can’t win in Indiana.” Rather obviously, that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy–if these candidates lack sufficient resources to compete, they will lose. (During that recent conversation, when I reminded my friends that Obama had won Indiana, one responded “Yes, but he put significant resources here.” Yes–with sufficient resources, Democrats can win Indiana. Duh.)

This year, as I have documented, the Indiana Democratic Party has nominated a statewide (non-gerrymander-able) slate of truly excellent candidates. They are capable, moderate, and–unlike their GOP opponents–sane. Meanwhile, the Republicans are running a ticket of out-and-out White Supremecist theocrats, men who are personally repugnant supporters of an exceptionally far-Right agenda: anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-public education, anti-environment…candidates who enthusiastically support positions that survey research confirms are at odds with the positions of most Hoosiers, Republican and Democrat alike.

So why, you might ask (I’ve certainly been asking) do people who clearly recognize both the merits of the Democratic candidates and the threats posed by the Republican ones still insist that Indiana voters will opt for the Republican ones?

During that last discussion, I finally came to understand the roots of that belief. (I’m slow.)

These same people–people who care about their neighbors, who understand and worry about the current assaults on the Constitution and civil liberties, who recognize the nuanced nature of policy disputes–apparently believe that a significant majority of Hoosier voters are ignorant and hateful.

Too many of my Democratic friends view all Hoosier Republicans–especially but not exclusively rural Republicans– as uneducated and politically unsophisticated, resentful of social change and suspicious of anyone who isn’t a White Christian. They see all Republicans as MAGA bigots, mired in a Fox “News” universe, dismissive of information inconsistent with their prejudices, and they conclude that efforts to inform or persuade them are useless. (This belief actually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: if the Democratic candidates lack resources to communicate their positions, many Hoosier voters will lack accurate information.)

I’m willing to concede that this picture of a committed racist rube accurately describes the base of today’s GOP–the MAGA folks who form the core of what has become Trump’s political party. But I refuse to believe that all Hoosier Republicans are cut from that same MAGA cloth. There are people who are relatively uninformed, but not hateful–many people who would reject the premises and promises of Project 2025 if they knew what those premises and promises really were.

The Democrats who are writing off Hoosier voters rather clearly believe that providing sufficient resources to disseminate accurate information widely around the state is a fool’s errand. They believe that the super-majority in our deplorable state legislature is an accurate representation of unenlightened, racist and misogynistic Hoosier sentiment–after all, those voters elected that super-majority. (They forget the substantial effects of gerrymandering and vote suppression.)

The only thing that would change the minds of these dismissive observers of Indiana politics is an election that upends their smug conclusions–but their unwillingness to fund their preferred candidates adequately makes such an election result infinitely more difficult.

I’ve been working with both the McCormick and McCray campaigns, and I can report that both are well-organized, strategically sound, and–most important–right on all the issues that matter. I am absolutely convinced that–with adequate funding–they can inform voters statewide of the enormous differences between them and the GOP’s Christian Nationalist ticket, and that adequate dissemination of that information would lead to victory.

I guess it’s up to those of us in Indiana who are politically “unsophisticated” to step into the breach. Those of us who care deeply about women’s access to abortion, civil rights for our gay friends and neighbors, support for public education, and the other immensely important rights threatened by today’s far far Right GOP candidates need to contribute as much as we can so that the good guys have enough to communicate their message.

They don’t need as much as their opponents; they just need enough.

Unless, of course, my “sophisticated” friends are right, and a majority of my fellow Hoosiers are contemptible.


  1. I guess I am one who expects the worst from the IN Voters. It would be easier to get excited about the new contenders if there was SOME activity to get excited about. I get at least one hundred D political emails DAILY. The new IN contenders remain largely anonymous. Nothing on TV or Radio or email. More stealth campaigns, COME OUT COME OUT whoever you are. Talk to TV stations etc, DO SOMETHING. Or remain in hiding and get roundly defeated by fools.

  2. “It’s a conversation I’ve had repeatedly. Acquaintances who are committed Democrats refrain from donating to Hoosier Democratic candidates because “they can’t win in Indiana.”

    I did a little income research through Neilsberg, Global Research and Advisory Firm. Indiana information only available up to 2021 when state median income was $66,956, ages 15-16, $27,865; age 85 + $36,093. At age 87 my 2024 income is $15,226.65.

    Research on Independent Voter News reported Indiana 2023 Primary voter numbers 4,305,933; Indiana voters do not registered by party so no number by party available but the results were obvious. Where is the money in Indiana; does could that explain the heavy Republican control of this red state? Could that explain why Democrats don’t want to turn loose of what income they do have to support a party we have to search for information about candidates and their agendas?

    “They don’t need as much as their opponents; they just need enough.”

    I don’t have enough and I am preparing to mail two more checks to the Biden Victory Fund and the Democratic National Committee to fight the ridiculous battle to oust President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. I WILL later donate locally to Democratic candidates; unless Republicans find a way to block mail-in ballots here.

  3. Interestingly, there were many that saw a handwriting on the wall. The executive, the legislative, and the judicial are all supposed to be separate but equal. When the smarmy nightcrawlers Saw the opportunity to grab power from one branch to the other, hence the supreme court today, they did it willingly but there wasn’t any deafening blowback from it. Oh there was snipping and sniping, but really, it should have been a much larger deal than what it was. The supreme Court is so powerful, they have the last word on just about everything. And when that balance of power becomes unbalanced, You have a huge problem. Because the judicial branch is not meant to be an executive entity. Although, that is exactly what they became. And, old Mitch, he absolutely robbed The Dems of several supreme Court appointments.

    What was done was illegal, and has no basis in the Constitution. So how to rectify the problem? The president can unilaterally do something, although it seems the willpower for that, is not as strong as it should be. If you start letting things slide, you only embolden those who use that sort of thinking pattern to grab power as we all have seen. And since the supreme Court is the last word on just about everything in government, SCOTUS is the most important to manipulate and make it political.

    The chipping away of the separation of church and state, has been going on for so long, that it can lull those who should know better, into a hypnotic state of inactivity. This is what’s happened over the past couple of decades. If you like hardball, then, hardball needs to be played, not softball. And, if you keep letting things slide, no good will ever come of it. Only grief and misery!

    You can’t have the roughshoders running over the constitutional rules and not be extremely vocal about it. This is something where you cannot pick your battles, because everything should be a battle. I don’t understand why so many folks fiddle when Rome is inflames. It opens the door to the insane, and that door is really impossible to close. Drastic action needs to be taken but there is no willpower to do it. So you continue the slide into nationalistic fascism! It’s something that there is no return from, not without extreme misery and the loss of endless resources. Resources that should be used to better society instead of the opposite.

  4. Last week I did something for the first time in my life. I donated money to political campaigns for McCormick and McCray.

  5. Here is an email I received from a friend regarding a zoom explanation of Project 2025 from Heather Cox Richardson, who I follow every day. I am looking forward to tonight (time is EDT).
    Hi Everyone,

    Hopefully everyone has heard of the horrors of Project 2025! Below is a link to sign up for a Zoom on Project 2025 and what we can do to stop it by coming together! The Zoom features Heather Cox Richardson, my all time favorite, and is hosted by Red, Wine and Blue on Monday, July 15th at 7pm. Our democracy is at stake and we need everyone on board! Thanks

    Let’s fight together to save our Democracy!

  6. I’m mailing checks these days. My credit card information has gotten in the wrong hands a couple of times, even when I’m only giving to legitimate groups. Still I manage to get a ton of emails. They tend to be the doom and gloom variety. It’s time to limit the power of the almighty dollar and move to a more rational method of financing elections. Countering Citizens United with good legislation is essential. Before that happens though, we need to reform SCOTUS. Thirteen Circuits Thirteen Justices!

  7. Peggy,

    Well said. I concur on all counts you mentioned. My fellow “couch potato” and I seem to be on the same page too. LOL. Moscow Mitch has a lot to answer for for the demise of our government – but he’s too senile to understand the damage he’s done with his singular motive of promoting the Republican party. Nice job, Mitch. You have a totally corrupted court system and a party that has descended into pathological cultism.

    There must be a hall of infamy for a moron like Mitch McConnell. I wish Indiana Democrats and voters would just do their jobs for the people they represent and for those they NEED to represent them.

  8. All great inputs this morning.

    As Sheila mentions how Hoosier Democrats feel about Republicans in this state, I can share that Republicans have the same contempt for Democrats. That’s a given, and after the assassination attempt, that attitude is at an all-time feverish pitch. The Democrats and their loyal Deep State subjects are responsible for trying to kill Trump, but once again, God stepped in to protect the Golden King from harm.

    It’s predicted that this will eliminate conversations about replacing Biden. It’s also made public contempt for Trump taboo for a while. Democrats quickly pulled their attack ads from all major outlets. Several posters above have mentioned Citizens United and money in politics. It’s really a bidding process for candidates. Two groups love this game: the political class and major media outlets (mainstream).

    Our free press, or Fourth Estate, has become the marketers for the political class, and lots of money flows to the media owned by four or five entities. If public servants are good at the game, they can become millionaires within a short period. Therefore, you will not see any attempts to overrule Citizens United. There is absolutely NO WILL to change the process. Only the oligarchs could change the rigged game, but I’ve heard nothing that would indicate they are willing to do so.

    This election changed completely in one flash point, which will be difficult for the Democratic Party to overcome, especially in Indiana.

    One last point: Indiana has three billionaires from the healthcare industry. I would imagine they are Republicans. The Koch network always spends just enough money to ensure a Republican win. Also, I’d love to know how many tax-exempt religious institutions participate in the political realm, which is an IRS no-no, but our regulatory bodies seem to care little. This is a national and state problem nobody wants to attack.

    Money has a way of eliminating willpower. It’s called corruption, and our system is heavily corrupted and getting worse daily.

  9. Thank you for this commentary. And thank you for the information about the McCormick and McCray campaigns. I have in the past donated to and volunteered for the campaigns of Democratic candidates, but I have often felt that they were unenthusiastic and not even trying to win. I am still willing to make contributions to Democratic candidates and volunteer for their campaigns, but only if I feel they are running the most effective campaigns they can and are really trying to win. For me, what matters is not what I think of Republicans, but what I see from the Democratic candidates.

  10. To JoAnn and others, in our Substack Hoosiers For Democracy, we invite people to create ‘giving circles’ as a way to raise money for candidates or causes they want to support. So, let’s say you are excited about Jennifer McCormick or Valery McCray, Destiny Wells, The InDems–you choose. At your next bookclub or Sunday School pitch in, share a bit of information and invite your friends to give any amount they can, then pool your money and send it in as an informal group. It’s a great way to raise money in today’s climate of small donations. It is also activism beyond doom scrolling. If you haven’t already, check us out at

  11. One mo’ time…we are now a PARTISAN country. DEMs vote DEM and GOP vote GOP. “Leaning GOP” vote GOP in GOP states. That leaves you “Learning DEMs” (doubt there are too many in IN) and, the largest group….unaffiliated, independents, NOA’s, the fed up. That should be your focus.

    And you have to “make it real” by showing what the GOP candidates have said, voted, etc. and how that will impact families.

  12. So why don’t the 3 statewide Democratic candidates band together, show that they are a team, and jointly produce a series of issues-based ads in which they all appear that SAY what the Republicans’ 2025 document threatens us with, and lay out their alternative?

    Talk to us… talk straight… say who you are and what you will do and what the other side is proposing. Teamwork!?

  13. You need Blacks contacting Blacks – Indianapolis, South Bend, Ft. Wayne and Evansville have the most.

    You need Hispanics/Latinos contacting Hispanics/Latinos: the most are in these counties: Lake, Elkhart, Clinton, Cass.

    Postcards and old white people don’t cut it for getting real attention.

  14. JoAnn, you put me to shame. While I’m not exactly rolling in dough, I’d venture to say that my economic state is better than yours. While I always “mean to” and “intend to” contribute to my preferred candidate(s), I have yet to do so. I get distracted and my good intentions are for naught. But not this time. Like Peggy, I don’t trust possibly unsecured sites with credit card information, so I have dusted off my rarely used checkbooks—my personal and our joint—and placed them on my kitchen table where they can’t be overlooked. The checks will go out by tomorrow. Thanks for not only the nudge, but also the inspiration.

    The stakes are far too high to get distracted this year.

  15. Resources do matter, especially now. And it is clear that the media is raking in the cash as fast as they can. Click bait is the be all and end all. Even PBS, formerly my go-to for political coverage, is compromised. Example: Yesterday evening they ran a promotion for an upcoming news program on their RNC convention coverage. It featured a montage of tRump photos from his “rallies”. Free advertising for his campaign. It is like they are the cat and the laser pointer.
    I have contributed what I can to McCormick/Goodin. I also contribute small dollars (because that is all I have) to local and state senate and rep candidates.
    A recent trip to Evansville showed huge posters for 45 and Braun on lawns and billboards, lots of Confederate battle flags on pickups and nasty bumper stickers about Biden/Harris and anyone who might vote for them. I couldn’t wait to get back home.
    I suspect that most if not all of the far southern counties have GOP candidates running unopposed. I understand the reluctance when the animus is so apparent to anyone who dares to present an alternative to White Christian Nationalists.
    Even when the local GOP pols are proven corrupt, as in Clark, Jefferson and Warrick counties, it seems to make no difference. BTW, there has been almost no coverage of those arrests for fraud and corruption in the local TV and radio news programs. Indiana Capitol Chronicle is my source for all state political news.
    I become more and more sad and dismayed at the likely prospects my grandson will be facing as an adult in Indiana or anywhere in the U.S. if things continue as they appear to be going. My vote is my voice. I will vote Blue all the way.

  16. “Too many of my Democratic friends view all Hoosier Republicans–especially but not exclusively rural Republicans– as uneducated and politically unsophisticated, resentful of social change and suspicious of anyone who isn’t a White Christian. They see all Republicans as MAGA bigots, mired in a Fox “News” universe, dismissive of information inconsistent with their prejudices, and they conclude that efforts to inform or persuade them are useless.”

    Regarding the above part of Sheila’s post:
    We ‘very few’ active Democrats in my county keep trying to win elections, but it keeps getting more and more discouraging with each election. As Sheila noted – her Dem friends view all rural Republicans– as uneducated and politically unsophisticated. I can vouch for the fact that ‘nearly all Republicans in my county are uneducated and ignorant’. They weren’t at all interested in learning even the basics taught in our government (civics) and economics classes. Most of them have never heard of the word Gerrymandering and it is difficult to explain that concept to them.

    In the recent Primary election a moderate white male Republican ran for our IN District Rep position with the intention of unseating the radical female Republican that ran for this office in 2022 and won by a landslide victory over the moderate male Republican Rep that held this office for 20 years.

    The moderate male Republican candidate that ran in the recent Primary was backed by the educated non-Maga Republicans in our district that wanted to unseat the white nationalist, radically religious fundamentalist, anti-choice, voucher-supporting, etc., etc. white woman that unseated the former long-term moderate male Republican Rep in the 2022 election. Financial donations to his campaign were massive compared to what she received and the county Republicans that supported him spent a lot of their time and money helping him campaign. They thought he would surely win over the current radical Rep.

    They were wrong. She defeated him with an even larger landslide victory than she received in the 2022 election. For the first time in decades the local educated and intelligent Republicans felt what it is like to have a massively better candidate run for office only to be massively defeated. She actually did almost nothing to win the election. Like so many other radical Republicans, her position in the IN state legislature is safe and I am sure she will run for national office in the near future and will be financially backed by deep-pocketed dark money orgs. She is basically a clone of Jim Banks.

    An important question is – where is the National Democrat Party? Red state Democrat candidates desperately need their financial backing and campaign help. In addition, there is no help at all from our state Democrat party. Those of us in rural counties are all on our own. Maybe the residents in the urban areas that are unhappy with the radical Republicans that keep winning elections could consider sending money to the rural Dem candidates (or even the moderate Republicans) because we are not able to raise enough money to ever win an election. The radical female State Rep I referred to above received quite a bit of out-of-state dark money for her first election.

    The oligarchs that created Project 2025 have the financial means to continue backing radical Republican candidates until they completely own the state legislatures and Congress.

  17. Hey Todd,
    I would venture to say, and you touched on it yesterday, this could have very well been a false flag issue. I doubt secret service was involved, The other lunatics definitely could have been. This kid was a card carrying Republican even though they claimed he committed $15 to act blue. These guys can see the finish line, and the push is on! But when that happens mistakes are made. Why else would Trump keep pumping his fists yelling fight fight fight when previous occasions he went and hid behind the secret service agents. The kid probably figured he was doing something patriotic, and, he ended up dead, to tell no tail! Trump’s personal assistants could have brought anything in without being checked. And on top of all that, Lindsey Graham the drama queen talking about how much he loves that man, and he prays for him constantly, I don’t know what kind of follower of Christ Lindsey Graham is, but he ain’t the right kind! He’s following someone or something else.

  18. To Al Rider’s point, the three campaigns for Jennifer McCormick, Val McCray, and Destiny Wells are working together to GOTV and get their message out, in ways I have not seen here in Indiana, ever.
    Hoosier Dems suffer from a “learned helplessness” mentality for all of the reasons listed above, but there is a lot of energy in these campaigns right now and, if and when enough D’s join in and get involved, I think this year could see Indiana turn blue.
    If you are trying to keep your head above water about the upcoming election, take heart. Get involved. Doing something is so much better that sitting it out in despair. Everyone has something to contribute. We may not get the outcome that we want, but if we do nothing the outcome is assured.

  19. I am one of those who suspect that a turnip with an (R) wins in Indiana, especially after Wells lost to Morales two years ago. I had contributed to her campaign and believed that she had a chance against such a terrible Republican candidate.

    That being said, we have issues, especially reproductive rights, that have new power this year, and even a few votes here and there may tip the scales. Money is needed in sufficient quantities, but not as much is needed if you have a “ground game”. One does not have to have the most money to win.

    Having attended the Democratic State Convention, I can say that the candidates gave impressive speeches, granted to a “home” audience, and the attendees were fired up. I honestly strongly like both women who ran for Attorney General, but I can also say that Destiny Wells had an amazingly organized, well planned, and polished display of support at the convention. If she carries that forward into her campaign, it gives hope of possibly surprising the naysayers.

    Political campaigns are dynamic. We wasted a lot of time wringing our hands over Biden (the State Convention passed a resolution of support) and now the conversation has shifted. Now we are talking about sympathy for Trump and new MAGA conspiracy theories, and how this makes a MAGA sweep inevitable, but this too will pass. Meanwhile, we can still attack on the issues.

    Remind Black voters that the Republicans would allow a return of 1950’s Mississippi racial policies to be the rule across America. Remind Latino voters that they will need to carry their passports for fear of being thrown in jail (and don’t put it past the deputized MAGA soldiers to tear up passports and jail people anyway). Remind the LGBTQ+ community that it is back to the closet for them, or worse. And most importantly, remind everyone, especially women, but anyone who was born from a mother, that women’s health and freedom are on the line.
    More is possible this year, even defeating the turnip with an (R).
    BTW – while not essential, I agree with Lester – these warning will be so much more powerful if they come from within those respective communities.

  20. Len,

    Thanks for the nod…who should messages to the minority communities come from:
    – Minority local officials
    – Minority business owners (especially barber shops. beauty salons)
    – Minority school board members
    – Minority principals and teachers
    – Minority non-profit board members and staff
    – Minority faith leaders

    Two caveats: all the above may not be respected by their community -vet them, all may not be able to/comfortable with campaigning, BUT they all have “rolodexes” they can open and reach out to for the campaigning

  21. BIDEN: “ We’re gonna settle it at the
    He read that TWICE off the teleprompter
    and YES : God did absolutely protect
    DJT – and that’s WHO you’re really battling

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