It’s Getting Harder To Ignore

A few days after Trump’s debate with Kamala Harris, an article in The Atlantic focused on his increasing incoherence. It began by noting Trump’s routine boast about passing a cognitive test.

The former president has repeatedly bragged over the past several years that he has passed various mental-status exams with flying colors. Most of these tests are designed to detect fairly serious cognitive dysfunction, and as such, they are quite easy to pass: They ask simple questions such as “What is the date?” and challenge participants to spell world backwards or write any complete sentence. By contrast, a 90-minute debate that involves unknown questions and unanticipated rebuttals requires candidates to think on their feet. It is a much more demanding and representative test of cognitive health than a simple mental-status exam you take in a doctor’s office. Specifically, the debate serves as an evaluation of the candidates’ mental flexibility under pressure—their capacity to deal with uncertainty and the unforeseen.

The author–a psychiatrist–readily admitted that he was not in a position to diagnose either candidate and was not offering any specific medical diagnoses, having never met or examined either of them.

But I watched the debate with particular attention to the candidates’ vocabulary, verbal and logical coherence, and ability to adapt to new topics—all signs of a healthy brain. Although Kamala Harris certainly exhibited some rigidity and repetition, her speech remained within the normal realm for politicians, who have a reputation for harping on their favorite talking points. By contrast, Donald Trump’s expressions of those tendencies were alarming. He displayed some striking, if familiar, patterns that are commonly seen among people in cognitive decline.

Trump’s mental decline is finally being widely noted. As a recent article from the Daily Beast reported,

An increasingly incoherent and profane former president Donald Trump, 78, is rambling at his rallies at previously unheard-of lengths and showing signs of confusion that could indicate mental decline, according to a New York Times analysis.

An average rally speech by the elderly Republican nominee for president—who has promised to release his medical records and cognitive tests and then refused to do so—lasts 82 minutes this election cycle, nearly double the 45 minutes he averaged in 2016, a computer analysis by the newspaper found.

In addition to Trump’s well documented rambling, repetitive and winding addresses—punctuated with strange asides about things like his “beautiful” body—among the potential signs of cognitive change are that he curses 69 percent more in speeches than he did in 2016. That could be a sign of disinhibition, a kind of impulsivity that is sometimes attributed to mental decline in old age, the Times said.

Of course, Trump didn’t exactly occupy a high place from which to decline– intellect has never been his strong suit. (One clue– he threatened to sue his university if it disclosed his GPA.) The article quoted a linguistics expert who questioned whether Trump had declined by pointing out that his “starting point” wasn’t particularly high.

On the other hand, Pennebaker said Trump has relied on unusually simple words and sentence structures going back to the days before he was president, suggesting he has simply always been an incredibly simplistic thinker.

One analytic metric he used—which tends to place presidential candidates in the 60 to 70 range—placed Trump speeches at 10 to 24.

“I can’t tell you how staggering this is,” he told Stat News. “He does not think in a complex way at all.”

References to sharks and his preference for death by electrocution, admiration for Hannibal Lecter…and still, the MAGA base remains solid. I have frequently referred to that base as a cult, and its continued idolization of an obviously mentally-ill,  uninformed and unintelligent 78-year-old man supports that characterization. Wikipedia tells us that cult members submit to absolute authoritarianism without requiring “meaningful accountability,” and that they have no tolerance for questions or critical inquiry. That description certainly fits.

As he sinks further into incoherence, Trump also engages more and more in projection. As The Hill recently noted, his attacks on Harris’ intelligence are especially telling.

Innate and acquired intelligence is clearly not Trump’s long suit. He has demonstrated a staggering ignorance about American history. He has alleged that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer and that vaccines cause autism. He doesn’t understand that tariffs raise retail prices on imported goods, in essence imposing a national sales tax on all Americans….

Those of us in the “reality-based community” look at Trump’s babbling, his third-grade vocabulary, his slurring of words and his increasing incidents of projection, and cannot understand why any rational voter could seriously consider returning him to office.

The only conclusion: the Trump cult isn’t rational. The open question is: how many of them are there?


  1. Why has Trump been given so many mental-status tests and who tested and graded him. The fact that he claims he has passed many tests on his mental-status should show a problem that he needed such testing.

    “The only conclusion: the Trump cult isn’t rational. The open question is: how many of them are there?”

  2. If the Trump world is in fact a cult, it’s emotional expression to the rest of us is a collective “F-uck you”. Seen individually Trump supporters see themselves as having been cheated, robbed or denied some imagined success by a society run by “others”. Their failures are always someone else’s fault. The world they see, publicly painted as horrible, needs to be taken over and returned to some imagined place controlled by a strong, white man. It matters not that their “strong, white man” is mentally unfit; how better to express one’s distain for the world as they see it?

  3. The closer we get to November 5th, which is not only the actual General Election Day but the end date to vote in this election, the more I prepare for another Trump appointment to the White House. The unity of his allies and his followers is strong; Democrats are still arguing among themselves and publicly regarding Kamala Harris’ qualifications to be our president.

    I’m trying to figure out in the chaotic, frightening Trump/MAGA hold on their voters what I should be preparing for when January 20th arrives and they are inaugurated as the King and his Court of Jesters. Do I worry about getting food, medical care, the right to shop when and where I chose, continue receiving my Social Security and Retirement checks monthly? I’m old and won’t have to deal with whatever it is much longer, but will those left to live in the Dystopian Trump World ever understand and believe I TRIED TO STOP THEM? Will those who fought continue the fight to do “good trouble” to regain American morals, values and priorities or will they just cower down and accept their losses? My votes are cast; I can do nothing but wait to see the outcome; which could be a repeat of 2020 across this nation and another actual Civil War.

  4. The thing that stands out in my mind is the tolerance among MAGA minds to be lied to repeatedly. They must know he’s lying all of the time. There is no way anyone could not know.

    Most of us regard commercials with some tolerance, though it’s clear that advertising rarely follows the legal standard for lying in court: the truth, whole, and nothing but.

    However, Trump’s campaign talks never meet that standard. He spews lie after lie with zero regard for facts, spewing what floats through his mind in a stream-of-consciousness waterfall of gripes about everyone and everything.

    Those who support him hear all those lies and are never inclined toward anything but puppy dog loyalty.

    If George Washington never told a lie, and Honest Abe was, then Trump stands alone in political lore and his supporters keep nodding and saying “Amen”.

    I remain incensed about his total disregard for everyone who his voice reaches.

  5. Theresa and JoAnn get most of it right today. The Trump cult is the most dangerous the world has seen since Hitler. So many parallels … Even if he dropped dead or simply started drooling on camera, 70+ million aggrieved white men and women would still vote for him. I think that’s a reflection of how sick our society is too. Rational people say, “How on earth …” The cult says I can’t be wrong.

    My bigger concern, however, is what’s going to happen at polling places and official election offices on election day. He’s already given permission to his drooling goon squad to “fight” whether he wins the election or not. We will be on the brink of civil war, because THIS cult is armed to the teeth with automatic weapons.

  6. Like Pete, above, I am baffled by the people who accept the constant lies without question. I understand why t*ump lies; I do not understand why so many people blindly accept those lies with a shrug.
    Regarding JoAnn Green, there is still much that one can do to encourage people to get to the polls. It is easy to submit to the sense of dread and angst about a second t*ump presidency, but taking some kind of action is a way to resist that sense of foreboding. Everyone has something to offer. If you can make a small donation to a campaign you support, do that. If you have some time to phone bank, write postcards, or join a texting campaign, do that.
    At the end of this election cycle I do not wish to wake up and think to myself “I should have done more”. Do something. Your effort matters. GOTV!

  7. His campaign staff and RNC leadership should be charged with elder abuse for letting this continue.

  8. “The only conclusion: the Trump cult isn’t rational. The open question is: how many of them are there?” Exactly. Another question: who the hell are participating in the polls? It is simply incomprehensible to me that this race is a tight as it is. But then again, remember 2016 when we all thought no one would vote for this narcissistic buffoon and Hillary would win in a landslide. Hmm, she did win rather big, by nearly 3 million votes, but oh yeah, the bane of our founder’s existence, the electoral college, neatly and efficiently concentrated on by the trump campaign, gave the damn thing to him, to our utter astonishment. I honestly think there is a very good chance that it will happen again. What is going on? What is wrong with all those so disaffected by our messy democracy that they are willing to give it up, which is exactly what will happen if he is put back in office. How about that old trope that W screwed up so badly, fool me once, (shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me)? And by the way, where IS good old W, who seemed to have come around to a gentler personal life since leaving office years ago? He could stand up and join many many GOPers and say no way!

  9. I remain optimistic. I do not trust polls. There are clear signs that Trump is losing support and the general public is waking up to the dangers he poses. I do worry that Republicans might flip the Senate, but a Harris administration would still be a powerful force for good. Of course, it is still important to get out the vote. I agree with James about that. But take heart.

  10. I’m not puzzled at all! Are we collectively curious and strategic or “whiners”? The appeal of the Republican Party is self evident- Reproductive Justice motivates initially mostly those who will obviously will already vote for Harris. Presume that we all are Rattional related to what we see today. Harris opposes Palestinian Core rights to survive. A large majority of Dem voters seriously want an immediate Ceasefire. Sure Trump is worse but losing Michigan evidently is more important for other reasons to Harrris- who is the fool? Many Black Men and Latina People aren’t there yet. We white men are always a key problem

  11. Tfg might just still be talking about the one cognitive test we know he did take. Remember person, man, woman, camera, and television!? It was permanently burned into my brain in 2020. I doubt he could pass today. What would he say when they got to the question, “Who is the current President of the US?” If he answered correctly, he would contradict his own big lie. On the other hand, he wouldn’t get credit for his answer. It seems to be a conundrum.

  12. James Todd; I have returned my completed Democratic down Ballot, I’m still sending donations, filling out surveys and polls and adding my name to “one click” questions I receive on E-mail. When there is a notice that using one of my stamps will help them, I use one of my stamps; my “For the love of God, anyone but Trump” yard sign is still posted, the only political yard sign in the neighborhood which has only one-way in and out.. I admit I do not maintain my usual close watch on MSNBC or CNN because it is the “same old/same old” sometimes with new lies in Trump-filled reporting. I do think I finally convinced the man who mows my lawn to vote; he is a Democrat but fed up with the weaknesses and infighting. I continue warning my family and friends not to be misled by the Harris/Walz brief takeover of news as it is now waning and misleading regarding a Blue Wave at the presidential level.

    I cannot escape my fears even in sleep; have been waking up in tears and often frightened by the loss of my personal safety and lost in an area or building I cannot find my way out of. Living in a Trump infested neighborhood, I am wary of my safety on my daily walks with my 4-wheeled walker; dog walkers having problems controlling their large dogs on leashes and those I know to be armed. No Trump or Republican yard signs is more frightening than if they let us know who they continue to support. Their attitudes and looks are giveaways. I am 87, deaf and disabled; an easy target but I will not stop my life due to their political views…which we have never spoken of in the 19 1/2 years I have lived here.

  13. I am going to echo JoAnn’s comments today. Sleep and peace of mind are elusive as the stress levels keep rising. I have done as much as I can financially, volunteered in ways I am able, yet I remember 2016 very well. Fear and anxiety are powerful emotions, especially for the poor, elderly, women and minorities.
    To imagine someone in NC refusing FEMA help because tfg tells him it is un-American boggles the mind. How very sad for him and all like him who will risk injury and even death to satisfy the malignancy that is tfg.
    I hope I am wrong, but I fear the ignorance and hate is being weaponized to such a degree that violence on and after election day will be the norm.

  14. It wasn’t too long ago that I spoke often about Biden’s cognitive decline, and most everyone here thought I was crazy. Even the media defended his obvious decline. Then there was the fateful debate, which swayed people to do a 180. Was it denial or allegiance or cultworthy?

    If you watch the social media circles much, it is rather obvious what we are dealing with regarding the Republican loyalists. Trump may be simple, but they are even simpler. This is the same crowd that sends their hard-earned money to televangelists so they can make it to heaven. Have you ever watched short clips of these “preacher” wackadoodles? The same people believe professional wrestling is real. Trump used to hang out in that world as well.

    On an intelligence level, Trump is several levels above most of his supporters. Those who are scared by that fact are at least grounded in reality. This is the same crowd who carries guns for protection, but they’d probably shoot themselves before hitting someone else.

    All politicians use psych projection without realizing it. Open an X account and follow politicians from the right and left. There is both collective and individual projection. It’s basically an admission of guilt. The more they use it, the more they confess. It’s a great tool for us journalists who’ve realized this for quite some time. Remember how the media protected Biden—”He’s sharp as a tack!”

    You’re not paying attention if you aren’t worried about November 5th through January 6th. Ignore the media or consider the opposite is true. You’d be better off. The independent journalists I follow are all sending up red flags about this election, especially in notorious swing states or purple states. If there are any loopholes in election laws, they will be used. The Republicans are amplifying their belief the Democrats can only win by cheating are confessing about their own sins. 😉 #projection

  15. Asking whether, or not, cult members are rational is an exercise in silliness: of course they are not, or they would not be in a cult. Is it a cult? It does seem to tick off all the boxes: blind obedience to “Our Leader,” viewing questions as anathema and downright ballsy, prepared to protect from any perceived threat, violently, if necessary
    From Wikipedia:
    Cult is a lay term for a group perceived as requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society. Such groups are typically perceived as being led by a charismatic leader who tightly controls its members.
    An inherent problem is that the folks within, see all those outside as the fools, certainly as enemies.
    Is tfg in decline? That does seem obvious, for all the reasons stated in Sheila’s post.
    Are the polls, showing the “dead heat” reliable? I think they are just as reliable as the ones that predicted a “red wave” in ’22. There is talk that many “polls” are being foisted upon us by “red” operatives trying to discourage un”red” people from bothering to vote.

  16. I’m not too worried about thugs at the polls. Yes, Trump has given his orders; they will attempt civil war, and they are armed. But while the Biden administration has been low-key, I’d bet everything that they’ve got measures in place to deal with whatever arises. January 6th happened because 1) Trump was president at the time, and 2) nobody expected anything like it to happen—not then, not ever. We—and, more importantly, the Biden administration—have a pretty good idea of the threat, and the administration will handle it. As was demonstrated on January 6th, with their expression of shock that someone in their ranks had gotten hurt by those fending off their attack, they don’t know what they’re inviting. If they start a war, at the polls or afterwards as they try to overturn election results, the government will fairly quickly finish it. (We focus on what Trump’s cultists would do, not on what the government’s response would be. The lack of publicity and public speculation about whatever plans the administration is formulating is actually good, in that the Trumpers will be the ones surprised next time.)

  17. (And Todd, Biden’s mental state—his “decline”—is not comparable to Trump’s. It never was. Biden has lost a step but remains trustworthy, honest, and rational. Trump has never been any of those things. The only reason for Biden’s stepping down was public perception. Biden and his administration continue to accomplish more than most presidents ever have.)

  18. I am wondering if the person who suggested Trump will get elected and JD will use the 25th amendment to make himself King for Life isn’t right on.

  19. I am again wondering if the person who suggested Trump will get elected and JD will use the 25th amendment to make himself King for Life isn’t right on.

  20. Ian,
    I hope you won’t do that. I did that in 2016 and have regretted it ever since. In retrospect I describe my decision as taking a Pontius Pilot approach; i.e. washing my hands of the whole situation. I don’t think Harris is unfit to be President, but even if she was, she is less unfit than Trump. Hold your nose if you have too and vote least stinky option!

  21. Ian, too many people, in 2016, were “Anybody but Hillary” people, and it gave us this asswipe guy. Please don’t do that.
    I’ve long believed that with Biden as POTUS, now, any craziness the MAGA people might pull will be met with appropriate measures. He’s not going to sit back and play with himself!

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