Question And Answer

In a recent column for the Washington Post, Eugene Robinson asks THE question: how on earth is this election close?

The choice between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump should not be a tough call. Harris is a former prosecutor; Trump, a felon. Harris gives campaign speeches about her civic values; Trump rants endlessly about his personal grievances, interrupting himself with asides about sharks and Hannibal Lecter. Harris has outlined a detailed set of policy proposals for the economy; Trump nonsensically offers tariffs as a panacea, describing this fantasy in terms that make it clear he doesn’t understand how tariffs work.

Also, Harris never whipped thousands of supporters into a frenzy and sent them off to the Capitol, where they smashed their way into the citadel of our democracy, injuring scores of police officers and threatening to hang the vice president, in an attempt to overturn the result of a free and fair election. Trump did.

This is the conundrum that drives most rational people crazy. Even without January 6th, 32 felonies, multiple sexual assaults and the horrified testimonies of people who worked in Trump’s administration, who listens to the childish rants of a mentally-disturbed man with a third-grade vocabulary and thinks, “Yep, that’s the guy who should have charge of the nuclear codes.”? Who wants this ignorant name-calling bully to be a role model for America’s children?

How can this election possibly be close?

Robinson suggests some possibilities. First, Kamala Harris is a woman, and many Americans harbor a deep-seated misogyny. He notes that Trump desperately wants to have a fight over gender and race–and that Trump and Vance  “are trying hard to win the votes of men who equate manhood with cartoonish machismo — men who somehow feel that their status and prospects are threatened because they are men.”

Another reason might be that the 71 million people who voted for Trump in 2020 are loathe to admit that they backed a loser, let alone an embarrassing buffoon utterly unfit for office. (Large numbers of these voters, after all, still believe the “Big Lie.”)

And Robinson notes that Trump does best among uneducated Whites–the demographic most responsive to his vicious demagoguery on immigration — “the lies he keeps telling about Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs, for example.” He constantly tells working-class Whites that immigration is a threat to their jobs and communities. As Robinson says, those tribal appeals aren’t likely to win over many new voters, but will likely motivate turnout of his base.

Still, though, how does any of this overcome Trump’s manifest unfitness? How does any of it erase his pathetic performance in the debate? How does it nullify the fact that he awaits sentencing by a New York judge after 34 guilty verdicts in a criminal trial? If the answer is buried somewhere in some poll, I can’t find it.

I have wrestled with the question Robinson poses, and I consistently return to one answer: the “through” line in Robinson’s analysis is bigotry. Racism. A yearning for patriarchy. A simmering hatred of the Other.

Robinson identifies anti-woman, anti-immigrant strands of what we have come to identify as White Supremacy or White Christian Nationalism, but–at least in this essay– he fails to connect the dots, fails to call out the intense White grievance that lies at the heart of the MAGA movement.

When Trump won (barely–and only in the antiquated Electoral College), a number of pundits attributed economic motives to his voters. Research has soundly debunked that assumption; numerous studies confirm the association of “racial resentment” with support for Trump and MAGA. I have previously quoted my youngest son’s observation that there are two kinds of people who vote for Trump–and only two kinds–those who share his racism, and those for whom his racism isn’t disqualifying.

Beginning with that first campaign, Trump jettisoned “dog whistles” in favor of explicitly hateful, racist rhetoric. He asserted that there are “very fine people” who chant “Jews shall not replace us.” He tried to keep Muslims from coming into the country. He said Black immigrants came from “shithole” countries (unlike those nice White folks from Norway…) His supporters want to roll back gay rights, and they persistently wage war on trans children.

This election isn’t about the economy, or national security, or other policies. It’s about culture war.

His MAGA supporters agree with the only clear message Trump has delivered: making America great again requires taking America back to a time when White Christian heterosexual males were in charge, and the rest of us were second class citizens.

This election is close because too many voters share that worldview. The rest of us had better turn out.


  1. I also wonder if the “polls” are engineered and publicized to keep the pot burbling so that air time and newspapers continue to sell briskly. I’m probably wrong what with all the wars and threats going on around the world, but still … Maybe Todd can shed some light on how the media is trying to make this election a breathtaking photo finish.

    Other than that, Robinson and Sheila are probably right: Our original sin still haunts the psyche of those who have culturally or intellectually avoided thinking past their learned bigotry, hate and narrow-mindedness.

    I’m too old to emigrate elsewhere if the orange monster actually wins the election, but that said, I AM glad I’m old.

  2. It has always appeared to me that staunch Republicans vote for Republicans whoever they are and whatever their campaign foundation; IF they have an actual foundation. It appears to me to be almost genetic in nature; racism, sexism and bigotry can be found in their support, sometimes blatant and sometimes covert…but it is there. As a very young child I didn’t understand the hatred for “colored people” my parents and their friends had never met or seen and who had done nothing to them; the same was true with the disgusted look and tone of voice when mentioning “Jews”. At the same time, the Catholic families in the west side neighborhood where I grew up Catholics refused to allow their children to even talk with the rest of us let alone join us in play to create friendships.

    The Republicans have gathered together with Catholics to form a bond at the federal level to control women and the many non-white races to place blame for all of “our” self-created problems on them by gradually taking over high level local and state offices and moved them to the federal level in a MAGA coup we didn’t recognize – or ignored – as it happened. We are in trouble whatever reasons or excuses we try to come up with and all we have left to protect us is our vote.

  3. In Indiana the situation is the same. Like your last statement “The election is close because too many voters share that worldview. The rest of us better turn out.” If you recall, Braun was caught with illegal funding for his Senate campaign, but he continues to not take blame for it, he puts out a disturbing altered campaign ad against McCormick and does not take blame for it, and only continues to talk about his biggest accomplishment, visiting all 92 counties. Jennifer McCormick like Kamala Harris, has well thought out positions and solutions to help all Hoosiers and is the only sensible candidate for Governor. Oh, and by the way, I am a white, male, baby boomer not at all “threatened” to have our country and state run by two powerful, intelligent, hard working women. We also need Destiny Wells, Dr. Valery McCray, Teresa Kendall for Indiana Representative. Share with everyone to get out and vote!

  4. “YOU’VE COME A LONG WAY BABY” I remember that slogan and that is why I don’t understand why people would vote for a felon. I am not willing to return to the 50’s/60’s.

  5. I have a very good GOP friend who agrees with all that we DEMs despise about trump, but who nonetheless is a religious listener of FOX and other right wing radio shows (he used to be a Rush Limbaugh fan). We got into some heated discussions last night, after he threw out a few lies about Biden and Harris. I don’t know how he is going to vote (I can guess), but it seems to me that if this otherwise affable individual can be susceptible to trump rhetoric – while disliking him personally – then that reflects the point Eugene and Sheila are trying to make. I think his deeply held positions were there long before trump, and he is simply continuing to grasp onto whatever makes sense to him of the world around him, conspiracies and all, unfortunately without the help of any fact-checking. The 71 million who voted for trump may all very well vote for him again – even if holding their noses this time – because they believe the fantasies and lies that are thrown around FOX. God help us all if they prevail.

  6. A few days ago I commented that this might be backlash to the election of Obama. Watch out for whiplash. It’s one thing to have a Democrat who is also male and white, but now we’re talking about someone who doesn’t meet any of the official requirements. The Democratic candidate not only isn’t white, she’s a WOMAN!??? OMG!

  7. I don’t think it will be close. I predict a landslide for Harris/Walz, at least it feels that way. It was shared here that the polls all use “likely” voters, and what we have this year are the “unlikely” voters who are not polled and are rising up to vote in great numbers. The energy unleashed by Dobbs, the women who recognize that threat, the young people who recognize the threat of climate change, people of color are all energized by Kamal Harris.
    We have reason to hope, but not to become complacent. There is still a month to go, and we have to keep moving forward and increase our efforts to GOTV!

  8. So, one of my cousins told me, the other day, that while she realizes that tfg is not a “nice person,” she thinks his economic program is good. She, and her lawyer husband, were enamored of Reagan and his economics as well.
    They are entranced by the Murdoch press and TV, love the N.Y. Post and Faux “News, ” to no surprise.
    I try to no longer give the polls any credit for accuracy, and would not be surprised
    to find that Vernon’s suspicion is spot-on. In that vein, perhaps those who voted for tfg last time, and are “polled” will save face by claiming that they are in favor of him, will have serious second thoughts in the privacy of their voting ,moment.

  9. Trump and Vance have banded together to strengthen the anti-woman gender race for the Oval Office. Trump’s insults, always with their nasty base in “You can grab them by their pussies.” and Vance’s demeaning their usefulness in society, let alone in government is blatant in their speeches.

    It has been a long time since I have pulled out this quote, but it is time for it again; “Women receive the insults of men with tolerance; having been bitten in the nipple by their toothless gums.” Dillys Laing, Scottish poet and writer

    In recent decades, but a minute of time in this nation, women have proven themselves the equal to men at home, in the House, the Senate, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch of our government. Their manhood is threatened to its very core; why else are they provided with health care products to maintain their sexual activity while refusing to allow endangering the lives of women by ending proof of their sexual prowess by abortion or denying birth control. And now we have IVF so we no longer actually need them in our beds.

    Robinson “notes that Trump desperately wants to have a fight over gender and race–and that Trump and Vance “are trying hard to win the votes of men who equate manhood with cartoonish machismo — men who somehow feel that their status and prospects are threatened because they are men.”

    “His MAGA supporters agree with the only clear message Trump has delivered: making America great again requires taking America back to a time when White Christian heterosexual males were in charge, and the rest of us were second class citizens.”

    Amendment XV; Black suffrage states “The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
    Amendment XIX; Women’s suffrage states “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”

    Women of color are protected by two Amendments and considering conditions in past centuries, white women were unofficially in a “condition of servitude” which White Nationalists want to return us to. More reason for ending the Constitution and replacing it with “Project 2025”.

  10. The above having been said, it would be foolish to not be prepared for a defeat, as unthinkable as that might seem. It would be prudent to have in place peaceful direct actions of protest against a t*ump victory, and a sustained effort to prevent as much of Project 2025 from becoming a reality.

  11. And the whoppers keep oncoming!
    HCR’s posting for today is pretty much about the ongoing hose of MAGA lies.

  12. To quickly answer Vern, I point to the infamous CBS president Les Moonves’ 2016 quote that Trump may be bad for America, but he’s good for CBS. Can you imagine how many people would turn away from the news if the polls showed a landslide for the Dems? It’s the horse race mentality leading up to a photo finish.

    Phillip Morris (Virginia Slims) spent a fortune on the “You’ve come a long way, baby!” slogan. It was a very liberal promotion during the women’s rights movement. If you remember, they even offered a very progressive clothing line for women, which could be purchased with proof of purchase labels.

    It’s relatively straightforward to me that the underlying thread tying the Republican Party together is racism and classism. It wasn’t until the 1990s that our local Neighborhood Associations began to address the racist language found in the original documents. They prevented black, Chinese, and Jewish families from living in their neighborhoods. The realtors also knew not to bring black families to specific neighborhoods. Institutional racism was everywhere, and it was created by the wealthy oligarchs who developed our community in East Central Indiana.

    The so-called upper class (self-described) live in rural communities away from the blacks in the city—they still do in 2024. Blacks are associated with the Democratic Party, and anybody who votes for Democrats is called a “Nigga Lover.” I’ve been asked, “Why do you vote with those people?”

    If snow-white Canadians were immigrating by the millions, nobody would say a word. They’d be welcomed. Notice how Fox News and Trump prey on the fears of racists by telling stories about black criminals being emptied from the jails of Central American countries. “Those people” are the criminal element. It’s racism and classism rolled together with ignorance—the Christian element who are scared of “those people” aren’t followers of Jesus in any meaningful way.

  13. I 100% agree with your son. It all comes down with the fact we’re still a racist country:

    “…there are two kinds of people who vote for Trump–and only two kinds–those who share his racism, and those for whom his racism isn’t disqualifying.”

  14. Progress affects us, yet none of us controls it. It is a joint effort by all of us. Some are at the forefront of it and struggle to keep up; some don’t bother to. It’s those who struggle to keep their time, their tides, from leaving.

    The Civil War was the impact of the South seceding from the Union because their culture of privilege could not exist without slavery. They lost, some flourished, but the culture hung on.

    The sense of a privileged few has always been a dream for humans, and it has always been attainable for the lucky few. Some form of taking a little from the many brings it about.

    Some forms of progress keep chipping away at privilege, but who knows if it can ever be completely erased?

  15. I gave up on believing anything in the polls when Nikki Haley, in the Vermont Republican primary was predicted to lose by 5 points and won by something like 34. After that how can you believe any polls?

    The unmentioned problem with the polling is that it is no longer scientific, because the people refuse to take polls. For telephone polls, if they call 100 people, they only get 11 to 15 people to take their polls. Other polling methods have to be similarly affected. Since they know that can’t get statistical random samples, the look to previous elections and how they were “off” to “correct” their current polling. That is, to guess, how they might get it right. But all ,kinds of things are changing so fast that to look back even 4 years for ideas of how to correct you current polling is just guess work. I

  16. Yet another critically important contribution, Sheila. You and Robinson make a good team; it’s a worrisome topic, especially given today’s New York Times column that reports “Black Men’s Frustration is Opening for Trump.” Seriously? Trump will do something to end their frustration? Another hard-to-swallow theme in this year’s run up to November. Keep at it, Sheila.

  17. Yes,America is inherently racist. That is exactly why the BFF of Strohm Thurmond has normalized ethnic-cleansing in the ME.

    Obama had Indiana a few years ago,did those voters suddenly become racist?

    You underestimate the “enough is enough” vote coming from former and in the past very loyal Democratic Party voters.

    The party has moved to the right and has become the new Republican Party.

    I wonder if the readers of the DailyKOS in 2004 could imagine a crowd of democrats gleefully cheering Liz Cheney in 2024?

  18. Democrats have spent nearly a decade in a trance wrt Trump. Trump,Trump,etc,etc.

    I don’t expect the affluent and comfortable elderly set to have an ear to the ground–as they are safely ensconced within their comfortable silo. However, there is a lot of valid discontent,disappointment and disillusionment out in the real world. So,yes,it’s not surprising the race is close. Especially when one considers how the public was gaslit wrt Biden’s lack of cognitive awareness. That gaslighting graced this very forum until….He was sharp,,,,until he was not.

  19. im finding the silver spoon spoiled child issue. since most younger people here in America grew up with probably lifes better side,against being in a hostle enviroment like war,plaugue,shear poverty, under a authoritarian regime. we have propagated the ungreatful. those who find this everyday freedom a off the shelf goody. no where in my last 40 years havent seen where people discussed the realities of the wall in Berlin, communist china etc. few paid attention to the central American conflict of the 70/80s. many,never seen war,its distruction,and most of all why. the blue collars i talk with are a shielded land locked in mind and geo, with being fraudulently told how to think. threats are spliting hairs here if you talk against magas, and its well lets face it,deplorables. most of whom, never read a damn thing and willy nilly go about like nothing is wrong as long as those f—– liberals die. (aim right,im standing in front of you)
    again in a local buisness today talking with a manager who supervises employees, he never heard of project 2025.. mmmm in this conversation he said trump will cut overtime taxes, i explained how 2025 will rid the employer of that pesky time and half, since project 2025 will just eliminate it. hense no tax right. left em standing there mouth open. its a fact, no one here in NoDak on the maga side has ever heard of project 2025. over the last 6 months, 200 people asked,face to face,never heard of it. these people are, the ones who only listen to its own magaphone, who never read,or study why.the media sucks everywhere when its commecialized, its just another reason why they never mention it. its a total uninformed, spoild child world in maga land. ignorance will distroy our democracy. most carry the one item that could change that the cell phone and the net, but if its not carried to the people, these people obviously,never knew it was a issue. what a waste for a few cheap trinkets by a carney/used car barker in a suit..whos lies will distroy them too

  20. When a person defends their vote for Trump based on economic concerns, there are really only two options: (1) the person knows as much economics as Trump does (i.e. less than nothing) but is gullible, or (2) is simply using this as an excuse, as a way to hide the _real_ reason they like him: bigotry. Or both, I suppose.

    The final analysis of the reason for MAGA people to support Trump is spot on, in my opinion. And nothing in this world makes me more depressed about humanity than that there are so many of them that feel this way.

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