What If?

A line from an essay I read a few weeks ago in the Bulwark has remained with me, growing in resonance as we approach November 5th. The author wrote that “there aren’t any excuses left. Something like 47 percent of American voters have seen Trump, understood what he was, and wanted it.” Beneath everything–the pundits insisting that Harris do X or Y rather than whatever she’s doing at the time, the armies of lawyers preparing to do battle over the next “Big Lie,” the GOP’s increasing efforts to suppress votes–America has to grapple with that reality.

Some forty-seven percent of our fellow Americans support a mentally-ill, profoundly ignorant narcissist who tells them that they are the only “real” Americans. Forty-seven percent of us want to hand control of the nuclear codes to a misogynistic, homophobic, racist felon who has no comprehension of foreign policy–or for that matter, no understanding of how American government  works.

It really is incomprehensible. 

As the Bulwark essayist noted, that fact is the ugly truth this campaign has laid bare. If, when the votes are counted, Donald Trump garners forty percent or more–or, God help us, wins– we will no longer be able to take refuge in the comforting (and obviously inaccurate) belief that a large majority of Americans are people of good will and common sense. Even more than the pivotal choice we face–a choice between continuation of the American experiment and a country remade to conform to Project 2025’s theocratic and autocratic principles–the vote will be a referendum on that comforting belief.

The November 5th election will not be a choice based on policy differences–or on policy at all. It will be a twenty-first century replay of the Civil War–a challenge to the most fundamental bases of what I frequently refer to as “The American Idea.”

What the MAGA “patriots” don’t understand, what they actively reject, is the actual American exceptionalism that was baked into this country’s origin: the notion that one wouldn’t be an American by virtue of status or identity, but by embracing the philosophy of the new nation, by the willingness to “pledge allegiance” to an entirely new concept of governance.

It was–as anyone who has read any history will acknowledge–mostly aspirational. But with fits and starts (granted, lots more fits than most of us learned in our high school history classes), we’ve tried to follow that philosophy to its logical conclusion. We extended the franchise, welcoming non-landowners, freed slaves and women into the ranks of “We the People.” Our courts (again, with fits and starts) protected the rule of law against efforts to subvert it in favor of the greedy and unscrupulous and the efforts of racial and religious bigots.

What has so many of us worried sick right now isn’t simply the realization that many of our fellow citizens are credulous, racist and mean-spirited. There have always been folks like that (although not as vocal or empowered by rampant disinformation and the reinforcement of a semi-fascist cult).

We are worried to discover that there are so many of them, and terrified that we are losing that aspirational America, that “American Idea,” to frightened and angry people who never understood or embraced it.

Like so many other Americans, I live in a bubble. My friends and family and neighbors (including a number who’ve been life-long Republicans) are inclusive and welcoming–and equally appalled by polling that (correctly or not) tells us that the upcoming election–between a senile, certifiable lunatic who wants to be a dictator and a sane, experienced woman who has spent her entire adult life in public service–is “too close to call.”

Back in 2021, I quoted a Leonard Pitts column in which he wrote:

I’m an American. By that, I don’t simply mean that I’m a U.S. citizen, though I am. But what I really mean is that I venerate the ideals on which this country was founded.

Unalienable rights. Life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Freedom of speech. Of faith. Of conscience. Government by consent of the governed. Equality before the law. Because of those ideals, America already was a revolution even before it won independence from England. Despite themselves, a band of slaveholding white men somehow founded a nation based on an aspirational, transformational declaration of fundamental human rights.

In a few days, we’ll know whether we will hang on to those ideals for at least the time being–and we’ll know just how many voters reject Pitts’ (and my) definition of “American.”


  1. It is totally incomprehensible to SEE insanity, to HEAR insanity and then vote for insanity.

  2. The line about a “21st-century Civil War” accurately portrays the situation today.

    I just finished a history book on Fort Sumpter, Charleston, and the “chivalry,” which the very wealthy plantation-owning gentry called themselves.

    The time span was just before Lincoln was elected to when the decision was made to defend the republic by a sectional war.

    It also helped me understand the biggest cultural clash of my life, the four years I spent below the Mason-Dixon Line in college.

    We are possibly headed to the same outcome again for the same cultural reasons, which centered on toxic cultural hubris.

    It’s possible that some more people reading the book would have untied this election deadlock and the risk to the Union our times brought back.

    Not knowing history could lead us to repeat it.

  3. Yes, Pete, our original sin of slavery continues to haunt us as a nation. Oh, we’ve made progress toward an egalitarian society, but the hate and disinformation stemming from the beginnings of reconstruction have been passed down to subsequent generations. The Confederates have always worshipped their blind spot about race and them “damn Yankees”. I saw it first-hand while living in Texas for 15 years. Most of the children I taught there were on the right track, but one could still see the 15% who were mentally loading their shotguns.

    Trump is irrational, insane and a psychopath. He makes those points clearer every day. The 47% turn blind eyes to that because he gives them permission to hate. Clearly, this is who we are as a nation: one steeped in hate, fear and susceptible to cultism. I think we can thank many churches for creating that mind set… especially in the south.

  4. Slavery and colonialism haunt us every day. Especially when the current administration is condoning a modern day Sand Creek Massacre each and every day.

  5. I have a very hard time trying to understand why someone would vote for a “senile, certifiable lunatic who wants to be a dictator” and not for a “sane, experienced woman who has spent her entire adult life in public service”. I find tfg to be a very disgusting piece of human flesh.

    We cannot lose our Country. I went to high school with Yakym II and had hoped that the 3rd wasn’t as dumb as his father. His lastest commercial proved to me that he is. I just shake my head at the actions of the lemmings. No matter how stupid or hateful it makes them sound, they follow in the party’s footsteps.

    I have voted already and when I looked at the complete ballot. it was straight Blue.

  6. Ian, do you EVER have any idea of what you’re talking about? Do you know anything about the Sand Creek Massacre? It’s origins? Please enlighten us as to how and where the Biden administration is killing innocent and un-armed women and children every day. And how does your remarkable reach into the vacuum of your imagination have anything to do with slavery and colonialism? You get a BIG Saturday WOW!

  7. Although it’s obvious that tfg is bars..t crazy. It’s only obvious if you see it. If you’re watching FAUX News, I guarantee you haven’t seen it. They have seen only the better parts of tfg, so they have a completely different view of the lunatic.

  8. Peggy, I guarantee you’re right. My mother’s husband was a Faux lemming who died 3 years ago and mom followed him and them faithfully. Now that she’s free of the influence, she’s appalled at that orangutan and can’t believe anyone would vote for him. She’s not. She said she never knew he was like this.

  9. Today’s 47% of “real Americans” was much higher during the previous three centuries; that leaves 53% of us as the majority of Americans in the 21st Century. Sadly, we cannot rely on the 53% to show up at the polls to either vote early or on election day or to have used mail-in ballots which we can only hope Trump’s Postmaster General doesn’t declare they are Junk Mail and are to be tossed into the Post Office undeliverable mail trash bin. It is a big bin and deep; I saw one in my zip code a few years ago when the postal manager decided our packets of new checkbooks was declared Junk Mail. Luckily, so many customers of my PNC Bank complained and the Manager went to the Post Office to question where our checkbook were.

    In a few days we will know if the real “real Americans” have come foreword to claim our majority by using our American ideals, faith, morals, intelligent priorities to prove our loyalties to our country. The 47% vs the 53% should be the numbers giving us hope and not the polls on the media, which change hourly relying on much lower percentage of those questioned.


  10. Well, I am not Ian, but the Biden/Harris administration has shown only support for the Zionists who are slaughtering women and children in Gaza. The Likud Party is full of right-wing maniacs, much like Trump’s goons. Harris has been given plenty of opportunities to distance herself from Biden’s policy in the Middle East, but I’ve heard only loyalty. Millions of AIPAC dollars will cloud your judgment. Sadly, it has clouded many Democrats in Washington. And yes, Republicans, too!

    I’m not a subscriber to the whole “American Exceptionalism” ideal. Women and blacks were second-class citizens. Jews and Chinese, too. We were buying other humans to do our dirty work for free. “We the people” was a marketing ploy. What we did to the Native Americans is unforgivable.

    We’ve been involved in wars and conflicts pretty much our whole existence on this planet. Because of greed, we are melting down the planet and seem impotent to change because monied interests run this country. Look at all the billionaire oligarchs supporting Trump. These are our industry leaders. Supposedly, we are told to admire our Captains of Industry. BS

    It is embarrassing that at the beginning of the year, Biden was against Trump in a race for another four years as leader of the free world. That is the best we can do for America, the Exceptional.

    We have been in a state of deterioration for decades, and that is why we’ve got Trump in the limelight, and the media loves it because it makes them money. All the billions flowing into these two candidates go into one media source or another. From one oligarch to another. Trump is a symptom of our failing country – not the cause. We have to accept this fact.

  11. Great work Sheila, and many salient comments as well. I always wonder just how the pollsters do it, how many do they actually reach out to, how do those magic algorithms work. And the fact that the Electoral College has deprived some aspirants the election, i.e., Hillary most recently, always drive me crazy. I too wonder how all those trump supporters can still be around, but am going the hopeful route, the polls are wrong this time (as it has happened in the past) and the blues win, hopefully big enough to overcome the trump backlash. The EC is the problem, and I am remaining hopeful that we overcome that abomination as well.

  12. I live in a country which has never seriously confronted many key issues. Native People continue to be treated grossly unfairly. While on the surface we are dealing with racism, we have ceded power to “compromise” endlessly. We’ve never confronted the growing inequality – by class. We have not seriously dealt with Christian Hegemony and how it impacts others. The Republican Party – and Donald Trump -have played upon the fears of a majority of white people, most particularly white men. Black Women – and Trump’s failure – to deal effectively with Covid – elected Biden in 2020. Many – who supported Biden in 2020 – haven’t done better – over the past four years. It is irrelevant to many of them – that Republican obstructionism – has had a lot to do with this. Democratic Party Leadership – refuses to stand up – on key issues – pouring money into Ukraine and more recently Israel. The People of the U.S. are both – “smart” and “dumb”. They are smart – in recognizing that Kamala Harris – isn’t directly confronting many key issues – besides – related to Abortion and Women and “dumb” in not seeing the immediate threats that Trump and the Republicans pose. November 5th – one day – in a sense – is a KEY – date – that could impact things – for most people in Horrible Ways! Unfortunately – mistake after mistake for the Dems and “liberal forces” both over the past months to several years, as well as dating back decades – have lead to a dangerous option of: 1.) a horrible choice vs. a 2.) Not as Bad – option. Presume – either “victory” or “loss” – OUR work – will remain – If Trump wins – the PRESSURE – will begin immediately – if Harris wins – she might not have 50 votes in the U.S. Senate – and will face horrible forces opposing her – . REGARDLESS – will “WE” – organize and push things beyond November 5th? I’m hardly convinced! It seems to me like – for Hoosiers – I.U’s football team and the Pacers – and in California – the Dodgers and 49ers – in some ways are “more important” – rather – than Human lives. I hope that I’m WRONG!

  13. One of your best, Sheila. Thank you – hoping and praying that the Trump supporters will recognize the fact that the world will be a less safe place if we have Trump as the head of America. We have been supported and respected by so many, both here and far, for many, many years, and if he wins, those countries will be fearful. His choice of heads of state to support do not reflect what American is about and believes in. He is only interested in himself, and power and money – we, the people, mean nothing to him. I hope more of THE PEOPLE recognize that in the next few days. His not being elected will make a great difference in the world. Special thoughts and blessings on Kamala, who does care about us.

  14. We live in a country with a very mixed demographic, racially, religiously, ethnically and by class. There are few other places in the world with such a significant number of different groups living together, let alone having the ability to have a voice in governance.
    This morning I read the homily a friend has written for his congregation. His comments reminded me of the old adage about those who are blind but will not see.
    The people that flock to support someone demonstrating incompetence along with dictatorial intentions, who has been clear about his plans to harm others he has labeled “enemies within”, describing those enemies as anyone he decides fit his narcissistic worldview, are as dangerous as he is, maybe more so. For it is those very same people who will act on his bigotry and hate. He makes sure that his hands are never dirty but is quick to point to his minions and lackeys when cornered. Unfortunately, there are all too many of that sort willing and able to act on his orders.
    The Big Sort has been realized and confirms the tendency to tribalism, whether by race, religion or class. I would never trust a neighbor, friend or family member who embraced the MAGA propaganda. When I see clear indications of their blindness to the damage their hate does to others, I am sad and angry, alert to their lack of empathy and conscious of their belief that their “natural” superiority should be an instrument of forced conformity.
    A civil war will continue even if it stays cold. I live in fear of the blind who will not see, until it is too late.

  15. For some reason, a reader’s comment yesterday didn’t post. He clearly did some research, so I’m posting it for him.Goodness Ian! Hope that “mic drop” didn’t hit your foot. Is that a euphemism for patting yourself on the back for being such an erudite defender of the indefensible?

    Fascism? Many former Trump acolytes and members of his staff have used this term as a descriptor for Trump, including high ranking military personnel. Perhaps you don’t understand the meaning of fascism? Note in particular the section near the top entitled “What are some common characteristics of fascism?”


    Malignant narcissist? Here is an interesting link. Note the section after the Overview entitled “Symptoms.” I defy you to point out any of the “symptoms” that do not apply to Trump.


    Trump is a con man? Way too many examples to use in this reply. But, here is one.

    Trump University:




    Trump and the Clintons – well before Trump fully revealed himself as a schoolyard bully and buffoon. People change when revelations allow true character to be exposed.

    You and Becky (glad to see her back after a lengthy absence) are firmly sealed into a bubble where truth based facts are ignored and misinformation is celebrated. But, keep up your work. Always fun to fact check folks like you.

  16. Peggy, there is no “better part” of tfg. The Faux News watchers get to see a faux picture of him. That was evident recently when they put out a very edited, whitewashed version of him, that was immediately, and accurately called out.
    This is the “BS” they spew!
    Flies are drawn to the putrid small of the Carrion flower, smelling like a rotting corpse. Tfg is that flower, and his hordes of followers are drawn to his putrid smell just as the flies are to that of the flower. The flies know what to expect when they interact with the flower, the human hordes are paving the way, unknowing, or uncaring, to the corpse of Franklin’s “republic.”

  17. “Most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given,” Snyder’s “On Tyranny” reads. “In times like these, individuals think ahead about what a more repressive government will want, and then offer themselves without being asked. A citizen who adapts in this way is teaching power what it can do.”

    Thank you, Sheila, for your constant “wake up calls” directed to those who read and share your superb columns including those whose words inspire and inform you.

    In today’s NY Times, a letter writer, from Philadelphia, observes, in response to a front page column, “Some Believe in Trump, Without Believing Him.” “Why in the world would you vote for a candidate whose major asset is your belief that he won’t do what he promises to do?” So, there is that, support from those who don’t actually either know or care what Trump (and his insiders) plan for the country, but, then, there are as you point out, Sheila, those who are planning on benefiting from his term in office and accept—and relish—what Trump has put on offer. Which is more scary? No need to choose. Both are and that is devastating news for Pitt’s Americans, Sheila, and your’s and mine.

  18. This country was never based on equality for all. This country was based on equality or a particular cast system or a hierarchy however you want to explain it, for white wealthy slave and land owners! That’s the fact of it. This is not a democracy, it never was, and obviously it’s following the tack laid out from the beginning. The minority rules. We all know the fella running for president, but then you get a whack job like Elon Musk, who would love to change the law I e constitution, so he can run for president. He figures he’ll be worth at least a trillion, so buying an election might not be too difficult. He is one immigrant they should run out of Dodge, lol!

    An interesting conversation had by me and someone called Billy boy. He had no clue about the second world war, the Holocaust, kristallnacht. Night of the Long knives. Or the arson of the German parliamentary building. And then blaming the communists which effectively eliminated them through a massive slaughter. The German military was turned on its own people. And the cleansing of the not worthy, those who were considered enemies of the state, or mongrels, or a drain on the fatherland, took place for a solid 10 years.

    I mentioned this before, when the Americans moved into Auschwitz, there was still quite a few guards there finishing up the slaughter, so those guards were taken out by the Americans and executed. Then the Americans went into town, and brought all of the citizenry out to bury the executed guards and the piles of bodies of those from the gas chambers.

    My uncle Roger and my uncle Al were there. And one of the guards actually pleaded his case saying, we learned all of this from you. But it wasn’t really that huge of a surprise, several of my uncles made it through the war, but were murdered in this country. So, I’ve never deluded myself and to believing there is an American exceptionalism. It’s a possibility a majority of Americans might be worth their weight in compassion and empathy, but this country is not based on majority rule. You have to ask The question, why?

  19. the republicans have 50 million Americans who they could have chose.
    the plan is a carny barker/used car sales WTF, keep America dumb to facts and keep the rabble on its feet,sucking every minute of air time,against someone who isnt talking about policy and the reality of the whole republican plan. star power, mmm most everyone is either tired of trump or voting for him.hell of a campaign stratagy. the basis of this is a political coup by the republicans. if they will not respond to another 1/6 stratagy,they are complacent with this under the table coup. if the die hard republicans can stand with the left for a change, and spell it out, we may narrowly ding this. but then the real fight starts..

  20. Nov 5, I WILL do what I believe is the wrong thing,
    Vote a straight DEMOCRATIC TICKET.
    INSTEAD of voting for the most qualified person for the job.
    We no longer are able to do that, as party over country has pushed us too this point.

  21. What happened to all the JOY of the Harris campaign? How did it turn into this present day sea of despair? Why do we even believe the polls when they have been wrong so many times in the past?
    Could we please see a little optimism out there?

  22. Biden beat the incumbent trump in 2020 because there were enough Americans who saw through trump’s want to be dictator ways. I haven’t seen reports of growth in Maga ranks instead a lot of prominent republicans jumping ship and encouraging others to follow. It’s hard to get a realistic sense of change in a locked down gerrymandered red State. There are a lot less trump signs, could be due to home boy Pence not on the ticket this time? Trumps following is a minority and seems there is impetus to come out and vote against him. Maga is consistently expert at lies, spin and exaggeration of their own position/advantage. Hateful hot air doesn’t win elections. Americans that know trump is a loser that wants to destroy US, coming out to vote to block him out is what wins elections. A lot of people are doing just that.

  23. Nope. I was asking if Trump is this horrible man, why was he befreinded by the Clinton’s? If Trump is Hitler incarnate why is Chuck Schumer next to him and enthusiastically laughing at his jokes?

    Btw, I am voting Dem governor,et al.

    But I’m not voting for Harris/Wals.
    I’ll vote for Stein, leave it blank or write-in Jimmy Dore. Frankly,your attempts to vilify Trump (since Chuck Schumer doesn’t seem to be bothered by his presence) comes across as political kayfabe.

    I hope you find this entertaining. There’s much more than a jaundiced view going on here. It’s definitely gaslighting.

    Anyone in support of genocide is untrustworthy.

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