And So It Begins…

During Inauguration events, Elon Musk gave Trump the Nazi salute. There’s no evading the reality of what we face.

Yesterday, I participated in a rally to kick off local resistance to an administration I would once have considered unthinkable. The rally was organized by Hoosiers4Democracy, and cosponsored by ACLU Indiana, ReCenter Indiana, Common Cause Indiana, Women4Change Indiana, AAUW Indiana, and the League of Women Voters Indiana. It was enthusiastically supported by several local media organizations, including the Indiana Citizen.

The purpose of the event was to offer people an alternative to television coverage of the Inauguration, and to allow dispirited citizens an opportunity to interact with other Hoosiers who share their determination to protect the America we love and support from the coming fascist onslaughts, both state and national.

I had hoped that a hundred or so determined souls would turn out, but approximately 500 people filled the sanctuary at Indianapolis’ Broadway United Methodist Church (even the Mayor attended). There was wonderful, uplifting music. There were inspiring speeches. There was a feeling of community and resolve. It was great.

I was honored to deliver a few preliminary remarks. I’m sharing them below. (And speaking of sharing, if anyone reading this was in attendance, I’d welcome your reactions.)


America’s original motto was e pluribus unum: out of the many, one. It’s a motto many of us embrace, but it also raises a question that Doctor King addressed: what is the nature of unity in a radically diverse society?  What defines the community we aspire to join?  How do dramatically different people live peacefully and productively together? How do we build an overarching community that welcomes everyone while still honoring and respecting our differences?

I think the answer lies in what has been called America’s “civic religion”—our allegiance to the overarching principles embodied in America’s constituent documents—values that are absolutely central to what I call the American Idea. Those values are what motivate the cosponsors of this event, and numerous other organizations—like the aptly named “Indiana Citizen”—that are now preparing to defend them. Those values will be under attack by an administration that one pundit has described as “an affront to the very idea of America.”

In 2004, I wrote a column in which I listed what I saw as the values that define us as Americans– principles that infuse the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and that are absolutely central to the America most of us inhabit. We are here today to honor and reclaim those principles and values, at a time when too many voters and political figures have abandoned them.

What are they? What do “real” Americans believe?

Americans believe in justice and civil liberties—in equal treatment and fair play for all citizens, whether or not we agree with them or like them or approve of their life choices.

We believe that no one is above the law—and that includes those who run our government.

We believe that dissent can be the highest form of patriotism. Mark Twain once wrote that patriots always support their country– and support their government when it deserves it. People who care about America enough to speak out against policies they believe to be wrong or anti-American or corrupt aren’t just exercising their rights as citizens, they are discharging a sacred civic responsibility.

We believe that “wedge issues”– playing to people’s fears and prejudices and marginalizing or demonizing any minority in the pursuit of political advantage– is un-American and immoral.

We believe passionately in what one pundit has called “critical intelligence, tolerance, respect for evidence, and a regard for science.”

We believe, to use the language of the nation’s Founders, in “a decent respect for the opinions of mankind” (even non-American mankind).

We believe in the true heartland of this country, which is anywhere where people struggle to provide for their families, dig deep into their pockets to help the less fortunate, and understand their religions to require goodwill and loving kindness rather than cruelty, nastiness or cultural dominance.

And we really do believe that the way you play the game is more important, in the end, than whether you win or lose. If the Bill of Rights stands for anything, it stands for the proposition that the ends don’t justify the means.

Today we honor Martin Luther King, who reminded us that—despite the fact that we have too often failed to live up to those aspirations—it is fidelity to those values that REALLY makes America great.

Those of us who are here today intend to reclaim those values and rededicate ourselves to their realization. We are here to pledge our efforts to rebuild an America that works to embody and protect the American Idea. And we are also here to send a message to those who ignore and dishonor the American Idea: we will resist your assaults with every fiber of our beings.

Thank you all for coming to pledge allegiance to the American Idea on this cold January day, and please help me welcome the wonderful clergy who are joining us today: Quaker Pastor Phil Gulley; Rabbi Aaron Spiegel; and Reverend David Greene.


  1. The entire Rally was great. It was not only needed, it was essential to kick start the actions needed to reclaim our democracy in not only the U.S. but also in Indiana.
    I traveled from Jasper, Indiana because I needed to be surrounded by like minded people since I currently live in a community where people still fly their F Biden flags, think it is okay and brag about it.
    The Rally was good for my soul. All of us need to continue what was started and work everyday by engaging with voters, engaging with our youth so they can understand the danger we are currently facing.

  2. Professor-I needed the event as therapy. Thanks to the planners and participants and especially to Phil Gulley. His words touched my heart.

  3. Hoosiers4Democracy is working with the disadvantage of Indiana’s roots deeply buried in racism and strong ties to KKK leadership. The Founding Fathers upheld “rights for all” when creating the Constitution while owning slaves and indentured servants; the same was true in Indiana’s leadership in our history. I recommend the book “Black in Indiana” by journalist Eunice Brewer Trotter who traced her family’s roots back to the 1820’s and the abuses of slavery and indentured servants by elected local and state officials. Most Hoosiers who support the Constitution are aware of the national KKK leadership by D.C. Stephenson; it took the murder of a young woman to bring to light the national level of his power.

    “We” may be in the majority but as we learned through President Joe Biden’s term in office, the minority ruled in Senate and House. As witnessed globally yesterday, the United States of America was bought and paid for by the minority of the wealthiest three in the world. Where do we get the money to buy it back?

    My thanks to all of you, “Those of us who are here today intend to reclaim those values and rededicate ourselves to their realization. We are here to pledge our efforts to rebuild an America that works to embody and protect the American Idea. And we are also here to send a message to those who ignore and dishonor the American Idea: we will resist your assaults with every fiber of our beings.”

  4. WOW. Five times more attendees (“500 percent,” in newspeak) than expected, on a brutally cold day, is big, good news. The diversity of speakers “looks like us,” and should encourage us to soldier on. A major concern is 45’s pardoning of the convicted Jan. 6 insurrectionists, which will almost certainly not only encourage but endorse political violence. Standing up for the America described in Prof. Kennedy’s opening remarks will require courage and sacrifice. I can only hope the big “we” are up to the long struggle.

  5. This was a fantastic event. SO glad we went. A little dismayed that everyone in the room looked like us – e.g., old – but it did point out a huge issue, and a purpose we all can work on: get those young people informed and involved. Off of Tic-Tock (if I may say). It is up to US to bring them along.

    ANYWAY, the music and speeches were all terrific and inspiring; each had its own direction and purpose. Ending with Dana Black was inspired – she had everyone really fired up. She does that. 🙂 THANK YOU, Sheila, for your involvement, and for your daily voice of sanity in this ridiculous world.

  6. I am glad that the event was moved indoors, and the Broadway UMC is a beautiful building.
    I enjoyed your speech. I am happy to be with others who are suffering from the fear and anxiety coming from what might happen in the coming months and years. I also have fear and anxiety, but I also have hope that out of chaos will emerge a more just society.
    If I have any constructive criticism about some of the speeches I heard yesterday it is only to say that I thought there was too much dwelling on the orange one and not on MLK, Jr, and that I always want to hear solutions to problems after a problem is identified. I thought the Rabbi did that very well, and I could have used more solutions proposed. The eternal question for us as a community is “what are you going to do about it?”
    “Action is the antidote to despair” (Joan Baez)

  7. I was there, Sheila and am so glad I went. I was inspired by the speakers, uplifted by the music and encouraged by the turnout. What I appreciated most, however, was the conversation I had with the young couple sitting next to me—so bright, thoughtful, articulate and committed to working for justice. They brought me hope!

  8. Giving clemency and pardons to convicted criminals who actually tried to overthrow our government tells us all we need to know about the coming storms. Those deranged thugs are Trump’s people. He would never shake their filthy hands, but they will do more harm, break more laws and become more brazen. They are Trump’s brownshirts.

    Glad the rally went so well. Yes. Action. What’s next? Were there any other similar rallies in other red states?

  9. I am in northern Indiana and am deeply sorry I didn’t make it down. Are they ways to keep all these organizations TOGETHER and UNITED to move forward with new actions?

  10. Correction from my last post – so sorry (did not read over before posting – 😳)! Are there ways to keep all of these organizations TOGETHER and UNITED in moving forward with new actions?

  11. Excellent words, Sheila!

    Don’t fret, Peg. You don’t have to worry about leading our youth along. They are on the bus, if not driving the buses, against what the uniparty is doing in Washington and, soon, their statehouses.

    And JoAnn, Stephenson didn’t just murder that young woman; he ate part of her. Cannibalization was discovered at the scene. That guy was a special kind of twisted!

    I was reading comments from independent journalists last night about the inauguration on X and in my inbox. They all said about the same thing. All were disgusted with Musk’s Nazi salutes and his emotional antics for the richest guy in the world. Nobody mentioned Peter Thiel, so I assume he is still keeping a low profile. My favorite comment was that Melania was dressed like the McDonald’s Hamburglar. LOL

    One of the journalists pointed to a short documentary, “Life and Liberty for All Who Believe,” hosted by Burt Lancaster in the early 1980s. I had never heard of it, so I looked it up on YouTube and watched it. Wow! It was all about the formation of the Christian Nationalists, then called the Moral Majority. I am sure it is mentioned in Anne Nelson’s book. What blows me away is why the Democratic Party and the IRS didn’t go after these religious establishments back then and strip them of their nonprofit status. They were all in violation of crossing over from religion to politics. They even used their churches to send political letters to the mailing lists they got from the fear-based dummies who sent in $$’s to televangelists.

    Now it’s time to sort through all the executive orders signed yesterday and last night…

  12. At the rally, I sat next to a young woman who had turned 18 after the election so could not vote then, but she was ready for action! We chatted during the time a speaker asked us to talk to the people around us for around 8 minutes (a great idea). I was wearing a button that with a clenched fist that said RESIST! I gave it to her, and she enthusiastically put it on her coat. I feel I passed the torch on to that young woman! Those of us in the senior generations–let’s engage the younger generations as we fight the good fight together. Let them know that the political winds change and our efforts are not in vain. They have not seen this happen yet and may become discouraged. This young woman was only two when Obama was elected after 8 long years of Bush Jr. We need to work together toward the next Obama moment!

  13. Thanks to you folks who went. Let me say that the Dems need to look at candidates NOW because Nikki will run, JD Vance will run…and don’t discount folks like Tom Cotton. For four years Trump campaigned – actually he never stopped sucking the air out of the room. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Remind folks that he lied about Project 2025. Keep reminding people that Trump does NOT have their best interests at heart. Remind them that infrastructure was done by Biden. Remind rural folks who put him over the top that the ACA benefits them. And while we are at it, let’s keep an eye on Braun who wants to make
    Indiana Texas. And one last rant this morning. What nerve to line up hostage relatives after the Biden administration got it done and that he dare call J6 criminals hostages after taking an oath to the Constitution.

  14. We have two years to take the country back to the Constitution from MAGA, an alternative civic religion.

    Our belief in following the Constitution rather than any person, place, or thing has not changed in 250 years. The Declaration of Independence stated precisely why our founders were committed to throwing the yoke of royalty off and establishing a liberal democratic republic.

    The competition here and now is apparent after the model of the Protestant Reformation, Crusades, or any of the great civic revolutions of history.

    Two mutually exclusive cultures:

    1) a dictatorial one enforced by the power of triumvirate, patterned after the People’s Republic of China.


    2) return to the liberal democratic Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

  15. I would like to have been there. Maybe next time the organizers will consider Zooming it or showing it on YouTube? Maybe more young people would be listening to a message they can access from anywhere.

    I didn’t watch the inauguration, but I did tune in for some of the aftermath. Some things of note:
    1) I’m not one of those who believe that you have to be sworn in with one hand on the Bible. It makes sense to me to swear on any symbol that works for you. That might be why 47 didn’t swear on anything. He has no beliefs at all.
    2) He signed fifty Executive Orders last night. Some of them even gave Norm Ornstein the willies. He did free the traitors from January 6th, giving free reign to his supporters to do anything they please as long as it’s in his name. I wish someone had told them on January 5th that the President must be invited to the Capitol by the Speaker of the House. What happened was the equivalent of me telling all of my raucous friends go to your house and finish the party there.
    3) He has withdrawn the US from the World Health Organization and from the Climate Accord. One will leave us more vulnerable in the next pandemic. The other will bring us stronger hurricanes and even more, harder to control, wildfires. He wants to make the US what we already are, a net exporter of petroleum.
    4)He reversed 78 of Biden’s Executive Orders, so if something good was done it is now undone.
    5) He declared a Federal Emergency at the border. God knows what this one will do. Relations with Mexico will be in the trash can. Our soldiers might be asked to shoot those desperate people who are trying to find a better place for their families.

    I could go on, but you get the drift.

  16. It was uplifting, and I will be joining all the groups who helped organize the event. Your summary of American values is perfect. Thanks

  17. “Today, we have come to assume the permanence of our political institutions. And that assumption creates alarming vulnerabilities in two principal forms.

    The first is casual indifference. A political order that appears to many Americans as permanent — for better or worse — seems beyond their personal ability to do damage. To some extent, the freedom to be indifferent is a great virtue of liberal democracies, where citizens can choose to devote their days to the private affairs of home and market, blissfully unmindful of politics. But this liberty becomes dangerous when citizens tune completely out of public affairs — but for an occasional visit to the polling booth — again based in part on the assumption that their democratic inheritance is set in stone.

    More worrisome, however, are today’s political adventurers, who pursue partisan or ideological outcomes by using untested innovations in executive authorities, legislative procedures and judicial doctrines, all with the expectation that the foundations of our constitutional order will tolerate these deviances.

    They bank on the resilience of our political order to cover their bets if all goes wrong. The nation has withstood wars and major depressions and uprisings, so all will be fine.

    Russell Riley – University of VA

  18. It’s great to know that you were pleasantly surprised at the turnout. I would have been there if I lived closer to Indy. I hope all that attended were blessed with a new sense of belonging, gained some new friends and left with renewed energy to fight and survive the coming onslaught of fascism.

  19. Once again you get it wrong – purposely I’m sure:
    “ FACT CHECK CLAIM: Establishment Media accused Elon Musk of doing a “Nazi salute” during a Trump event. VERDICT: FALSE. Musk first slapped his heart, extended his arm, and explained the gesture by saying, “My heart goes out to you.” Even the ADL has conceded the moment was “awkward” but not malevolent.”

    Thankfully we have now been UnBidened- oh and all those last second pardons – how convenient – We wouldn’t want the truth to get out.

  20. And Gail, Musk did his Nazi salute twice on camera. I don’t care what the ADL has to say about anything since it promotes and defends genocide. And pays others to defend it as well. Their lies about the rapes by Hamas will haunt them outside of their paid influences.

  21. I attended the rally yesterday and it was uplifting and energizing. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen, and to everyone who was able to attend. The efforts of all of us matter. To paraphrase the amazing and courageous Dana Black – Do what you do, and bring what you can to the cause of saving our democracy. I was encouraged to see and hear about the organizing efforts that are going on, especially from those who are organizing in more rural areas of Indiana. There is strength in numbers. The most important take-away for me is that this is the time for more action, not the time to give in to despair. My plan going forward is – Bloom where you’re planted and share your successes. Get a clear vision of the world where common values are shared, where all people are treated with respect and civility, differences are tolerated and sharing abundance leads to a better world for all. Dwell on the positive feelings associated with your vision and your efforts, and be part of the movement forward.

  22. I stumbled across the movie “She’s beautiful when she’s angry” two or three years ago, and then my 21 year old and I went to see the new Bob Dylan movie “A Complete Unknown” last week. Both took me back to the 1950s and early 60s. When our society said that women were to be mothers and homemakers and men were to work for the man and let the wife take care of everything else. Prescribed roles for both sexes was the norm. World War Two was the trip wire for change, when millions of women found out, from necessity that the could work in the factories, doing pretty much any job the men were doing. And at first the men pushed back. but as the months went by, the women earned their respect. (I also recently finished reading “No Ordinary TIme” about FDR and Eleanor in the white house during WWII).

    This is where we have come from. I’ve been urging all of the women I know to watch “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry”, and to watch it with their kids and grandkids. A lot of young people think that the fifties sixties and seventies didn’t accomplish much, because the don’t know where we came from in the 1950s.

    And now we’re all talking about being who we are and accepting, even celebrating difference, when in the 1950s most people thought there was someing wrong with people who were different. One woman in She’s Beautiful when She’s Angry said, “I couldn’t understand what was wrong! I had a beautiful house, a car to drive and two wonderful kids, and I hated it! I couldn’t understand what wrong with me”.

  23. If Musk pounded his chest first then it is a “ my heart goes out to you salute”. If it came from his side then it is a Nazi salute!
    The border got closed and the illegal that hit my friend and is in jail will be deported?

    Prayers for those who need a blessing from God.
    Kamala never led in the internal polls and all the media and everyone is surprised?

  24. I could not attend but will follow and participate in actions of resistance when health allows.
    His orange face appeared during the middle of the football game last evening. I turned it off.
    Of major concern to me remains no checks on his criminal activity. The SCOTUS ruling takes away any option for the military to refuse an illegal order as no order is now criminal if performed as part of his administrative actions. The emergency order at the southern border is likely to result in the same actions as Bebe has taken in Gaza. Court martial and dishonorable discharge may mean those who resist will have to flee the country or suffer the record following them for as long as they live.
    I will not say his name ever. MLK Jr.’s daughter published a list of actions to take back in 2017. They still are relevant today, maybe even more so as he has no checks on his criminal actions.
    Some Wise Advice Circulating:
    1. Don’t use his name; EVER (45/47 will do)
    2. Remember this is a regime and he’s not acting alone;
    3. Do not argue with those who support him–it doesn’t work;
    4. Focus on his policies, not his orange-ness and mental state;
    5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow;
    6. No more helpless/hopeless talk;
    7. Support artists and the arts;
    8. Be careful not to spread fake news. Check it;
    9. Take care of yourselves; and
    10. Resist!

  25. It was a fabulous event! Shelia – Thank you for everything that you did to help it occur. To everyone in attendance and otherwise, please consider making a contribution to the Broadway Methodist Church as a token of our appreciation for hosting the event. Refer to the link here –

  26. Wish I’d been there. So enjoy your posts right along with Heather Cox Richardson. Keep up the fight.

  27. Well, 45 is one and one on keeping promises. He promised the petro-garchs that if they gave him a billion $ and he would make it worth their while. He also promised everybody else that he would get fossil fuels back under $2. On the way to the Dr. this morning I noted that it wasn’t even 24 hours and gas prices were up 10% here in Indianapolis. NOTE WHICH PROMISE GOT KEPT FIRST!!

    Sure glad that I bought an electric car a year ago.

  28. Cgh unfortunately, another executive order was ending the EV charging network nationwide set up by Biden. It won’t be completed.

    I didn’t know what the hilter salute was until Monday. I’d seen it with a raised arm, hand flat pointing out and that was what Musk did but the slap on his heart was Absolutely disgusting. The other disgusting thing was pardoning the J6 felons. Michael Fanone said to Stewart Rhodes the oath keeper leader to go F himself. I know Stewart Rhodes’ ex wife testified against him and I bet her and his kids are in hiding right now. She feared for her life.

    I see so many posts about Biden pardoning his family and I would have done that too.

    I like the idea of streaming that gathering next time.

    They elected a monster.

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