Loud And Clear

There was no missing the chilling messages delivered by Trump and his supporters at his Inauguration and immediately after, through his Executive Orders.

There’s obviously a great deal that could be said about most of those vindictive and mean-spirited Executive Orders, several of which were of dubious legality. (Overturning Biden’s order reducing the cost of insulin for those on Medicare or Medicaid seemed particularly egregious–surely many of the beneficiaries of that measure are among his voters. But making Big Pharma happy evidently took precedence over Trump’s non-existent concern for the “little people.”)

I will leave discussion of most of these acts of petulance for others to discuss, because most of them were unrelated to the major message conveyed by Elon Musk’s “heil Hitler” salute and Trump’s pardon of the January 6th insurrectionists. The incoming administration is no longer bothering to hide what most of us already knew was the motivating force behind MAGA–racism and general hatred of the Other. After all, the movement has no policy agenda, no coherent ideology–it’s all racism and White Christian nationalism.

The pathetic efforts to excuse Musk’s Nazi salutes (note the “s”–he gave it not once but twice) brought to mind Timothy Snyder’s warning in his book On Tyranny about people who acquiesce to tyrants in advance. I’ve never considered the Anti-Defamation League a particularly effective organization, but the feeble attempt by its spokespersons to suggest that the gesture was somehow an excess of “enthusiasm” should tell us just how feckless it really is. That pathetic effort to ingratiate the organization with the coming administration rang hollow to anyone who saw the videos of Musk rendering that salute (not to mention anyone who has watched him turn Twitter into a Nazi-apologetic site, or noted his recent endorsement of the German far-right.)

Of course, the salute itself pales before the message sent by Trump’s pardons and commutations of the criminals who participated in the January 6th insurrection. As my youngest son said, it was a loud and clear call to Trump’s Brownshirts, a promise that–no matter what they do on his behalf, no matter what heads they crack, what laws they break, what American principles they deficate on–he’ll have their back. Like Trump himself, they will evade any real accountability.

These “patriots” destroyed government property. They assaulted–and killed–law enforcement officers. Those in prison had been found guilty of sedition by judges and by juries of their peers. A significant number had pled guilty, admitting to the charges of serious lawbreaking.

Pardoning people who were willing to jettison their country’s principles and the rule of law for their “dear leader” gives the whole game away.

There were plenty of related messages sent via those Executive Orders. The assault on the Department of Justice, for example, was notable. But none of those other moves was as obvious and horrifying as the explicit approval of violence if it was committed on Trump’s behalf.

Anyone who actually listened to what Trump was preaching to the MAGA mobs already understood that the movement was all–and only–about “recapturing” America for straight White “Christian” men. It was–and is–about fear and hatred of the Other: brown and Black people, Jews, Muslims, Asians, Gays…the vicious anti-immigrant sentiment that Trump rode to the White House has always focused solely on dark-skinned immigrants. Efforts to paint Trump supporters as folks angry about inflation or the economy deliberately ignore the hysteria over “woke-ism” and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). It isn’t just coincidental that another of those Executive Orders erased diversity training and all governmental DEI programs.

There is no way to put lipstick on this particular pig. There’s also nothing to be gained by “playing nice” with the people who are just fine–indeed, ecstatic– with all of this. The rest of us need to face up to the fact that America has just installed an “out and proud” fascist government, filled with people who no longer find it necessary to pretend otherwise.

It not only can happen here…it is happening. And the worst thing we can do is emulate the “good Germans” who turned their heads and pretended not to see.


  1. Sheila, thank you for speaking truth to power. You are absolutely correct, we have a fascist government. Look no further than the nominee for Secretary of Defense. I am encouraged by the woman, such as yourself, who continue to speak out. Women like Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, Heather Cox Richardson, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Tammy Duckworth, E. Jean Carroll Hilary Clinton and many more. We all must speak out, contact Senators, Representative and the White House. We can not pretend. We must see what is happening.

  2. Pope Francis has openly called out Trump’s “opening act”. Closer to home and putting Trump in a position he could not walk away from, was the Minister during the official prayer yesterday. She called him out on his money god and let him know our God is stronger than his god. Will the evangelicals get the message or will Trump declare the films of that prayer session be destroyed before they can go public again? He has the power and the immunity to do that.

    “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” was the fear of Trump’s coming; it is here now very real fear…’It not only can happen here…it is happening. And the worst thing we can do is emulate the “good Germans” who turned their heads and pretended not to see.”

    Those of us who see and know and warned of its coming can be overruled by Trump and the legal wheels turn slowly for our defense. He can be as illegal and deadly as he wants…and he WILL do just that…simply because he now CAN to just that while we suffer his powers of immunity.

  3. Taken down from within. We are forced to watch the “strong men” take back what is considered “theirs”. It has taken time but thanks to a cooridnated effort of right wing media, social media, think tanks and hard core billionaires our views no longer count.

    Will the social pendulum ever swing back? Would it be allowed to? We are now considered a pipsqueak gallery of watchers who will have no control over the politics of our own country, our own state and obviously the highest court in the land. The relish of my Trumpy fiends over the removal of DEI alone has been something to behold.

    It comes at a time when disinformation has crippled communication and coordination to fight climate change disasters and attacks on education, a terrible burden of indifference to big pharma, bankrupting medical care and and the “I got mine, you get yours” attitude that is supposed to make our country hard as nails.

    They have proven to their own satisfaction that a good government is inefficient and that taxes that help the undeserving are a waste of our monies and better spent on camps and walls. They can appoint billionaires that keep their profits and know what is best for us. The new deciders.

    Maybe the silver lining is that when things get so bad people realize things are so terrible, that we are no longer the good guys and that no one is here to rescue us there will be an awakening that can reverse this groups dictatorial coordinated tactics. Maybe the majority of People will actually WANT to vote -if allowed. Other than an outright revolution I find that a very tall order to fill.

    I am not giving up

  4. So, do us “little people” just start badgering our friends and neighbors with the Trump flags or the MAGA hats in “I told you so” rants? Or how about badgering those irresponsible sods who didn’t vote? Will it do any good? How do you get people addicted to bullshit to turn off Fox News?

    And this amusement park ride through the gates and into the bowels of the civic hell is just starting. No, we shouldn’t just look away, because the next time we turn our heads, we’ll be staring into the eyes of somebody coming after us. There are ways to end this horror before it begins, aren’t there?

  5. What will resistance look like in America? Rescuing the world from the autocratic Axis regimes of WWII and from the Soviet threat required the leadership of the United States. What great nation will come to our rescue? American autocrats have assumed power through subversion of the democratic process. Obtaining power by any means was the point. Retaining power — by any means — is now the point.

  6. President Trump failed to end the Ukraine War on Day 1. He cannot simply sign an Executive Order to end the war in Ukraine. President Trump said, however, he would like to speak with Russian President Putin.

    The financial site, Armstrong Economics, reported on 1/22/25 a hopeful message indicating Russia is willing to discuss ending the conflict: “The Kremlin broadcast Putin’s weekly security council message earlier than expected to address Trump directly. “We are open to dialogue with the new US administration on the Ukrainian conflict,” Putin said. “Its goal should not be a short truce, not some kind of respite for regrouping forces and rearmament with the aim of subsequently continuing the conflict, but a long-term peace based on respect for the legitimate interests of all people, all nations that live in this region.”

    European countries, however, could be working in the opposite direction – accelerating the war in Ukraine. Armstrong reports that, “Europe is pushing full speed ahead to fabricate World War III, with both Germany and France offering to send “peacekeepers,” a digestible new term for “trained soldiers.”

    With the new Trump administration in place, the U.S. is apparently at a foreign policy decision point. Armstrong indicated that, “New US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has reaffirmed the new administration’s message that the war in Ukraine must end. America can withhold funding or direct intervention.”

    I’m wondering how thoughtful readers of this blog feel? Should the U.S. follow Europe in accelerating the Ukraine War, and risk WW III, or pursue détente?

  7. J. Street: While I agree with your “points”, the next topic for that subject discussion is cruelty. When Stephen Miller gets his stinking hands around our immigration policies, we will see that the cruelty is the point. His diseased mind dovetails perfectly with Trump’s: two very sick psychopaths.

    Anybody know anyone named von Stauffenberg?

  8. Day two and I’m already tired of seeing his bloated face and hearing his voice. And the media keeps it coming at full speed. Couldn’t at least one outlet tell us that they aren’t wasting any more screen time on this charade?

  9. A post on Facebook this morning says it all very simply in only a few statements; Canadian columnist Andrew Coyne referred to Trump’s “emotional incontinence”, the best description of his blathering I have heard yet. (Known in this country as “Pissing in our ear and telling us it’s raining”. Mr. Coyne’s warning, “The first six months will be a time of peril.” will probably be reported week nights by our own Rachel Maddow on MSNBC’s “Trump’s First 100 Days”. Andrew Coyne’s final paragraph speaks my heart as an American, “All my life I have been an admirer of the United States and its people. But I am frightened of it now, and I am even more frightened of them.”

    Maybe Trump should rethink taking control of Canada as an American territory; Canadians have been paying closer attention to the goings on here than millions of Americans if they are following Andrew Coyne’s columns.

  10. Okay, now it’s time to stop being nice about everything, including our words. It’s NOT disinformation, but rather LIES. We can start by not being so mealy mouthed. Stop trying to find nice ways to talk about everything. We’re facing horrible times. Recognize that! Stop bringing a boxing glove to a gunfight. At the very least, bring a knife, if only to slice up the rhetoric.

  11. Excellent posts this morning!

    These are good questions about geopolitics, but remember, Biden and Blinken were disasters with foreign policy. Biden wouldn’t talk to Putin and extended the proxy war for the Defense Industry. He also offended Xi Jinping by calling him a “dictator.” Blinken also destroyed relations with China—he was greeted in China by one official (an interpreter), which was a significant snub.

    Trump has already talked with Xi Jinping, who was happy to see Biden leave. I am sure Putin feels the same. For those who’ve paid attention to Putin’s rule in Russia, a strong traditional orthodoxy and an oligarchy with an autocrat at the helm, you’ll see some parallels between Trump and Putin. Putin changed Russia’s constitution to allow him to serve as a dictator. Trump will be attempting the same while in office. The US will look more like Russia than any other country.

    Ukraine War could have been ended two years ago. It’s been all about MIC profits—the same thing with our genocide in Gaza. If Biden wasn’t a decrepit sociopath, he could have stood up to Bibi and told him to stop the massacre three months into their retaliation. However, the genocide of the Palestinians has been the plan since the 90s. Bibi needs to stay in charge because he is facing major criminal charges in Israel.

    Much of what Trump is doing is creating a distraction for the oligarch-controlled media. The billionaire owner of the LA Times is even hiring pro-Trump people to write in their liberal newspaper. Last night, Trump said he would “be okay with Musk buying TikTok.”

    Musk is not going to enjoy the limelight because he’s a fraud, and the media is going to have a hard time shining that turd. Thiel is gay and married with children, so that’s why he keeps a low profile as a pro-Trump oligarch. Remember, one of his companies makes killer drones, and it is suspected that drones will replace Trump’s physical wall along the Mexican border.

    And the games begin…

  12. Time to think outside the burning box….are there folks/organizations like us who are seriously thinking about/working on plans to create a “Blue States of America” to save us and show the world that the “America” idea envisioned by the Founders can be created and prosper?

  13. The term ‘shared reality’ is among the most meaningful, given how we perceive the world.

    On this blog, I share a reality with those whose political realities I have trusted over the past twenty-plus years. I see the reality shared by Magaites from the perspective of the reality we share.

    On the good side, I finally have found the answer to the world I emerged into, which included Hitler, FDR, Stalin, Churchill, and Emperor Hirohito, viewed from the safety of Baltimore, MD.

    Shared realities are as different as night and day.

    Of course, those conflicting realities left much death and destruction in their wake, which I was aware of because it persisted afterward in Movietone News at Saturday morning movies at the Liberty Theater in Herkimer, NY, and even later on the newly emerging TV takeover of the country in war movies.

    I used to think, what happened in the minds of the Nazis and Japanese Emporer worshipers to cause all the destruction by bullets, bombs, tanks, warships, and planes?

    Now several decades later, I understand.

    Do you? Of course, the reality we share means yes, you do. The shared reality of the Magaites seems artificially created to serve the power of MTV (Musk, Trump, Vance), as viewed from our perspective.

    It seems so similar to my early years, except from a different point in spacetime, to what I viewed from the perspective that became a significant part of me so long ago.

  14. Sadly, all you said is true. We have had two days to get over the shock of trump’s edicts, so that’s long enough. Now, we must call on America’s strength and wisdom and deal with it. We have it and WILL overcome it. He’s NOT in charge of our dignity and care for others. He is despicable and we and the world will overcome. We have a dream.

  15. It may be true that the Ukraine War must continue to sustain MIC profits. It also may be that the consensus of the American electorate is that the Ukraine War must be continued until Russia is defeated. Newsweek on 12/19/22 quoted Representative Adam Kinzinger who predicted, “NATO could take out Russia in only three days.”

    I read that in the early years of the Vietnam War, the war was supported by 85% of American people. In 1965, President LBJ spoke on Monument Circle in Indianapolis before a crowd that was largely favorable to the President, and favorable to the Vietnam War. Anti-war protesters from Bloomington, who had received permission from Christ Church Cathedral to stand on their grounds with war protest signs, were arrested by Indiana State police. (They were later released from custody)

    I also read that the American taxpayers are still, in 2025, paying interest on the national debt accumulated from the Vietnam War, and that this war indebtedness was one of the reasons that President Nixon on August 15, 1971, had to “temporarily” abandon the gold standard, which formerly backed U.S. currency, and shift to fiat (or non-gold-backed) currency.

    I heard in 10/15/24 House Rules Committee testimony, that the National Debt had previously been $26T, before that session of the House began borrowing. Then we (the Congress) financed an additional $5T by printing money. The House members explained that the Federal Reserve printed the money; the Treasury borrowed it from the Fed. After this borrowing, the National Debt which needed to be continuously financed, stood at $32T. House member(s) at that hearing speculated that interest on that debt would not be financed by raising taxes, but by printing more currency. (The YouTube video of this 10/15/24 House Rules Committee hearing was available for about four days and apparently viewed 166K times. It was taken down by the poster about 10/19/24)

    If the Ukraine War is continued and financed by the 2025 Congress, it is likely that this is the means by which the war will be financed: by printing more money and incurring more National Debt. I wonder if followers of this blog feel that this printing of more money is inflationary to the American economy? Do readers feel the Inflation Reduction Act has lessened this inflation?

  16. John Adams Dec. 17, 1814: “Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy Yet, that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to Say that Democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy.”

  17. According to the Donald my wife who is 70 years old and has been my soul mate for 47 is no longer a citizen of this country. Her Mother was born in Canada in 1926 and relocated one month later in New England but her paperwork was lost in a fire in Boston in 1955. She only became a citizen in 2019 at age 93 after much difficulty. Her motivation was to vote against Trump in the 2020 election. To say my wife is angry would be the understatement of the century.

  18. Todd, How dare you demean the nearly exhausting efforts of Blinken and Biden with your casual disdain for years of work while you sit in the peanut gallery throwing verbal bombs but offering few if any solutions. I am calling you out. You are fallible as are we all. Humility would be a nice change.
    Listen to the words of Bishop Budde for truth and guidance.

  19. Yes, Lester, and Adams also clearly stated that the country was NOT founded as a Christian one.
    I’ve not watched the mouthings of the Orange Pig, nor heard his voice .
    I just read that many, if not all, of the police forces that supported his candidacy are upset about his pardoning his Brown shirts. What in hell did they expect?

  20. Gordon, that’s a good question, but I suspect it is rhetorical. Printing money is always inflationary; in this case, investors demand higher returns on 10-year bonds precisely because of this. But don’t fret; the new billionaire running the Fed will straighten it all out for the American people so we don’t feel the brunt of inflated prices.

    The leading cause of inflation is price gouging by the oligarchy, which has achieved monopoly-like powers. Using AI and algorithms, the oligarchy can fix prices at a beneficial level for all oligarchs. Tariffs and cutting tax rates on the wealthy will exacerbate “inflation” as our deficit will be covered by even more borrowing. Why do Trump and the oligarchy care about the deficit, borrowing, or inflation?

    As Sheila pointed out about the ADL excuses for Musk’s Nazi salute, this was the headline in the Associated Press:

    “Elon Musk’s straight-arm gesture during Trump’s inauguration rally…” LOLOLOL


  21. It would appear Mr. Evans seeks an earnest discussion whilst using factual historical references…. Not gonna happen. This blog seeks to satiate the true believers of the Democratic Party. A former political party that has now become a cult of/for Greivance Culture.

    It is the party of KAREN. It has now become the WAR Party,as well.

    It sucks being flanked by MAGA and the Biden-bots.At least reasonable people are aware the role of the DNC is to continue the cash flow through its infrastructure and to guarantee the death and loss of credibility for progressive ideas.

  22. Well, gosh, Mr. Analysis (aka IAN)… and what do you propose? Do you live in the USA? Canada? UK? Unhappy? Aw. Too bad. Do something positive with the people who actually try to make sense of the world instead of just squishing words through a salad maker that still produces the same result.

  23. Yes, Ian, the Democratic Party has acquiesced to Trump and the fascist oligarchy. Why aren’t they taking up the cause and resistance of the people who attended Sheila’s resistance rally yesterday?

    Because the DP is part of the uniparty, which works for the same oligarchy; they did nothing to stop the technocratic oligarchy as it started sprawling out of Silicon Valley because the CIA funded these so-called “libertarians.” They aren’t called the Paypal Mafia for no reason.

    And speaking of another uniparty fraud…calling TikTok a “national security risk.” TT has just started deleting posts that use the phrase “free Palestine,” claiming it is hate speech. It was NEVER about China. It was always about Israel, AIPAC, and the ADL, who control 85% of our uniparty. You know, the crowd who attended the international war criminal Bibi’s speech in the people’s house.

    The young people will abandon TikTok for the same reason they have abandoned X. If Musk buys TikTok, it will die in less than one year.

    One last note for those interested in real corruption of the highest order: investigate Trump’s Crypto Meme Coin and its meaning. It smells exactly like how his Truth Social attracted investors from faraway places:


  24. From The Hill’s Morning Report:
    Clubby: At least 16 billionaires, officials from eight countries, 14 of Trump’s Cabinet choices, 22 governors, eight senators and 65 members of the House visited Mar-a-Lago between Trump’s November election and his inauguration.
    Along with a particular salute from Muskrat and the plethora of nefarious executive orders primarily indicating once again just how vain he is by so so proudly holding up his signature artwork with all its terrible consequences to be seen, the most dangerous administration in the world since that of Muskrat’s salute begins. How I do not look forward to this overwhelmingly moneyed and thus cockeyed evil group poisoning the wells of our country. Democracy was never easy, but this will challenge the best of the best I fear. Hang on, fight on. We have to resist, And we will.

  25. At this point I don’t know what to say because I never thought in my lifetime that the people of the United States would give this individual as much power as he has. I don’t get it and I don’t want to get it. I’m heartbroken over it.

  26. My lady frequently comments about the insanity of oligarchs harming their customer base with their actions; i. e. raising the price of insulin etc. I pointed out that if the oligarchs double the price of insulin and less than half the customer base dies or quits taking insulin, the oligarchs arYe still ahead. It all depends on the slope of the price / demand curve!

    Yesterday I commented that 47 was 1 and 1 on keeping promises that 45 made to get himself elected; and pointed out that he is keeping his promises to the oligarchs while breaking his promises to the rest of us. It is clear from todays revelations that he is being consistent in who he supports and who he shafts!

  27. Of course, I voted for her, Did I have a choice?
    Maybe we are picking the wrong battle.
    Have to believe that there is a percentage of our elected that want a country balanced by what is in the better interest of our WHOLE country.
    This party over country is killing us, electing or retaining useless people just because they wear your brand.
    Poor Biden 50 years of trying to tread the isles,
    no wonder he is lost in anger.

  28. It all could have been prevented by declaring a national emergency. And because of the current conflict, you have the war Powers act. It’s sad that the politicians are beholden to corporate and wealth interests rather than the will of the people. This Democratic government has never been Democratic, and the few good politicians that took action to rein in capitalistic machismo, had everything undone by the next boot licking blood sucker that makes the poor pay the bill for the rich.

    How often in one’s lifetime have the same things been said, and therefore heard by everyone? It’s the constant din of dissatisfaction concerning the direction of government. There was a realistic opportunity for absolute change, but, there were no cojones to push it forward. Obligations towards oligarchs are more important than quality of life for the average citizen. Like was mentioned a million times before, this is not a democracy, majority does not rule, every vote does not count, so basically, this is just a larger fascist government, it actually has the symbol of the Roman Fascia next to the speaker’s chair. Can’t get any more blatant than that! A symbol which has been there for a long long time. It represents slavery, it represents authoritarianism, it represents fascism, it represents misery and servitude! So, does anyone think that this will only last four years? Lol, the so-called good guys got beat to the punch once again. Now they’ll see how hardball is played. In the meantime, there’s going to be plenty of crying and gnashing of teeth!

    You want medicine? You better walk the chalk line, you better have your papers in hand, otherwise, you can suffer. And hopefully drop dead! You’re hungry? You better have your papers in hand, or you ain’t going to eat. The wealthy, the oligarchs will dole out to those they think are worthy. And believe me, it won’t matter if you were born here, if your parents were born here, if you came over on the Mayflower! The proud boys are walking the streets now, released by their master, what type of role are they going to play in government. No ambiguity there? You see the real brown shirts, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

  29. I’ve never been prouder of you, Sheila. Speaking truth to power, indeed. As for the ADL, I’m appalled.

  30. If the quality and truth in a blog is reflected by the absurdity of its trolls’ offerings, we have to give Sheila a blue ribbon. (Trust Putin’s assurances? Appease him? Suspect Europe’s motives in backing Ukraine?) Trump is a Putin wannabe, and he’s closer to realizing his dream than he’s been so far. (Musk seems to have more of an affinity for Hitler.) If you want to live under a strong-armed despot, move to Russia. (Not all Russians do; I feel as sorry for them as I feel for us now.)

  31. Can I just say that the $35 monthly cap on Insulin is unaffected as of now.? Other than that, still in shock that this country voted the way it did. Would help if the Democrats ever grew a spine and played hardball for a change and stopped thinking that the voting population values integrity, decency and competency over the price of eggs.

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