Creating Citizens

Education for citizenship is a hot topic these days. Many are the pundits who bemoan the perceive political disaffection of the young, so the results of a recent report entitled “Citizenship and Education in Twenty-Eight Countries: Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen” is of more than passing interest.
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Coming Out

I have to admit it—after years of denial, internal struggle with my emotions and with my very identity, I can no longer kid myself. Republicans just don’t attract me any more. In fact, as the years have passed, they have begun to repel me. It wasn’t always like this. Once, I was able to be passionate about them. But the party has changed, and my basic instincts haven’t.
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The Important Third Sector

A recurring criticism of academic life is that it is too theoretical. The public tends to be impatient with basic research; we want instant gratification, and often the practical applications of scholarship do not become evident for decades. That’s why a project researching Indiana nonprofits underway at Indiana University is so exciting: the results of the work will be both important and almost immediately useful.
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