New Millennium

When I was growing up in Anderson, Indiana, it was not unusual to be called "dirty Jew" or "kike" by a young classmate who had obviously gotten the terminology at home. After one such incident, when I ran home crying, my mother said something I never forgot….
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Poor Doctor Laura

My husband was doing the innately male “surfing” thing with the remote control when we happened upon one of the current crop of interchangeable, pompous pundits. He was barking questions at a panel that included a representative of the Human Rights Campaign fund and Michael Medved.
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Rules in Black and White

It was a warm and sunny spring day, and the park was filled with families and children playing. At the eastern perimeter of the park, on a low fence constructed of railroad ties, three young African-American boys sat talking quietly. An IPD patrol car pulled up directly in front of them; the officers got out of the car and demanded…
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Confusing Sin with Crime

Is anyone else sick of hearing Katie Couric discuss semen-spotted dresses? Does anyone else find graphic discussion by pontificating network anchors about presumed Presidential sexual behavior unseemly? The other day, I picked up a newspaper: Monica Lewinsky had the front page pretty much to herself, the fact that…
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