Questions for Reformers

The voucher movement has been newly energized by the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a constitutional challenge to Wisconsin’s voucher program. The Court?s denial of certiorari leaves the Milwaukee plan in place, neither affirming the decision of the lower court nor speaking to the legal merits of the case. The Court has…
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No Remedy for Taxpayers

“The result of this ruling is to deprive taxpayers of a remedy for legislative misconduct which costs each of us real money.” As Executive Director of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, I am constantly explaining that a relatively small percentage of our cases account for…
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Reaping What Bigots Sow

My husband and I are friends with a couple who are raising his two sons by a former marriage. They live an average suburban life. Their house is on a wooded acre with swings and slides for the kids in the back yard. They drive soccer and baseball carpools with their neighbors, and worry about balancing their careers and the…
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