When evidence has rebutted a medical or scientific thesis, it is not only unethical, but arguably fraudulent and thus unprotected by the First Amendment, to present that thesis as if it were untested or supported. Assigning a high value to the free exchange of ideas is not tantamount to valuing all ideas equally
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Category Archives: Academic Papers
Government Shekels without Government Shackles
Although governmental partnerships with religious organizations and their affiliates has been a feature of the social service landscape for decades, Charitable Choice has been attacked from Left and Right alike.
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Choice for Me But Not for Thee
Passage of the “Charitable Choice” provisions of welfare reform in 1996, and the more recent publicity surrounding President Bush’s “Faith Based Initiative” have focused renewed public attention on the delicate relationship between church and state, and between politics and religion.
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On Intellectual Freedom
Not too long ago, I had a conversation with a librarian involved professionally with issues of intellectual freedom. “Sometimes,” she said, “I get so tired of it. I wonder why I continue to fight.” I’ve thought about that conversation several times; if I could do an instant replay, I think I would tell her that I know why she keeps at it. It’s because it is so important.
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Writing as Thinking
Until you can express a thought clearly and cogently, that thought does not yet exist.
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