I have been a “card carrying member” of the ACLU since 1967 and a Goldwater Republican since 1964. I?ve always considered those affiliations entirely consistent, and I wrote my book because I got tired of…
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Category Archives: Constitution
The Nanny State
The powers that be have recently decreed that Indiana motorists can be stopped and ticketed solely for failure to use their seatbelts. Prior to the new rule, a traffic cop who had stopped you for another violation -speeding, or a missing taillight — could issue a secondary citation if he also found you without proper restraints, but he…
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Most of us profess to admire people of principle, but that admiration is often distressingly abstract. In real life, people who stand on principle are likely to find that they have stepped into the line of everyone?s fire.
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It’s A Crummy Job, But Someone Has To Do It
I have a dirty little secret. Several, actually. I think school uniforms are a good idea. I think child molesters should be locked up for life, not merely put on a registry. So what in the world am I doing at the..
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No Remedy for Taxpayers
“The result of this ruling is to deprive taxpayers of a remedy for legislative misconduct which costs each of us real money.” As Executive Director of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, I am constantly explaining that a relatively small percentage of our cases account for…
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