Creating Crime

It looks as if Indianapolis’ murder rate will hit a record high again this year. The standard explanation for the epidemic is the prevalence of drugs in our community, and the recent "drug interdiction" traffic checkpoint netted chilling evidence of that prevalence….
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A Culture of Contempt

It was an event for lawyers — a social occasion for those of us who have chosen careers devoted to interpreting and upholding the rules that civilized people use as a substitute for settling our differences by force. A dinner companion turned to me, almost angrily, to ask "Why isn’t the ICLU doing something about these thugs on…
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Making Public Policy

It is said that nature abhors a vacuum. While political observers complain about congressional gridlock, and policy wonks decry the absence of meaningful policy debates by our elected representatives, the vacuum is being filled by the courts–bor more accurately, by those who are…
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