If public schools are primarily engaged in the production of a consumer good called education, then the market rhetoric accompanying the voucher movement is appropriate and persuasive. If, however, public schools are instruments of civic cohesion and the primary vehicle through which we transmit fundamental American values, the issue becomes far more complex.
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Category Archives: Education / Youth
Creating Citizens
Education for citizenship is a hot topic these days. Many are the pundits who bemoan the perceive political disaffection of the young, so the results of a recent report entitled “Citizenship and Education in Twenty-Eight Countries: Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen” is of more than passing interest.
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The Importance of the Liberal Arts
Why study the liberal arts?
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Education and the Civil City
In Indianapolis today, there is no single issue as contentious as education. Even crime takes a back seat..
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Lessons from Littleton
As area high schools celebrate graduation, many of us are still trying to make sense of the events in Littleton and other communities recently devastated by teenage killers.
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