Word Column #5

Shortly after I became Executive Director of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, I received a call from someone representing a gay publication, wanting to know whether I would be as accessible to the community as my predecessor had been. As I…

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Word Column #6

Since I have used this column in the past to criticise the gay community for lack of participation in the political process, it seems only fair to begin this month’s column with an accolade. The formation of the Rainbow Pac is a welcome sign of…

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Word Column #7

Paul Varnell is a columnist for the Windy City Times, a gay newspaper published in Chicago. He also maintains a lively email relationship with a number of people he has never met face to face, including yours truly. We have a lot in common…

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Word Column #8

Ellen is coming out, and the press is endlessly investigating the implications. Time magazine did a cover story; Mona Charen her usual mean-spirited column. Gay friends of mine are planning parties around the episode. Those of us who have never…

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Word Column #9

As I write this month’s column, a furious campaign is underway to convince Governor O”Bannon not to sign the “Defense of Marriage” act inserted in another bill by a conference committee in the waning days of the Indiana General Assembly….
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