Periodically, someone will respond to a column I have written with a statement beginning "well, you liberals always…" Being dismissed as a liberal always amuses me, because I hold precisely the same political values I held in 1980, when I was the Republican nominee running for Congress against Andy Jacobs, and a fair number of voters found me "too conservative." The only thing that has changed is the label.
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Category Archives: Local Government
Do You See What I See?
Michael Kinsley recently defined “spin” as a “description of reality that suits your purposes. Whether it resembles the reality we all share is an issue that doesn’t even arise.”
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School Days
America is full of bi-polar people, by which I mean people who approach every issue as a pro or con choice between two–and only two–alternatives. In real life, of course, most choices are not so limited. Here in Indianapolis, the flap over School #54 is a perfect example.
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We Can’t Even Throw the Bums Out
Despite all the after-the-fact posturing and finger pointing, most of us know the truth about the Indiana General Assembly: its members simply refused to address the urgent problems Indiana faces.
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Time for a Reality Check
Your ex-husband told you he was a great money manager, but when he left, you discovered that the house had been refinanced and all your credit cards were maxed out. Your line of credit at the bank is near its limit, and interest takes almost a third of your paycheck. You’ve been deferring maintenance on the house, and the small problems have become costly repairs. You are paying for multiple home security systems, although your neighbor only pays for one; you and your sisters support your retired mother, but you pay 70%, a sister who is richer pays 30%, and another sister who could help pays nothing.
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