There is a new federal rule requiring all hospitals to post a master list of prices online–enumerating the services they provide together with their prices, so that people can review them, and presumably “shop” for the best deal.
Think about that for a minute, then review the fine print on your health insurance, assuming you are fortunate enough to have health insurance. You will note that you have very little choice of what your insurer calls “provider networks.”
Think, too, about the last time you or someone in your family had a medical emergency. If you fell off a ladder, were in an auto accident, were having a heart attack or found yourself in any of a number of similar situations, your most urgent task was getting to the nearest hospital as soon as possible; I’m pretty confident you didn’t delay in order to review and compare hospitals’ charges.
There are other reasons to file this new requirement under “worthless.” Hospitals in America’s ridiculous healthcare industry don’t charge every patient the same price for the same service. Patients with insurance are actually charged less than those without, for one thing. For another, most hospitals don’t even have a good idea of what their services cost them to provide.
Some years ago, we had friends over for dinner; one of them was, at that time, vice-president of a local hospital, and I asked him to explain the infamous five-dollar aspirin. We’ve all seen those itemized bills after emergency room visits or hospital stays that include bizarre and frequently outrageous charges, including per pill pricing that vastly exceeds what the same pill would cost at the local drugstore.
Our friend’s response was honest, if not reassuring. Because hospitals must deal with multiple insurers as well as Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates and with uninsured patients, they engage in “innovative” and “creative” cost-accounting. In other words (although he didn’t put it quite this way), they play games with individual bills, depending upon the likely source and timing of payment.
The bottom line: unless things have changed rather dramatically since that dinner party, hospitals really don’t know what any given service actually costs them, and there is no “standard charge” for a given medical procedure.
As I have said many times, I am a believer in markets–in economic areas where markets can work. If I set out to buy a widget, I’ll shop around to see who makes the best widget for the best price. The market for widgets works, because it provides what is essential to a market transaction: a willing buyer and a willing seller, both of whom are in possession of all information relevant to the transaction.
I know what sort of widget I want, and pricing information–what widgets are going for–is easily available. The guy selling me that widget knows what his widget cost to manufacture, and how much he needs to get for it.
If I have a stomach ache, or measles, or a broken arm; if I am having a heart attack, all I know is that I need medical care. I don’t know what medical science has to say about appropriate medications and their dangers (I may not even know my diagnosis); I have no idea what my treatment options might be, which ones are least likely to manifest side effects, or what they should cost. I’m not even a “willing” buyer who can walk away if I think the price is too high. I lack the knowledge to evaluate the quality of the care I’m receiving, let alone the ability to walk away if I think that quality is substandard.
Markets simply don’t work in these situations, and knowing that a hospital has posted its “best guess” prices is irrelevant.
Every other advanced country has figured this out. I’m beginning to think that “American Exceptionalism” means “exceptionally dense.”