Pierre Atlas has sent his most recent column for Real Clear Politics. As usual, he offers a clear-headed analysis, this time, of the current GOP.
The Republican Party is in trouble, and it’s not Colin Powell’s fault.
A jaundiced look at the world we live in.
Pierre Atlas has sent his most recent column for Real Clear Politics. As usual, he offers a clear-headed analysis, this time, of the current GOP.
The Republican Party is in trouble, and it’s not Colin Powell’s fault.
Pierre Atlas has sent his most recent column for Real Clear Politics. As usual, he offers a clear-headed analysis, this time, of the current GOP.
The Republican Party is in trouble, and it’s not Colin Powell’s fault.
Most of us who blog here at the AVA, or who visit the site, share a frustration with zealotry. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have often had difficulty explaining why my allegiance to certain constitutional principles is any different from–or preferable to–the beliefs that (to use an extreme example)led to the murder of Dr. George Tiller.
If you doubt the existence of Christian Terrorists who are every bit as fanatical as the Islamic Terrorists Dick Cheney is always warning us about, this summary of responses to the cold-blooded murder of Dr. Tiller might make you less skeptical.