Civic Virtue

American history has been one long debate about the proper role of government. Taking our cue from the Founders, we worry about the tyranny of the majority or an excessive emphasis upon the rights of the individual; we decry the growth of bureaucracy or the lack of institutional compassion. Libertarians warn of the perils of…
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Are They Really Blue?

As many of you know, when I left the Republican Party and became a Democrat, Stonewall Democrats had a "coming out" party for me. They considered coming out an appropriate term, because both Democrats and Republicans accused me of being a closet Democrat all along. But that was really not the case. The truth is, I did not leave the Republican Party. It left me.
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Sam Jones

When Sam Jones, president and CEO of the Indianapolis Urban League, received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from IU a couple of years back, Chancellor Gerald Bepko introduced him by saying, "In Indianapolis, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who does not know of Sam’s work or has not benefited in some way from his engagement with community issues or organizations."
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Back to the Future

I’m getting up in years as they say, but no election in my lifetime has been remotely this important, because at its base, the key difference between John Kerry and George Bush has nothing to do with personality, likeability or even intellect. This election, we are choosing between science and fundamentalist religious fervor. We are deciding whether this nation will base its decisions on evidence or faith.
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