Health Policy in America

As a population, we tend to be woefully uninformed about public health matters, even as we become more and more obsessed with our individual health and fitness. That lack of information contributes to our failure to achieve consensus on change: we all know the current system isn’t working very well, but we know very little about where and why.
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E Pluribus Unum

On December 2d, IUPUI hosted the first annual Bulen Symposium. It was a remarkable gathering of nationally recognized scholars, journalists and practitioners of the political arts. The purpose of the day-long conference was to examine the health of America’s two major political parties, but one could be forgiven for wondering…
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Morals or Moralism?

A clergyman friend of mine is bemused by America’s fixation with what he calls "genital morality," our seeming incapacity to discuss morals in any but a sexual context, with the result that sexual misconduct ( a la Clinton and Burton) becomes evidence of (drum roll here, please) the Moral Decline of Western Civilization….
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Is the Party Over ?

November 2d was difficult for Republicans who came of age politically under L. Keith Bulen. I still remember a speech he made to our fledgling Neighborhood Finance Committee, where he thundered that we must never forget a cardinal rule: "Good government is good politics."…
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