The election has come and gone, and Republicans and Democrats alike are expressing amazement that a Democrat is the new Mayor in "Republican" Indianapolis. How did it happen, and what does it mean?…
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Category Archives: Random Blogging
Moralizing Government
Twenty years ago, social scientist Theodore Lowi wrote a much-quoted book called The End of Liberalism. A few months ago, the University of Oklahoma Press issued his most recent book, The End of the Republican Era. The title is a play on…
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The decline in political participation is obviously complex, but I think two factors are significant.
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A couple of nights ago, friends dropped by for a drink, and the conversation–inevitably–turned to impeachment. They feel it is appropriate. I don’t. When I reflected on our different positions (these are reasonable folks, not "wing-nuts"), I realized that we were beginning with different assumptions about the role of the president. I….
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Barry and Me
I never swooned over Frank Sinatra. When Beatlemania hit the United States, I wasn’t one of the Fab Four’s screaming fans. In fact, I have written only one fan letter in my entire life, and that was five years ago, to Barry Goldwater.
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