We are about to see whether changes to the culture–changes that most Americans have welcomed–can withstand a furious and focused effort to take the country back to the 1950s (if not before).
The federal government is in thrall to a racist maniac pandering to his base of White Christian Nationalists. His minions and his “co-President”–the unelected Elon Musk–have scrubbed federal websites of references to inclusion and fairness, to a variety of minorities and any mention of climate change. They have waged war on America’s humanitarian instincts–choosing to begin their war on the “deep state” by terminating programs that offer food and medical care to impoverished populations in other countries. People are already dying as a result.
The war on “DEI” is just new terminology for the persistent war on racial and gender equality–much like the nonsensical, hysterical assertions that primary schools were teaching Critical Race Theory (a complicated legal theory actually being explored in a few law schools). Facts–as usual–are irrelevant.
Here in Red Indiana, our GOP overlords (who owe their dominance to gerrymandering–aka cheating) have “settled” a lawsuit brought by forced birth organizations by agreeing to open abortion records–violating the privacy of women who have terminated pregnancies. The Governor’s budget proposal has axed monies for the Commission on Women and Martin University, the state’s only majority-Black institution of higher education, and proposes tax “reforms” meant to cripple the governments of (Blue) urban areas. The VA is eliminating its gender neutral bathrooms…the list goes on.
It is anyone’s guess what will happen to the United States as Musk’s young techno-nerds attack sensitive computer systems and Republicans in the House and Senate prove spineless. (Here in Indiana, Senator Jim Banks is a known Christian Nationalist/White Supremacist ignoramus, but Senator Todd Young is even worse, because he clearly knows better but lacks the moral fiber to be true to his oath of office.)
Numerous organizations and individuals have filed lawsuits challenging the illegality and unconstitutionality of the Trump-Musk assaults. Whether adverse rulings will deter the felon and the plutocrat is anyone’s guess.
The larger, longer-range question is: what will happen when the forces of bigotry and regression come into conflict with the widespread cultural changes that characterize today’s society?
In today’s United States, during the last two or three generations, women, people of color, gay folks and others have made enormous progress and assumed numerous roles once exclusively held by straight (or closeted gay) White Christian males. Young Americans are used to working and living with diverse companions. Over 70% of Americans tell pollsters they support same-sex marriage.
Americans have elected a Black President. Black and Jewish and gay celebrities have millions of fans.
It is, of course, precisely that cultural shift that has so enraged and terrified the MAGA bigots who elected Trump. Their fear and hatred makes them a cohesive movement, unlike the people who comprise what I am convinced is the majority–rational Americans of good will. The existence of a media ecosystem constantly pumping out White Christian Nationalist propaganda has been enormously consequential in shielding the members of the MAGA movement from information that might challenge their prejudices.
Worse, traditional media sources have been far too willing to “sane wash” and normalize very non-sane and non-normal behavior. As a result, massive numbers of Americans have remained unaware of the threat to our governing institutions and social progress. Americans who didn’t see a threat, didn’t recognize the danger, also didn’t bother to vote.
We are currently facing multiple, existential threats: to efforts to curb climate change, to the civic inclusion of women and minorities, to public health, to government programs that keep millions of Americans out of poverty and assist suffering people around the globe, and to national security. (The changes being made to national computer systems are likely to allow unfriendly foreign governments to hack into critical information.)
Even if a massive uprising by rational citizens brings a halt to the worst of what we are experiencing, America’s role in the world has taken an enormous hit. Trump’s clown car of bizarre and unqualified appointees, his fixation with tariffs, his ridiculous announcements that he wants to take over the Panama Canal, Greenland, and now Gaza, his unconscionable termination of humanitarian aid, his constant threats of war on (nonWhite) immigrants–all have dealt a serious, perhaps fatal blow to America’s global credibility.
There’s nothing sane people can do about that loss of stature–but we can and must rise up to protect the progress we’ve made toward realizing the American values our Founders bequeathed us. We sure can’t count on the Todd Youngs of the country to protect those values.