On a recent trip to South Carolina, I found passions engaged over a proposal by a member of the State Board of Education to post the Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms.
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Category Archives: Religious Liberty
Silence is Golden
The phones began to ring at the Indiana Civil Liberties Union immediately following the announcement that public schools in Pendleton were instituting a "moment of silence." Members of the media clearly anticipated controversy–and were just as…
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A Delicate Balance
We live in a political environment that rewards those with short, snappy solutions to all society’s problems. Proponents of competing ideologies evidently see no shades of gray; appreciation of ambiguity is an endangered talent. Public dialogue has…
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Handbook on Religion and the Public Schools
This handbook was developed with the help of IU Law professor Alex Tanford while I was at the ICLU, and was subsequently distributed to all members by the Indiana School Superintendents Association. It is an attempt to explain the operation of the religion clauses in the public school context, and is intended to be an accurate reflection of the law, not as advocacy for or against any particular interpretation.
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Christians, Lions & the Bill of Rights
In a free country, citizens will always debate matters of public policy and the proper interpretation of the laws. This is as it should be; the clash of ideas and beliefs, the "marketplace of ideas" is precisely what the founders of this nation wanted to…
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