P.R. is important, whether we like it or not

Back when I was a lowly law clerk for the local federal court, I used to really struggle with cases where one party clearly had a better case than the other, but the other party had a much better lawyer.

It’s probably no surprise that the guys with the good lawyers won most of those. Not fair, perhaps, but then reality is often unfair.

Read more at the AVA site…

The Column that Got Pulled

I have pulled the column I had originally written for this upcoming Monday’s Star, in deference to some points raised by Dennis Ryerson, the editor. But I thought I’d post it here, for whatever comments it might generate.

Anyone who has been paying even the slightest attention knows that newspapers—at least in their current form–are dying.

Read more at the AVA site…

Ah, Texas. As Usual.

In my Law and Public Policy classes, I often use examples of good and bad policies plucked from current headlines. And more often than not, my "here's what NOT to do" examples come from Texas.

Which is why this is pathetic, but not surprising.