A Real Puzzler

The legislature in Maine has passed a bill that–when signed by the governor, as expected–will legalize same-sex marriages in that state.

This is a real problem: what will the rightwingers do without “activist judges” to blame? First Iowa, of all places, and now Maine!

Somehow, “activist legislatures” doesn’t have the same ring to it…

On Aging……

From a friend of mine:

“I spent the weekend w/ friends of my age (actually, a bit younger) and we kept not remembering words and names. Finally, I said: ‘It takes a village to finish a sentence.'”

If truer words were ever spoken, I don’t remember them!

Bottled Water

• The energy used each year making the bottles needed to meet the demand for bottled water in the United States is equivalent to more than 17 million barrels of oil. That’s enough to fuel over 1 million cars for a year.

Read more at the AVA site…