According to a report from Balkinization,
Alternate Realities…
I keep hearing about rightwing theories that Swine Flu is a Muslim-Terrorist plot, that Obama plans to confiscate all the guns, and on and on.
Then there was this Rush Limbaugh quote:
These People are Mentally Ill
Over at Political Animal, Steve Benen quotes Congressman (and member of the GOP leadership)to jaw-dropping effect:
Something to Celebrate
I consider this a Mother’s Day Gift.
“Yesterday, President Obama struck a blow to the abstinence-only community, cutting ALL of their funding streams in his new 2010 budget. Obama made it clear that our government should no longer fund these failed programs that promote misinformation, misogyny, discrimination and, of course, juggling and cinder block wielding abstinence clowns.”
Connection, perhaps?
From a recent Alternet article, we learn that