Whose Reality-Based Community?

                                                                        For: Religion and American Culture

                                    Whose ‘Reality-Based’ Community?


How we explore the various intersections of religion and politics in contemporary America depends to a considerable extent upon how we define both terms. We know, for example, that people who attend church services more frequently are more likely to vote Republican. Whether frequent church-going is a fair proxy for ‘more religious’ is, however, a different question. We have a considerable amount of data on the denominational affiliations of partisan Republicans and Democrats, but we know far less about the ways in which the complex dialectic between religious and political life shapes individual approaches to policy issues. We see the effects of doctrinal clashes in so-called “culture war” issues, but generally fail to appreciate the extent to which religion has shaped our varying approaches to seemingly secular political issues. In short, if we take a more nuanced view of what counts as “religion,” and if we define “politics” to include the enduring questions of political theory—i.e., how do we live together? what is the role of government? what is a just society?—efforts to understand the relationship become both more complicated and (arguably) more rewarding.  


I first became interested in the religious roots of ostensibly secular policy preferences while researching so-called “Charitable Choice” legislation and the President’s subsequent Faith-Based Initiative. Proponents and opponents of those measures held incommensurate, deeply-rooted convictions about the causes of poverty, the nature of religion, and the proper role of government in the economy, shaped by what Peter Berger has called the “plausibility structures” of particular religious cultures. Those who saw poverty as a function of systemic, “social justice” failures approached the issue very differently than those who saw poverty as a sign of individual moral defect (or, to use politically palatable terminology, lack of “middle class values.”) 


It isn’t only Americans’ differing perspectives on the causes and cures of poverty. Why, for example, do many people continue to be highly skeptical of global warming, despite the fact that 99% of scientists confirm its existence? Why do so many politicians look at overwhelming evidence that the drug war not only doesn’t work, but is actually counterproductive, and remain convinced that we just need to do more of what we’ve been doing? Why do some Americans characterize progressive taxation as a fair system requiring wealthier citizens to contribute proportionately more to the common good, while others see it as an unfair, even immoral, extortion that punishes the most productive?   Many of these attitudes can be attributed to economic self-interest, of course, but many others are evidence that Americans apply very different conceptual frames to the issues of our common political life.


Our individual realities, or worldviews, are shaped by our cultures, and those cultures are inevitably rooted in religion—after all, religion was the way in which early humans tried to explain reality and account for natural phenomena. In Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide, Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart tell us “distinctive worldviews that were originally linked with religious traditions have shaped the cultures of each nation in an enduring fashion; today, these distinctive values are transmitted to citizens even if they never set foot in a church.” To illustrate, they repeat a telling exchange with an Estonian colleague who was explaining the cultural differences between Estonians and Russians. “We are all atheists; but I am a Lutheran atheist and they are Orthodox atheists.”


Even people who do not consider themselves at all religious, people who never set foot in a church, synagogue or mosque, are products of religiously rooted cultures—cultures that have changed and morphed over time, but continue to be profoundly influenced by normative beliefs that were originally constructed by religion. When communities were monolithic, the people in those communities shared a common worldview, but as societies became—and continue to become—more diverse,  we have greater difficulty communicating with each other. We talk over and past each other. And nowhere is this more apparent—or more problematic—than in the realm of government action and public policy.


To greatly oversimplify, there are two primary sources of America’s contending cultures.


We are all taught that the Puritans settled in the colonies in pursuit of religious liberty. What we aren’t usually taught is that, to the Puritans, “religious liberty” meant “freedom to do the right thing,” and to establish the right religion. John Winthrop wanted to build a Shining City on the Hill; other early settlers set about making America the “new Israel.” Legal scholar Frank Lambert has called those Puritan settlers the “Planting Fathers,” to distinguish them from the men who would become our “Founding Fathers” 150 years later.


The Planters and the Founders weren’t just separated by 150 years; they were separated by the Enlightenment—what the Founding Fathers called “the new learning.” 

The “old learning,” had begun with an a priori “given,” the bible, the absolute truth of which was unquestioned. The primary goal of Puritan education was thus directed at biblical understanding; one began with the text and learned—deduced—how to interpret it. Proper interpretation required the application of time-tested methods of exegesis and analysis, and instruction in historical context and meaning (mostly, what important theologians of the past had decreed to be correct understandings and approaches). In other words, you started with Truth, and education was the process of learning to apprehend and defend that Truth.


Bacon changed the fundamental order of things by teaching that education had to begin with observation of natural phenomena. From those observations, if sufficiently numerous and careful, a general explanatory theory could be drawn. That explanatory theory, in turn, would be tested against additional observations. Isaac Newton, building on Bacon’s work, declared that “insurmountable and uniform” universal laws capable of mathematical expression governed the physical world, and could be discovered through this scientific method. 


The influence of empiricism and the scientific method extended far beyond the physical universe, and ushered in dramatically new ways of thinking about the nature of liberty and the proper form of government. The constitution drafted by the Founders and ratified by the colonies reflected a religious and intellectual paradigm shift that had moved the country’s predominant—but by no means exclusive—worldview from that of a Christian Nation to that of a secular republic in a mere hundred and fifty year period.


The Planters and the Founders occupied dramatically different realities—and both of those realities continue to influence us today. This has by no means been a simple or linear process, but in their purer forms, today’s Puritans and modernists hold radically opposing views about the nature of morality and moral responsibility. As James Morone puts it, America has two different answers to the question: “Who do we blame for trouble, the sinner or society?” While comparatively few of us fall neatly within one or another category, the conceptual divide between the Puritans and the modernists persists and, by some accounts, grows wider during periods of rapid social change. The result is that forging a common political life becomes increasingly difficult, as is evident from our ever-more contentious public policy disputes. Some examples:


  • The importance of religious culture in framing economic policy commitments has been documented in a number of studies. Among deeply religious respondents, support for public spending is substantially higher among mainstream Christians and Jews than it is among Evangelical Christians; support for tax cuts, on the other hand, is much higher among Evangelicals. Several religious scholars have remarked upon the influence of the doctrine of original sin in shaping economic policy preferences; if you have been socialized to believe that the trials of economic life are earthly tests of an individual’s sinfulness or virtue (or “character,”) you are less likely to approve of interventions intended to ameliorate poverty.  


  • Religion and religiously rooted worldviews also intersect with the criminal justice system at a number of points, beginning with our very different ideas about which behaviors ought to be considered crimes rather than sins. Arguments over the propriety of classifying so-called consensual behaviors (sometimes called “victimless crimes”) demonstrate this disconnect. So do policy disputes over such measures as the “three-strikes” rule and the severity of punishment in general. Literalists and those who perceive God as punitive are far more likely to support capital punishment and to favor harsher prison conditions than are religious modernists who emphasize more forgiving elements of the biblical texts.


  • Even in areas where there is a broad consensus among Evangelical and mainstream voters, the conflicting worldviews of those in positions of power has confounded efforts to forge policies reflecting that consensus. American environmental policy has been heavily influenced by the explicitly Puritan commitments of a relative handful of powerful political figures who believe that mankind’s “dominion” over the earth justifies the continued use of natural resources without concern for the ecological consequences.


  • If one looks at the conduct of American foreign policy, it’s not difficult to see the persistence and influence of the belief that America was founded to be the “new Israel” and “a light unto the nations.” A widespread belief in American exceptionalism and righteousness, coupled with a strong tradition of proselytizing, helps explain policies that often seem quite irrational to the modernists among us.   


Americans’ incompatible worldviews, manifested in these and many other disputes over our public policies, raises the quintessential political question: what do we do?

If our understandings of the nature of liberty and our very perceptions of “the way things are” are at odds, if our policy disputes are inescapably intertwined with our incompatible conceptual paradigms, how do we talk to each other? How do we live together? How do we forge a working political community, and make coherent public policies? Can we ever hope to reconcile our “inner Puritans” with our Enlightenment rationalism?


In order to function, America needs a shared paradigm—a culturally-endorsed mythos (what some might call a “civil religion”) that can be shared by Puritans and modernists alike. The current conflict is over the form that such a civil religion should take. The Puritans, harking back to the Planting Fathers, want a national narrative that portrays America as an unequivocally “Christian nation,” where liberty means “freedom to do the right thing,” although they do not necessarily agree upon the form such a Christian nation would assume or the rules it would impose. The modernists want an open and tolerant polis where diversity and civility are prized,  empirical evidence forms the basis for national policy decisions, and liberty means freedom to make one’s own life choices consistent with recognition of an equal right for others, although—again—modernists have competing notions about the content of social norms appropriate for a diverse society.


At the end of the day, Americans are unlikely to solve the pressing political problems we face, from Iraq to health care to the preservation of our constitutional system of checks and balances, unless and until we identify and reclaim enough conceptual common ground to allow for genuine communication. Perhaps then we can address the  fundamental human question that gave rise to both religion and politics: how shall we live together?


Signs of Sanity?

For thirty-five years, I was a Republican because Republicans were the “live and let live” party. Back then, the GOP was the party of limited government, the party that believed government should do those things that government really had to do, like provide police and fire protection, pave streets, and collect garbage. I left the GOP (along with many others) after it was hijacked by moral scolds, and an emphasis on limited government and fiscal prudence gave way to an obsession with imposing religion and making life miserable for gays and lesbians. 


Is the tide beginning to turn?


Nationally , signals are decidedly mixed. On one hand, there’s the spectacle of GOP senators frantically distancing themselves from (“I’m not gay”) Larry Craig, while showing a bit more “Christian charity” to (call me a Madam) David Vitter. On the other hand, none of the Republican frontrunners for the Presidental nomination are rabidly anti-gay, although both Guiliani and Romney are engaged in a rather unseemly effort to rewrite their past moderation on gay issues.  


On the local level, however, there is an unmistakable—and welcome—change in the air. It began with Carl Brizzi, who expanded his office’s nondiscrimination policy to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and extended to Governor Daniels, who has pointedly avoided anti-gay rhetoric. Local councilor Scott Keller has championed equal rights for gays and lesbians.


At a recent fundraising dinner for Lambda Legal, a gay civil rights group, Republicans were well represented; among the 500 plus guests, I saw the GOP’s county chairman, its candidate for Mayor, a couple of ward chairs, and a number of others who have not previously attended.  


And when Indiana Equality sent a questionnaire to all candidates in the upcoming election for Indianapolis’ City-County Council, the responses from a number of Republican candidates were a pleasant surprise.


One Republican respondent wrote “The role of government is not to promote  distinctions; rather, to recognize the challenges facing each community and adopt a course of action that ensures that the civil liberties and personal freedoms of each are protected….understanding works to eliminate prejudice dirven by fear and ignornance.  When you eliminate prejudice, you eliminate a threat and the community is safer.”


Another said “I respect everyone’s right to live without prejudice or discrimination, whatever their race, beliefs, or sexual orientation.  I live my life that way and my wife and I raise our children that way.”


And in a response that hearkened back to the “old” GOP, one candidate wrote “[My district] is a diverse mix of people — straight/gay, rich/poor, black/white and every shade in between – but we all have one thing in common.  All of us are finding it more difficult to provide for our families.  And I mean family in the broadest sense of the word – however you choose to define it.  I have no private or political agenda to further – I just want local government to get back to the basics.”


I couldn’t agree more.




Becoming Visible

Coming Out Day is coming.


I remember making speeches eight or nine years ago about the importance of coming out—detailing the reasons that gay rights would not advance until the majority of gay and lesbian citizens made their identities known. (This was before people routinely included references to bisexual and transgendered identities.)


  • It’s much harder to demonize “the other” if it turns out that he/she lives next door, works in the adjacent cubicle, or is your lawyer. It’s a lot easier to picture all gay men as female impersonators with feather boas when you don’t know that your favorite Aunt Bea and her friend Gladys haven’t just been roommates for the past thirty-five years.
  • If you are a politician—at least a politician from an urban area—it is harder to disregard a potentially substantial group of voters and contributors. (These days, that only holds true if you’re a Democrat, unfortunately.)
  • If you are a gay person who is still in the closet, it is much harder to speak out on gay issues, for multiple reasons.
  • If you are a mother or father, you can’t really know your child if s/he is hiding such an important part of who they are. And that child loses an opportunity to discover what a ferocious and effective ally mom and dad can be. (Speaking for myself, anyone who tries to make my son a second-class citizen had better watch out for mom!)


These were—and are—good reasons for coming out, and they convinced thousands of people to do just that.


These days, we hear much less frequently about the importance of coming out, and for good reason. People listened, heard, and acted, and the consequences have been dramatic. While there are plenty of people still hiding behind the off-season clothes in the back of what must be a very large closet, there are so many people who now proudly acknowlege their gayness and relish their ability to truly be who they are that the conversation has turned from whether to come out to the question of when. That’s because we are seeing a new phenomenon, increasing numbers of young people who now come out to family and friends while they are still in high school.


The results of this increase have been striking. Because so many in the gay community  had the courage to declare themselves over the past decade or so (often in extremely hostile environments), the broader culture has changed. Is it still hostile? Yes, but not nearly as much as it used to be. If some families and workplaces remain ideologically closed, many others have become welcoming. Young men and women today certainly don’t have it easy, but they face a far more accepting culture than their older brothers and sisters faced just ten or fifteen years ago.


On Coming Out Days in the past, the message was simple: come out. Own who you are. Be visible.


This year, on Coming Out Day, it might be appropriate to reflect on just how much good the coming out movement has done—socially, culturally, personally and legally. Progress is always slow and difficult when it requires shifting people’s attitudes, but progress—substantial progress—has been made.


Being visible isn’t just productive. It’s exhilarating.



What We Lost on 9-11

    We are approaching the sixth anniversary of 9-11. This might be a good time to stop using those numbers as a way to score political points, and to reflect on what we’ve lost. Not just the tragic loss of life, or loss of America’s historic innocence, but the twin losses of opportunity and accountability.

   In the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center, we had a brief experience of what could have been an enormously positive aftermath. A genuine wave of fellowship at home—a reaffirmation of the unum in e pluribus unum—was met with an outpouring of support from abroad. We might have built  an enduring monument to those we lost by reinforcing those twin sentiments: by repairing our tattered national unity at home and engaging in an era of co-operative enterprise abroad.

    The fact that we did neither is an indictment of our tragically flawed and inadequate national leadership, of course, but it is also a sign of troubling systemic failure, without which politicians would have been unable to use the events of 9-11 in the service of partisanship, ideology and power. 

    Let’s face it: for far too long, Americans have viewed the concept of civic virtue as “quaint” (to borrow a phrase from our less-than-estimable Attorney General). We have left governing to the few public-spirited individuals willing to undergo the intrusiveness, pettiness and rancor that passes for the electoral process these days. One result has been that along with the public-spirited we have attracted the venal and power-hungry to what used to be called, without irony, public service.

    And when we get the government we deserve, the government we have failed to monitor or control, the government that is increasingly unaccountable, we are shocked! Shocked!

    Do we have a state legislature that has refused to act on consolodation and streamlining of local government, refused to manage our unwieldy and unequal tax system? Let’s spend our energies arguing about daylight savings time.

    Do we have a national government that is bankrupting our grandchildren, isolating us globally, fixated on undermining our constitutional checks and balances? Let’s gossip about the latest sex scandal.

    At the end of the day, we can’t escape responsibility by blaming the Republicans, the Democrats, or the media. Harry Truman to the contrary, the buck stops with us.

    We can’t recapture the window of opportunity that opened in the wake of 9-11. That window is closed. But we can reclaim the concept of civic virtue that is essential to protecting the rule of law—the powerful idea that legitimate democratic governments are responsive to their citizens, but citizens are responsible for creating responsive governments.

    If we don’t rise up to demand a return of accountability—if we just sit on the couch and watch the latest iteration of “American Idol” or the further adventures of Paris the Inane—we will have lost a whole lot more than the twin towers and the people who worked there.

    We will have lost America.








Open Letter to X





AVA post

August 11, 2007



An Open Letter to “X”                                       

Those of you who know my writing mainly through blog postings here and elsewhere might be surprised to know that my twice-a-month column for the Indianapolis Star is much more restrained (or so I like to think). I measure my words in that venue carefully—in large part because I only get 500 of them, and it can be hard to make complex points within that limit. (Try it if you don’t believe me.) I also try to hold down the snark and make my points politely and reasonably, on the assumption that my readers (inexplicable as it seems) will not all agree with me.


Nevertheless, I get some email and snail-mail that is critical of my motives, my intellect, my personality and occasionally my parentage. Last Wednesday I got snail-mail that included a recent letter to the editor criticising a column I’d written. (It was a perfectly reasonable criticism, which makes me doubt it was written by my correspondent.) The letter itself—in its entirety, capitalization, etc. in the original—read as follows:


“SSK—the only good jews are the messianics who read and understand the O.T. and its prophets. You have alot to learn. Hitler’s holocaust will like like a tea party compared to the coming tribulation where you and yours will be snared. In addition you are a big S.O.B.                 X”


I’m quite sure the person who penned this charming message is not a reader of blogs, but just in case, if you’ll bear with me, I’d like to respond with an open letter to “X.”


“Dear X,


I have received your letter, and having read the Old Testament, I certainly understood your none-too-veiled reference to The End Times. I know that Christians who are biblical literalists believe that when the End Times come, they (and only they) will be “Raptured” while all the sinners (defined solely as those who fail to believe what you do) will burn in perpetual agony in hell. With respect to my prospects for the hereafter, I’m prepared to take my chances, since I’m inclined to think that a God worthy of the name would be favorably disposed to those of us who spend our energies working for a more tolerant and compassionate world, whatever our faults.


Religion aside, I’m always bemused by people who cannot respond to ideas with which they disagree by specifying the nature of the disagreement. If I have written something with which you have a dispute, why not explain the basis of that dispute? Did I have my facts wrong? Which ones, and how do you know? I’m certainly capable of making mistakes, but if you cannot explain what they are, correction is unlikely.


I’m tired of ad hominem attacks, whether they are attacks on me or anyone else. Responding to a policy argument with the equivalent of “I hate you and your mother wears combat boots” is neither persuasive nor witty.  What do you think you are accomplishing by expressing such vitriol? And what was it that I wrote that so agitated you that you could not frame a meaningful response? Have you considered why my opinion—whatever it was—hit so close to home that you felt compelled to lash out with venom? (And I’m curious—is this sort of behavior consistent with your definition of being a good Christian, worthy of being Raptured?)


Finally, why not sign your name? Are you too embarrassed by your own inability to articulate your criticism? Does some small part of you recognize that failure to take ownership of your correspondence implies cowardace and intellectual poverty? Maybe my columns are riddled with errors. Perhaps my policy prescriptions are facile or unworkable. But I sign my name, because I want to play fair. I want serious, thoughtful people to feel free to engage in dialogue with me, to point out holes in my logic or mistakes of fact. That is the only way I’ll learn.


Until you are equally willing to own your words, equally willing to defend your beliefs in calm, reasoned discourse, don’t expect me—or anyone else—to take you seriously.                                              Yours truly, Sheila Kennedy”


I feel better now.

