Single Issue

As Congress reconvenes after the Christmas/New Year holiday, we are told that anti-abortion legislation will be a high priority. Now that Republicans are firmly in charge of both houses of Congress, they intend to enact laws further restricting a woman?s right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
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Top Ten Reasons

As I write this, the Bush Administration seems bent upon an invasion of Iraq that strikes many of us as an unnecessary and very dangerous break with prior American foreign policy. As an inveterate list-maker, I offer the following top ten reasons the United States should not invade Iraq:
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Tolerating Muncie

The Religion and Values department at Gallup recently initiated a "Gallup Religious Tolerance Index," which will now be part of Gallup’s regular polling. Five questions will categorize respondents by three levels of religious tolerance: Isolated, Tolerant, and Integrated. "Isolated" individuals–the least tolerant–have religious attitudes Gallup describes as "my tribe or no tribe," characterized by certainty that theirs is the One Right Way.
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