Time to Rope in the Cowboys

According to news reports, the incident began when a motorist involved in a property-damage auto accident drove away without stopping—a hit and run. Rather than waiting to run the license plate number, police gave chase. Lots of them. Some witnesses counted over twenty police cars involved by the time the chase ended inside the Abbey.
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Government Terrorism

When the media first reported that a White House functionary — later identified as Craig Livingstone -had obtained files containing personal information on Bush Administration employees, a lot of us felt queasy. The image of some partisan operative gloating over private information he might use to benefit his patrons and…
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Civil libertarians are under attack again, this time for insisting upon equal protection of the laws. The accusation is that support for equal legal treatment of women and gay people, is "anti-family." Apparently, if one is for "traditional family values" one must therefore be against civil rights…
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Rights & Responsibilities

One cannot read the papers or listen to social conversations without being struck by the level of frustration with society’s seeming inability to address and correct current social problems. Those problems are very real: disintegrating family structure, crime and violence,…
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