Guilty of DWB

There are some accusations that evoke a response of "Oh, that can’t be true." The ICLU gets regular complaints from African-Americans that they are subjected to traffic stops for no reason, and it is tempting for a white lawyer to dismiss those…
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God’s Team

When Speaker-In-Waiting Newt Gingrich announced his intent to force a vote on a constitutional amendment authorizing public school prayer, the subsequent public reaction reminded me of nothing so much as an athletic contest. The "teams" are lining up, the coaches and…
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Civil libertarians are under attack again, this time for insisting upon equal protection of the laws. The accusation is that support for equal legal treatment of women and gay people, is "anti-family." Apparently, if one is for "traditional family values" one must therefore be against civil rights…
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Civil libertarians are under attack again, this time for insisting upon equal protection of the laws. The accusation is that support for equal legal treatment of women and gay people, is "anti-family." Apparently, if one is for "traditional family values" one must therefore be against civil rights…
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Whose Life is it Anyway?

Once again, the legislature has struggled with a bill containing amendments to Indiana’s "Living Will" law. This year, the House of Representatives (which killed the bill in prior sessions) has passed it by a comfortable margin. As I write this, those opposed to this legislation…
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