In On Liberty, John Stuart Mill argued that free expression is necessary in order to find truth; that only by contending with the strongest position of one’s opponent can we perfect our own argument. The method of the counter-Enlightenment neo-cons, on the other hand, is to prevent the opposition from speaking at all.
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Talk Radio
Conservative commentators are having great fun with a report that, in the wake of the mid-term elections, Democrats are looking for liberals who might host radio call-in shows and counter the perceived influence of Rush Limbaugh and his clones. They are right to laugh, even if it is for the wrong reasons.
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Whose Values? Whose Morality?
Pundits tell us that voters came out on November 4th to vote for ?values.? They sure didn?t vote for mine.
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Diagnoses and Prescriptions
The Bush Administration wants countries holding large amounts of Iraqi debt to consider forgiving much of what is owed. As the President has explained, massive national debt is incompatible with economic growth.
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Conventional Wisdom
For years, Indiana legislators have labored under the belief that keeping taxes low will spur business and economic development. The theory is that businesses looking to relocate will be lured to states where the tax burden is low, and businesses already here will be less likely to search for greener pastures. Economic development in turn will help stem the brain drain that has characterized our state for many years?the exodus of talented and educated young people who leave Indiana for jobs elsewhere.
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