Note From the Grinch

I became Executive Director of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union in June of 1992, so the Christmas just past was my first experience being a part of an organization that– judging from letters to Editors and assorted syndicated columns — everyone loves to hate. On the assumption…
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The Right to be Wrong

If Joseph Sobran didn’t spend so many column inches being morally superior, I would suspect him of smoking — and inhaling — improper substances. How else can one explain his periodic and highly inaccurate snits against the ACLU?
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Educating for Citizenship

As a former English teacher and, more importantly, as the mother of three sons who received a good education at an inner city public high school, I am reluctant to throw stones at the educational system. Enough folks are doing that anyway. But I must confess that I am appalled by…
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