The Stakes

It may not be 2024 yet, but here in Indiana,  Republican candidates for governor have already been blanketing the airwaves with introductory campaign spots. Someone named Doden tells viewers that he will be a champion of small town and rural “values,” identifies himself as the “grandson of a minister” and shows himself exiting a church;Continue reading “The Stakes”

The Data And The Public

Axios has an annual Thanksgiving feature in which the publication looks at (verifiable) economic evidence for which we should be grateful. Given the mountains of misinformation and outright propaganda about the economy being promulgated for political purposes, it’s worth taking a look at what the numbers actually show. First of all, the article says we shouldContinue reading “The Data And The Public”

Really, White Christians?

The Religion News Service has reported on a recent survey from Pew: In April, Pew asked Americans which was the bigger problem facing the country when it comes to matters of race: People overlooking racism when it exists or seeing racism in places where there is none. Overall, just about half (53%) of Americans said people notContinue reading “Really, White Christians?”

That GOP War On Education

It isn’t just public education that the GOP disdains–it’s also higher education.  According to the Republicans attacking institutions of higher education, the fact that educated Americans overwhelmingly vote Blue these days is proof positive that colleges and universities are practicing “indoctrination,” turning conservative teenagers into liberal, “woke” young voters. I thought about that GOP article of faithContinue reading “That GOP War On Education”