Connect The Dots!

It’s not just easy access to guns–although that access certainly facilitates rising American homicide rates.

As the Guardian recently reports, there is a strong–if surprising– connection between income inequality, respect, and increases in violence.

A 17-year-old boy shoots a 15-year-old stranger to death, apparently believing that the victim had given him a dirty look. A Chicago man stabs his stepfather in a fight over whether his entry into his parents’ house without knocking was disrespectful. A San Francisco UPS employee guns down three of his co-workers, then turns his weapon on himself, seemingly as a response to minor slights.

These killings may seem unrelated – but they are only a few recent examples of the kind of crime that demonstrates a surprising link between homicide and inequality.

The article cites emerging research that strongly suggests that inequality plays a pivotal role in escalating passions in encounters that might otherwise end with some profanity and fisticuffs–that it raises the stakes of fights for status among men.

The connection is so strong that, according to the World Bank, a simple measure of inequality predicts about half of the variance in murder rates between American states and between countries around the world. When inequality is high and strips large numbers of men of the usual markers of status – like a good job and the ability to support a family – matters of respect and disrespect loom disproportionately.

Inequality predicts homicide rates “better than any other variable”, says Martin Daly, professor emeritus of psychology and neuroscience at McMaster University in Ontario and author of Killing the Competition: Economic Inequality and Homicide.

Other studies show that rates of gun ownership rise when inequality does. Rising inequality also predicts the re-emergence of cultural traits like placing more emphasis on “honor.”

“About 60 [academic] papers show that a very common result of greater inequality is more violence, usually measured by homicide rates,” says Richard Wilkinson, author of The Spirit Level and co-founder of the Equality Trust.

Why would financial inequality lead to a renewed emphasis on status and respect? Researchers explain:

When someone bumps into someone on the dance floor, looks too long at someone else’s girlfriend or makes an insulting remark, it doesn’t threaten the self-respect of people who have other types of status the way it can when you feel this is your only source of value.

“If your social reputation in that milieu is all you’ve got, you’ve got to defend it,” says Daly. “Inequality makes these confrontations more fraught because there’s much more at stake when there are winners and losers and you can see that you are on track to be one of the losers.”

Social science is methodically enumerating the negative social consequences of extreme inequality. Most reasonably well-educated people recognize that inequality produces social instability–history teaches us that growing anger from those with nothing to lose leads to riots, even revolutions–but most of us are less familiar with other ancillary effects.

There is ample evidence that large gaps between the rich and poor retard economic growth, depress marriage rates, and raise crime and homicide rates. (Ignoring the 41 million Americans who live in abject poverty in order to gift your already obscenely wealthy donors with a tax cut also implicates that pesky little thing called morality.) Historical precedent suggests that these effects–left unaddressed– ultimately destroy societies.

None of that evidence, evidently, is persuasive to the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells of this world. Or perhaps they know and just don’t care. They are perfect examples of what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil.”


  1. Paul Ryan used all his political capital to push through tax breaks for his handlers and now will retire to an executive position back in WI or a revolving door job with a lobbying firm in D.C.

    Sociologists should have more influence over policymaking than economists. Einstein called capitalism and communism “EVIL” because of what it does to a human being’s instincts. We are seeing the predictable effects.

    It will get worse.

    They know they’ve won the war on the classes because they neutered the left before they got started by wiping out the unions which supported the left and the DNC. The working class has nowhere to turn because the DNC sold out Wall Street under Clinton.

    War is messy but modern liberals are snowflakes. Stop being soft because we’re losing too many battles.

  2. Sheila,

    “Historical precedent suggests that these effects–left unaddressed– ultimately destroy societies.”

    The near riot on the bus yesterday between the white bus driver and the African-American passengers, which I mentioned on the blog, is a prime example of things to come.

    “Most reasonably well-educated people recognize that inequality produces social instability–history teaches us that growing anger from those with nothing to lose leads to riots, even revolutions–but most of us are less familiar with other ancillary effects.”

    You can’t say it any better than the above. This anger will eventually spread exponentially. And down will come Trump’s “magnificent” stock market achievement “cradle and all.” Just like a California “wild fire.”

  3. You don’t need to use a gun to destroy those who hold you in contempt. You can use a vote in Congress to steal their money and give it to your friends; you can use a stroke of a pen to sign away any measure of fairness to thousands of immigrants; you can forbid the use of words that annoy you; you can strip the poor of healthcare; you can use your position of power to attack and attack and attack those who dare to speak out against you.

    No, you don’t need to use a gun to be violent, to destroy others. You simply have to sell your soul to the highest bidder.

  4. The blog today can be summed up by using the term “caste system”; which has become more and more obvious in recent years, since the 1% took ownership of the Republican party. I personally feel no envy of the rich; certainly do not want what they have but would like to know why they are so determined to take what little I have, prevent the lower income class from earning a survival level income and will begin taking away what few advantageous tax deductions which have been available for years?

    I would also like to know why they are so determined to take away the Social Security we paid into during our working years to give us a small return on our heavy investment into the entire tax system? Why do they want to deprive those much less fortunate than themselves from basic health care? The new tax bill will legally allow the Robin Hoods in the current administration and the entire Republican party a much stronger advantage to rob from more of the poor and give to the fewer rich at a rate never before provided in this nation. Has their ever before in the history of this country been a government who deliberately passed bills which they blatantly advertise as “bad bills” and against the NEEDS of the majority of Americans?

    This is without doubt another Civil War; again between Republicans and Democrats, with intervention from an outside enemy and little assurance of help from nations who were formally our strong allies. It is a war which will enslave most Americans in servitude to poverty with chance of escape. It is pitting Americans against one another at all levels with the government claiming the right to take these actions to assure the protection of the religious rights for all with media postings demanding the only acceptable holiday greeting to be “Merry Christmas”.

    We, as a nation, can sink no lower.

  5. Again; mea culpa. That of course should say “NO chance of escape”! I am trying to maintain some holiday spirit when I see no hope for a future for this country; I look forward to putting the holidays and the entire year of 2017 behind me and begin setting a strategy for survival in 2018. I no longer ask myself or others, “What can Trump possibly do today that will be worse than yesterday?” There is always something; he must have his own Pandora’s box with a bottomless supply of evils.

  6. JoAnn,

    Cheer up! We haven’t lost, not yet at least. Some of the mess can be cleaned up. Most things are not “written in stone.” No doubt time is running out. But, we still have time to create some type of EFFECTIVE countervailing force in the weeks ahead.

  7. Theresa,

    “Here is something for Republicans to think about today.”

    You’re absolutely right. Not only who is the most dangerous, but who is the most scared. I had a millionaire [biological father]. He spent most of his time worrying about losing it all.

    You couldn’t find a more vulnerable position than the one I was in. It caused me to have little respect for money. It’s because I couldn’t afford another VULNERABILITY like the one my father had.

    We just need to shake the MONEY TREE a little harder. It’s not stable, the roots are too shallow.

  8. I’m reading George Lakoff’s illuminating book, “Don’t Think of an Elephant”. In it he describes the tenets of all the aspects of conservatism and why they do what they do. So-called conservatives see themselves, basically, as the good guys, while everyone else is morally inferior. Therefore, they think, those “others” shouldn’t be allowed to participate in wealth acquisition because they haven’t earned the right.

    This, of course, flies in the face of the so-called conservative’s attachment to Christianity. They conveniently ignore the teachings of Jesus so that they can justify their own greed, greed that has been a couple hundred thousand years in the making. Sharing is out of the question.

    Our exponentially increasing wealth inequalities will have dire consequences way beyond individuals acting out on their frustrations. Look for increases in large civil disturbances. The Republicans know this is coming. Why else would Trump allow local police to be able to buy military hardware, vehicles and equipment? They know their day of reckoning is coming.

  9. Well there is a distinction to be made: the guns in the possession of many of the ‘poor’ are NOT registered or stolen. The ‘gangsta’ crowd have either gang or drug and most likely BOTH behind them… so I need to pause here and ask you — have you ever really thought about the BIG MONEY behind the importation of illicit drugs? You can’t tell me those gangs start off with BIG MONEY of their own – oh no! It is lawyers, doctors, businessmen… (people) and BIG PHARMA. Our own government is backing it on one hand and fighting it with the other. Especially now – thanks to you know who. And the GUNS involved in that – who are they purchased by? IN LOTS OF A HUNDRED OR THOUSAND? But point the fingers at the ‘poor’ – which were born raised and mind-pummeled by a society that let them rot. What do you expect as well when all we see on a tube is stereotyped images of minorities by the MILLIONS! on ‘cop’ shows… and in games. Who produces that crap? – MONEY. This capitalist dictatorship is the problem – we used to be a nation of Democratic government – with a capitalist economy – now we are a Capitalist Dictatorship – with a ‘democratic society’… ya RIGHT! (I dare you to call me a LIAR on that one!)
    I still am wondering when the VANDALS and VISI-GOTHS will appear on the horizon…

  10. Oh great, another post about how crappy the world is today.
    I can’t wait for this year to be over.

  11. As my followers and participants in this blog know, I have harped incessantly on what I consider to be our number one domestic issue, wage inequality. However, I have approached this issue from an economic point of view that (irrespective of the Dow and machinations of the one percent) we need substantial wage increases across the board in order to stoke aggregate demand, the sole arbiter of economic growth (not tax cuts or increases, not neutered regulatory effects etc.). Sheila today gives me additional ammunition to call for an end to wage inequality.

    In addition to the research results she cites, there is the illusion that the Republican tax bill which will be passed today gives a tax break to some in the middle class and the poor which will stimulate demand. It won’t; there is too much catching up to do in this economy and the booming Dow is not a measure of economic growth in any event but rather a measure of corporate buybacks of their own stock in order to “enhance shareholder value” and swell the stock option portfolios of their executives. The tax reduction for some is temporary and chump change and isn’t a reduction at all as measured by time; it is financed by increased taxes on their great grandchildren. Thus the “tax cut” is not a cut but a transfer of the responsibility to pay to the unborn (speaking of taxation without representation). It appears Republicans have found a new source of payback for their current giveaways – we can now add future generations to the poor and middle class who are currently funding our gifts to the rich and corporate class.

    Republican arguments don’t even hold up evenly for Wall Street investors, since less than seven percent of the market is owned indirectly by those in retirement accounts and thirty five percent is owned by foreign investors and, overall, ninety percent of the market is owned by the upper twenty percent of investors with forty percent of the market owned by the one percent. It therefore appears that thirty five percent of our largesse under the bill to become law today will go offshore and the lion’s share will enrich the already rich. I have been wrong before and hope I am wrong again in predicting a recession next year or at the latest in 2019 as the toxic effects of this bill become felt. Why? I see only stock market froth and only some mild if any catch up in demand, the sole arbiter of economic growth, a mixture reminiscent of 1929.

  12. Aging girl,

    Well, considering that over 1/4 of the people in the world are starving, there are over 30 shooting wars going on, gun sales around the world have never been greater, the ice is melting, the deserts are expanding, the oil/gas industries want more, more, more fossil fuels to be burned, we have a pair of maniacs with their fingers on the nuclear buttons, the United States “elected” a complete idiot as one of those maniacs, we have terrorists around the world blowing themselves up for something about which they know nothing, there are religious terrorists who yell how great God is while mowing down innocent worshippers of that same religion and, finally, we have Republicans in Congress stealing our money for their own wealth gain.

    So, right, go have a Merry Christmas…..

  13. Me: Joe, you have millions, why do you like policies that turn middle class people into paupers of the lower class? Hell, some of the policies you love make poor people absolutely destitute.

    Joe: The way our society works, money don’t get you what you want.

    Me: That doesn’t make sense, Joe. Lots of money gets you anything you want. Beautiful women. Jets. Yachts.

    Joe: You’re missing the point. Buying those things doesn’t get me what I want.

    Me: So, you want a tropical island all your own; buy it. You want a politician in your pocket; buy one.

    Joe: Yeah, I got all that, but that don’t get me what I want.

    Me: My God, what else is left?

    Joe: Difference.

    Me: Difference?

    Joe: Yeah, difference. When John Smith of the middle class can drive a Cadillac, my driving a Jaguar doesn’t set me off from the crowd.

    Me: Christ, Joe, buy a Rolls. Your Leer jet certainly sets you off.

    Joe: Nope, when John Smith can fly to Florida on a jet airliner, my jet means very little. The good ol’ days John Smith couldn’t afford to fly, took the bus, the train, hitchhiked. Distinguished him from me.

    Me: Gotcha. We need to invent higher class cars, higher class planes; we need a whole new set of luxury items, ostentatious stuff that no one in the middle class can afford. Me, I can book a vacation at a resort that for a week every few years, I can loll in the trappings of wealthy leisure. I see what you mean.

    Joe: No you don’t. Inventing new luxury stuff that distinguishing ain’t going to happen; too slow, anyway. Besides, if it did, this country, this government would come up with a way for John Smith to get his hands on replicas and things similar, even if for only a week.

    Me: So, you’re out of luck? Must be frustrating. Guess you’ll just have to suck it up and…

    Joe: Hell no, I ain’t sucking it up. We know how to get the job done. The distinguishing factor, we like to call it, is right there waiting for us. See? I can buy a Rolex, wear it everyday, and some John Smith has enough money–ten dollars–to buy a Rolex replica, and Abracadabra, the American system enables some loser to look like me and my Rolex. See? The answer is to make sure John Smith never has ten dollars he can use to imitate me. When we have that beautiful thing worked into the American system, then we’ll be great again. It’s easy; all you have to have is the disappearance of the middle class, more poor people. Then, we’ll have the distinguishing factor. Being rich will be worth it again. That’s what I love about third world countries. When you’re rich in Somalia, it shows up in a distinguishing way every second of the day. No one truly respects the rich as much as a starving man. No one feels the distinguishing factor as much as some skinny creep dying of AIDS. See? All we got to do is change a few laws. Fire the Constitution. Put a new kind of government in place. Hell, we don’t even have to invent a new system. There’s plenty of models available. Venezuela, Gambia, Haiti. It’s happening, too. Right now. Our new president will make us great again.

    Me: I see, Joe. “Difference”, “distinguishing factors”. Gotcha.

  14. when i was young,growing up in Newark,nj. 1958-68 age 3-13 inner city wasnt a game. grow up fast,learn,the street. yes,violance was a way of expressing ones anger,and it hasnt changed. its just done now in so many venues. when growing up I spent my time hiding out ina library,reading what ive talked about with former vets of the big wars. I lived In a apt,with a invalid grandmother,and a working class union grandfather,i was fortunate to reconize compassion,empathy,and desire to find a way out. since then ive run across many a news venue,news mag,newspaper from around the country laying on some restaurants table, or many other places,in my truckin travels.,though i dont dwell on horror,the violence has become rampid. the new craze of social media has fueled a breeding ground for hate also. Its just cheaper ink,and cheaper rants(tweets) im not partaking in any venue that capitalizes on removing ones privacy to the parade ground.From here,im reading,watching and bound with laughter in what i get to hear.(false remarkes due social media,just heard that some space craft from some other solar system just went by earth) but, when gov.enities like the CDC is bound by a law forbiding to research gun violence,is something i can say with due concern and a finger pointed at the NRA and its buddy system of conning its memebers.( i like guns,but for a reason besides being anal about it) Inever supported the nra,as its been a con to its memebers since the 1960s if such a reaserch was to find the socio,economics detremine the poor,middle class had i fact a higher incident rate of violence,maybe there would be more open doors for the people to have a living wage job,and a better education. but alass,the consevitives are well aware of this. the constant pitting of the working class,is a matter of thier votes,while we kill ourselves off.they cant deal with life any cheaper than that eh buddy? if you want to see the most violent movie ever made,try,city of god. basically a true story,by a journalist who lived in rio. is this is a clue how out of hand a lack of compassiona,and the goverments lack of concern to raising a civilized society? We have stepped up to this plate ignoring the consequences of not guns,but violence. when we allow our puritanical right wingers govern the way they now pit us against one another,deliberatly,then we have allowed our nation to become a trap for violence. Overworked cops,education,lack of civil services to catch the ones who temp fall,vet meds,and wage growth frozen,no lliving wage for all,and we cant afford medical insuraence,is all due tax cuts that benifit no one in the working classes. those tax cuts are a direct influenced all of the above. while wall street gains like a train. the fact ,in 7 years the market gained 9000 points,in a resession,(2008-16)while no one in the working class gained nothing due a wall street scam(the collapse 2008).instead we have become voiceless minions to the goverment,and ALL elected officials. we have violence due the fact,we can not be Ameericans anymore, we are just slaves to this system we voted for,and its going nowhere..

  15. Larry – Excellent interview! You may have put your finger on the root cause of our problem in trying to keep our democracy afloat.

  16. There seems to be a lessening of personal “impulse contro” as inequity in social and fiscal levels rise. Add that to the rapidity of living and being in our age of technology, and this can predict outcomes such as the ones cited in Sheila’so posting.

    Soon those who are in their own neighborhoods attacking each other for minor or unintended social faux past may venture out into the larger world we all inhabit.

    Add mind altering drugs, substances, and alcohol to the mix (already there and supported by the industries making lots of profit from sales) and we have brain and social constraint issues which may not be supportive of a society which survives itself.

  17. Barbra your right, im just wondering what the republicans are taking,ill avoid that at all costs.

  18. Thank you, Larry. Bingo!

    Sorry for my typos in the previous post. My pad seems to know my intent better than I do.

  19. I have been reading about all the hype and hoopla about the stock market going up – up. The Republicans including the Trumpet are howling with glee. As a rising Dow Jones is proof of their brilliance. The Establishment Corporate Democrats retort a rising market is part of Obama’s Legacy.

    Both political parties are desperate to sell we proles that a rising stock market will trickle down – Capitalism works for us all. Happy faces all around (sarcasm). Keep the righteous rage under control, by what ever means possible. > More law and order – more prisons that’s the ticket.
    Source >
    There is a perception that a large number of Americans own stock — through mutual funds, trusts, pensions, or direct purchase of shares. This is true to some extent: 46% of American households have direct or indirect investments in the stock market. But the top 10% of households own 81% of the total value of those investments (Wolff, 2014); the vast majority have relatively meager holdings.

    An interesting study (Norton & Ariely, 2010) reveals that Americans have no idea that the wealth distribution (defined for them in terms of “net worth”) is as concentrated as it is. When shown three pie charts representing possible wealth distributions, 90% or more of the 5,522 respondents — whatever their gender, age, income level, or party affiliation — thought that the American wealth distribution most resembled one in which the top 20% has about 60% of the wealth. In fact, of course, the top 20% control 85% of the wealth.
    There is a gusher going to the top and most Americans have no clue.

  20. Thanks Sheila. My career in death investigation left me with many questions which you answered in your article.

  21. Monotonous; have you noticed there has never been one mention of the Dow going from barely above 7,000 to barely below 20,000 under President Obama? Trump started at the top and is claiming all the glory…for businesses making money hand over fist thanks to their outsourced manufacturing site.

  22. Consider the motivations of the typical Confederate soldier. Of course most Americans can’t even name the three branches of government, so how could they know anything about the Civil War, but of course (to them) it was all about the “honor” of the white peasant. Look at the rebel flag toting rubes today and surprise, surprise, the same fools LOVE their guns.

  23. As usual, I love, love, love, this site. Today on C-Span during last minute short speeches before House votes on the tax Bill one senator actually said this bill would bring back many of the jobs that have been sent overseas. Really? Should I believe that? Really?

  24. As wage increases disappeared in the 1980s, 30 years of income inequality began in earnest. Politicians learned that with the right messaging they would not be penalized for abetting this process, executives and owners reveled in their ability to keep more for themselves, Reagan celebrated crushing the power of unions starting with the Air Traffic Controllers (and workers have been without a voice ever since), capitalism was recast as a system benefiting those who could manipulate it best. Irrational exuberance became the norm during the wild ride of the 1990s, yet middle class and blue collar workers saw little gain. Without economic justice, political justice morphed into wins for the party, not for individuals. Capitalism, as Adam Smith understood it, cratered and the crevices that Marx wrote about moved turned into tectonic gaps.

    In 2003 the Bush administration fabricated a war that will not be paid for for decades, and then a financial crisis that left lower income families reeling, and in many cases destitute and homeless. Foreign companies began moving their operations to the U.S., not because of the competence or education levels of the workforce, but because, in addition to subsidies or tax incentives awarded by states, they were assured they could count on long-term rock-bottom wages and would not face threats from labor unions.

    And then we faced an existential crisis – a black president who believed that the economy would be better off with more participants. Congressional Republicans took pains to assure that would not happen, and the tax bill notwithstanding, that has been their signal legislative accomplishment in the 21st century.

    Thanks to the financial clout of Richard Mellon Scaife (see Jane Mayer), Robert Mercer (a Steve Bannon patron), the Koch brothers and their billionaires’ club, right wing think tanks sprang up, universities hired far right wing professors, and Republican political messaging grew even more monolithic and effective. Add to this the culmination of the most successful Republican campaign of all time – the dumbing down of America – and the result is the election of a president who mocks his campaign promises to most Americans.

    While consumerism is the value treasured by the most Americans, capitalism, as a way to run an economy for the majority of its participants, has jumped the tracks. CEOs, not long ago, earned thirty times as much as the average employee; now they make hundreds of times as much and are often given lavish bonuses even when their decisions imperil their company’s survival. Financialization, which produces nothing and provides only a fraction of the jobs, has replaced manufacturing as our dominant industry. Capitalism’s instability produces a recession , or worse, every 7 years on average. It requires, just to maintain its momentum, that we use 30% more renewable resources annually than we can replace. 47% of Americans would face a crisis if confronted with a $400 debt. No longer able to send more family members into the work force, many Americans are gaming their credit card payments as a primary survival mechanism. Future job threats go mostly unmentioned as a low unemployment rate conceals anemic job generation. Giant corporations alone possess the rights and powers of ownership that control jobs, resources and markets. While capitalism is killing both the environment and people, its core requirement – unrestrained growth in an overcrowded world – is clearly unsustainable. Cutting the workforce is the number one shortcut to improvements in stock prices and raises for CEOs. Foolishly, capitalism’s laser-like focus is on short-term goals while corporate sustainability is a secondary consideration. The core mechanism of capitalism – the free market – is a myth as 1200 lobbyists work daily to make sure the market does what their industries want it to. As Eisenhower warned us, if we ignore the danger (and we do) the military-industrial complex will involve us in endless unaffordable wars.

    We need to stop measuring ourselves in terms of rising consumption. By consuming less and conserving more, we may begin to perceive ways that all of these problems can be dealt with with. But don’t mistake me for an optimist. After all, it is capitalism’s conceit that all is well and that those who disagree are at best trouble makers and at worst, communists. Regrettably, communism doesn’t work any better than capitalism or they might be right.

    To care about income inequality enough to want to work on it, you need empathy. Our president is totally devoid of that gene, and much of Congress mimics his genetic disorder.

  25. Make more money regardless of the impact on others is the one rule of business and the Republican Party. I don’t know how it got sold but it seems like enough Americans now believe it to, with a little help from their foreign friends, take over the country. I think that the concept is so appealing to authoritarians, and there are so many more of them among us as the concept of freedom has been taken for granted, that oligarchy propaganda just fell on a lot of fertile soil.

    That one rule is both the fuel of oligarchy and the inspiration of Communism. The difference between the two is that oligarchy takes advantage of the belief before economic collapse and Communism after.

    The topic today is really about observable behaviors here that preceed collapse. Social indicators of impending unraveling of civilization.

    When is way more iffy than if, which seems quite certain to careful observers. We are headed there but nobody can guess yet the tipping point.

    We have all become completely dependent on a system that’s unstable. That’s a truly terrible place to be.

  26. Pete,

    “We have all become completely dependent on a SYSTEMthat’s unstable. That’s a truly terrible place to be.”

    Maybe if we understood the system at a DEEPER level we would have a chance of changing things.

    Much of the system is running sub-surface. The German U-boats were running wild until sonar was developed. Then everything changed for the better.

  27. I believe we have the ability to change the direction of this potential disaster, but we’re not willing to confront it because of the personal costs in doing so. The COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is overwhelming.

  28. My vision is very clear because at this point in lifeI have no obligations and no one is dependent on me. Very few people can say that. It’s not something to be proud of.

    In earlier times, I lost custody of my daughter, had to divorce my wife, and lost my law practice, all because I successfully confronted the underlying oligarchy control system. So much for FREEDOM in the good old U.S.A.

  29. Maywin – I waited for someone else to answer your question and since none did I will undertake to answer it. The answer is no, the so-called tax and job cuts bill will send more jobs overseas. Why? Because the new law calls for (among many other horrid things) a reduction in taxes repatriated to this country on overseas profits made by multinational corporations. Say Apple makes a billion in profits on operations in, for instance, Spain. If they keep those profits overseas they owe nothing to the United States in taxes until they bring them home, if ever. Since this new law calls for less taxes on such profits until brought home it will encourage such multinationals to do more overseas operations what with less exposure to taxes on their profits when repatriated, if ever, since there is no time limit on how long they can keep what we now know to be trillions of dollars that are escaping the reach of the IRS. Republicans who say the new law will bring more jobs back home are, as usual, lying.

  30. Sheila,

    “None of that evidence, evidently, is persuasive to the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells of this world. Or perhaps they know and just don’t care. They are perfect examples of what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil.”

    They are much worse than that. They have INTENTIONALLY let loose the STEVE BANNON MONSTER….DONALD TRUMP. God help us.

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